subroutine q65b(nutc,nqd,nxant,fcenter,nfcal,nfsample,ikhz,mousedf,ntol,xpol, & mycall0,mygrid,hiscall0,hisgrid,mode_q65,f0,fqso,newdat,nagain, & max_drift,nhsym,idec) ! This routine provides an interface between MAP65 and the Q65 decoder ! in WSJT-X. All arguments are input data obtained from the MAP65 GUI. ! Raw Rx data are available as the 96 kHz complex spectrum ca(MAXFFT1) ! in common/cacb. If xpol is true, we also have cb(MAXFFT1) for the ! orthogonal polarization. Decoded messages are sent back to the GUI ! on stdout. ! use wavhdr use q65_decode use wideband_sync use timer_module, only: timer parameter (MAXFFT1=5376000) !56*96000 parameter (MAXFFT2=336000) !56*6000 (downsampled by 1/16) parameter (NMAX=60*12000) parameter (RAD=57.2957795) ! type(hdr) h !Header for the .wav file integer*2 iwave(60*12000) complex ca(MAXFFT1),cb(MAXFFT1) !FFTs of raw x,y data complex cx(0:MAXFFT2-1),cy(0:MAXFFT2-1),cz(0:MAXFFT2) logical xpol,ldecoded integer ipk1(1) real*8 fcenter,freq0,freq1 character*12 mycall0,hiscall0 character*12 mycall,hiscall character*6 mygrid,hisgrid character*4 grid4 character*80 line character*80 wsjtx_dir character*1 cp,cmode*2 common/cacb/ca,cb common/early/nhsym1,nhsym2,ldecoded(32768) save open(9,file='wsjtx_dir.txt',status='old') read(9,'(a)') wsjtx_dir !Establish the working directory close(9) if(mycall0(1:1).ne.' ') mycall=mycall0 if(hiscall0(1:1).ne.' ') hiscall=hiscall0 if(hisgrid(1:4).ne.' ') grid4=hisgrid(1:4) ! Find best frequency and ipol from sync_dat, the "orange sync curve". df3=96000.0/32768.0 ifreq=nint((1000.0*f0)/df3) ia=nint(ifreq-ntol/df3) ib=nint(ifreq+ntol/df3) ipk1=maxloc(sync(ia:ib)%ccfmax) ipk=ia+ipk1(1)-1 if(ldecoded(ipk)) go to 900 snr1=sync(ipk)%ccfmax ipol=1 if(xpol) ipol=sync(ipk)%ipol nfft1=MAXFFT1 nfft2=MAXFFT2 df=96000.0/NFFT1 if(nfsample.eq.95238) then nfft1=5120000 nfft2=322560 df=96000.0/nfft1 endif nh=nfft2/2 f_mouse=1000.0*(fqso+48.0) + mousedf f_ipk=ipk*df3 k0=nint((ipk*df3-1000.0)/df) if(nagain.eq.1) k0=nint((f_mouse-1000.0)/df) if( .or. go to 900 if( go to 900 !### Threshold needs work? ### fac=1.0/nfft2 cx(0:nfft2-1)=ca(k0:k0+nfft2-1) cx=fac*cx if(xpol) then cy(0:nfft2-1)=cb(k0:k0+nfft2-1) cy=fac*cy endif ! Here cx and cy (if xpol) are frequency-domain data around the selected ! QSO frequency, taken from the full-length FFT computed in filbig(). ! Values for fsample, nfft1, nfft2, df, and the downsampled data rate ! are as follows: ! fSample nfft1 df nfft2 fDownSampled ! (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) !---------------------------------------------------- ! 96000 5376000 0.017857143 336000 6000.000 ! 95238 5120000 0.018601172 322560 5999.994 poldeg=0. if(xpol) then poldeg=sync(ipk)%pol cz(0:MAXFFT2-1)=cos(poldeg/RAD)*cx + sin(poldeg/RAD)*cy else cz(0:MAXFFT2-1)=cx endif cz(MAXFFT2)=0. ! Roll off below 500 Hz and above 2500 Hz. ja=nint(500.0/df) jb=nint(2500.0/df) do i=0,ja r=0.5*(1.0+cos(i*3.14159/ja)) cz(ja-i)=r*cz(ja-i) cz(jb+i)=r*cz(jb+i) enddo cz(ja+jb+1:)=0. !Transform to time domain (real), fsample=12000 Hz call four2a(cz,2*nfft2,1,1,-1) do i=0,nfft2-1 j=nfft2-1-i iwave(2*i+2)=nint(real(cz(j))) !Note the reversed order! iwave(2*i+1)=nint(aimag(cz(j))) enddo iwave(2*nfft2+1:)=0 ! open(30,file='000000_0001.wav',status='unknown',access='stream') ! h=default_header(12000,NMAX) ! write(30) h,iwave ! close(30) nsubmode=mode_q65-1 nfa=990 !Tight limits around ipk for the wideband decode nfb=1010 if(nagain.eq.1) then !For nagain=1, use limits of +/- ntol nfa=max(100,1000-ntol) nfb=min(2500,1000+ntol) endif nsnr0=-99 !Default snr for no decode ! NB: Frequency of ipk is now shifted to 1000 Hz. call map65_mmdec(nutc,iwave,nqd,nsubmode,nfa,nfb,1000,ntol, & newdat,nagain,max_drift,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid) MHz=fcenter freq0=MHz + 0.001d0*ikhz if( then ldecoded(ipk)=.true. nq65df=nint(1000*(0.001*k0*df+nkhz_center-48.0+1.000-1.27046-ikhz))-nfcal nq65df=nq65df + nfreq0 - 1000 npol=nint(poldeg) if( then npol=npol-45 if( npol=npol+180 endif call txpol(xpol,msg0(1:22),mygrid,npol,nxant,ntxpol,cp) ikhz1=ikhz ndf=nq65df if( ikhz1=ikhz + (nq65df+500)/1000 if( ikhz1=ikhz + (nq65df-500)/1000 ndf=nq65df - 1000*(ikhz1-ikhz) if(nqd.eq.1 .and. abs(nq65df-mousedf).lt.ntol) then write(line,1020) ikhz1,ndf,npol,nutc,xdt0,nsnr0,msg0(1:27),cq0, & ntxpol,cp 1020 format('!',i3.3,i5,i4,i6.4,f5.1,i5,' : ',a27,a3,i4,1x,a1) write(*,1100) trim(line) 1100 format(a) endif ! Write to lu 26, for Messages and Band Map windows cmode=': ' cmode(2:2)=char(ichar('A') + mode_q65-1) freq1=freq0 + 0.001d0*(ikhz1-ikhz) write(26,1014) freq1,ndf,0,0,0,xdt0,npol,0,nsnr0,nutc,msg0(1:22), & ':',cp,cmode 1014 format(f8.3,i5,3i3,f5.1,i4,i3,i4,i5.4,4x,a22,1x,2a1,2x,a2) ! Write to file map65_rx.log: write(21,1110) freq1,ndf,xdt0,npol,nsnr0,nutc,msg0(1:28),cq0 1110 format(f8.3,i5,f5.1,2i4,i5.4,2x,a28,': A',2x,a3) endif 900 close(13) close(17) call flush(6) idec=-1 read(cq0(2:2),*) idec return end subroutine q65b