subroutine synct(data,jz,jstart,f0,smax) C Gets a refined value of jstart. parameter (NMAX=30*11025) parameter (NB3=3*512) real data(jz) real*8 dpha,twopi complex*16 z,dz complex c,c1,zz common/hcom/c(NMAX) ps(zz)=real(zz)**2 + aimag(zz)**2 !Power spectrum function C Convert data to baseband (complex result) using quadrature LO. twopi=8*atan(1.d0) dpha=twopi*f0/11025.d0 dz=cmplx(cos(dpha),-sin(dpha)) z=1.d0/dz do i=1,jz z=z*dz c(i)=data(i)*z enddo C Detect zero-beat sync tone in 512-sample chunks, stepped by 1. C Sums replace original values in c(i). zz=0 do i=1,512 !Compute first sum zz=zz+c(i) enddo c1=c(1) c(1)=zz do i=2,jz-512 !Compute the rest recursively zz=c(i-1)+c(i+511)-c1 c1=c(i) !Save original value c(i)=zz !Save the sum enddo C Iterate to find the best jstart. jstart=jstart+NB3 nz=(jz-jstart)/NB3 -1 smax=0. jstep=256 jbest=jstart 10 jstep=jstep/2 jstart=jbest do j=jstart-jstep,jstart+jstep,jstep s=0. r=0. do n=1,nz k=(n-1)*NB3 + j s=s + ps(c(k)) r=r + ps(c(k+512)) + ps(c(k+1024)) enddo s=2*s/r !Better to use s/r or s-r? if( then smax=s jbest=j endif enddo if( go to 10 jstart=jbest if( jstart=jstart-NB3 return end