subroutine genjtms3(msg28,iwave,nwave) !subroutine genjtms3(msg28,iwave,cwave,isrch,nwave) ! Generate a JTMS3 wavefile. parameter (NMAX=30*48000) !Max length of wave file integer*2 iwave(NMAX) !Generated wave file complex cwave(NMAX) !Alternative for searchms character*28 msg28 !User message character*29 msg character cc*64 integer sentsym(203) !Transmitted symbols (0/1) real sentsam(4872) !Transmitted waveform real*8 dt,phi,f0,dphi,pi,twopi,samfac real p(0:420) real carrier(4872) real dat(4872),bb(4872),wave(4872) complex cdat(0:2436) logical first integer np(9) data np/5,7,9,11,13,17,19,23,29/ !Permissible message lengths ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 data cc/'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ./?- _ @'/ data samfac/1.d0/,first/.true./ equivalence (dat,cdat) save sinc(x)=sin(pi*x)/(pi*x) if(first) then pi=4.d0*atan(1.d0) twopi=2.d0*pi x=0. dx=1.0/24.0 width=3.0 do i=1,420 !Generate the BPSK pulse shape x=x+dx fac=0.0 if(x/*pi) then fac=(cos(x/width))**2 ipz=i endif p(i)=fac*sinc(x) enddo p(0)=1.0 f0=10000.d0/7.d0 dt=1.d0/48000.d0 dphi=twopi*f0*dt phi=0.d0 do i=1,4872 !Generate the carrier phi=phi+dphi if( xphi=phi carrier(i)=sin(xphi) enddo first=.false. endif msg=msg28//' ' !Extend to 29 characters do i=28,1,-1 !Find user's message length if(msg(i:i).ne.' ') go to 1 enddo 1 iz=i+1 !Add one for space at EOM msglen=iz if( go to 3 do i=1,9 if(np(i).ge.iz) go to 2 enddo i=8 2 msglen=np(i) ! Convert message to a bit sequence, 7 bits per character (6 + even parity) 3 sentsym=0 k=0 do j=1,msglen if(msg(j:j).eq.' ') then i=58 go to 5 else do i=1,64 if(msg(j:j) go to 5 enddo endif 5 m=0 do n=5,0,-1 !Each character gets 6 bits k=k+1 sentsym(k)=iand(1,ishft(i-1,-n)) m=m+sentsym(k) enddo k=k+1 sentsym(k)=iand(m,1) !Insert bit for even parity enddo nsym=7*msglen !# symbols in message nsam=24*nsym !# samples in message bb(1:nsam)=0. do j=1,nsym fac=1.0 if(sentsym(j).eq.0) fac=-1.0 k0=24*j - 23 do i=0,ipz k=k0+i if( k=k-nsam bb(k)=bb(k) + fac*p(i) if( then k=k0-i if( k=k+nsam bb(k)=bb(k) + fac*p(i) endif enddo enddo sq=0. wmax=0. do i=1,nsam wave(i)=carrier(i)*bb(i) sq=sq + wave(i)**2 wmax=max(wmax,abs(wave(i))) ! write(15,3002) i*dt,bb(i),wave(i) !3002 format(f12.6,2f12.3) enddo rms=sqrt(sq/nsam) ! print*,rms,wmax,wmax/rms fac=32767.0/wmax iwave(1:nsam)=fac*wave(1:nsam) ! nwave=nsam nblk=30*48000/nsam do n=2,nblk i0=(n-1)*nsam iwave(i0+1:i0+nsam)=iwave(1:nsam) enddo nwave=i0+nsam ! Compute the spectrum ! nfft=nsam ! df=48000.0/nfft ! ib=4000.0/df ! fac=10.0/nfft ! dat(1:nfft)=fac*bb(1:nfft) ! call four2a(dat,nfft,1,-1,0) ! do i=0,ib ! sq=real(cdat(i))**2 + aimag(cdat(i))**2 ! write(14,3010) i*df,sq,10.0*log10(sq) !3010 format(3f12.3) ! enddo ! if(isrch.eq.0) iwave(k+1:)=0 ! nwave=k return end subroutine genjtms3