program cablog character*100 line,infile,outfile character cband*4,cmode*2,cdate*10,cutc*4,callsign*10,mycall*10 character csent*4,crcvd*4,dsent*4,drcvd*4,g1*4 character*3 cmo(12) integer icomma(20) logical map65 logical isgrid,gridx data cmo/'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep', & 'Oct','Nov','Dec'/ isgrid(g1)=g1(1:1).ge.'A' .and. g1(1:1).le.'R' .and. g1(2:2).ge.'A' .and. & g1(2:2).le.'R' .and. g1(3:3).ge.'0' .and. g1(3:3).le.'9' .and. & g1(4:4).ge.'0' .and. g1(4:4).le.'9' .and. g1(1:4).ne.'RR73' nargs=iargc() if( then print*,"Program cablog converts file 'wsjtx.log' written by WSJT-X" print*,"(or wsjt.log written by MAP65) to a bare-bones Cabrillo" print*,"log for the ARRL International EME Contest. You will" print*,"certainly need to edit the header information, and you may" print*,"edit the log elsewhere as required." print*,' ' print*,'Usage: cablog ' print*,'Examples: cablog W2ZQ -15 -16 wsjtx.log' print*,' cablog W2ZQ O O wsjt.log' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,mycall) outfile=trim(mycall)//'.log' call getarg(2,dsent) gridx=isgrid(dsent) call getarg(3,drcvd) call getarg(4,infile) open(10,file=trim(infile),status='old') open(12,file=trim(outfile),status='unknown') write(12,1000) 1000 format('START-OF-LOG: 3.0'/ & 'CONTEST: ARRL-EME'/ & 'CALLSIGN: '/ & 'CATEGORY-OPERATOR: '/ & 'CATEGORY-BAND: '/ & 'CATEGORY-MODE: '/ & 'EMAIL: '/ & 'OPERATORS: '/ & 'CATEGORY-POWER: HIGH'/ & 'CATEGORY-TRANSMITTER: ONE'/ & 'CATEGORY-STATION: FIXED'/ & 'CATEGORY-TIME: 24-HOURS'/ & 'CATEGORY-ASSISTED: ASSISTED'/ & 'LOCATION: SNJ'/ & 'CLAIMED-SCORE: '/ & 'CLUB: '/ & 'NAME: '/ & 'ADDRESS: '/ & 'ADDRESS: '/ & 'ADDRESS: '/ & 'CREATED-BY: cablog (C) K1JT') n=0 map65=.false. do nn=1,9999 read(10,'(a100)',end=900) line if(len(trim(line)).eq.0) cycle if(line(6:6).ge.'A' .and. line(6:6).le.'Z') map65=.true. n=n+1 k=0 do j=1,100 if(line(j:j).eq.',') then k=k+1 icomma(k)=j endif enddo cmode='DG' if(index(line,',CW,').gt.10) cmode='CW' if(map65) then do i=1,12 if(cmo(i).eq.line(6:8)) write(cdate(6:7),'(i2.2)') i enddo cdate(1:5)=line(1:5) cdate(8:10)=line(9:11) cutc=line(13:14)//line(16:17) i0=index(line(19:),',') callsign=line(19:17+i0) cband='144 ' csent=dsent crcvd=drcvd else cdate=line(1:10) cutc=line(32:33)//line(35:36) i0=index(line(41:),',') callsign=line(41:39+i0) read(line(icomma(6)+1:icomma(7)-1),*,err=10,end=10) freq go to 20 10 print*,'***Error at line ',n print*,trim(line) 20 if( .and. freq.le.54.0) cband='50 ' if( .and. freq.le.148.0) cband='144 ' if( .and. freq.le.29.0) cband='144 ' if( .and. freq.le.225.0) cband='222 ' if( .and. freq.le.450.0) cband='432 ' if( .and. freq.le.928.0) cband='902 ' if( .and. freq.le.1300.0) cband='1.2G' if( .and. freq.le.2450.0) cband='2.3G' if( .and. freq.le.3500.0) cband='3.4G' if( .and. freq.le.5925.0) cband='5.7G' if( .and. freq.le.10500.0) cband='10G ' if( .and. freq.le.24250.0) cband='24G ' if(icomma(8).eq.icomma(9)-1) then csent=dsent else csent=line(icomma(8)+1:icomma(9)-1) endif if(icomma(9).eq.icomma(10)-1) then crcvd=drcvd else crcvd=line(icomma(9)+1:icomma(10)-1) endif endif if(gridx) then csent=dsent crcvd=line(icomma(5)+1:icomma(6)-1) endif write(12,1030) cband,cmode,cdate,cutc,mycall,csent,callsign,crcvd 1030 format('QSO: ',a4,1x,a2,1x,a10,1x,a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,4x,a10,1x,a4) enddo 900 write(12,1900) 1900 format('END-OF-LOG:') write(*,1910) n,trim(outfile) 1910 format('Processed',i5,' QSOs.'/'Output file: ',a) 999 end program cablog !2023-10-28,00:17:00,2023-10-28,00:21:00,G7TZZ,IO92,1296.083100,Q65,-17,-17,,,, !2023-Nov-30,20:31,W8WN,EM77,0,Q65A