// q65.c // q65 modes encoding/decoding functions // // (c) 2020 - Nico Palermo, IV3NWV - Microtelecom Srl, Italy // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This file is part of the qracodes project, a Forward Error Control // encoding/decoding package based on Q-ary RA (Repeat and Accumulate) LDPC codes. // // qracodes is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // qracodes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with qracodes source distribution. // If not, see . #include #include #include #include "q65.h" #include "pdmath.h" static int _q65_crc6(int *x, int sz); static void _q65_crc12(int *y, int *x, int sz); int q65_init(q65_codec_ds *pCodec, const qracode *pqracode) { // Eb/No value for which we optimize the decoder metric (AWGN/Rayleigh cases) const float EbNodBMetric = 2.8f; const float EbNoMetric = (float)pow(10,EbNodBMetric/10); float R; // code effective rate (after puncturing) int nm; // bits per symbol if (!pCodec) return -1; // why do you called me? if (!pqracode) return -2; // invalid qra code if (pqracode->M!=64) return -3; // q65 supports only codes over GF(64) pCodec->pQraCode = pqracode; // allocate buffers used by encoding/decoding functions pCodec->x = (int*)malloc(pqracode->K*sizeof(int)); pCodec->y = (int*)malloc(pqracode->N*sizeof(int)); pCodec->qra_v2cmsg = (float*)malloc(pqracode->NMSG*pqracode->M*sizeof(float)); pCodec->qra_c2vmsg = (float*)malloc(pqracode->NMSG*pqracode->M*sizeof(float)); pCodec->ix = (float*)malloc(pqracode->N*pqracode->M*sizeof(float)); pCodec->ex = (float*)malloc(pqracode->N*pqracode->M*sizeof(float)); if (pCodec->x== NULL || pCodec->y== NULL || pCodec->qra_v2cmsg== NULL || pCodec->qra_c2vmsg== NULL || pCodec->ix== NULL || pCodec->ex== NULL) { q65_free(pCodec); return -4; // out of memory } // compute and store the AWGN/Rayleigh Es/No ratio for which we optimize // the decoder metric nm = _q65_get_bits_per_symbol(pqracode); R = _q65_get_code_rate(pqracode); pCodec->decoderEsNoMetric = 1.0f*nm*R*EbNoMetric; return 1; } void q65_free(q65_codec_ds *pCodec) { if (!pCodec) return; // free internal buffers if (pCodec->x!=NULL) free(pCodec->x); if (pCodec->y!=NULL) free(pCodec->y); if (pCodec->qra_v2cmsg!=NULL) free(pCodec->qra_v2cmsg); if (pCodec->qra_c2vmsg!=NULL) free(pCodec->qra_c2vmsg); if (pCodec->ix!=NULL) free(pCodec->ix); if (pCodec->ex!=NULL) free(pCodec->ex); pCodec->pQraCode = NULL; pCodec->x = NULL; pCodec->y = NULL; pCodec->qra_v2cmsg = NULL; pCodec->qra_c2vmsg = NULL; pCodec->qra_v2cmsg = NULL; pCodec->ix = NULL; pCodec->ex = NULL; return; } int q65_encode(const q65_codec_ds *pCodec, int *pOutputCodeword, const int *pInputMsg) { const qracode *pQraCode; int *px; int *py; int nK; int nN; if (!pCodec) return -1; // which codec? pQraCode = pCodec->pQraCode; px = pCodec->x; py = pCodec->y; nK = _q65_get_message_length(pQraCode); nN = _q65_get_codeword_length(pQraCode); // copy the information symbols into the internal buffer memcpy(px,pInputMsg,nK*sizeof(int)); // compute and append the appropriate CRC if required switch (pQraCode->type) { case QRATYPE_NORMAL: break; case QRATYPE_CRC: case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED: px[nK] = _q65_crc6(px,nK); break; case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED2: _q65_crc12(px+nK,px,nK); break; default: return -2; // code type not supported } // encode with the given qra code qra_encode(pQraCode,py,px); // puncture the CRC symbols as required // and copy the result to the destination buffer switch (pQraCode->type) { case QRATYPE_NORMAL: case QRATYPE_CRC: // no puncturing memcpy(pOutputCodeword,py,nN*sizeof(int)); break; case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED: // strip the single CRC symbol from the encoded codeword memcpy(pOutputCodeword,py,nK*sizeof(int)); // copy the systematic symbols memcpy(pOutputCodeword+nK,py+nK+1,(nN-nK)*sizeof(int)); // copy the check symbols skipping the CRC symbol break; case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED2: // strip the 2 CRC symbols from the encoded codeword memcpy(pOutputCodeword,py,nK*sizeof(int)); // copy the systematic symbols memcpy(pOutputCodeword+nK,py+nK+2,(nN-nK)*sizeof(int)); // copy the check symbols skipping the two CRC symbols break; default: return -2; // code type unsupported } return 1; // ok } int q65_intrinsics(q65_codec_ds *pCodec, float *pIntrinsics, const float *pInputEnergies) { // compute observations intrinsics probabilities // for the AWGN/Rayleigh channels // NOTE: // A true Rayleigh channel metric would require that the channel gains were known // for each symbol in the codeword. Such gains cannot be estimated reliably when // the Es/No ratio is small. Therefore we compute intrinsic probabilities assuming // that, on average, these channel gains are unitary. // In general it is even difficult to estimate the Es/No ratio for the AWGN channel // Therefore we always compute the intrinsic probabilities assuming that the Es/No // ratio is known and equal to the constant decoderEsNoMetric. This assumption will // generate the true intrinsic probabilities only when the actual Eb/No ratio is // equal to this constant. As in all the other cases the probabilities are evaluated // with a wrong scaling constant we can expect that the decoder performance at different // Es/No will be worse. Anyway, since the EsNoMetric constant has been chosen so that the // decoder error rate is about 50%, we obtain almost optimal error rates down to // any useful Es/No ratio. const qracode *pQraCode; int nN, nBits; float EsNoMetric; if (pCodec==NULL) return -1; // which codec? pQraCode = pCodec->pQraCode; nN = _q65_get_codeword_length(pQraCode); nBits = pQraCode->m; EsNoMetric = pCodec->decoderEsNoMetric; qra_mfskbesselmetric(pIntrinsics,pInputEnergies,nBits,nN,EsNoMetric); return 1; // success } int q65_esnodb(const q65_codec_ds *pCodec, float *pEsNodB, const int *ydec, const float *pInputEnergies) { // compute average Es/No for the AWGN/Rayleigh channel cases int k,j; float sigplusnoise=0; float noise=0; int nN, nM; const float *pIn = pInputEnergies; const int *py = ydec; float EsNodB; nN = q65_get_codeword_length(pCodec); nM = q65_get_alphabet_size(pCodec); for (k=0;k4) return Q65_DECODE_INVPARAMS; // invalid submode // As the symbol duration in q65 is longer than in QRA64 the fading tables continue // to be valid if the B90 parameter is scaled by the actual symbol rate // Compute index to most appropriate weighting function coefficients hidx = (int)(logf(B90*TS_Q65/TS_QRA64)/logf(1.09f) - 0.499f); // if (hidx<0 || hidx > 64) // // index of weighting function out of range // // B90 out of range // return q65_DECODE_INVPARAMS; // Unlike in QRA64 we accept any B90, anyway limiting it to // the extreme cases (0.9 to 210 Hz approx.) if (hidx<0) hidx = 0; else if (hidx > 64) hidx=64; // select the appropriate weighting fading coefficients array if (fadingModel==0) { // gaussian fading model // point to gaussian energy weighting taps hlen = glen_tab_gauss[hidx]; // hlen = (L+1)/2 (where L=(odd) number of taps of w fun) hptr = gptr_tab_gauss[hidx]; // pointer to the first (L+1)/2 coefficients of w fun } else if (fadingModel==1) { // point to lorentzian energy weighting taps hlen = glen_tab_lorentz[hidx]; // hlen = (L+1)/2 (where L=(odd) number of taps of w fun) hptr = gptr_tab_lorentz[hidx]; // pointer to the first (L+1)/2 coefficients of w fun } else return Q65_DECODE_INVPARAMS; // invalid fading model // compute (euristically) the optimal decoder metric accordingly the given spread amount // We assume that the decoder 50% decoding threshold is: // Es/No(dB) = Es/No(AWGN)(dB) + 8*log(B90)/log(240)(dB) // that's to say, at the maximum Doppler spread bandwidth (240 Hz for QRA64) // there's a ~8 dB Es/No degradation over the AWGN case fTemp = 8.0f*logf(B90)/logf(240.0f); // assumed Es/No degradation for the given fading bandwidth EsNoMetric = pCodec->decoderEsNoMetric*powf(10.0f,fTemp/10.0f); nM = q65_get_alphabet_size(pCodec); nN = q65_get_codeword_length(pCodec); nBinsPerTone = 1<ffNoiseVar = fNoiseVar; pCodec->ffEsNoMetric = EsNoMetric; pCodec->nBinsPerTone = nBinsPerTone; pCodec->nBinsPerSymbol = nBinsPerSymbol; pCodec->nWeights = hlen; weight = pCodec->ffWeight; // compute the fast fading weights accordingly to the Es/No ratio // for which we compute the exact intrinsics probabilities for (k=0;kmaxlogp) // keep track of the max maxlogp = fTemp; pCurIx[k]=fTemp; pCurBin += nBinsPerTone; // next tone } // exponentiate and accumulate the normalization constant sumix = 0.0f; for (k=0;knBinsPerTone; nBinsPerSymbol = pCodec->nBinsPerSymbol; nWeights = pCodec->nWeights; ffNoiseVar = pCodec->ffNoiseVar; ffEsNoMetric = pCodec->ffEsNoMetric; nTotWeights = 2*nWeights-1; // compute symbols energy (noise included) summing the // energies pertaining to the decoded symbols in the codeword EsPlusWNo = 0.0f; pCurSym = pInputEnergies + nM; // point to first central bin of first symbol tone for (n=0;npQraCode; ix = pCodec->ix; ex = pCodec->ex; nK = _q65_get_message_length(pQraCode); nN = _q65_get_codeword_length(pQraCode); nM = pQraCode->M; nBits = pQraCode->m; px = pCodec->x; py = pCodec->y; // Depuncture intrinsics observations as required by the code type switch (pQraCode->type) { case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED: memcpy(ix,pIntrinsics,nK*nM*sizeof(float)); // information symbols pd_init(PD_ROWADDR(ix,nM,nK),pd_uniform(nBits),nM); // crc memcpy(ix+(nK+1)*nM,pIntrinsics+nK*nM,(nN-nK)*nM*sizeof(float)); // parity checks break; case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED2: memcpy(ix,pIntrinsics,nK*nM*sizeof(float)); // information symbols pd_init(PD_ROWADDR(ix,nM,nK),pd_uniform(nBits),nM); // crc pd_init(PD_ROWADDR(ix,nM,nK+1),pd_uniform(nBits),nM); // crc memcpy(ix+(nK+2)*nM,pIntrinsics+nK*nM,(nN-nK)*nM*sizeof(float)); // parity checks break; case QRATYPE_NORMAL: case QRATYPE_CRC: default: // no puncturing memcpy(ix,pIntrinsics,nN*nM*sizeof(float)); // as they are } // mask the intrinsics with the available a priori knowledge if (pAPMask!=NULL) _q65_mask(pQraCode,ix,pAPMask,pAPSymbols); // Compute the extrinsic symbols probabilities with the message-passing algorithm // Stop if the extrinsics information does not converges to unity // within the given number of iterations rc = qra_extrinsic( pQraCode, ex, ix, 100, pCodec->qra_v2cmsg, pCodec->qra_c2vmsg); if (rc<0) // failed to converge to a solution return Q65_DECODE_FAILED; // decode the information symbols (punctured information symbols included) qra_mapdecode(pQraCode,px,ex,ix); // verify CRC match switch (pQraCode->type) { case QRATYPE_CRC: case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED: crc6=_q65_crc6(px,nK); // compute crc-6 if (crc6!=px[nK]) return Q65_DECODE_CRCMISMATCH; // crc doesn't match break; case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED2: _q65_crc12(crc12, px,nK); // compute crc-12 if (crc12[0]!=px[nK] || crc12[1]!=px[nK+1]) return Q65_DECODE_CRCMISMATCH; // crc doesn't match break; case QRATYPE_NORMAL: default: // nothing to check break; } // copy the decoded msg to the user buffer (excluding punctured symbols) if (pDecodedMsg) memcpy(pDecodedMsg,px,nK*sizeof(int)); if (pDecodedCodeword==NULL) // user is not interested in it return rc; // return the number of iterations required to decode // crc matches therefore we can reconstruct the transmitted codeword // reencoding the information available in px... qra_encode(pQraCode, py, px); // ...and strip the punctured symbols from the codeword switch (pQraCode->type) { case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED: memcpy(pDecodedCodeword,py,nK*sizeof(int)); memcpy(pDecodedCodeword+nK,py+nK+1,(nN-nK)*sizeof(int)); // puncture crc-6 symbol break; case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED2: memcpy(pDecodedCodeword,py,nK*sizeof(int)); memcpy(pDecodedCodeword+nK,py+nK+2,(nN-nK)*sizeof(int)); // puncture crc-12 symbols break; case QRATYPE_CRC: case QRATYPE_NORMAL: default: memcpy(pDecodedCodeword,py,nN*sizeof(int)); // no puncturing } return rc; // return the number of iterations required to decode } // helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------- int _q65_get_message_length(const qracode *pCode) { // return the actual information message length (in symbols) // excluding any punctured symbol int nMsgLength; switch (pCode->type) { case QRATYPE_NORMAL: nMsgLength = pCode->K; break; case QRATYPE_CRC: case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED: // one information symbol of the underlying qra code is reserved for CRC nMsgLength = pCode->K-1; break; case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED2: // two code information symbols are reserved for CRC nMsgLength = pCode->K-2; break; default: nMsgLength = -1; } return nMsgLength; } int _q65_get_codeword_length(const qracode *pCode) { // return the actual codeword length (in symbols) // excluding any punctured symbol int nCwLength; switch (pCode->type) { case QRATYPE_NORMAL: case QRATYPE_CRC: // no puncturing nCwLength = pCode->N; break; case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED: // the CRC symbol is punctured nCwLength = pCode->N-1; break; case QRATYPE_CRCPUNCTURED2: // the two CRC symbols are punctured nCwLength = pCode->N-2; break; default: nCwLength = -1; } return nCwLength; } float _q65_get_code_rate(const qracode *pCode) { return 1.0f*_q65_get_message_length(pCode)/_q65_get_codeword_length(pCode); } int _q65_get_alphabet_size(const qracode *pCode) { return pCode->M; } int _q65_get_bits_per_symbol(const qracode *pCode) { return pCode->m; } static void _q65_mask(const qracode *pcode, float *ix, const int *mask, const int *x) { // mask intrinsic information ix with available a priori knowledge int k,kk, smask; const int nM=pcode->M; const int nm=pcode->m; int nK; // Exclude from masking the symbols which have been punctured. // nK is the length of the mask and x arrays, which do // not include any punctured symbol nK = _q65_get_message_length(pcode); // for each symbol set to zero the probability // of the values which are not allowed by // the a priori information for (k=0;k>1) ^ CRC6_GEN_POL; else sr = (sr>>1); t>>=1; } } return sr; } static void _q65_crc12(int *y, int *x, int sz) { int k,j,t,sr = 0; for (k=0;k>1) ^ CRC12_GEN_POL; else sr = (sr>>1); t>>=1; } } y[0] = sr&0x3F; y[1] = (sr>>6); }