program wsprcpmd ! Decode WSPRCPM data read from *.c2 or *.wav files. ! WSPRCPM is a WSPR-like mode based on full-response CPM. ! ! Modulation Capabilities include: ! support for multi-h cpm with two modulation indexes: [h1,h2]. ! h1,h2 (modulation index) are variable; h1=h2=0.5 is MSK, h1=h2=1.0 is standard ! fsk intended for noncoherent demodulation. ! demodulator uses noncoherent sequence detection with variable window size. ! symbol demodulation is done symbol-by-symbol - each symbol is ! estimated using a data frame comprising N symbol intervals, where N can ! be 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. The central symbol is estimated and then the window ! is stepped forward by one symbol. ! soft symbols are decoded by log-domain belief propagation followed by ordered- ! statistics decoding. ! ! Currently configured to use (204,68) r=1/3 LDPC code, regular column weight 3. ! 50 data bits + 14 bit CRC + 4 "0" bits. The 4 "0" bits are unused bits that ! are not transmitted. At the decoder, these bits are treated as "AP" bits. ! This shortens the code to (200,64) r=0.32, slightly decreasing the code rate. ! ! Frame format is: ! s32 d200 p32 (264) channel symbols ! use crc include 'wsprcpm_params.f90' parameter(NMAX=120*12000) character arg*8,message*22,cbits*50,infile*80,fname*16,datetime*11 character*120 data_dir character*32 uwbits character*68 dmsg complex csync(0:32*100-1) !Sync symbols only, from cbb complex cpreamble(0:32*100-1) !Sync symbols only, from cbb complex cp2(0:32*100-1) complex ctwks(0:32*100-1) complex ctwkp(0:32*100-1) complex c2(0:120*12000/53-1) !Complex waveform complex ctmp(0:4*32*100-1) complex cframe(0:264*100-1) !Complex waveform complex cd(0:264*100-1) !Complex waveform complex c1(0:9,1:2),c0(0:9,1:2) complex ccor(0:1,264) complex csum,cp(0:1,1:2),cterm complex ccohs(0:31) complex ccohp(0:31) real*8 fMHz real rxdata(ND),llr(204) !Soft symbols real sbits(264),sbits1(264),sbits3(264) real ps(0:8191),psbest(0:8191) integer iuniqueword0 integer isync(32) !Unique word integer ipreamble(32) !Preamble vector integer ihdr(11) integer*2 iwave(NMAX) !Generated full-length waveform integer*1,target :: idat(9) integer*1 decoded(68),apmask(204),cw(204) integer*1 hbits(264),hbits1(264),hbits3(264) data ipreamble/1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1/ data iuniqueword0/z'30C9E8AD'/ write(uwbits,'(b32.32)') iuniqueword0 read(uwbits,'(32i1)') isync ipreamble=2*ipreamble-1 isync=2*isync-1 fs=12000.0/NDOWN !Sample rate dt=1.0/fs !Sample interval (s) tt=NSPS*dt !Duration of "itone" symbols (s) baud=1.0/tt !Keying rate for "itone" symbols (baud) txt=NZ*dt !Transmission length (s) h1=0.80 !h=0.8 seems to be optimum for AWGN sensitivity (not for fading) h2=0.80 twopi=8.0*atan(1.0) dphi11=twopi*baud*(h1/2.0)*dt dphi01=-twopi*baud*(h1/2.0)*dt dphi12=twopi*baud*(h2/2.0)*dt dphi02=-twopi*baud*(h2/2.0)*dt k=0 phi=0.0 do i=1,32 if( mod(i,2) .eq. 0 ) then dphi1=dphi11 dphi0=dphi01 else dphi1=dphi12 dphi0=dphi02 endif dphi=dphi0 if( isync(i) .eq. 1 ) dphi=dphi1 do j=1,100 phi=mod(phi+dphi,twopi) csync(k)=cmplx(cos(phi),sin(phi)) k=k+1 enddo enddo k=0 phi=0.0 do i=1,32 if( mod(i,2) .eq. 0 ) then dphi1=dphi11 dphi0=dphi01 else dphi1=dphi12 dphi0=dphi02 endif dphi=dphi0 if( ipreamble(i) .eq. 1 ) dphi=dphi1 do j=1,100 phi=mod(phi+dphi,twopi) cpreamble(k)=cmplx(cos(phi),sin(phi)) k=k+1 enddo enddo dphi1=twopi*baud*(h1/2.0)*dt*10 ! dt*10 is samp interval after downsample dphi2=twopi*baud*(h2/2.0)*dt*10 ! dt*10 is samp interval after downsample cp(1,1)=cmplx(cos(dphi1*10),sin(dphi1*10)) cp(0,1)=conjg(cp(1,1)) cp(1,2)=cmplx(cos(dphi2*10),sin(dphi2*10)) cp(0,2)=conjg(cp(1,2)) do j=1,2 if( j.eq.1 ) then dphi=dphi1 else dphi=dphi2 endif phi0=0.0 phi1=0.0 do i=0,9 c1(i,j)=cmplx(cos(phi1),sin(phi1)) c0(i,j)=cmplx(cos(phi0),sin(phi0)) phi1=mod(phi1+dphi,twopi) phi0=mod(phi0-dphi,twopi) enddo enddo nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: wsprcpmd [-a ] [-f fMHz] [-c ncoh] file1 [file2 ...]' go to 999 endif iarg=1 data_dir="." call getarg(iarg,arg) if(arg(1:2).eq.'-a') then call getarg(iarg+1,data_dir) iarg=iarg+2 endif call getarg(iarg,arg) if(arg(1:2).eq.'-f') then call getarg(iarg+1,arg) read(arg,*) fMHz iarg=iarg+2 endif ncoh=1 npdi=32 if(arg(1:2).eq.'-c') then call getarg(iarg+1,arg) read(arg,*) ncoh iarg=iarg+2 npdi=32/ncoh endif write(*,*) 'ncoh: ',ncoh,' npdi: ',npdi open(13,file=trim(data_dir)//'/ALL_WSPR.TXT',status='unknown', & position='append') xs1=0.0 xs2=0.0 fr1=0.0 fr2=0.0 nav=0 ngood=0 do ifile=iarg,nargs call getarg(ifile,infile) open(10,file=infile,status='old',access='stream') j1=index(infile,'.c2') j2=index(infile,'.wav') if( then read(10,end=999) fname,ntrmin,fMHz,c2 read(fname(8:11),*) nutc write(datetime,'(i11)') nutc else if( then read(10,end=999) ihdr,iwave read(infile(j2-4:j2-1),*) nutc datetime=infile(j2-11:j2-1) call wsprcpm_downsample(iwave,c2) else print*,'Wrong file format?' go to 999 endif close(10) fa=-100.0 fb=100.0 fs=12000.0/53.0 npts=120*12000/53 nsync=32 call getcandidate2(c2,npts,fs,fa,fb,fc1,xsnr) !First approx for freq fcest=fc1 do iii=1,2 izero=226 dphi=twopi*fcest*dt ctwks=cmplx(0.0,0.0) ctwkp=cmplx(0.0,0.0) phi=0 do i=0,nsync*NSPS-1 phi=mod(phi+dphi,twopi) ctwks(i)=csync(i)*cmplx(cos(phi),sin(phi)) ctwkp(i)=cpreamble(i)*cmplx(cos(phi),sin(phi)) enddo imax=100 xcmax=-1e32 do it = -imax,imax its=izero+it ccohs=0.0 do k=0,npdi-1 is=k*ncoh*nsps ccohs(k)=sum(c2(its+is:its+is+ncoh*nsps-1)*conjg(ctwks(is:is+ncoh*nsps-1))) ccohs(k)=ccohs(k)/(ncoh*nsps) enddo ! term1=sum(abs(ccohs(0:npdi-1))**2) itp=izero+it+232*100 ccohp=0.0 do k=0,npdi-1 is=k*ncoh*nsps ccohp(k)=sum(c2(itp+is:itp+is+ncoh*nsps-1)*conjg(ctwkp(is:is+ncoh*nsps-1))) ccohp(k)=ccohp(k)/(ncoh*nsps) enddo csum=0.0 terms=0.0 do n=1,npdi-1 do k=n,npdi-1 csum=csum+ccohs(k)*conjg(ccohs(k-n)) enddo terms=terms+abs(csum) enddo csum=0.0 termp=0.0 do n=1,npdi-1 do k=n,npdi-1 csum=csum+ccohp(k)*conjg(ccohp(k-n)) enddo termp=termp+abs(csum) enddo !write(23,*) it,terms,termp xmetric=sqrt(terms*termp) if( xmetric .gt. xcmax ) then xcmax=xmetric ibestt=it endif enddo istart=izero+ibestt if(iii .eq. 2) goto 887 ctmp=0.0 ctmp(0:32*100-1)=c2(istart+232*100:istart+264*100-1)*conjg(ctwkp) call four2a(ctmp,4*32*100,1,-1,1) !c2c FFT to freq domain xmax=0.0 ctmp=cshift(ctmp,-200) do i=150,250 xa=abs(ctmp(i)) if( then ishift=i xmax=xa endif enddo dfp=1/(4*5300.0/12000.0*32) delta=(ishift-200)*dfp ! need to add bounds protection xm1=abs(ctmp(ishift-1)) x0=abs(ctmp(ishift)) xp1=abs(ctmp(ishift+1)) xint=(log(xm1)-log(xp1))/(log(xm1)+log(xp1)-2*log(x0)) delta2=delta+xint*dfp/2.0 fcest=fcest+delta2 enddo 887 write(*,'(i4,i5,5(2x,f9.5))') ifile,istart,xcmax,fc1,fcest xdt=(istart-226)/100.0 if(abs(xdt).le.0.1) ngood=ngood+1 xs1=xs1+xdt xs2=xs2+xdt**2 fr1=fr1+fc1 fr2=fr2+fc1**2 nav=nav+1 !************** ! fcest=0.0 ! istart=226 do ijitter=0,2 io=ijitter if(ijitter.eq.2) io=-1 cframe=c2(istart+io:istart+io+264*100-1) call downsample2(cframe,fcest,cd) dts=10*dt s2=sum(cd*conjg(cd))/(10*264) cd=cd/sqrt(s2) do nseq=1,7 if( nseq.eq.1 ) then ! noncoherent single-symbol detection sbits1=0.0 do ibit=1,264 if( mod(ibit,2).eq.0 ) j=1 if( mod(ibit,2).eq.1 ) j=2 ib=(ibit-1)*10 ccor(1,ibit)=sum(cd(ib:ib+9)*conjg(c1(0:9,j))) ccor(0,ibit)=sum(cd(ib:ib+9)*conjg(c0(0:9,j))) sbits1(ibit)=abs(ccor(1,ibit))-abs(ccor(0,ibit)) hbits1(ibit)=0 if(sbits1(ibit).gt.0) hbits1(ibit)=1 enddo sbits=sbits1 hbits=hbits1 sbits3=sbits1 hbits3=hbits1 elseif( ) then ps=0 if( nseq.eq. 2 ) nbit=3 if( nseq.eq. 3 ) nbit=5 if( nseq.eq. 4 ) nbit=7 if( nseq.eq. 5 ) nbit=9 if( nseq.eq. 6 ) nbit=11 if( nseq.eq. 7 ) nbit=13 numseq=2**(nbit) do ibit=nbit/2+1,264-nbit/2 ps=0.0 pmax=0.0 do iseq=0,numseq-1 csum=0.0 cterm=cmplx(1.0,0.0) k=1 do i=nbit-1,0,-1 ibb=iand(iseq/(2**i),1) csum=csum+ccor(ibb,ibit-(nbit/2+1)+k)*cterm if( mod(ibit-(nbit/2+1)+k,2) .eq. 0 ) j=1 if( mod(ibit-(nbit/2+1)+k,2) .eq. 1 ) j=2 cterm=cterm*conjg(cp(ibb,j)) k=k+1 enddo ps(iseq)=abs(csum) if( ps(iseq) .gt. pmax ) then pmax=ps(iseq) ibflag=1 endif enddo if( ibflag .eq. 1 ) then psbest=ps ibflag=0 endif call getmetric2(2**(nbit/2),psbest,numseq,sbits3(ibit)) hbits3(ibit)=0 if(sbits3(ibit).gt.0) hbits3(ibit)=1 enddo sbits=sbits3 hbits=hbits3 endif rxdata(1:200)=sbits(33:232) rxav=sum(rxdata(1:200))/200.0 rx2av=sum(rxdata(1:200)*rxdata(1:200))/200.0 rxsig=sqrt(rx2av-rxav*rxav) rxdata=rxdata/rxsig sigma=0.90 llr(201:204)=-5.0 llr(1:200)=2*rxdata/(sigma*sigma) apmask=0 apmask(201:204)=1 max_iterations=40 ifer=0 call bpdecode204(llr,apmask,max_iterations,decoded,cw,nharderror,niterations) nhardmin=-1 if( call osd204(llr,apmask,5,decoded,cw,nhardmin,dmin) if(sum(decoded).eq.0) cycle if( .or. then idat=0 write(dmsg,'(68i1)') decoded read(dmsg(1:50),'(6b8.8,b2.2)') idat(1:7) idat(7)=idat(7)*64 read(dmsg(51:64),'(b14.14)') ndec_crc ncalc_crc=iand(crc14(c_loc(idat),9),z'FFFF') nbadcrc=1 if(ncalc_crc .eq. ndec_crc) nbadcrc=0 else cycle endif if( nbadcrc.eq.0 ) then write(cbits,1200) decoded(1:50) 1200 format(50i1) read(cbits,1202) idat 1202 format(8b8,b4) idat(7)=ishft(idat(7),6) call wqdecode(idat,message,itype) nsnr=nint(xsnr) freq=fMHz + 1.d-6*(fc1+fbest) nfdot=0 write(13,1210) datetime,0,nsnr,xdt,freq,message,nfdot 1210 format(a11,2i4,f6.2,f12.7,2x,a22,i3) write(*,1212) datetime(8:11),nsnr,xdt,freq,nfdot,message,'*',idf,nseq,ijitter,nharderror,nhardmin 1212 format(a4,i4,f5.1,f11.6,i3,2x,a22,a1,i5,i5,i5,i5,i5) goto 888 endif enddo ! nseq enddo !jitter 888 continue enddo !files avshift=xs1/nav varshift=xs2/nav stdshift=sqrt(varshift-avshift**2) avfr=fr1/nav varfr=fr2/nav stdfr=sqrt(varfr-avfr**2) write(*,*) 'ngood: ',ngood write(*,'(a7,f7.3,f7.3)') 'shift: ',avshift,stdshift write(*,*) 'freq: ',avfr,stdfr write(*,1120) 1120 format("") 999 end program wsprcpmd subroutine getmetric2(ib,ps,ns,xmet) real ps(0:ns-1) xm1=0 xm0=0 do i=0,ns-1 if( iand(i/ib,1) .eq. 1 .and. ps(i) .gt. xm1 ) xm1=ps(i) if( iand(i/ib,1) .eq. 0 .and. ps(i) .gt. xm0 ) xm0=ps(i) enddo xmet=xm1-xm0 return end subroutine getmetric2 subroutine downsample2(ci,f0,co) parameter(NI=264*100,NH=NI/2,NO=NI/10) ! downsample from 100 samples per symbol to 10 complex ci(0:NI-1),ct(0:NI-1) complex co(0:NO-1) fs=12000.0/53.0 df=fs/NI ct=ci call four2a(ct,NI,1,-1,1) !c2c FFT to freq domain i0=nint(f0/df) ct=cshift(ct,i0) co=0.0 co(0)=ct(0) ! b=3.4*0.875/0.715 ! b=2.6*0.5625/0.715 b=12.0 do i=1,NO/2 arg=(i*df/b)**2 filt=exp(-arg) ! filt=0.0 ! if( i*df .le. b ) filt=1.0 co(i)=ct(i)*filt co(NO-i)=ct(NI-i)*filt enddo co=co/NO call four2a(co,NO,1,1,1) !c2c FFT back to time domain return end subroutine downsample2 subroutine getcandidate2(c,npts,fs,fa,fb,fc1,xsnr) parameter(NDAT=100,NFFT1=8*NDAT,NH1=NFFT1/2) complex c(0:npts-1) !Complex waveform complex c2(0:NFFT1-1) !Short spectra real s(-NH1+1:NH1) !Coarse spectrum real ss(-NH1+1:NH1) !Smoothed coarse spectrum real w(0:NFFT1-1) real pi logical first data first/.true./ save first,w if(first) then pi=4.0*atan(1.0) do i=0,NFFT1-1 w(i)=sin(pi*i/(NDAT-1))**2 enddo first=.false. endif nspec=int((npts-NFFT1)/NDAT)+1 df1=fs/NFFT1 s=0. do k=1,nspec ia=(k-1)*NDAT ib=ia+NFFT1-1 c2(0:NFFT1-1)=c(ia:ib)*w call four2a(c2,NFFT1,1,-1,1) do i=0,NFFT1-1 j=i if( j=j-NFFT1 s(j)=s(j) + real(c2(i))**2 + aimag(c2(i))**2 enddo enddo do i=-NH1+1+4,NH1-4 ss(i)=sum(s(i-4:i+4))/9.0 enddo ! do i=-NH1+1+8,NH1-8 ! ss(i)=sum(ss(i-4:i+4))/9.0 ! enddo do i=-20,20 write(52,*) i*df1,ss(i) enddo smax=0. ipk=0 fc1=0. ia=nint(fa/df1) ib=nint(fb/df1) do i=ia,ib f=i*df1 if(ss(i).gt.smax) then smax=ss(i) ipk=i fc1=f endif enddo xint=(log(ss(ipk-1))-log(ss(ipk+1)))/(log(ss(ipk-1))+log(ss(ipk+1))-2*log(ss(ipk))) fc1=fc1+xint*df1/2.0 ! The following is for testing SNR calibration: sp3n=sum(s(ipk-5:ipk+5)) base=(sum(s)-sp3n)/(NFFT1-11.0) psig=sp3n-11*base pnoise=(2500.0/df1)*base xsnr=db(psig/pnoise) return end subroutine getcandidate2 subroutine wsprcpm_downsample(iwave,c) ! Input: i*2 data in iwave() at sample rate 12000 Hz ! Output: Complex data in c(), sampled at 400 Hz include 'wsprcpm_params.f90' parameter (NMAX=120*12000,NFFT2=NMAX/53) integer*2 iwave(NMAX) complex c(0:NZ-1) complex c1(0:NFFT2-1) complex cx(0:NMAX/2) real x(NMAX) equivalence (x,cx) df=12000.0/NMAX x=iwave call four2a(x,NMAX,1,-1,0) !r2c FFT to freq domain i0=nint(1500.0/df) c1(0)=cx(i0) do i=1,NFFT2/2 c1(i)=cx(i0+i) c1(NFFT2-i)=cx(i0-i) enddo c1=c1/NFFT2 call four2a(c1,NFFT2,1,1,1) !c2c FFT back to time domain c=c1(0:NZ-1) return end subroutine wsprcpm_downsample