// Status=review The following controls appear at the bottom of the Wide Graph window. Decoding occurs only in the displayed frequency range; otherwise, with the exceptions of *Start NNN Hz* and of *JT65 nnnn JT9* when operating in JT9+JT65 mode, controls on the Wide Graph window have no effect on the decoding process. image::wide-graph-controls.png[align="center",alt="Wide Graph Controls"] - *Bins/Pixel* controls the displayed frequency resolution. Set this value to 1 for the highest possible resolution, or to higher numbers to compress the spectral display. Normal operation with a convenient window size works well at 2 to 8 bins per pixel. - *JT65 nnnn JT9* sets the dividing point (blue marker) for wide-band decoding of JT65 and JT9 signals in *JT9+JT65* mode. The decoder looks for JT65 signals everywhere, but JT9 signals only above this frequency. This setting is stored separately for each band. - *Start nnn Hz* sets the low-frequency starting point of the waterfall frequency scale. - *N Avg* is the number of successive spectra to be averaged before updating the display. Values around 5 are suitable for normal JT9 and JT65 operation. Adjust *N Avg* to make the waterfall move faster or slower, as desired. - A dropdown list below the *Palette* label lets you select from a wide range of waterfall color palettes. - Click *Adjust* to activate a window that allows you to create a user-defined palette. - Check *Flatten* if you want _WSJT-X_ to compensate for a sloping or uneven response across the received passband. For this feature to work properly, you should restrict the range of displayed frequencies so that only the active part of the spectrum is shown. - Select *Current* or *Cumulative* for the spectrum displayed in the bottom one-third of the Wide Graph window. *Current* is the average spectrum over the most recent *N Avg* FFT calculations. *Cumulative* is the average spectrum since the start of the present UTC minute. *Linear Avg* is useful in JT4 mode, especially when short-form messages are used. - Four sliders control reference levels and scaling for waterfall colors and the spectrum plot. Values around midscale are usually about right, depending on the input signal level, the chosen palette, and your own preferences. Hover the mouse over a control to display a tip reminding you of its function. - The *Spec nn%* control may be used to set the fractional height of the spectrum plotted below the waterfall. - *Smooth* is active only when *Linear Average* has been selected. Smoothing the displayed spectrum over more than one bin can enhance your ability to detect weak EME signals with Doppler spread more than a few Hz. [[CONTROLS_FAST]] === Fast Graph The waterfall palette used for the Fast Graph is the same as the one selected on the Wide Graph. Three sliders at the bottom of the Fast Graph window can be used to optimize gain and zero-offset for the displayed information. Hover the mouse over a control to display a tip reminding you of its function. Clicking the *Auto Level* button will produce reasonable settings as a starting point. image::fast-graph-controls.png[align="center",alt="Fast Graph Controls"] [[CONTROLS_ECHO]] === Echo Graph The following controls appear at the bottom of the Echo Graph: image::echo-graph-controls.png[align="center",alt="EchoGraph Controls"] - *Bins/Pixel* controls the displayed frequency resolution. Set this value to 1 for the highest possible resolution, or to higher numbers to compress the spectral display. - *Gain* and *Zero* sliders control scaling and offset of plotted spectra. - *Smooth* values greater than 0 apply running averages to the plotted spectra, thereby smoothing the curves over multiple bins. - Label *N* shows the number of echo pulses averaged. - Click the *Colors* button to cycle through 6 possible choices of color and line width for the plots. [[CONTROLS_MISCELLANEOUS]] === Miscellaneous Most windows can be resized as desired. If you are short of screen space you can make the Main Window and Wide Graph smaller by hiding some controls and labels. To enable this feature uncheck the box labales *Controls* at top left of the *Wide Graph* window, or the box *Menus* to the right of the *Tune* button on the Main Window.