#include "astro.h" #include #include "ui_astro.h" #include #include #include #include #include "SettingsGroup.hpp" #include "commons.h" #include extern "C" { void astrosub_ (int* nyear, int* month, int* nday, double* uth, int* nfreq, const char* mygrid, const char* hisgrid, double* azsun, double* elsun, double* azmoon, double* elmoon, double* azmoondx, double* elmoondx, int* ntsky, int* ndop, int* ndop00, double* ramoon, double* decmoon, double* dgrd, double* poloffset, double* xnr, int len1, int len2); } Astro::Astro (QString const& settings_filename, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::Astro), m_settings_filename {settings_filename} { ui->setupUi (this); setWindowTitle ("Astronomical Data"); setWindowFlags(Qt::Dialog | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint); QSettings settings {m_settings_filename, QSettings::IniFormat}; SettingsGroup g {&settings, "MainWindow"}; // MainWindow group for // historical reasons setGeometry (settings.value ("AstroGeom", QRect {71, 390, 227, 403}).toRect ()); ui->astroTextBrowser->setStyleSheet( "QTextBrowser { background-color : cyan; color : black; }"); ui->astroTextBrowser->clear(); m_AzElDir0=""; } Astro::~Astro() { QSettings settings {m_settings_filename, QSettings::IniFormat}; SettingsGroup g {&settings, "MainWindow"}; settings.setValue ("AstroGeom", geometry ()); delete ui; } void Astro::astroUpdate(QDateTime t, QString mygrid, QString hisgrid, int fQSO, int nsetftx, int ntxFreq, QString azelDir, double xavg) { static int ntxFreq0=-99; char cc[300]; double azsun,elsun,azmoon,elmoon,azmoondx,elmoondx; double ramoon,decmoon,dgrd,poloffset,xnr; int ntsky,ndop,ndop00; QString date = t.date().toString("yyyy MMM dd"); QString utc = t.time().toString(); int nyear=t.date().year(); int month=t.date().month(); int nday=t.date().day(); int nhr=t.time().hour(); int nmin=t.time().minute(); double sec=t.time().second() + 0.001*t.time().msec(); int isec=sec; double uth=nhr + nmin/60.0 + sec/3600.0; int nfreq=(int)datcom_.fcenter; if(nfreq<10 or nfreq > 50000) nfreq=144; astrosub_(&nyear, &month, &nday, &uth, &nfreq, mygrid.toLatin1(), hisgrid.toLatin1(), &azsun, &elsun, &azmoon, &elmoon, &azmoondx, &elmoondx, &ntsky, &ndop, &ndop00,&ramoon, &decmoon, &dgrd, &poloffset, &xnr, 6, 6); datcom_.nfast=ndop00; //Send self Doppler to decoder, via datcom sprintf(cc, "Az: %6.1f\n" "El: %6.1f\n" "MyDop: %6d\n" "DxAz: %6.1f\n" "DxEl: %6.1f\n" "DxDop: %6d\n" "Dec: %6.1f\n" "SunAz: %6.1f\n" "SunEl: %6.1f\n" "Tsky: %6d\n" "MNR: %6.1f\n" "Dgrd: %6.1f", azmoon,elmoon,ndop00,azmoondx,elmoondx,ndop,decmoon,azsun,elsun, ntsky,xnr,dgrd); ui->astroTextBrowser->setText(" "+ date + "\nUTC: " + utc + "\n" + cc); double azOffset=0.0; double elOffset=0.0; double rad=57.2957795131; int iCycle=2; // Are we doing pointing tests? bool bPointing=ui->cbPointingTests->isChecked(); ui->gbPointing->setVisible(bPointing); if(bPointing) { int nDwell=int(ui->sbDwell->value()); if(ui->cbAutoCycle->isChecked()) { iCycle=(t.currentSecsSinceEpoch()%(6*nDwell))/nDwell + 1; if(iCycle==1) { azOffset = -ui->sbOffset->value()/cos(elsun/rad); ui->rb1->setChecked(true); } if(iCycle==2 or iCycle==5) { ui->rb2->setChecked(true); } if(iCycle==3) { azOffset = +ui->sbOffset->value()/cos(elsun/rad); ui->rb3->setChecked(true); } if(iCycle==4) { elOffset = -ui->sbOffset->value(); ui->rb4->setChecked(true); } if(iCycle==6) { elOffset = +ui->sbOffset->value(); ui->rb6->setChecked(true); } } if(ui->cbOnOff->isChecked()) { iCycle=(t.currentSecsSinceEpoch()%(2*nDwell))/nDwell + 1; if(iCycle==1) { azOffset = -ui->sbOffset->value()/cos(elsun/rad); ui->rb1->setChecked(true); } if(iCycle==2) { ui->rb2->setChecked(true); } } if(ui->cbAutoCycle->isChecked() or ui->cbOnOff->isChecked()) { QFile f("pointing.out"); if(f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append)) { QTextStream out(&f); out << t.toString("yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mm:ss"); sprintf(cc,"%7.1f %7.1f %d %7.1f %7.1f %10.1f %7.2f\n", azsun,elsun,iCycle,azOffset,elOffset,xavg,10.0*log10(xavg)); out << cc; f.close(); } } } else { ui->rb2->setChecked(true); ui->cbAutoCycle->setChecked(false); ui->cbOnOff->setChecked(false); } // Write pointing data to azel.dat QString fname=azelDir+"/azel.dat"; QFile f(fname); if(!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { if(azelDir==m_AzElDir0) return; m_AzElDir0=azelDir; QMessageBox mb; mb.setText("Cannot open " + fname + "\nCorrect the setting of AzEl Directory in Setup?"); mb.exec(); return; } int ndiff=0; if(ntxFreq != ntxFreq0) ndiff=1; ntxFreq0=ntxFreq; QTextStream out(&f); sprintf(cc,"%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d,%5.1f,%5.1f,Moon\n" "%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d,%5.1f,%5.1f,Sun\n" "%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d,%5.1f,%5.1f,Source\n" "%4d,%6d,%6d,Doppler\n" "%3d,%1d,fQSO\n" "%3d,%1d,fQSO2\n", nhr,nmin,isec,azmoon,elmoon, nhr,nmin,isec,azsun+azOffset,elsun+elOffset, nhr,nmin,isec,0.0,0.0, nfreq,ndop,ndop00, fQSO,nsetftx, ntxFreq,ndiff); out << cc; f.close(); } void Astro::setFontSize(int n) { ui->astroTextBrowser->setFontPointSize(n); } void Astro::on_cbAutoCycle_clicked(bool checked) { if(checked) ui->cbOnOff->setChecked(false); } void Astro::on_cbOnOff_clicked(bool checked) { if(checked) ui->cbAutoCycle->setChecked(false); }