program msk ! Program to test decoding routines for mode JTMSK. parameter (NSMAX=30*48000) character*80 infile character*6 cfile6 character*12 arg character*12 mycall real dat(NSMAX) real x(NSMAX) complex cx(0:NSMAX/2) integer hdr(11) integer*2 id common/mscom/id(NSMAX),s1(215,703),s2(215,703) nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: msk nslow snr' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,arg) read(arg,*) nslow call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) snr ! Read simulated pings from a file open(71,file='dat.71',form='unformatted',status='old') read(71) id cfile6='123400' npts=30*48000 kstep=2048 minsigdb=1 mousedf=0 ntol=200 mycall='W8WN' ! Make some band-limited noise. call random_number(x) nfft=NSMAX call four2a(x,nfft,1,-1,0) df=48000.0/nfft ia=nint(300.0/df) ib=nint(2700.0/df) cx(:ia)=0. cx(ib:)=0. call four2a(cx,nfft,1,1,-1) x(1)=0. rms=sqrt(dot_product(x,x)/NSMAX) x=x/rms sig=(10.0**(0.05*snr))/32768.0 !Scaled signal strength dat=sig*id + x !Add pings to noise ! This loop simulates being called from "datasink()" in program JTMSK. do iblk=1,npts/kstep k=iblk*kstep call rtping(dat,k,cfile6,MinSigdB,MouseDF,ntol,mycall) if( call usleep(42000) enddo 999 end program msk