subroutine decoder(ss,id2) use prog_args !$ interface !$ subroutine omp_set_dynamic (flag) !$ logical flag !$ end subroutine omp_set_dynamic !$ end interface include 'constants.f90' real ss(184,NSMAX) character*20 datetime logical baddata integer*2 id2(NTMAX*12000) real*4 dd(NTMAX*12000) common/npar/nutc,ndiskdat,ntrperiod,nfqso,newdat,npts8,nfa,nfsplit,nfb, & ntol,kin,nzhsym,nsave,nagain,ndepth,ntxmode,nmode,datetime common/tracer/limtrace,lu save nfreqs0=0 nfreqs1=0 ndecodes0=0 ndecodes1=0 if (nagain .eq. 0) then open(13,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/decoded.txt',status='unknown') else open(13,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/decoded.txt',status='unknown', & position='append') end if open(22,file=trim(temp_dir)//'/kvasd.dat',access='direct',recl=1024, & status='unknown') npts65=52*12000 if(baddata(id2,npts65)) then nsynced=0 ndecoded=0 go to 800 endif ntol65=20 !$ call omp_set_dynamic(.true.) !$omp parallel sections num_threads(2) !$omp section if(nmode.eq.65 .or. ( .and. ntxmode.eq.65)) then ! We're decoding JT65 or should do this mode first if( dd(1:npts65)=id2(1:npts65) nf1=nfa nf2=nfb call timer('jt65a ',0) call jt65a(dd,npts65,newdat,nutc,nf1,nf2,nfqso,ntol65,nagain,ndecoded) call timer('jt65a ',1) else ! We're decoding JT9 or should do this mode first call timer('decjt9 ',0) call decjt9(ss,id2,nutc,nfqso,newdat,npts8,nfa,nfsplit,nfb,ntol,nzhsym, & nagain,ndepth,nmode) call timer('decjt9 ',1) endif !$omp section if( then ! do the other mode in dual mode if (ntxmode.eq.9) then if( dd(1:npts65)=id2(1:npts65) nf1=nfa nf2=nfb call timer('jt65a ',0) call jt65a(dd,npts65,newdat,nutc,nf1,nf2,nfqso,ntol65,nagain,ndecoded) call timer('jt65a ',1) else call timer('decjt9 ',0) call decjt9(ss,id2,nutc,nfqso,newdat,npts8,nfa,nfsplit,nfb,ntol,nzhsym, & nagain,ndepth,nmode) call timer('decjt9 ',1) end if endif !$omp end parallel sections ! JT65 is not yet producing info for nsynced, ndecoded. 800 write(*,1010) nsynced,ndecoded 1010 format('',2i4) call flush(6) close(13) close(22) return end subroutine decoder