// Demonstration of rules when an iterator is considered to be valid if the soft // iterator invalidation definition is applied. // Note: The soft iterator invalidation definition CAN NOT be applied // to the space optimized circular buffer. // Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Jan Gaspar // Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #include "test.hpp" // test of the example (introduced in the documentation) void validity_example_test() { circular_buffer cb(3); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); circular_buffer::iterator it = cb.begin(); BOOST_CHECK(*it == 1); cb.push_back(4); BOOST_CHECK(*it == 4); } void validity_insert_test() { int array[] = { 1, 2, 3 }; // memory placement: { 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb(4, array, array + 3); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2, it3 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it3 = cb.begin() + 2; cb.insert(cb.begin() + 1, 4); // memory placement: { 1, 4, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 4, 2, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 3); // it4 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it4 = it1 + 3; cb.insert(cb.begin() + 1, 5); // memory placement: { 3, 5, 4, 2 } // circular buffer: { 5, 4, 2, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it4 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 3); } void validity_insert_n_test() { // memory placement: { 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb(5); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2, it3 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it3 = cb.begin() + 2; cb.insert(cb.begin() + 1, 2, 4); // memory placement: { 1, 4, 4, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 4, 4, 2, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[4] == 3); // it4 -> 2, it5 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it4 = it1 + 3; circular_buffer::iterator it5 = it1 + 4; cb.insert(cb.begin() + 1, 2, 5); // memory placement: { 3, 5, 4, 4, 2 } - 5 inserted only once // circular buffer: { 5, 4, 4, 2, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it4 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it5 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[4] == 3); } void validity_insert_range_test() { vector v1; v1.push_back(4); v1.push_back(5); vector v2; v2.push_back(6); v2.push_back(7); // memory placement: { 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb1(5); cb1.push_back(1); cb1.push_back(2); cb1.push_back(3); // it11 -> 1, it12 -> 2, it13 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it11 = cb1.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it12 = cb1.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it13 = cb1.begin() + 2; cb1.insert(cb1.begin() + 1, v1.begin(), v1.end()); // memory placement: { 1, 4, 5, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 4, 5, 2, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it11 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it12 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it13 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[1] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[2] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[3] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[4] == 3); // it14 -> 2, it15 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it14 = it11 + 3; circular_buffer::iterator it15 = it11 + 4; cb1.insert(cb1.begin() + 1, v2.begin(), v2.end()); // memory placement: { 3, 7, 4, 5, 2 } - 7 inserted only // circular buffer: { 7, 4, 5, 2, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it11 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(*it12 == 7); BOOST_CHECK(*it13 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it14 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it15 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[0] == 7); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[1] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[2] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[3] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[4] == 3); // memory placement: { 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb2(5); cb2.push_back(1); cb2.push_back(2); cb2.push_back(3); // it21 -> 1, it22 -> 2, it23 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it21 = cb2.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it22 = cb2.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it23 = cb2.begin() + 2; cb2.insert(cb2.begin() + 1, MyInputIterator(v1.begin()), MyInputIterator(v1.end())); // memory placement: { 1, 4, 5, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 4, 5, 2, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it21 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it22 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it23 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[1] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[2] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[3] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[4] == 3); // it24 -> 2, it25 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it24 = it21 + 3; circular_buffer::iterator it25 = it21 + 4; cb2.insert(cb2.begin() + 1, MyInputIterator(v2.begin()), MyInputIterator(v2.end())); // memory placement: { 2, 3, 7, 4, 5 } - using input iterator inserts all items even if they are later replaced // circular buffer: { 7, 4, 5, 2, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it21 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it22 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(*it23 == 7); BOOST_CHECK(*it24 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it25 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[0] == 7); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[1] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[2] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[3] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[4] == 3); } void validity_rinsert_test() { int array[] = { 1, 2, 3 }; // memory placement: { 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb(4, array, array + 3); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2, it3 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it3 = cb.begin() + 2; cb.rinsert(cb.begin() + 2, 4); // memory placement: { 2, 4, 3, 1 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 4, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 3); // it4 -> 1 circular_buffer::iterator it4 = it1 - 1; cb.rinsert(cb.begin() + 2, 5); // memory placement: { 5, 4, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 5, 4 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it4 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 4); } void validity_rinsert_n_test() { // memory placement: { 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb(5); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2, it3 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it3 = cb.begin() + 2; cb.rinsert(cb.begin() + 2, 2, 4); // memory placement: { 4, 4, 3, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 4, 4, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[4] == 3); // it4 -> 1, it5 -> 2 circular_buffer::iterator it4 = it1 - 2; circular_buffer::iterator it5 = it1 - 1; cb.rinsert(cb.begin() + 4, 2, 5); // memory placement: { 4, 5, 1, 2, 4 } - 5 inserted only once // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 4, 4, 5 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it4 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it5 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[4] == 5); } void validity_rinsert_range_test() { vector v1; v1.push_back(4); v1.push_back(5); vector v2; v2.push_back(6); v2.push_back(7); // memory placement: { 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb1(5); cb1.push_back(1); cb1.push_back(2); cb1.push_back(3); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2, it3 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it11 = cb1.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it12 = cb1.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it13 = cb1.begin() + 2; cb1.rinsert(cb1.begin() + 2, v1.begin(), v1.end()); // memory placement: { 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it11 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it12 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it13 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[2] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[3] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[4] == 3); // it14 -> 1, it15 -> 2 circular_buffer::iterator it14 = it11 - 2; circular_buffer::iterator it15 = it11 - 1; cb1.rinsert(cb1.begin() + 4, v2.begin(), v2.end()); // memory placement: { 5, 6, 1, 2, 4 } - 6 inserted only // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 } BOOST_CHECK(*it11 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it12 == 6); BOOST_CHECK(*it13 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it14 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it15 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[2] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[3] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[4] == 6); // memory placement: { 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb2(5); cb2.push_back(1); cb2.push_back(2); cb2.push_back(3); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2, it3 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it21 = cb2.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it22 = cb2.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it23 = cb2.begin() + 2; cb2.rinsert(cb2.begin() + 2, MyInputIterator(v1.begin()), MyInputIterator(v1.end())); // memory placement: { 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it21 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it22 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it23 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[2] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[3] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[4] == 3); // it24 -> 1, it25 -> 2 circular_buffer::iterator it24 = it21 - 2; circular_buffer::iterator it25 = it21 - 1; cb2.rinsert(cb2.begin() + 4, MyInputIterator(v2.begin()), MyInputIterator(v2.end())); // memory placement: { 5, 6, 1, 2, 4 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 } BOOST_CHECK(*it21 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it22 == 6); BOOST_CHECK(*it23 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it24 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it25 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[2] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[3] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[4] == 6); } void validity_erase_test() { // memory placement: { 4, 5, 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } circular_buffer cb(5); cb.push_back(-1); cb.push_back(0); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); cb.push_back(4); cb.push_back(5); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2, it3 -> 3, it4 -> 4 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it3 = cb.begin() + 2; circular_buffer::iterator it4 = cb.begin() + 3; cb.erase(cb.begin() + 1); // memory placement: { 5, X, 1, 3, 4 } // circular buffer: { 1, 3, 4, 5 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it4 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 5); } void validity_erase_range_test() { // memory placement: { 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } circular_buffer cb(6); cb.push_back(-2); cb.push_back(-1); cb.push_back(0); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); cb.push_back(4); cb.push_back(5); cb.push_back(6); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2, it3 -> 3, it4 -> 4 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it3 = cb.begin() + 2; circular_buffer::iterator it4 = cb.begin() + 3; cb.erase(cb.begin() + 2, cb.begin() + 4); // memory placement: { 6, X, X, 1, 2, 5 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 5, 6 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it4 == 6); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 6); } void validity_rerase_test() { // memory placement: { 4, 5, 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } circular_buffer cb(5); cb.push_back(-1); cb.push_back(0); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); cb.push_back(4); cb.push_back(5); // it1 -> 2, it2 -> 3, it3 -> 4, it4 -> 5 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 2; circular_buffer::iterator it3 = cb.begin() + 3; circular_buffer::iterator it4 = cb.begin() + 4; cb.rerase(cb.begin() + 1); // memory placement: { 4, 5, X, 1, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 3, 4, 5 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it4 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 5); } void validity_rerase_range_test() { // memory placement: { 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } circular_buffer cb(6); cb.push_back(-2); cb.push_back(-1); cb.push_back(0); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); cb.push_back(4); cb.push_back(5); cb.push_back(6); // it1 -> 3, it2 -> 4, it3 -> 5, it4 -> 6 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin() + 2; circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 3; circular_buffer::iterator it3 = cb.begin() + 4; circular_buffer::iterator it4 = cb.begin() + 5; cb.rerase(cb.begin() + 2, cb.begin() + 4); // memory placement: { 2, 5, 6, X, X, 1 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 5, 6 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it4 == 6); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb[3] == 6); } void validity_linearize_test() { // memory placement: { 3, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb(3); cb.push_back(0); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2, it3 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it3 = cb.begin() + 2; cb.linearize(); // memory placement: { 1, 2, 3 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 3); } void validity_swap_test() { // memory placement: { 3, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb1(3); cb1.push_back(0); cb1.push_back(1); cb1.push_back(2); cb1.push_back(3); // it11 -> 1, it12 -> 2, it13 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it11 = cb1.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it12 = cb1.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it13 = cb1.begin() + 2; // memory placement: { 4, 5, 6 } // circular buffer: { 4, 5, 6 } circular_buffer cb2(5); cb2.push_back(4); cb2.push_back(5); cb2.push_back(6); // it21 -> 4, it22 -> 5, it23 -> 6 circular_buffer::iterator it21 = cb2.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it22 = cb2.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it23 = cb2.begin() + 2; cb1.swap(cb2); // Although iterators refer to the original elements, // their interal state is inconsistent and no other operation // (except dereferencing) can be invoked on them any more. BOOST_CHECK(*it11 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it12 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it13 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(*it21 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it22 == 5); BOOST_CHECK(*it23 == 6); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[0] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[1] == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb1[2] == 6); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[1] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[2] == 3); } void validity_push_back_test() { // memory placement: { 3, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb(3); cb.push_back(0); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2, it3 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it3 = cb.begin() + 2; cb.push_back(4); // memory placement: { 3, 4, 2 } // circular buffer: { 2, 3, 4 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 3); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 4); } void validity_push_front_test() { // memory placement: { 3, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb(3); cb.push_back(0); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2, it3 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it3 = cb.begin() + 2; cb.push_front(4); // memory placement: { 4, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 4, 1, 2 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it3 == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 4); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[2] == 2); } void validity_pop_back_test() { // memory placement: { 3, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb(3); cb.push_back(0); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); // it1 -> 1, it2 -> 2 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin(); circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 1; cb.pop_back(); // memory placement: { X, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 1); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 2); } void validity_pop_front_test() { // memory placement: { 3, 1, 2 } // circular buffer: { 1, 2, 3 } circular_buffer cb(3); cb.push_back(0); cb.push_back(1); cb.push_back(2); cb.push_back(3); // it1 -> 2, it2 -> 3 circular_buffer::iterator it1 = cb.begin() + 1; circular_buffer::iterator it2 = cb.begin() + 2; cb.pop_front(); // memory placement: { 3, X, 2 } // circular buffer: { 2, 3 } BOOST_CHECK(*it1 == 2); BOOST_CHECK(*it2 == 3); BOOST_CHECK(cb[0] == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb[1] == 3); } // test main test_suite* init_unit_test_suite(int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/[]) { test_suite* tests = BOOST_TEST_SUITE("Unit tests for the iterator of the circular_buffer."); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_example_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_insert_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_insert_n_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_insert_range_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_rinsert_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_rinsert_n_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_rinsert_range_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_erase_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_erase_range_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_rerase_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_rerase_range_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_linearize_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_swap_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_push_back_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_push_front_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_pop_back_test)); tests->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(&validity_pop_front_test)); return tests; }