subroutine lenmsk(r,npts,msglen) ! Determine length of the user message in a JTMS ping. real r(60000) real acf(4872) integer np(9) data np/5,7,9,11,13,17,19,23,29/ !Permissible message lengths save acf !Why necessary? (But don't remove!) msglen=0 !Use ACF to find msg length if(*168) then r=r-sum(r(1:npts))/npts acfmax=0. acf0=dot_product(r(1:npts),r(1:npts)) kz=min(nint(0.75*npts),29*168) do k=8,kz fac=float(npts)/(npts-k) acf(k)=fac*dot_product(r(1:npts),r(1+k:npts+k))/acf0 enddo call hipass(acf(8),kz-7,50) do k=8,kz !Find acfmax, kpk if(acf(k).gt.acfmax) then acfmax=acf(k) kpk=k endif enddo sumsq=0. n=0 do k=8,kz !Find rms, skipping around kpk if(abs(k-kpk).gt.10) then sumsq=sumsq+acf(k)**2 n=n+1 endif enddo rms=sqrt(sumsq/n) acf=acf/rms !Normalize the acf amax2=0. acflim=3.5 do i=1,9 k=168*np(i) !Check only the permitted lengths if( go to 10 if(acf(k).gt.acflim .and. acf(k).gt.amax2) then amax2=acf(k) !Save best value >3.5 sigma msglen=np(i) !Save message length kpk2=k endif enddo 10 continue endif return end subroutine lenmsk