subroutine q65_loops(c00,npts2,nsps,mode_q65,nsubmode,nFadingModel, & ndepth,jpk0,xdt0,f0,width,iaptype,APmask,APsymbols,xdt1,f1,snr2,dat4,id2) use packjt77 use timer_module, only: timer parameter (NN=63) parameter (LN=1152*63) !LN=LL*NN; LL=64*(mode_q65+2), NN=63 complex c00(0:npts2-1) !Analytic representation of dd(), 6000 Hz complex ,allocatable :: c0(:) !Ditto, with freq shift character decoded*37 real a(3) !twkfreq params f,f1,f2 real s3(LN) !Symbol spectra real s3prob(64*NN) !Symbol-value probabilities integer APmask(13) integer APsymbols(13) integer cw4(63) integer dat4(13) !Decoded message (as 13 six-bit integers) integer nap(0:11) !AP return codes data nap/0,2,3,2,3,4,2,3,6,4,6,6/ data cw4/0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 4,60,35,17,48,33,25,34,43,43,43,35,15,46,30, & 54,24,26,26,57,57,42, 3,23,11,49,49,16, 2, 6, 6,55,21,39,51, & 51,51,42,42,50,25,31,35,57,30, 1,54,54,10,10,22,44,58,57,40, & 21,21,19/ id2=-1 ircbest=9999 allocate(c0(0:npts2-1)) irc=-99 s3lim=20. idfmax=3 idtmax=3 ibwmin=1 ibwmax=3 maxdist=5 if(iand(ndepth,3).ge.2) then idfmax=5 idtmax=5 maxdist=15 endif if(iand(ndepth,3).eq.3) then ibwmax=5 endif LL=64*(mode_q65+2) napmin=99 baud=6000.0/nsps xdt1=xdt0 f1=f0 do idf=1,idfmax ndf=idf/2 if(mod(idf,2).eq.0) ndf=-ndf a=0. a(1)=-(f0+0.5*baud*ndf) call twkfreq(c00,c0,npts2,6000.0,a) do idt=1,idtmax ndt=idt/2 if(iaptype.eq.0) then if(mod(idt,2).eq.0) ndt=-ndt jpk=jpk0 + nsps*ndt/16 !tsym/16 if( jpk=0 call timer('spec64 ',0) call spec64(c0,nsps,65,mode_q65,jpk,s3,LL,NN) call timer('spec64 ',1) call pctile(s3,LL*NN,40,base) s3=s3/base where(s3(1:LL*NN)>s3lim) s3(1:LL*NN)=s3lim endif do ibw=ibwmin,ibwmax nbw=ibw/2 if(mod(ibw,2).eq.0) nbw=-nbw ndist=ndf**2 + ndt**2 + nbw**2 if( cycle xx=1.885*log(3.0*width)+nbw b90=1.7**xx if( cycle b90ts = b90/baud call q65_dec2(s3,nsubmode,b90ts,esnodb,irc,dat4,decoded) ! irc > 0 ==> number of iterations required to decode ! -1 = invalid params ! -2 = decode failed ! -3 = CRC mismatch if( then id2=iaptype+2 print*,'D dec2 ',ibw,irc,decoded go to 100 endif enddo ! ibw (b90 loop) enddo ! idt (DT loop) enddo ! idf (f0 loop) 100 if( then snr2=esnodb - db(2500.0/baud) xdt1=xdt0 + nsps*ndt/(16.0*6000.0) f1=f0 + 0.5*baud*ndf endif return end subroutine q65_loops