F1	Online User's Guide
Ctrl+F1	About WSJT-X
F2	Open configuration window
F3	Display keyboard shortcuts
F4	Clear Dx Call and Dx Grid entries
Alt+F4	Exit program
F5	Display special mouse commands
F6	Open next file in directory
Shift+F6        Decode all remaining files in directrory
F11	Move Rx frequency down 1 Hz
Ctrl+F11     	Move Rx and Tx frequencies down 1 Hz
F12	Move Rx frequency up 1 Hz
Ctrl+F12     	Move Rx and Tx frequencies up 1 Hz
Alt+1-6	Set next transmission to this number on Tab 1
Alt+D	Decode again at QSO frequency
Shift+D	Full decode (both windows)
Alt+E	Erase
Ctrl+F	Edit the free text message box
Alt+G	Generate standard messages
Alt+H	Halt Tx
Ctrl+L	Lookup callsign in database, generate standard messages
Alt M	Monitor
Alt+N	Enable Tx
Alt+Q	Log QSO
Alt+S	Stop monitoring
Alt+T	Tune
Alt+V	Save the most recently completed *.wav file