subroutine msk144sync(cdat,nframes,ntol,delf,navmask,npeaks,fc,fest,npklocs,nsuccess,c) parameter (NSPM=864) complex cdat(NSPM*nframes) complex cdat2(NSPM*nframes) complex c(NSPM) !Coherently averaged complex data complex ct2(2*NSPM) complex cs(NSPM) complex cb(42) !Complex waveform for sync word complex cc(0:NSPM-1) integer s8(8) integer iloc(1) integer npklocs(npeaks) integer navmask(nframes) ! defines which frames to average real cbi(42),cbq(42) real pkamps(npeaks) real xcc(0:NSPM-1) real xccs(0:NSPM-1) real pp(12) !Half-sine pulse shape logical first data first/.true./ data s8/0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0/ save first,cb,fs,pi,twopi,dt,s8,pp ! call system_clock(count0,clkfreq) if(first) then pi=4.0*atan(1.0) twopi=8.0*atan(1.0) fs=12000.0 dt=1.0/fs do i=1,12 !Define half-sine pulse angle=(i-1)*pi/12.0 pp(i)=sin(angle) enddo ! Define the sync word waveforms s8=2*s8-1 cbq(1:6)=pp(7:12)*s8(1) cbq(7:18)=pp*s8(3) cbq(19:30)=pp*s8(5) cbq(31:42)=pp*s8(7) cbi(1:12)=pp*s8(2) cbi(13:24)=pp*s8(4) cbi(25:36)=pp*s8(6) cbi(37:42)=pp(1:6)*s8(8) cb=cmplx(cbi,cbq) first=.false. endif navg=sum(navmask) xmax=0.0 bestf=0.0 n=nframes*NSPM nf=nint(ntol/delf) fac=1.0/(48.0*sqrt(float(navg))) do ifr=-nf,nf !Find freq that maximizes sync ferr=ifr*delf call tweak1(cdat,n,-(fc+ferr),cdat2) c=0 do i=1,nframes ib=(i-1)*NSPM+1 ie=ib+NSPM-1 if( navmask(i) .eq. 1 ) then c(1:NSPM)=c(1:NSPM)+cdat2(ib:ie) endif enddo cc=0 ct2(1:NSPM)=c ct2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM)=c do ish=0,NSPM-1 cc(ish)=dot_product(ct2(1+ish:42+ish)+ct2(336+ish:377+ish),cb(1:42)) enddo xcc=abs(cc) xb=maxval(xcc)*fac if( then xmax=xb bestf=ferr cs=c xccs=xcc endif enddo fest=fc+bestf c=cs xcc=xccs ! Find npeaks largest peaks do ipk=1,npeaks iloc=maxloc(xcc) ic2=iloc(1) npklocs(ipk)=ic2 pkamps(ipk)=xcc(ic2-1) xcc(max(0,ic2-7):min(NSPM-1,ic2+7))=0.0 enddo if( xmax .lt. 0.7 ) then nsuccess=0 else nsuccess=1 endif return end subroutine msk144sync