=== New in Version {VERSION} The most important feature added to _WSJT-X_ since Version 2.0.1 is the new *FT4 protocol*, designed especially for radio contesting. It has T/R sequence length 7.5 s, bandwidth 80 Hz, and threshold sensitivity -17.5 dB. Version 2.1.0 also has improvements to FT8 waveform generation, waterfall and spectrum display, contest logging, rig control, the user interface, keyboard shortcuts, UDP messaging for inter-program communication, and accessibility, as well as a number of more minor enhancements and bug fixes. We now provide a separate installation package for 64-bit Windows 7 and later, offering significant improvements in decoding speed. === Documentation Conventions In this manual the following icons call attention to particular types of information: NOTE: *Notes* containing information that may be of interest to particuar classes of users. TIP: *Tips* on program features or capabilities that might otherwise be overlooked. IMPORTANT: *Warnings* about usage that could lead to undesired consequences. === How You Can Contribute _WSJT-X_ is part of an open-source project released under the {gnu_gpl} (GPLv3). If you have programming or documentation skills or would like to contribute to the project in other ways, please make your interests known to the development team. The project's source-code repository can be found at {devrepo}, and communication among the developers takes place on the email reflector {devmail}. Bug reports and suggestions for new features, improvements to the _WSJT-X_ User Guide, etc., may also be sent to the {wsjt_yahoo_group} email reflector. You must join the relevant group before posting to either email list.