subroutine syncf1(data,jz,jstart,f0,NFreeze,DFTolerance,smax,red) C Does 16k FFTs of data with stepsize 15360, using only "sync on" intervals. C Returns a refined value of f0, the sync-tone frequency. parameter (NFFT=16384) parameter (NH=NFFT/2) parameter (NQ=NFFT/4) parameter (NB3=3*512) real data(jz) !Raw data integer DFTolerance real x(NFFT) real red(512) real s(NQ) !Ref spectrum for flattening and birdie-zapping complex c(0:NH) complex z equivalence (x,c) ps(z)=real(z)**2 + aimag(z)**2 !Power spectrum ASF C Accumulate a high-resolution average spectrum df=11025.0/NFFT jstep=10*NB3 nz=(jz-jstart)/jstep -1 call zero(s,NQ) do n=1,nz call zero(x,NFFT) k=(n-1)*jstep do i=1,10 j=(i-1)*NB3 + 1 call move(data(jstart+k+j),x(j),512) enddo call xfft(x,NFFT) do i=1,NQ x(i)=ps(c(i)) enddo call add(s,x,s,NQ) enddo fac=(1.0/NFFT)**2 do i=1,NQ !Normalize s(i)=fac*s(i) enddo call smooth(s,NQ) C NB: could also compute a "blue" spectrum, using the sync-off intervals. n8=NQ/8 do i=1,n8 red(i)=0. do k=8*i-7,8*i red(i)=red(i)+s(k) enddo red(i)=10.0*red(i)/(8.0*nz) enddo dftol=min(DFTolerance,25) if(nfreeze.eq.1) dftol=DFTolerance C Find improved value for f0 smax=0. ia=(f0-dftol)/df ib=(f0+dftol)/df + 0.999 ! if(NFreeze.eq.1) then ! ia=(f0-5.)/df ! ib=(f0+5.)/df ! endif do i=ia,ib if(s(i).gt.smax) then smax=s(i) ipk=i endif enddo f0=ipk*df C Remove line at f0 from spectrum -- if it's strong enough. ia=(f0-150)/df ib=(f0+150)/df a1=0. a2=0. nsum=50 do i=1,nsum a1=a1+s(ia-i) a2=a2+s(ib+i) enddo a1=a1/nsum a2=a2/nsum smax=2.0*smax/(a1+a2) if( then b=(a2-a1)/(ib-ia) do i=ia,ib s(i)=a1 + (i-ia)*b enddo endif C Make a smoothed version of the spectrum. nsum=50 fac=1./(2*nsum+1) call zero(x,nsum) call zero(s,50) call zero(s(NQ-nsum),nsum) sum=0. do i=nsum+1,NQ-nsum sum=sum+s(i+nsum)-s(i-nsum) x(i)=fac*sum enddo call zero(x(NQ-nsum),nsum+1) C To zap birdies, compare s(i) and x(i). If s(i) is larger by more C than some limit, replace x(i) by s(i). That will put narrow birdies C on top of the smoothed spectrum. call move(x,s,NQ) !Copy smoothed spectrum into s return end