subroutine pix2d(d2,jz,mousebutton,mode,s2,nchan,nz,b) ! Compute pixels to represent the 2-d spectrum s2(nchan,nz), and the ! green line. integer*2 d2(jz) !Raw input data character*6 mode real s2(nchan,nz) !2-d spectrum integer*2 b(60000) !Pixels corresponding to 2-d spectrum data nx0/0/ save tbest=s2(2,1) s2(1,1)=s2(3,1) s2(2,1)=s2(3,1) gain=100. offset=0.0 if(mousebutton.eq.0) then k=0 do i=54,7,-1 do j=1,nz k=k+1 n=0 if(s2(i,j).gt.0) n=gain*log10(s2(i,j)) + offset n=min(252,max(0,n)) b(k)=n enddo k=k+500-nz enddo do i=k+1,60000 b(i)=0 enddo else ! This is a mouse-picked decode, so we compute the "zoomed" region. k=50*500 do i=54,7,-1 do j=1,nz k=k+1 n=0 if(s2(i,j).gt.0) n=gain*log10(s2(i,j)) + offset n=min(252,max(0,n)) b(k)=n enddo k=k+500-nz enddo endif if(mousebutton.eq.0) then ! Compute the green curve sum=0. do i=1,jz sum=sum+d2(i) enddo nave=nint(sum/jz) nadd=661 ngreen=min(jz/nadd,500) k=0 j=0 do i=1,ngreen sq=0. do n=1,nadd k=k+1 d2(k)=d2(k)-nave x=d2(k) sq=sq + x*x enddo x=0.0001*sq/nadd j=j+1 x=120.0-40.0*log10(0.01*x) if( x=1.0 if( x=119. ng=nint(x) ng=min(ng,120) nx=i if(nx.eq.1) ng0=ng if(abs(ng-ng0).le.1) then b((ng-1)*500+nx)=255 else ist=1 if( ist=-1 jmid=(ng+ng0)/2 ii=max(1,nx-1) do j=ng0+ist,ng,ist b((j-1)*500+ii)=255 if(j.eq.jmid) ii=ii+1 enddo ng0=ng endif enddo if(mode.eq.'FSK441') then ! Insert yellow tick marks at frequencies of the FSK441 tones do i=2,5 f=441*i ich=58-nint(f/43.066) do j=1,5 b((ich-1)*500+j+2)=254 b((ich-1)*500+j+248)=254 b((ich-1)*500+j+495)=254 enddo enddo else if(mode.eq.'JT6M') then ! Insert yellow tick marks at frequencies of the JT6M sync tone f=1076.66 ich=60-nint(f/43.066) !Why 58 for FSK441, above? do j=1,5 b((ich-1)*500+j+2)=254 b((ich-1)*500+j+248)=254 b((ich-1)*500+j+495)=254 enddo endif ! Mark the best ping with a red tick if( then nx=tbest/0.060 + 1 do j=110,120 b((j-1)*500+nx0)=0 b((j-1)*500+nx)=253 enddo nx0=nx endif endif return end subroutine pix2d