# - Try to find portaudio # # Once done, this will define: # # portaudio_FOUND - system has portaudio # portaudio_INCLUDE_DIRS - the portaudio include directories # portaudio_LIBRARIES - link these to use portaudio # portaudio_LIBRARY_DIRS - required shared/dynamic libraries are here # # If portaudio_STATIC is TRUE then static linking will be assumed # include (LibFindMacros) set (portaudio_LIBRARY_DIRS) # pkg-config? find_path (__portaudio_pc_path NAMES portaudio-2.0.pc PATH_SUFFIXES lib/pkgconfig lib64/pkgconfig ) if (__portaudio_pc_path) set (__pc_path $ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}) list (APPEND __pc_path "${__portaudio_pc_path}") set (ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${__pc_path}") unset (__pc_path CACHE) endif () unset (__portaudio_pc_path CACHE) # Use pkg-config to get hints about paths, libs and, flags unset (__pkg_config_checked_hamlib CACHE) libfind_pkg_check_modules (PORTAUDIO portaudio-2.0) if (portaudio_STATIC) set (portaudio_PROCESS_INCLUDES PORTAUDIO_STATIC_INCLUDE_DIRS) set (portaudio_PROCESS_LIBS PORTAUDIO_STATIC_LDFLAGS) set (portaudio_LIBRARY_DIRS ${PORTAUDIO_STATIC_LIBRARY_DIRS}) else () set (portaudio_PROCESS_INCLUDES PORTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIRS) set (portaudio_PROCESS_LIBS PORTAUDIO_LDFLAGS) set (portaudio_LIBRARY_DIRS ${PORTAUDIO_LIBRARY_DIRS}) endif () libfind_process (portaudio) # Handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set PORTAUDIO_FOUND to # TRUE if all listed variables are TRUE include (FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args (portaudio DEFAULT_MSG portaudio_INCLUDE_DIRS portaudio_LIBRARIES portaudio_LIBRARY_DIRS)