// -*- Mode: C++ -*- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Some code in this file and accompanying files is based on work by // Moe Wheatley, AE4Y, released under the "Simplified BSD License". // For more details see the accompanying file LICENSE_WHEATLEY.TXT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef PLOTTER_H #define PLOTTER_H #ifdef QT5 #include <QtWidgets> #else #include <QtGui> #endif #include <QFrame> #include <QImage> #include <QVector> #include <cstring> #define VERT_DIVS 7 //specify grid screen divisions #define HORZ_DIVS 20 class CPlotter : public QFrame { Q_OBJECT; public: explicit CPlotter(QWidget *parent = 0); ~CPlotter(); QSize minimumSizeHint() const; QSize sizeHint() const; bool m_bScaleOK; void draw(float swide[], bool bScroll); //Update the waterfall void SetRunningState(bool running); void setPlotZero(int plotZero); int plotZero(); void setPlotGain(int plotGain); int plotGain(); int plot2dGain(); void setPlot2dGain(int n); int plot2dZero(); void setPlot2dZero(int plot2dZero); void setStartFreq(int f); int startFreq(); int plotWidth(); void UpdateOverlay(); void setDataFromDisk(bool b); void setRxRange(int fMin); void setBinsPerPixel(int n); int binsPerPixel(); void setWaterfallAvg(int n); void setRxFreq(int n); void DrawOverlay(); int rxFreq(); void setFsample(int n); void setNsps(int ntrperiod, int nsps); void setTxFreq(int n); void setMode(QString mode); void setSubMode(int n); void setModeTx(QString modeTx); void SetPercent2DScreen(int percent); int Fmax(); void setDialFreq(double d); void setCurrent(bool b) {m_bCurrent = b;} bool current() const {return m_bCurrent;} void setCumulative(bool b) {m_bCumulative = b;} bool cumulative() const {return m_bCumulative;} void setLinearAvg(bool b) {m_bLinearAvg = b;} bool linearAvg() const {return m_bLinearAvg;} void setBreadth(qint32 w) {m_w = w;} qint32 breadth() const {return m_w;} float fSpan() const {return m_fSpan;} void setLockTxFreq(bool b) {m_lockTxFreq = b;} void setColours(QVector<QColor> const& cl); void setFlatten(bool b); void setTol(int n); void setRxBand(QString band); void setReference(bool b) {m_bReference = b;} bool Reference() const {return m_bReference;} signals: void freezeDecode1(int n); void setFreq1(int rxFreq, int txFreq); protected: //re-implemented widget event handlers void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event); private: void MakeFrequencyStrs(); int XfromFreq(float f); float FreqfromX(int x); bool m_bCurrent; bool m_bCumulative; bool m_bLinearAvg; bool m_bReference; bool m_bReference0; bool m_lockTxFreq; float m_fSpan; qint32 m_plotZero; qint32 m_plotGain; qint32 m_plot2dGain; qint32 m_plot2dZero; qint32 m_binsPerPixel; qint32 m_waterfallAvg; qint32 m_w; qint32 m_Flatten; qint32 m_nSubMode; QPixmap m_WaterfallPixmap; QPixmap m_2DPixmap; QPixmap m_ScalePixmap; QPixmap m_OverlayPixmap; QSize m_Size; QString m_Str; QString m_HDivText[483]; QString m_mode; QString m_modeTx; QString m_rxBand; bool m_Running; bool m_paintEventBusy; bool m_dataFromDisk; double m_fftBinWidth; double m_dialFreq; double m_xOffset; float m_sum[2048]; qint32 m_dBStepSize; qint32 m_FreqUnits; qint32 m_hdivs; qint32 m_line; qint32 m_fSample; qint32 m_xClick; qint32 m_freqPerDiv; qint32 m_nsps; qint32 m_Percent2DScreen; qint32 m_Percent2DScreen0; qint32 m_h; qint32 m_h1; qint32 m_h2; qint32 m_TRperiod; qint32 m_rxFreq; qint32 m_txFreq; qint32 m_fMin; qint32 m_fMax; qint32 m_startFreq; qint32 m_tol; char m_sutc[6]; private slots: void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event); void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event); }; extern QVector<QColor> g_ColorTbl; extern "C" { void flat4_(float swide[], int* iz, int* nflatten); } #endif // PLOTTER_H