subroutine jt65a(dd,npts,newdat,nutc,nfa,nfqso,ntol,nagain,ndecoded) ! Process dd() data to find and decode JT65 signals. parameter (NSZ=3413) parameter (NZMAX=60*12000) parameter (NFFT=8192) real dd(NZMAX) real*4 ss(322,NSZ) real*4 savg(NSZ) logical done(NSZ) real a(5) character decoded*22 save if( then call timer('symsp65 ',0) call symspec65(dd,npts,ss,nhsym,savg) !Get normalized symbol spectra call timer('symsp65 ',1) endif df=12000.0/NFFT !df = 12000.0/16384 = 0.732 Hz ftol=16.0 !Frequency tolerance (Hz) mode65=1 !Decoding JT65A only, for now. done=.false. freq0=-999. do nqd=1,0,-1 if(nqd.eq.1) then !Quick decode, at fQSO fa=nfqso - ntol fb=nfqso + ntol else !Wideband decode at all freqs fa=200 fb=nfa endif ia=max(51,nint(fa/df)) ib=min(NSZ-51,nint(fb/df)) thresh0=1.5 do i=ia,ib !Search over freq range freq=i*df if(savg(i).lt.thresh0 .or. done(i)) cycle call timer('ccf65 ',0) call ccf65(ss(1,i),nhsym,savg(i),sync1,dt,flipk,syncshort,snr2,dt2) call timer('ccf65 ',1) ftest=abs(freq-freq0) thresh1=1.0 if(nqd.eq.1 .and. ntol.le.100) thresh1=0. if( .or. cycle nflip=nint(flipk) call timer('decod65a',0) call decode65a(dd,npts,newdat,freq,nflip,mode65,sync2,a,dt, & nbmkv,nhist,decoded) call timer('decod65a',1) ftest=abs(freq+a(1)-freq0) if( cycle if(' ') then ndecoded=1 nfreq=nint(freq+a(1)) ndrift=nint(2.0*a(2)) s2db=10.0*log10(sync2) - 32 !### empirical (was 40) ### nsnr=nint(s2db) if( nsnr=-30 if( nsnr=-1 write(*,1010) nutc,nsnr,dt,nfreq,decoded 1010 format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,1x,'#',1x,a22) write(13,1012) nutc,nint(sync1),nsnr,dt,float(nfreq),ndrift, & decoded,nbmkv 1012 format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a22,' JT65',i4) freq0=freq+a(1) i2=min(NSZ,i+15) !### ??? ### done(i:i2)=.true. endif enddo if(nagain.eq.1) exit enddo return end subroutine jt65a