subroutine getfile2(fname,len) #ifdef CVF use dflib #endif character*(*) fname real*8 sq include 'datcom.f90' include 'gcom1.f90' include 'gcom2.f90' include 'gcom4.f90' 1 if(ndecoding.eq.0) go to 2 #ifdef CVF call sleepqq(100) #else call usleep(100*1000) #endif go to 1 2 do i=len,1,-1 if(fname(i:i).eq.'/' .or. fname(i:i).eq.'\\') go to 10 enddo i=0 10 filename=fname(i+1:) ierr=0 n=8*NSMAX ndecoding=4 monitoring=0 kbuf=1 call cs_lock('getfile2a') call rfile3a(fname,id,n,ierr) call cs_unlock if( then print*,'Error opening or reading file: ',fname,ierr go to 999 endif sq=0. ka=0.1*NSMAX kb=0.8*NSMAX do k=ka,kb sq=sq + float(int(id(1,k,1)))**2 + float(int(id(2,k,1)))**2 + & float(int(id(3,k,1)))**2 + float(int(id(4,k,1)))**2 enddo sqave=174*sq/(kb-ka+1) rxnoise=10.0*log10(sqave) - 48.0 call cs_lock('getfile2b') read(filename(8:11),*,err=20,end=20) nutc call cs_unlock go to 30 20 nutc=0 30 ndiskdat=1 mousebutton=0 999 return end subroutine getfile2