""" Initialise the QDarkStyleSheet module when used with python. This modules provides a function to transparently load the stylesheets with the correct rc file. """ import os def load_stylesheet(pyside=True): """ Loads the stylesheet. Takes care of importing the rc module. :param pyside: True to load the pyside rc file, False to load the PyQt rc file :return the stylesheet string """ # Smart import of the rc file if pyside: try: import style_pyside_rc except ImportError: style_pyside_rc = None print "Failed to load PySide rc file, stylesheets won't use any icons" else: try: import style_pyqt_rc except ImportError: style_pyqt_rc = None print "Failed to load PyQt4 rc file, stylesheets won't use any icons" # Load the stylesheet content ret_val = "" filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "style.qss") with open(os.path.join(__file__, filename)) as stylesheet: ret_val = stylesheet.read() return ret_val