program mapsim ! Generate simulated data for testing of MAP65 parameter (NMAX=60*96000) real*4 d4(4,NMAX) !Floating-point data integer*2 id4(4,NMAX) !i*2 data, dual polarization integer*2 id2(2,NMAX) !i*2 data, single polarization complex cwave(NMAX) !Generated complex waveform (no noise) complex z,zx,zy real*8 fcenter,fsample,samfac,f,dt,twopi,phi,dphi logical bq65 character msg0*22,message*22,msgsent*22,arg*8,fname*13,mode*2 character*16 msg_list(60) data ilist/0/,msg_list/ & 'W1AAA K2BBB EM00','W2CCC K3DDD EM01','W3EEE K4FFF EM02', & 'W5GGG K6HHH EM03','W7III K8JJJ EM04','W9KKK K0LLL EM05', & 'G0MMM F1NNN JN06','G2OOO F3PPP JN07','G4QQQ F5RRR JN08', & 'G6SSS F7TTT JN09','W1XAA K2XBB EM10','W2XCC K3XDD EM11', & 'W3XEE K4XFF EM12','W5XGG K6XHH EM13','W7XII K8XJJ EM14', & 'W9XKK K0XLL EM15','G0XMM F1XNN JN16','G2XOO F3XPP JN17', & 'G4XQQ F5XRR JN18','G6XSS F7XTT JN19','W1YAA K2YBB EM20', & 'W2YCC K3YDD EM21','W3YEE K4YFF EM22','W5YGG K6YHH EM23', & 'W7YII K8YJJ EM24','W9YKK K0YLL EM25','G0YMM F1YNN JN26', & 'G2YOO F3YPP JN27','G4YQQ F5YRR JN28','G6YSS F7YTT JN29', & 'W1ZAA K2ZBB EM30','W2ZCC K3ZDD EM31','W3ZEE K4ZFF EM32', & 'W5ZGG K6ZHH EM33','W7ZII K8ZJJ EM34','W9ZKK K0ZLL EM35', & 'G0ZMM F1ZNN JN36','G2ZOO F3ZPP JN37','G4ZQQ F5ZRR JN38', & 'G6ZSS F7ZTT JN39','W1AXA K2BXB EM40','W2CXC K3DXD EM41', & 'W3EXE K4FXF EM42','W5GXG K6HXH EM43','W7IXI K8JXJ EM44', & 'W9KXK K0LXL EM45','G0MXM F1NXN JN46','G2OXO F3PXP JN47', & 'G4QXQ F5RXR JN48','G6SXS F7TXT JN49','W1AYA K2BYB EM50', & 'W2CYC K3DYD EM51','W3EYE K4FYF EM52','W5GYG K6HYH EM53', & 'W7IYI K8JYJ EM54','W9KYK K0LYL EM55','G0MYM F1NYN JN56', & 'G2OYO F3PYP JN57','G4QYQ F5RYR JN58','G6SYS F7TYT JN59'/ nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: mapsim "message" mode DT fa fb nsigs pol fDop SNR nfiles' print*,'Example: mapsim "CQ K1ABC FN42" B 2.5 -20 20 21 45 0.0 -20 1' print*,' ' print*,' mode = A B C for JT65; QA-QE for Q65-60A' print*,' fa = lowest freq in kHz, relative to center' print*,' fb = highest freq in kHz, relative to center' print*,' message = "list" to use callsigns from list' print*,' pol = -1 to generate a range of polarization angles.' print*,' SNR = 0 to generate a range of SNRs.' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,msg0) call getarg(2,mode) !JT65 sub-mode (A B C QA-QE) call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) dt0 !Time delay call getarg(4,arg) read(arg,*) fa !Lowest freq (kHz, relative to fcenter) call getarg(5,arg) read(arg,*) fb !Highest freq call getarg(6,arg) read(arg,*) nsigs !Number of signals in each file call getarg(7,arg) read(arg,*) npol !Polarization in degrees pol=npol call getarg(8,arg) read(arg,*) fdop !Doppler spread call getarg(9,arg) read(arg,*) snrdb !S/N call getarg(10,arg) read(arg,*) nfiles !Number of files message=msg0 !Transmitted message rmsdb=25. rms=10.0**(0.05*rmsdb) fcenter=144.125d0 !Center frequency (MHz) fsample=96000.d0 !Sample rate (Hz) dt=1.d0/fsample !Sample interval (s) twopi=8.d0*atan(1.d0) rad=360.0/twopi samfac=1.d0 bq65=(mode(1:1).eq.'Q') ntone_spacing=1 ntxfreq=1270 fac=1.0/32767.0 if(mode(1:1).eq.'B' .or. mode(2:2).eq.'B') ntone_spacing=2 if(mode(1:1).eq.'C' .or. mode(2:2).eq.'C') ntone_spacing=4 if(mode(2:2).eq.'D') ntone_spacing=8 if(mode(2:2).eq.'E') ntone_spacing=16 npts=NMAX write(*,1000) 1000 format('File N Mode DT freq pol fDop SNR Message'/68('-')) do ifile=1,nfiles nmin=ifile-1 if(mode(2:2).eq.' ') nmin=2*nmin write(fname,1002) nmin !Create the output filenames 1002 format('000000_',i4.4,'00') open(10,file=fname//'.iq',access='stream',status='unknown') open(11,file=fname//'.tf2',access='stream',status='unknown') call noisegen(d4,npts) !Generate Gaussuian noise if(msg0(1:4).ne.'list') then if(bq65) then call gen_q65_cwave(message,ntxfreq,ntone_spacing,msgsent, & cwave,nwave) else call cgen65(message,ntone_spacing,samfac,nsendingsh,msgsent, & cwave,nwave) endif endif if( call dopspread(cwave,fdop) do isig=1,nsigs if(msg0(1:4).eq.'list') then ilist=ilist+1 message=msg_list(ilist) if(bq65) then call gen_q65_cwave(message,ntxfreq,ntone_spacing,msgsent, & cwave,nwave) else call cgen65(message,ntone_spacing,samfac,nsendingsh,msgsent, & cwave,nwave) endif endif if( pol=(isig-1)*180.0/nsigs a=cos(pol/rad) b=sin(pol/rad) f=1000.0*(fa+fb)/2.0 if( f=1000.0*(fa + (isig-1)*(fb-fa)/(nsigs-1.0)) dphi=twopi*f*dt + 0.5*twopi snrdbx=snrdb if( snrdbx=-15.0 - 15.0*(isig-1.0)/nsigs sig=sqrt(2.2*2500.0/96000.0) * 10.0**(0.05*snrdbx) write(*,1020) ifile,isig,mode,dt0,0.001*f,nint(pol),fDop,snrdbx,msgsent 1020 format(i3,i3,2x,a2,f6.2,f8.3,i5,2f7.1,2x,a22) phi=0. ! i0=fsample*(3.5d0+0.05d0*(isig-1)) i0=fsample*(1.d0 + dt0) do i=1,nwave phi=phi + dphi if( phi=phi+twopi if( phi=phi-twopi xphi=phi z=sig*cwave(i)*cmplx(cos(xphi),-sin(xphi)) zx=a*z zy=b*z j=i+i0 d4(1,j)=d4(1,j) + real(zx) d4(2,j)=d4(2,j) + aimag(zx) d4(3,j)=d4(3,j) + real(zy) d4(4,j)=d4(4,j) + aimag(zy) enddo enddo do i=1,npts id4(1,i)=nint(rms*d4(1,i)) id4(2,i)=nint(rms*d4(2,i)) id4(3,i)=nint(rms*d4(3,i)) id4(4,i)=nint(rms*d4(4,i)) id2(1,i)=id4(1,i) id2(2,i)=id4(2,i) enddo write(10) fcenter,id2(1:2,1:npts) write(11) fcenter,id4(1:4,1:npts) close(10) close(11) enddo 999 end program mapsim subroutine dopspread(cwave,fspread) parameter (NMAX=60*96000) parameter (NFFT=NMAX,NH=NFFT/2) complex cwave(NMAX) complex cspread(0:NMAX-1) twopi=8.0*atan(1.0) df=96000.0/nfft cspread(0)=1.0 cspread(NH)=0. b=6.0 !Use truncated Lorenzian shape for fspread do i=1,NH f=i*df x=b*f/fspread z=0. a=0. if( then !Cutoff beyond x=3 a=sqrt(1.111/(1.0+x*x)-0.1) !Lorentzian amplitude phi1=twopi*rran() !Random phase z=a*cmplx(cos(phi1),sin(phi1)) endif cspread(i)=z z=0. if( then !Same thing for negative freqs phi2=twopi*rran() z=a*cmplx(cos(phi2),sin(phi2)) endif cspread(nfft-i)=z enddo call four2a(cspread,nfft,1,1,1) !Transform to time domain sum=0. do i=0,nfft-1 p=real(cspread(i))**2 + aimag(cspread(i))**2 sum=sum+p enddo avep=sum/nfft fac=sqrt(1.0/avep) cspread=fac*cspread !Normalize to constant avg power cwave=cspread*cwave !Apply Rayleigh fading ! do i=0,nfft-1 ! p=real(cspread(i))**2 + aimag(cspread(i))**2 ! write(14,3010) i,p,cspread(i) !3010 format(i8,3f12.6) ! enddo return end subroutine dopspread