program ldpcsim ! simulate with packed 72-bit messages and 8-bit hash - so only makes ! sense to use this with codes having K=80. use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding use hashing use packjt character*22 msg,msgsent,msgreceived integer*4 i4Msg6BitWords(12),i4Dec6BitWords(12) integer*1, target:: i1Msg8BitBytes(10) ! 72 bit msg + 8 bit hash integer*1, target:: i1Dec8BitBytes(10) ! 72 bit msg + 8 bit hash integer*1 i1hashdec character*80 prefix character*85 pchk_file,gen_file character*8 arg integer*1, allocatable :: codeword(:), decoded(:), message(:) real*8, allocatable :: lratio(:), rxdata(:) integer*1 i1hash(4),i1 equivalence (ihash,i1hash) nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: ldpcsim N K niter ndither #trials s ' print*,'eg: ldpcsim "/pathto/128-80-peg-reg3" 128 80 10 1 1000 0.75' return endif call getarg(1,prefix) call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) N call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) K call getarg(4,arg) read(arg,*) max_iterations call getarg(5,arg) read(arg,*) max_dither call getarg(6,arg) read(arg,*) ntrials call getarg(7,arg) read(arg,*) s pchk_file=trim(prefix)//".pchk" gen_file=trim(prefix)//".gen" ! rate=real(K)/real(N) ! don't count hash bits as data bits rate=72.0/real(N) write(*,*) "pchk file: ",pchk_file write(*,*) "niter= ",max_iterations," ndither= ",max_dither," s= ",s allocate ( codeword(N), decoded(K), message(K) ) allocate ( lratio(N), rxdata(N) ) call init_ldpc(trim(pchk_file)//char(0),trim(gen_file)//char(0)) msg="123" call fmtmsg(msg,iz) call packmsg(msg,i4Msg6BitWords,itype) call unpackmsg(i4Msg6BitWords,msgsent) write(*,*) "Message: ",msgsent ! Convert from 12 6-bit words to 10 8-bit words i4=0 ik=0 im=0 do i=1,12 nn=i4Msg6BitWords(i) do j=1, 6 ik=ik+1 i4=i4+i4+iand(1,ishft(nn,j-6)) i4=iand(i4,255) if(ik.eq.8) then im=im+1 ! if( i4=i4-256 i1Msg8BitBytes(im)=i4 ik=0 endif enddo enddo ihash=nhash(c_loc(i1Msg8BitBytes),int(9,c_size_t),146) ihash=2*iand(ihash,255) i1Msg8BitBytes(10)=i1hash(1) mbit=0 do i=1, 10 i1=i1Msg8BitBytes(i) do ibit=1,8 mbit=mbit+1 message(mbit)=iand(1,ishft(i1,ibit-8)) enddo enddo call ldpc_encode(message,codeword) write(*,*) "Eb/N0 ngood nundetected nbadhash" do idb = 0, 11 db=idb/2.0-0.5 sigma=1/sqrt( 2*rate*(10**(db/10.0)) ) ngood=0 nue=0 nbadhash=0 do itrial=1, ntrials ! Create a realization of a noisy received word do i=1,N rxdata(i) = 2.0*(codeword(i)-0.5) + sigma*gran() enddo ! Correct signal normalization is important for this decoder. rxav=sum(rxdata)/N rx2av=sum(rxdata*rxdata)/N rxsig=sqrt(rx2av-rxav*rxav) rxdata=rxdata/rxsig ! To match the metric to the channel, s should be set to the noise standard deviation. ! For now, set s to the value that optimizes decode probability near threshold. ! The s parameter can be tuned to trade a few tenth's dB of threshold for an order of ! magnitude in UER do i=1,N if( s .le. 0 ) then ss=sigma else ss=s endif lratio(i)=exp(2.0*rxdata(i)/(ss*ss)) enddo ! max_iterations is max number of belief propagation iterations call ldpc_decode(lratio, decoded, max_iterations, niterations, max_dither, ndither) ! If the decoder finds a valid codeword, niterations will be .ge. 0. if( niterations .ge. 0 ) then nueflag=0 nhashflag=0 ! The decoder found a codeword. Compare received hash (byte 10) with computed hash. ! Collapse 80 decoded bits to 10 bytes. Bytes 1-9 are the message, byte 10 is the hash. do ibyte=1,10 itmp=0 do ibit=1,8 itmp=ishft(itmp,1)+iand(1,decoded((ibyte-1)*8+ibit)) enddo i1Dec8BitBytes(ibyte)=itmp enddo ! Calculate the hash using the first 9 bytes. ihashdec=nhash(c_loc(i1Dec8BitBytes),int(9,c_size_t),146) ihashdec=2*iand(ihashdec,255) ! Compare calculated hash with received byte 10 - if they agree, keep the message. i1hashdec=ihashdec if( i1hashdec .ne. i1Dec8BitBytes(10) ) then nbadhash=nbadhash+1 nhashflag=1 endif ! Check the message plus hash against what was sent. do i=1,K if( message(i) .ne. decoded(i) ) then nueflag=1 endif enddo if( nhashflag .eq. 0 .and. nueflag .eq. 0 ) then ngood=ngood+1 ! don't bother to unpack while testing if( .false. ) then ! unpack 72-bit message do ibyte=1,12 itmp=0 do ibit=1,6 itmp=ishft(itmp,1)+iand(1,decoded((ibyte-1)*6+ibit)) enddo i4Dec6BitWords(ibyte)=itmp enddo call unpackmsg(i4Dec6BitWords,msgreceived) print*,"Received ",msgreceived endif else if( nhashflag .eq. 0 .and. nueflag .eq. 1 ) then nue=nue+1; endif endif enddo write(*,"(f4.1,1x,i8,1x,i8,1x,i8)") db,ngood,nue,nbadhash enddo end program ldpcsim