subroutine jt65a(dd0,npts,newdat,nutc,nf1,nf2,nfqso,ntol,nsubmode, & minsync,nagain,n2pass,ntrials,naggressive,ndepth,ndecoded) ! Process dd0() data to find and decode JT65 signals. parameter (NSZ=3413,NZMAX=60*12000) parameter (NFFT=1000) real dd0(NZMAX) real dd(NZMAX) ! integer*2 id2(NZMAX) real ss(322,NSZ) real savg(NSZ) real a(5) character*22 decoded,decoded0 type candidate real freq real dt real sync end type candidate type(candidate) ca(300) type decode real freq real dt real sync character*22 decoded end type decode type(decode) dec(30) common/decstats/ntry65a,ntry65b,n65a,n65b,num9,numfano common/steve/thresh0 save dd=dd0 ndecoded=0 do ipass=1,n2pass ! 2-pass decoding loop newdat=1 if(ipass.eq.1) then !first-pass parameters thresh0=2.5 ! use thresh0=2.0 for -24dB files when using 1-bit sync ccf nsubtract=1 elseif( ipass.eq.2 ) then !second-pass parameters thresh0=2.5 nsubtract=0 endif if( nsubtract=0 ! if( then call timer('symsp65 ',0) ss=0. call symspec65(dd,npts,ss,nhsym,savg) !Get normalized symbol spectra call timer('symsp65 ',1) ! endif nfa=nf1 nfb=nf2 ! nfa=max(200,nfqso-ntol) ! nfb=min(4000,nfqso+ntol) ncand=0 nrobust=0 ! controls use of robust correlation estimator in sync65 call timer('sync65 ',0) call sync65(ss,nfa,nfb,nhsym,ca,ncand,nrobust) !Get a list of JT65 candidates call timer('sync65 ',1) ! When AGC threshold is set too low, noise will suddenly quiet when a strong ! signal starts up. This causes a lot of false syncs, and bogs down the decoder. ! If 1-bit correlation doesn't tame the resulting false syncs then, as a last ! resort, drop down to nrials=100. if( then ncand=0 nrobust=1 call timer('sync65 ',0) call sync65(ss,nfa,nfb,nhsym,ca,ncand,nrobust) !Get a list of JT65 candidates call timer('sync65 ',1) endif !write(*,*) 'ncand',ncand nvec=ntrials if( then ! write(*,*) 'Pass ',ipass,' ncandidates too large ',ncand nvec=100 endif df=12000.0/NFFT !df = 12000.0/8192 = 1.465 Hz mode65=2**nsubmode nflip=1 !### temporary ### nqd=0 decoded0="" do icand=1,ncand freq=ca(icand)%freq dtx=ca(icand)%dt sync1=ca(icand)%sync if(ipass.eq.1) ntry65a=ntry65a + 1 if(ipass.eq.2) ntry65b=ntry65b + 1 call timer('decod65a',0) call decode65a(dd,npts,newdat,nqd,freq,nflip,mode65,nvec, & naggressive,ndepth,sync2,a,dtx,nsf,nhist,decoded) call timer('decod65a',1) !write(*,*) icand,freq+a(1),dtx,sync1,sync2 if(decoded.eq.decoded0) cycle !Don't display dupes if(' ' .or. then if( nsubtract .eq. 1 ) then call timer('subtr65 ',0) call subtract65(dd,npts,freq,dtx) call timer('subtr65 ',1) endif nfreq=nint(freq+a(1)) ndrift=nint(2.0*a(2)) s2db=10.0*log10(sync2) - 35 !### empirical ### nsnr=nint(s2db) if( nsnr=-30 if( nsnr=-1 ! Serialize writes - see also decjt9.f90 !$omp critical(decode_results) ndupe=0 ! de-dedupe do i=1, ndecoded if( decoded==dec(i)%decoded ) ndupe=1 enddo if( then if(ipass.eq.1) n65a=n65a + 1 if(ipass.eq.2) n65b=n65b + 1 ndecoded=ndecoded+1 dec(ndecoded)%freq=freq+a(1) dec(ndecoded)%dt=dtx dec(ndecoded)%sync=sync2 dec(ndecoded)%decoded=decoded write(*,1010) nutc,nsnr,dtx-1.0,nfreq,decoded 1010 format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,1x,'#',1x,a22) write(13,1012) nutc,nint(sync1),nsnr,dtx-1.0,float(nfreq),ndrift, & decoded,nsf 1012 format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a22,' JT65',i4) call flush(6) call flush(13) endif !$omp end critical(decode_results) endif enddo !candidate loop if( exit enddo !two-pass loop return end subroutine jt65a