module qra65_decode type :: qra65_decoder procedure(qra65_decode_callback), pointer :: callback contains procedure :: decode end type qra65_decoder abstract interface subroutine qra65_decode_callback (this,nutc,sync,nsnr,dt,freq, & decoded,nap,qual,ntrperiod,fmid,w50) import qra65_decoder implicit none class(qra65_decoder), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: nutc real, intent(in) :: sync integer, intent(in) :: nsnr real, intent(in) :: dt real, intent(in) :: freq character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded integer, intent(in) :: nap real, intent(in) :: qual integer, intent(in) :: ntrperiod real, intent(in) :: fmid real, intent(in) :: w50 end subroutine qra65_decode_callback end interface contains subroutine decode(this,callback,iwave,nutc,ntrperiod,nsubmode,nfqso, & ntol,ndepth,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid) use timer_module, only: timer use packjt use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding parameter (NMAX=300*12000) !### Needs to be 300*12000 ### class(qra65_decoder), intent(inout) :: this procedure(qra65_decode_callback) :: callback character(len=12) :: mycall, hiscall character(len=6) :: hisgrid character*37 decoded integer*2 iwave(NMAX) !Raw data integer dat4(12) logical lapdx,ltext complex, allocatable :: c0(:) !Analytic signal, 6000 S/s real, allocatable, save :: s3(:,:) !Symbol spectra real, allocatable, save :: s3a(:,:) !Symbol spectra for avg messages real a(5) data nc1z/-1/,nc2z/-1/,ng2z/-1/,maxaptypez/-1/,nsubmodez/-1/ save nc1z,nc2z,ng2z,maxaptypez,nsave,nsubmodez mode65=2**nsubmode nfft1=ntrperiod*12000 nfft2=ntrperiod*6000 allocate (c0(0:nfft1-1)) if( then if(allocated(s3)) deallocate(s3) if(allocated(s3a)) deallocate(s3a) allocate(s3(-64:64*mode65+63,63)) allocate(s3a(-64:64*mode65+63,63)) endif if(ntrperiod.eq.15) then nsps=1800 else if(ntrperiod.eq.30) then nsps=3600 else if(ntrperiod.eq.60) then nsps=7680 else if(ntrperiod.eq.120) then nsps=16000 else if(ntrperiod.eq.300) then nsps=41472 else stop 'Invalid TR period' endif baud=12000.0/nsps df1=12000.0/nfft1 ! do i=1,12000*ntrperiod ! write(61,3061) i/12000.0,iwave(i)/32767.0 !3061 format(2f12.6) ! enddo this%callback => callback if(nutc.eq.-999) print*,lapdx,nfa,nfb,nfqso !Silence warning ! Prime the QRA decoder for possible use of AP call packcall(mycall(1:6),nc1,ltext) call packcall(hiscall(1:6),nc2,ltext) call packgrid(hisgrid(1:4),ng2,ltext) b90=20.0 !8 to 25 is OK; not very critical nFadingModel=1 ! AP control could be done differently, but this works well: maxaptype=0 if(ndepth.eq.2) maxaptype=3 if(ndepth.eq.3) maxaptype=5 if( .or. .or. .or. & then do naptype=0,maxaptype if(naptype.eq.2 .and. maxaptype.eq.4) cycle call qra64_dec(s3,nc1,nc2,ng2,naptype,1,nSubmode,b90, & nFadingModel,dat4,snr2,irc) enddo nc1z=nc1 nc2z=nc2 ng2z=ng2 maxaptypez=maxaptype s3a=0. nsave=0 endif naptype=maxaptype call timer('sync_q65',0) call sync_qra65(iwave,ntrperiod*12000,mode65,nsps,nfqso,ntol,xdt,f0,snr1) call timer('sync_q65',1) ! Downsample to give complex data at 6000 S/s call timer('down_q65',0) fac=2.0/nfft1 c0=fac*iwave(1:nfft1) call four2a(c0,nfft1,1,-1,1) !Forward c2c FFT c0(nfft2/2+1:nfft2)=0. !Zero the top half c0(0)=0.5*c0(0) call four2a(c0,nfft2,1,1,1) !Inverse c2c FFT a=0. a(1)=-(f0 + mode65*baud) !Data tones start mode65 bins higher call twkfreq(c0,c0,ntrperiod*6000,6000.0,a) call timer('down_q65',1) jpk=(xdt+0.5)*6000 - 384 !### Empirical ### if( jpk=(xdt+1.0)*6000 - 384 !### TBD ??? ### if( jpk=0 xdt=jpk/6000.0 - 0.5 LL=64*(mode65+2) NN=63 call timer('spec_q65',0) call spec_qra65(c0(jpk:),nsps/2,s3,LL,NN) !Compute synced symbol spectra call timer('spec_q65',1) do j=1,63 !Normalize to symbol baseline call pctile(s3(:,j),LL,40,base) s3(:,j)=s3(:,j)/base enddo LL2=64*(mode65+1)-1 s3max=20.0 do j=1,63 !Apply AGC to suppress pings xx=maxval(s3(-64:LL2,j)) if( s3(-64:LL2,j)=s3(-64:LL2,j)*s3max/xx enddo ! Call Nico's QRA64 decoder call timer('qra64_de',0) call qra64_dec(s3,nc1,nc2,ng2,naptype,0,nSubmode,b90, & nFadingModel,dat4,snr2,irc) call timer('qra64_de',1) if( then ! No luck so far. Try for an average decode. call timer('qra64_av',0) s3a=s3a+s3 nsave=nsave+1 if( then call qra64_dec(s3a,nc1,nc2,ng2,naptype,0,nSubmode,b90, & nFadingModel,dat4,snr2,irc) if( irc=100*nsave + irc endif call timer('qra64_av',1) endif snr2=snr2 + db(6912.0/nsps) if( call badmsg(irc,dat4,nc1,nc2,ng2) decoded=' ' if( then nsave=0 s3a=0. call unpackmsg(dat4,decoded) !Unpack the user message call fmtmsg(decoded,iz) if(index(decoded,"000AAA ").ge.1) then ! Suppress a certain type of garbage decode. decoded=' ' irc=-1 endif nsnr=nint(snr2) call this%callback(nutc,sync,nsnr,xdt,f0,decoded, & irc,qual,ntrperiod,fmid,w50) else snr2=0. nsnr=-25 !### TEMPORARY? ### call this%callback(nutc,sync,nsnr,xdt,f0,decoded, & irc,qual,ntrperiod,fmid,w50) !### endif ! write(61,3061) nutc,irc,xdt,f0,snr1,snr2,trim(decoded) !3061 format(i6.6,i4,4f10.2,2x,a) return end subroutine decode end module qra65_decode