subroutine map65a(newdat) ! Processes timf2 data from Linrad to find and decode JT65 signals. parameter (MAXMSG=1000) !Size of decoded message list parameter (NFFT=32768) !Half symbol = 17833 samples; real tavg(-50:50) !Temp for finding local base level real base(4) !Local basel level at 4 pol'ns real tmp (200) !Temp storage for pctile sorting real short(3,NFFT) !SNR dt ipol for potential shorthands real sig(MAXMSG,30) !Parameters of detected signals real a(5) character*22 msg(MAXMSG) character*3 shmsg0(4),shmsg integer indx(MAXMSG),nsiz(MAXMSG) logical done(MAXMSG) logical even character decoded*22,blank*22 include 'datcom.f90' common/spcom/ip0,ss(4,322,NFFT),ss5(322,NFFT),savg(4,NFFT) data blank/' '/ data shmsg0/'ATT','RO ','RRR','73 '/ data nfile/0/,nutc0/-999/,nid/0/,ip000/1/,ip001/1/ include 'gcom2.f90' save pctlost=nlost/331.03 if( write(*,1001) nutc,nlost,pctlost 1001 format('UTC:',i5.4,' Lost packets:',i6,', or',f6.1,' %') even=mod(nutc,2).eq.0 rewind 11 rewind 12 if( nfile=nfile+1 nutc0=nutc nutcdata=nutc write(utcdata,1002) nutc 1002 format(i4.4) utcdata=utcdata(1:2)//':'//utcdata(3:4) open(23,file='CALL3.TXT',status='old') fselect=mousefqso + 1.6 df=96000.0/NFFT !df = 96000/NFFT = 2.930 Hz ftol=0.020 !Frequency tolerance (kHz) nfilt=1 dphi=310/57.2957795 do nqd=1,0,-1 if(nqd.eq.1) then fa=1000.0*(fselect+0.001*mousedf-100.0) - dftolerance fb=1000.0*(fselect+0.001*mousedf-100.0) + dftolerance ia=nint((fa+23000.0)/df + 1.0) ! 23000 = 48000 - 25000 ib=nint((fb+23000.0)/df + 1.0) else fa=0.0 fb=60000.0 ia=nint((fa+23000.0)/df + 1.0) ! 23000 = 48000 - 25000 ib=nint((fb+23000.0)/df + 1.0) endif kk=0 nkk=1 nz=n/8 do i=1,NFFT short(1,i)=0. short(2,i)=0. short(3,i)=0. enddo freq0=-999. sync10=-999. fshort0=-999. sync20=-999. ntry=0 do i=ia,ib !Search over freq range freq=0.001*((i-1)*df - 23000) + 100.0 ! Find the local base level for each polarization; update every 10 bins. if(mod(i-ia,10).eq.0) then do jp=1,4 do ii=-50,50 tavg(ii)=savg(jp,i+ii) enddo call pctile(tavg,tmp,101,50,base(jp)) enddo endif ! Find max signal at this frequency smax=0. do jp=1,4 if(savg(jp,i)/base(jp).gt.smax) smax=savg(jp,i)/base(jp) enddo if( then ntry=ntry+1 ! Look for JT65 sync patterns and shorthand square-wave patterns. call ccf65(ss(1,1,i),sync1,ipol,dt,flipk, & syncshort,snr2,ipol2,dt2) shmsg=' ' ! Is there a shorthand tone above threshold? if( then ! ### Do shorthand AFC here (or maybe after finding a pair?) ### short(1,i)=syncshort short(2,i)=dt2 short(3,i)=ipol2 ! Check to see if lower tone of shorthand pair was found. do j=2,4 i0=i-nint(j*53.8330078/df) ! Should this be i0 +/- 1, or just i0? ! Should we also insist that difference in DT be either 1.5 or -1.5 s? if(short(1,i0).gt.1.0) then fshort=0.001*((i0-1)*df - 23000) + 100.0 ! Keep only the best candidate within ftol. if(fshort-fshort0.le.ftol .and. & .and. nkk.eq.2) kk=kk-1 if( .or. & then kk=kk+1 sig(kk,1)=nfile sig(kk,2)=nutc sig(kk,3)=fshort sig(kk,4)=syncshort sig(kk,5)=dt2 sig(kk,6)=45*(ipol2-1)/57.2957795 sig(kk,7)=0 sig(kk,8)=snr2 sig(kk,9)=0 sig(kk,10)=0 ! sig(kk,11)=rms0 sig(kk,12)=savg(ipol2,i) sig(kk,13)=0 sig(kk,14)=0 sig(kk,15)=0 sig(kk,16)=0 ! sig(kk,17)=0 sig(kk,18)=0 msg(kk)=shmsg0(j) fshort0=fshort sync20=sync2 nkk=2 endif endif enddo endif ! Is sync1 above threshold? if( then ! Keep only the best candidate within ftol. ! (Am I deleting any good decodes by doing this? Any harm in omitting ! these statements??) if(freq-freq0.le.ftol .and. .and. & nkk.eq.1 .and.nqd.eq.0) kk=kk-1 if( .or. .and. nqd.eq.0) then nflip=nint(flipk) call decode1a(id(1,1,kbuf),newdat,nfilt,freq,nflip,dphi, & ipol,sync2,a,dt,pol,nkv,nhist,qual,decoded) kk=kk+1 sig(kk,1)=nfile sig(kk,2)=nutc sig(kk,3)=freq sig(kk,4)=sync1 sig(kk,5)=dt sig(kk,6)=pol sig(kk,7)=flipk sig(kk,8)=sync2 sig(kk,9)=nkv sig(kk,10)=qual ! sig(kk,11)=rms0 sig(kk,12)=savg(ipol,i) sig(kk,13)=a(1) sig(kk,14)=a(2) sig(kk,15)=a(3) sig(kk,16)=a(4) ! sig(kk,17)=a(5) sig(kk,18)=nhist msg(kk)=decoded freq0=freq sync10=sync1 nkk=1 endif endif endif enddo if(nqd.eq.1) then do k=1,kk decoded=msg(k) if(' ') then nutc=sig(k,2) freq=sig(k,3) sync1=sig(k,4) dt=sig(k,5) npol=nint(57.2957795*sig(k,6)) flip=sig(k,7) sync2=sig(k,8) nkv=sig(k,9) nqual=sig(k,10) if( then do i=22,1,-1 if(decoded(i:i).ne.' ') go to 8 enddo stop 'Error in message format' 8 if(i.le.18) decoded(i+2:i+4)='OOO' endif nkHz=nint(freq-1.600) f0=144.0+0.001*nkHz ndf=nint(1000.0*(freq-1.600-nkHz)) ! ndf0=nint(a(1)) ! ndf1=nint(a(2)) ! ndf2=nint(a(3)) nsync1=sync1 nsync2=nint(10.0*log10(sync2)) - 40 !### empirical ### nw=0 write(11,1010) nkHz,ndf,npol,nutc,nsync2,dt,nw,decoded,nkv,nqual 1010 format(i3,i5,i4,i5.4,i4,f5.1,i3,2x,a22,2i3) endif enddo write(11,*) '$EOF' call flushqqq(11) ndecdone=1 endif if(nagain.eq.1) go to 999 enddo ! Trim the list and produce a sorted index and sizes of groups. ! (Should trimlist remove all but best SNR for given UTC and message content?) call trimlist(sig,kk,indx,nsiz,nz) do i=1,kk done(i)=.false. enddo j=0 ilatest=-1 do n=1,nz ifile0=0 do m=1,nsiz(n) i=indx(j+m) ifile=sig(i,1) if( .and.msg(i).ne.blank) then ilatest=i ifile0=ifile endif enddo i=ilatest if( then if(.not.done(i)) then done(i)=.true. nutc=sig(i,2) freq=sig(i,3) sync1=sig(i,4) dt=sig(i,5) npol=nint(57.2957795*sig(i,6)) flip=sig(i,7) sync2=sig(i,8) nkv=sig(i,9) nqual=min(sig(i,10),10.0) ! rms0=sig(i,11) nsavg=sig(i,12) !Was used for diagnostic ... do k=1,5 a(k)=sig(i,12+k) enddo nhist=sig(i,18) decoded=msg(i) if( then do i=22,1,-1 if(decoded(i:i).ne.' ') go to 10 enddo stop 'Error in message format' 10 if(i.le.18) decoded(i+2:i+4)='OOO' endif nkHz=nint(freq-1.600) f0=144.0+0.001*nkHz ndf=nint(1000.0*(freq-1.600-nkHz)) ndf0=nint(a(1)) ndf1=nint(a(2)) ndf2=nint(a(3)) nsync1=sync1 nsync2=nint(10.0*log10(sync2)) - 40 !### empirical ### write(26,1014) f0,ndf,ndf0,ndf1,ndf2,dt,npol,nsync1, & nsync2,nutc,decoded,nkv,nqual,nhist write(21,1014) f0,ndf,ndf0,ndf1,ndf2,dt,npol,nsync1, & nsync2,nutc,decoded,nkv,nqual,nhist 1014 format(f7.3,i5,3i3,f5.1,i5,i3,i4,i5.4,2x,a22,3i3) endif endif j=j+nsiz(n) enddo call display ndecdone=2 if( call savetf2(id(1,1,kbuf),nsave,nutc) 999 nagain=0 close(23) return end subroutine map65a