#include "logqso.h" #include "ui_logqso.h" #include <QString> #include <QDebug> LogQSO::LogQSO(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::LogQSO) { ui->setupUi(this); } LogQSO::~LogQSO() { delete ui; } void LogQSO::initLogQSO(QString hisCall, QString hisGrid, QString mode, QString rptSent, QString rptRcvd, QString date, QString qsoStart, QString qsoStop, double dialFreq, QString myCall, QString myGrid, bool noSuffix, bool toRTTY, bool dBtoComments) { ui->call->setText(hisCall); ui->grid->setText(hisGrid); if(dBtoComments) { QString t=mode; if(rptSent!="") t+=" Sent: " + rptSent; if(rptRcvd!="") t+=" Rcvd: " + rptRcvd; ui->comments->setText(t); } if(noSuffix and mode.mid(0,3)=="JT9") mode="JT9"; if(toRTTY and mode.mid(0,3)=="JT9") mode="RTTY"; ui->mode->setText(mode); ui->sent->setText(rptSent); ui->rcvd->setText(rptRcvd); date=date.mid(0,4) + "-" + date.mid(4,2) + "-" + date.mid(6,2); ui->date->setText(date); ui->time->setText(qsoStart); m_dialFreq=dialFreq; m_myCall=myCall; m_myGrid=myGrid; QString band=""; if(dialFreq>0.135 and dialFreq<0.139) band="2200m"; if(dialFreq>0.45 and dialFreq<0.55) band="630m"; if(dialFreq>1.8 and dialFreq<2.0) band="160m"; if(dialFreq>3.5 and dialFreq<4.0) band="80m"; if(dialFreq>5.1 and dialFreq<5.45) band="60m"; if(dialFreq>7.0 and dialFreq<7.3) band="40m"; if(dialFreq>10.0 and dialFreq<10.15) band="30m"; if(dialFreq>14.0 and dialFreq<14.35) band="20m"; if(dialFreq>18.068 and dialFreq<18.168) band="17m"; if(dialFreq>21.0 and dialFreq<21.45) band="15m"; if(dialFreq>24.890 and dialFreq<24.990) band="12m"; if(dialFreq>28.0 and dialFreq<29.7) band="10m"; if(dialFreq>50.0 and dialFreq<54.0) band="6m"; if(dialFreq>70.0 and dialFreq<71.0) band="4m"; if(dialFreq>144.0 and dialFreq<148.0) band="2m"; if(dialFreq>222.0 and dialFreq<225.0) band="1.25m"; if(dialFreq>420.0 and dialFreq<450.0) band="70cm"; if(dialFreq>902.0 and dialFreq<928.0) band="33cm"; if(dialFreq>1240.0 and dialFreq<1300.0) band="23cm"; if(dialFreq>2300.0 and dialFreq<2450.0) band="13cm"; if(dialFreq>3300.0 and dialFreq<3500.0) band="9cm"; if(dialFreq>5650.0 and dialFreq<5925.0) band="6cm"; if(dialFreq>10000.0 and dialFreq<10500.0) band="3cm"; if(dialFreq>24000.0 and dialFreq<24250.0) band="1.25cm"; if(dialFreq>47000.0 and dialFreq<47200.0) band="6mm"; if(dialFreq>75500.0 and dialFreq<81000.0) band="4mm"; ui->band->setText(band); } void LogQSO::accept() { QFile f2("wsjtx_log.adi"); if(!f2.open(QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QMessageBox m; m.setText("Cannot open file \"wsjtx_log.adi\"."); m.exec(); } else { QString hisCall,hisGrid,mode,rptSent,rptRcvd,date,qsoStart,band; QString comments,name; // if(qsoStart=="") qsoStart=qsoStop; // if(qsoStop=="") qsoStop=qsoStart; hisCall=ui->call->text(); hisGrid=ui->grid->text(); mode=ui->mode->text(); rptSent=ui->sent->text(); rptRcvd=ui->rcvd->text(); date=ui->date->text(); date=date.mid(0,4) + date.mid(5,2) + date.mid(8,2); qsoStart=ui->time->text(); band=ui->band->text(); name=ui->name->text(); comments=ui->comments->text(); QString strDialFreq(QString::number(m_dialFreq,'f',6)); QTextStream out(&f2); if(f2.size()==0) out << "WSJT-X ADIF Export<eoh>" << endl; QString t; t="<call:" + QString::number(hisCall.length()) + ">" + hisCall; t+=" <gridsquare:" + QString::number(hisGrid.length()) + ">" + hisGrid; t+=" <mode:" + QString::number(mode.length()) + ">" + mode; t+=" <rst_sent:" + QString::number(rptSent.length()) + ">" + rptSent; t+=" <rst_rcvd:" + QString::number(rptRcvd.length()) + ">" + rptRcvd; t+=" <qso_date:8>" + date; t+=" <time_on:4>" + qsoStart; // t+=" <time_off:4>" + qsoStop; t+=" <band:" + QString::number(band.length()) + ">" + band; t+=" <freq:" + QString::number(strDialFreq.length()) + ">" + strDialFreq; t+=" <station_callsign:" + QString::number(m_myCall.length()) + ">" + m_myCall; t+=" <my_gridsquare:" + QString::number(m_myGrid.length()) + ">" + m_myGrid; if(comments!="") t+=" <comment:" + QString::number(comments.length()) + ">" + comments; if(name!="") t+=" <name:" + QString::number(name.length()) + ">" + name; t+=" <eor>"; out << t << endl; f2.close(); } emit(acceptQSO(true)); QDialog::accept(); } void LogQSO::reject() { emit(acceptQSO(false)); QDialog::reject(); }