program jt65 ! Test the JT65 decoder for WSJT-X use options character c logical :: display_help=.false. parameter (NZMAX=60*12000) integer*4 ihdr(11) integer*2 id2(NZMAX) real*4 dd(NZMAX) character*80 infile character(len=500) optarg character*12 mycall,hiscall character*6 hisgrid common/tracer/limtrace,lu equivalence (lenfile,ihdr(2)) type (option) :: long_options(9) = [ & option ('freq',.true.,'f','signal frequency, default FREQ=1270','FREQ'), & option ('help',.false.,'h','Display this help message',''), & option ('ntrials',.true.,'n','number of trials, default TRIALS=10000','TRIALS'), & option ('robust-sync',.false.,'r','robust sync',''), & option ('my-call',.true.,'c','my callsign',''), & option ('his-call',.true.,'x','his callsign',''), & option ('his-grid',.true.,'g','his grid locator',''), & option ('experience-decoding',.true.,'X' & ,'experience decoding options (1..n), default FLAGS=0','FLAGS'), & option ('single-signal-mode',.false.,'s','decode at signal frequency only','') ] limtrace=0 lu=12 ntol=10 nfqso=1270 nagain=0 nsubmode=0 ntrials=10000 nlow=200 nhigh=4000 n2pass=2 nrobust=0 nexp_decoded=0 naggressive=1 do call getopt('f:hn:rc:x:g:X:s',long_options,c,optarg,narglen,nstat,noffset,nremain,.true.) if( nstat .ne. 0 ) then exit end if select case (c) case ('f') read (optarg(:narglen), *) nfqso case ('h') display_help = .true. case ('n') read (optarg(:narglen), *) ntrials case ('r') nrobust=1 case ('c') read (optarg(:narglen), *) mycall case ('x') read (optarg(:narglen), *) hiscall case ('g') read (optarg(:narglen), *) hisgrid case ('X') read (optarg(:narglen), *) nexp_decoded case ('s') nlow=nfqso-ntol nhigh=nfqso+ntol n2pass=1 end select end do if(display_help .or. .or. then print *, '' print *, 'Usage: jt65 [OPTIONS] file1 [file2 ...]' print *, '' print *, ' JT65 decode pre-recorded .WAV file(s)' print *, '' print *, 'OPTIONS:' print *, '' do i = 1, size (long_options) call long_options(i) % print (6) end do go to 999 endif open(12,file='timer.out',status='unknown') call timer('jt65 ',0) ndecoded=0 do ifile=noffset+1,noffset+nremain newdat=1 nfa=nlow nfb=nhigh minsync=0 call get_command_argument(ifile,optarg,narglen) infile=optarg(:narglen) open(10,file=infile,access='stream',status='old',err=998) call timer('read ',0) read(10) ihdr i1=index(infile,'.wav') if( i1 .eq. 0 ) i1=index(infile,'.WAV') read(infile(i1-4:i1-1),*,err=998) nutc npts=52*12000 read(10) id2(1:npts) call timer('read ',1) dd(1:npts)=id2(1:npts) dd(npts+1:)=0. call timer('jt65a ',0) ! open(56,file='subtracted.wav',access='stream',status='unknown') ! write(56) ihdr(1:11) call jt65a(dd,npts,newdat,nutc,nfa,nfb,nfqso,ntol,nsubmode, & minsync,nagain,n2pass,nrobust,ntrials,naggressive,ndepth, & mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nexp_decoded,ndecoded) call timer('jt65a ',1) enddo call timer('jt65 ',1) call timer('jt65 ',101) ! call four2a(a,-1,1,1,1) !Free the memory used for plans ! call filbig(a,-1,1,0.0,0,0,0,0,0) ! (ditto) go to 999 998 print*,'Cannot read from file:' print*,infile 999 end program jt65