import PmwColor
Color = PmwColor
del PmwColor

import PmwBlt
Blt = PmwBlt
del PmwBlt

### Loader functions:

_VERSION = '1.2'

def setversion(version):
    if version != _VERSION:
        raise ValueError, 'Dynamic versioning not available'

def setalphaversions(*alpha_versions):
    if alpha_versions != ():
	raise ValueError, 'Dynamic versioning not available'

def version(alpha = 0):
    if alpha:
        return ()
        return _VERSION

def installedversions(alpha = 0):
    if alpha:
        return ()
        return (_VERSION,)

### File:
# Pmw megawidget base classes.

# This module provides a foundation for building megawidgets.  It
# contains the MegaArchetype class which manages component widgets and
# configuration options.  Also provided are the MegaToplevel and
# MegaWidget classes, derived from the MegaArchetype class.  The
# MegaToplevel class contains a Tkinter Toplevel widget to act as the
# container of the megawidget.  This is used as the base class of all
# megawidgets that are contained in their own top level window, such
# as a Dialog window.  The MegaWidget class contains a Tkinter Frame
# to act as the container of the megawidget.  This is used as the base
# class of all other megawidgets, such as a ComboBox or ButtonBox.
# Megawidgets are built by creating a class that inherits from either
# the MegaToplevel or MegaWidget class.

import os
import string
import sys
import traceback
import types
import Tkinter

# Special values used in index() methods of several megawidgets.
END = ['end']
SELECT = ['select']
DEFAULT = ['default']

# Constant used to indicate that an option can only be set by a call
# to the constructor.
INITOPT = ['initopt']
_DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE = ['default_option_value']
_useTkOptionDb = 0

# Symbolic constants for the indexes into an optionInfo list.
_OPT_DEFAULT         = 0
_OPT_VALUE           = 1
_OPT_FUNCTION        = 2

# Stacks

_busyStack = []
    # Stack which tracks nested calls to show/hidebusycursor (called
    # either directly or from activate()/deactivate()).  Each element
    # is a dictionary containing:
    #   'newBusyWindows' :  List of windows which had busy_hold called
    #                       on them during a call to showbusycursor(). 
    #                       The corresponding call to hidebusycursor()
    #                       will call busy_release on these windows.
    #   'busyFocus' :       The blt _Busy window which showbusycursor()
    #                       set the focus to.
    #   'previousFocus' :   The focus as it was when showbusycursor()
    #                       was called.  The corresponding call to
    #                       hidebusycursor() will restore this focus if
    #                       the focus has not been changed from busyFocus.

_grabStack = []
    # Stack of grabbed windows.  It tracks calls to push/popgrab()
    # (called either directly or from activate()/deactivate()).  The
    # window on the top of the stack is the window currently with the
    # grab.  Each element is a dictionary containing:
    #   'grabWindow' :      The window grabbed by pushgrab().  The
    #                       corresponding call to popgrab() will release
    #                       the grab on this window and restore the grab
    #                       on the next window in the stack (if there is one).
    #   'globalMode' :      True if the grabWindow was grabbed with a
    #                       global grab, false if the grab was local
    #                       and 'nograb' if no grab was performed.
    #   'previousFocus' :   The focus as it was when pushgrab()
    #                       was called.  The corresponding call to
    #                       popgrab() will restore this focus.
    #   'deactivateFunction' :
    #       The function to call (usually grabWindow.deactivate) if
    #       popgrab() is called (usually from a deactivate() method)
    #       on a window which is not at the top of the stack (that is,
    #       does not have the grab or focus).  For example, if a modal
    #       dialog is deleted by the window manager or deactivated by
    #       a timer.  In this case, all dialogs above and including
    #       this one are deactivated, starting at the top of the
    #       stack.

    # Note that when dealing with focus windows, the name of the Tk
    # widget is used, since it may be the '_Busy' window, which has no
    # python instance associated with it.


# Functions used to forward methods from a class to a component.

# Fill in a flattened method resolution dictionary for a class (attributes are 
# filtered out). Flattening honours the MI method resolution rules 
# (depth-first search of bases in order). The dictionary has method names
# for keys and functions for values.
def __methodDict(cls, dict):

    # the strategy is to traverse the class in the _reverse_ of the normal
    # order, and overwrite any duplicates.
    baseList = list(cls.__bases__)
    # do bases in reverse order, so first base overrides last base
    for super in baseList:
	__methodDict(super, dict)

    # do my methods last to override base classes
    for key, value in cls.__dict__.items():
	# ignore class attributes
	if type(value) == types.FunctionType:
	    dict[key] = value

def __methods(cls):
    # Return all method names for a class.

    # Return all method names for a class (attributes are filtered
    # out).  Base classes are searched recursively.

    dict = {}
    __methodDict(cls, dict)
    return dict.keys()
# Function body to resolve a forwarding given the target method name and the 
# attribute name. The resulting lambda requires only self, but will forward 
# any other parameters.
__stringBody = (
    'def %(method)s(this, *args, **kw): return ' +
    'apply(this.%(attribute)s.%(method)s, args, kw)')

# Get a unique id
__counter = 0
def __unique():
  global __counter
  __counter = __counter + 1
  return str(__counter)

# Function body to resolve a forwarding given the target method name and the
# index of the resolution function. The resulting lambda requires only self, 
# but will forward any other parameters. The target instance is identified 
# by invoking the resolution function.
__funcBody = (
    'def %(method)s(this, *args, **kw): return ' +
    'apply(this.%(forwardFunc)s().%(method)s, args, kw)')

def forwardmethods(fromClass, toClass, toPart, exclude = ()):
    # Forward all methods from one class to another.

    # Forwarders will be created in fromClass to forward method
    # invocations to toClass.  The methods to be forwarded are
    # identified by flattening the interface of toClass, and excluding
    # methods identified in the exclude list.  Methods already defined
    # in fromClass, or special methods with one or more leading or
    # trailing underscores will not be forwarded.

    # For a given object of class fromClass, the corresponding toClass
    # object is identified using toPart.  This can either be a String
    # denoting an attribute of fromClass objects, or a function taking
    # a fromClass object and returning a toClass object.

    # Example:
    #     class MyClass:
    #     ...
    #         def __init__(self):
    #             ...
    #             self.__target = TargetClass()
    #             ...
    #         def findtarget(self):
    #             return self.__target
    #     forwardmethods(MyClass, TargetClass, '__target', ['dangerous1', 'dangerous2'])
    #     # ...or...
    #     forwardmethods(MyClass, TargetClass, MyClass.findtarget, 
    #             ['dangerous1', 'dangerous2'])

    # In both cases, all TargetClass methods will be forwarded from
    # MyClass except for dangerous1, dangerous2, special methods like
    # __str__, and pre-existing methods like findtarget.

    # Allow an attribute name (String) or a function to determine the instance
    if type(toPart) != types.StringType:

	# check that it is something like a function
	if callable(toPart):

	    # If a method is passed, use the function within it
	    if hasattr(toPart, 'im_func'):
		toPart = toPart.im_func
	    # After this is set up, forwarders in this class will use
	    # the forwarding function. The forwarding function name is
	    # guaranteed to be unique, so that it can't be hidden by subclasses
	    forwardName = '__fwdfunc__' + __unique()
	    fromClass.__dict__[forwardName] = toPart

	# It's not a valid type
	    raise TypeError, 'toPart must be attribute name, function or method'

    # get the full set of candidate methods
    dict = {}
    __methodDict(toClass, dict)

    # discard special methods
    for ex in dict.keys():
	if ex[:1] == '_' or ex[-1:] == '_':
	    del dict[ex]
    # discard dangerous methods supplied by the caller
    for ex in exclude:
	if dict.has_key(ex):
	    del dict[ex]
    # discard methods already defined in fromClass
    for ex in __methods(fromClass):
	if dict.has_key(ex):
	    del dict[ex]

    for method, func in dict.items():
	d = {'method': method, 'func': func}
	if type(toPart) == types.StringType:
	    execString = \
		__stringBody % {'method' : method, 'attribute' : toPart}
	    execString = \
		__funcBody % {'forwardFunc' : forwardName, 'method' : method}

	exec execString in d

	# this creates a method
	fromClass.__dict__[method] = d[method]


def setgeometryanddeiconify(window, geom):
    # To avoid flashes on X and to position the window correctly on NT
    # (caused by Tk bugs).

    if == 'nt' or \
            ( == 'posix' and sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin'):
        # Require overrideredirect trick to stop window frame
        # appearing momentarily.
        redirect = window.overrideredirect()
        if not redirect:
        if geom is not None:
        # Call update_idletasks to ensure NT moves the window to the
        # correct position it is raised.
        if not redirect:
        if geom is not None:

        # Problem!?  Which way around should the following two calls
        # go?  If deiconify() is called first then I get complaints
        # from people using the enlightenment or sawfish window
        # managers that when a dialog is activated it takes about 2
        # seconds for the contents of the window to appear.  But if
        # tkraise() is called first then I get complaints from people
        # using the twm window manager that when a dialog is activated
        # it appears in the top right corner of the screen and also
        # takes about 2 seconds to appear.

        # Call update_idletasks to ensure certain window managers (eg: 
        # enlightenment and sawfish) do not cause Tk to delay for
        # about two seconds before displaying window.

        if window.overrideredirect():
            # The window is not under the control of the window manager
            # and so we need to raise it ourselves.


class MegaArchetype:
    # Megawidget abstract root class.

    # This class provides methods which are inherited by classes
    # implementing useful bases (this class doesn't provide a
    # container widget inside which the megawidget can be built).

    def __init__(self, parent = None, hullClass = None):

	# Mapping from each megawidget option to a list of information
	# about the option
	#   - default value
	#   - current value
	#   - function to call when the option is initialised in the
	#     call to initialiseoptions() in the constructor or
	#     modified via configure().  If this is INITOPT, the
	#     option is an initialisation option (an option that can
	#     be set by the call to the constructor but can not be
	#     used with configure).
	# This mapping is not initialised here, but in the call to
	# defineoptions() which precedes construction of this base class.
	# self._optionInfo = {}

	# Mapping from each component name to a tuple of information
	# about the component.
	#   - component widget instance
	#   - configure function of widget instance
	#   - the class of the widget (Frame, EntryField, etc)
	#   - cget function of widget instance
	#   - the name of the component group of this component, if any
	self.__componentInfo = {}

	# Mapping from alias names to the names of components or
	# sub-components.
	self.__componentAliases = {}

	# Contains information about the keywords provided to the
	# constructor.  It is a mapping from the keyword to a tuple
	# containing:
	#    - value of keyword
	#    - a boolean indicating if the keyword has been used.
	# A keyword is used if, during the construction of a megawidget,
	#    - it is defined in a call to defineoptions() or addoptions(), or
	#    - it references, by name, a component of the megawidget, or
	#    - it references, by group, at least one component
	# At the end of megawidget construction, a call is made to
	# initialiseoptions() which reports an error if there are
	# unused options given to the constructor.
        # After megawidget construction, the dictionary contains
        # keywords which refer to a dynamic component group, so that
        # these components can be created after megawidget
        # construction and still use the group options given to the
        # constructor.
	# self._constructorKeywords = {}

        # List of dynamic component groups.  If a group is included in
        # this list, then it not an error if a keyword argument for
        # the group is given to the constructor or to configure(), but
        # no components with this group have been created.
        # self._dynamicGroups = ()

	if hullClass is None:
	    self._hull = None
	    if parent is None:
		parent = Tkinter._default_root

	    # Create the hull.
	    self._hull = self.createcomponent('hull',
		    (), None,
		    hullClass, (parent,))
	    _hullToMegaWidget[self._hull] = self

	    if _useTkOptionDb:
		# Now that a widget has been created, query the Tk
		# option database to get the default values for the
		# options which have not been set in the call to the
		# constructor.  This assumes that defineoptions() is
		# called before the __init__().
		option_get = self.option_get
		for name, info in self._optionInfo.items():
		    value = info[_VALUE]
		    if value is _DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE:
			resourceClass = string.upper(name[0]) + name[1:]
			value = option_get(name, resourceClass)
			if value != '':
				# Convert the string to int/float/tuple, etc
				value = eval(value, {'__builtins__': {}})
			    info[_VALUE] = value
			    info[_VALUE] = info[_DEFAULT]

    def destroy(self):
        # Clean up optionInfo in case it contains circular references
        # in the function field, such as self._settitle in class
        # MegaToplevel.

	self._optionInfo = {}
        if self._hull is not None:
            del _hullToMegaWidget[self._hull]

    # Methods used (mainly) during the construction of the megawidget.

    def defineoptions(self, keywords, optionDefs, dynamicGroups = ()):
	# Create options, providing the default value and the method
	# to call when the value is changed.  If any option created by
	# base classes has the same name as one in <optionDefs>, the
	# base class's value and function will be overriden.

	# This should be called before the constructor of the base
	# class, so that default values defined in the derived class
	# override those in the base class.

	if not hasattr(self, '_constructorKeywords'):
            # First time defineoptions has been called.
	    tmp = {}
	    for option, value in keywords.items():
		tmp[option] = [value, 0]
	    self._constructorKeywords = tmp
	    self._optionInfo = {}
	    self._initialiseoptions_counter = 0
        self._initialiseoptions_counter = self._initialiseoptions_counter + 1

        if not hasattr(self, '_dynamicGroups'):
            self._dynamicGroups = ()
        self._dynamicGroups = self._dynamicGroups + tuple(dynamicGroups)

    def addoptions(self, optionDefs):
	# Add additional options, providing the default value and the
	# method to call when the value is changed.  See
	# "defineoptions" for more details

	# optimisations:
	optionInfo = self._optionInfo
	optionInfo_has_key = optionInfo.has_key
	keywords = self._constructorKeywords
	keywords_has_key = keywords.has_key

	for name, default, function in optionDefs:
	    if '_' not in name:
		# The option will already exist if it has been defined
		# in a derived class.  In this case, do not override the
		# default value of the option or the callback function
		# if it is not None.
		if not optionInfo_has_key(name):
		    if keywords_has_key(name):
			value = keywords[name][0]
			optionInfo[name] = [default, value, function]
			del keywords[name]
			if _useTkOptionDb:
			    optionInfo[name] = \
				    [default, _DEFAULT_OPTION_VALUE, function]
			    optionInfo[name] = [default, default, function]
		elif optionInfo[name][FUNCTION] is None:
		    optionInfo[name][FUNCTION] = function
		# This option is of the form "component_option".  If this is
		# not already defined in self._constructorKeywords add it.
		# This allows a derived class to override the default value
		# of an option of a component of a base class.
		if not keywords_has_key(name):
		    keywords[name] = [default, 0]

    def createcomponent(self, componentName, componentAliases,
            componentGroup, widgetClass, *widgetArgs, **kw):
	# Create a component (during construction or later).

	if self.__componentInfo.has_key(componentName):
	    raise ValueError, 'Component "%s" already exists' % componentName

	if '_' in componentName:
	    raise ValueError, \
                    'Component name "%s" must not contain "_"' % componentName

	if hasattr(self, '_constructorKeywords'):
	    keywords = self._constructorKeywords
	    keywords = {}
	for alias, component in componentAliases:
	    # Create aliases to the component and its sub-components.
	    index = string.find(component, '_')
	    if index < 0:
		self.__componentAliases[alias] = (component, None)
		mainComponent = component[:index]
		subComponent = component[(index + 1):]
		self.__componentAliases[alias] = (mainComponent, subComponent)

	    # Remove aliases from the constructor keyword arguments by
	    # replacing any keyword arguments that begin with *alias*
	    # with corresponding keys beginning with *component*.

	    alias = alias + '_'
	    aliasLen = len(alias)
	    for option in keywords.keys():
		if len(option) > aliasLen and option[:aliasLen] == alias:
		    newkey = component + '_' + option[aliasLen:]
		    keywords[newkey] = keywords[option]
		    del keywords[option]

	componentPrefix = componentName + '_'
	nameLen = len(componentPrefix)
	for option in keywords.keys():
	    if len(option) > nameLen and option[:nameLen] == componentPrefix:
		# The keyword argument refers to this component, so add
		# this to the options to use when constructing the widget.
		kw[option[nameLen:]] = keywords[option][0]
		del keywords[option]
		# Check if this keyword argument refers to the group
		# of this component.  If so, add this to the options
		# to use when constructing the widget.  Mark the
		# keyword argument as being used, but do not remove it
		# since it may be required when creating another
		# component.
		index = string.find(option, '_')
		if index >= 0 and componentGroup == option[:index]:
		    rest = option[(index + 1):]
		    kw[rest] = keywords[option][0]
		    keywords[option][1] = 1

	if kw.has_key('pyclass'):
	    widgetClass = kw['pyclass']
	    del kw['pyclass']
	if widgetClass is None:
	    return None
        if len(widgetArgs) == 1 and type(widgetArgs[0]) == types.TupleType:
            # Arguments to the constructor can be specified as either
            # multiple trailing arguments to createcomponent() or as a
            # single tuple argument.
            widgetArgs = widgetArgs[0]
	widget = apply(widgetClass, widgetArgs, kw)
	componentClass = widget.__class__.__name__
	self.__componentInfo[componentName] = (widget, widget.configure,
		componentClass, widget.cget, componentGroup)

	return widget

    def destroycomponent(self, name):
	# Remove a megawidget component.

	# This command is for use by megawidget designers to destroy a
	# megawidget component.

	del self.__componentInfo[name]

    def createlabel(self, parent, childCols = 1, childRows = 1):

	labelpos = self['labelpos']
	labelmargin = self['labelmargin']
	if labelpos is None:

	label = self.createcomponent('label',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Label, (parent,))

	if labelpos[0] in 'ns':
	    # vertical layout
	    if labelpos[0] == 'n':
		row = 0
		margin = 1
		row = childRows + 3
		margin = row - 1
	    label.grid(column=2, row=row, columnspan=childCols, sticky=labelpos)
	    parent.grid_rowconfigure(margin, minsize=labelmargin)
	    # horizontal layout
	    if labelpos[0] == 'w':
		col = 0
		margin = 1
		col = childCols + 3
		margin = col - 1
	    label.grid(column=col, row=2, rowspan=childRows, sticky=labelpos)
	    parent.grid_columnconfigure(margin, minsize=labelmargin)

    def initialiseoptions(self, dummy = None):
        self._initialiseoptions_counter = self._initialiseoptions_counter - 1
	if self._initialiseoptions_counter == 0:
	    unusedOptions = []
	    keywords = self._constructorKeywords
	    for name in keywords.keys():
		used = keywords[name][1]
		if not used:
                    # This keyword argument has not been used.  If it
                    # does not refer to a dynamic group, mark it as
                    # unused.
                    index = string.find(name, '_')
                    if index < 0 or name[:index] not in self._dynamicGroups:
	    if len(unusedOptions) > 0:
		if len(unusedOptions) == 1:
		    text = 'Unknown option "'
		    text = 'Unknown options "'
		raise KeyError, text + string.join(unusedOptions, ', ') + \
			'" for ' + self.__class__.__name__

	    # Call the configuration callback function for every option.
	    for info in self._optionInfo.values():
		func = info[FUNCTION]
		if func is not None and func is not INITOPT:

    # Method used to configure the megawidget.

    def configure(self, option=None, **kw):
	# Query or configure the megawidget options.
	# If not empty, *kw* is a dictionary giving new
	# values for some of the options of this megawidget or its
	# components.  For options defined for this megawidget, set
	# the value of the option to the new value and call the
	# configuration callback function, if any.  For options of the
	# form <component>_<option>, where <component> is a component
	# of this megawidget, call the configure method of the
	# component giving it the new value of the option.  The
	# <component> part may be an alias or a component group name.
	# If *option* is None, return all megawidget configuration
	# options and settings.  Options are returned as standard 5
	# element tuples
	# If *option* is a string, return the 5 element tuple for the
	# given configuration option.

	# First, deal with the option queries.
	if len(kw) == 0:
	    # This configure call is querying the values of one or all options.
	    # Return 5-tuples:
	    #     (optionName, resourceName, resourceClass, default, value)
	    if option is None:
		rtn = {}
		for option, config in self._optionInfo.items():
		    resourceClass = string.upper(option[0]) + option[1:]
		    rtn[option] = (option, option, resourceClass,
			    config[_OPT_DEFAULT], config[_OPT_VALUE])
		return rtn
		config = self._optionInfo[option]
		resourceClass = string.upper(option[0]) + option[1:]
		return (option, option, resourceClass, config[_OPT_DEFAULT],

	# optimisations:
	optionInfo = self._optionInfo
	optionInfo_has_key = optionInfo.has_key
	componentInfo = self.__componentInfo
	componentInfo_has_key = componentInfo.has_key
	componentAliases = self.__componentAliases
	componentAliases_has_key = componentAliases.has_key

	# This will contain a list of options in *kw* which
	# are known to this megawidget.
	directOptions = []

	# This will contain information about the options in
	# *kw* of the form <component>_<option>, where
	# <component> is a component of this megawidget.  It is a
	# dictionary whose keys are the configure method of each
	# component and whose values are a dictionary of options and
	# values for the component.
	indirectOptions = {}
	indirectOptions_has_key = indirectOptions.has_key

	for option, value in kw.items():
	    if optionInfo_has_key(option):
		# This is one of the options of this megawidget. 
		# Make sure it is not an initialisation option.
		if optionInfo[option][FUNCTION] is INITOPT:
		    raise KeyError, \
			    'Cannot configure initialisation option "' \
			    + option + '" for ' + self.__class__.__name__
		optionInfo[option][VALUE] = value
		index = string.find(option, '_')
		if index >= 0:
		    # This option may be of the form <component>_<option>.
		    component = option[:index]
		    componentOption = option[(index + 1):]

		    # Expand component alias
		    if componentAliases_has_key(component):
			component, subComponent = componentAliases[component]
			if subComponent is not None:
			    componentOption = subComponent + '_' \
				    + componentOption

			# Expand option string to write on error
			option = component + '_' + componentOption

		    if componentInfo_has_key(component):
			# Configure the named component
			componentConfigFuncs = [componentInfo[component][1]]
			# Check if this is a group name and configure all
			# components in the group.
			componentConfigFuncs = []
			for info in componentInfo.values():
			    if info[4] == component:

                        if len(componentConfigFuncs) == 0 and \
                                component not in self._dynamicGroups:
			    raise KeyError, 'Unknown option "' + option + \
				    '" for ' + self.__class__.__name__

		    # Add the configure method(s) (may be more than
		    # one if this is configuring a component group)
		    # and option/value to dictionary.
		    for componentConfigFunc in componentConfigFuncs:
			if not indirectOptions_has_key(componentConfigFunc):
			    indirectOptions[componentConfigFunc] = {}
			indirectOptions[componentConfigFunc][componentOption] \
				= value
		    raise KeyError, 'Unknown option "' + option + \
			    '" for ' + self.__class__.__name__

	# Call the configure methods for any components.
	map(apply, indirectOptions.keys(),
		((),) * len(indirectOptions), indirectOptions.values())

	# Call the configuration callback function for each option.
	for option in directOptions:
	    info = optionInfo[option]
	    func = info[_OPT_FUNCTION]
	    if func is not None:

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        apply(self.configure, (), {key: value})

    # Methods used to query the megawidget.

    def component(self, name):
	# Return a component widget of the megawidget given the
	# component's name
	# This allows the user of a megawidget to access and configure
	# widget components directly.

	# Find the main component and any subcomponents
	index = string.find(name, '_')
	if index < 0:
	    component = name
	    remainingComponents = None
	    component = name[:index]
	    remainingComponents = name[(index + 1):]

	# Expand component alias
	if self.__componentAliases.has_key(component):
	    component, subComponent = self.__componentAliases[component]
	    if subComponent is not None:
		if remainingComponents is None:
		    remainingComponents = subComponent
		    remainingComponents = subComponent + '_' \
			    + remainingComponents

	widget = self.__componentInfo[component][0]
	if remainingComponents is None:
	    return widget
	    return widget.component(remainingComponents)

    def interior(self):
	return self._hull

    def hulldestroyed(self):
	return not _hullToMegaWidget.has_key(self._hull)

    def __str__(self):
	return str(self._hull)

    def cget(self, option):
	# Get current configuration setting.

	# Return the value of an option, for example myWidget['font']. 

	if self._optionInfo.has_key(option):
	    return self._optionInfo[option][_OPT_VALUE]
	    index = string.find(option, '_')
	    if index >= 0:
		component = option[:index]
		componentOption = option[(index + 1):]

		# Expand component alias
		if self.__componentAliases.has_key(component):
		    component, subComponent = self.__componentAliases[component]
		    if subComponent is not None:
			componentOption = subComponent + '_' + componentOption

		    # Expand option string to write on error
		    option = component + '_' + componentOption

		if self.__componentInfo.has_key(component):
		    # Call cget on the component.
		    componentCget = self.__componentInfo[component][3]
		    return componentCget(componentOption)
		    # If this is a group name, call cget for one of
		    # the components in the group.
		    for info in self.__componentInfo.values():
			if info[4] == component:
			    componentCget = info[3]
			    return componentCget(componentOption)

	raise KeyError, 'Unknown option "' + option + \
		'" for ' + self.__class__.__name__

    __getitem__ = cget

    def isinitoption(self, option):
	return self._optionInfo[option][_OPT_FUNCTION] is INITOPT

    def options(self):
	options = []
	if hasattr(self, '_optionInfo'):
	    for option, info in self._optionInfo.items():
		isinit = info[_OPT_FUNCTION] is INITOPT
		default = info[_OPT_DEFAULT]
		options.append((option, default, isinit))
	return options

    def components(self):
	# Return a list of all components.

	# This list includes the 'hull' component and all widget subcomponents

	names = self.__componentInfo.keys()
	return names

    def componentaliases(self):
	# Return a list of all component aliases.

	componentAliases = self.__componentAliases

	names = componentAliases.keys()
	rtn = []
	for alias in names:
	    (mainComponent, subComponent) = componentAliases[alias]
	    if subComponent is None:
		rtn.append((alias, mainComponent))
		rtn.append((alias, mainComponent + '_' + subComponent))
	return rtn

    def componentgroup(self, name):
	return self.__componentInfo[name][4]


# The grab functions are mainly called by the activate() and
# deactivate() methods.
# Use pushgrab() to add a new window to the grab stack.  This
# releases the grab by the window currently on top of the stack (if
# there is one) and gives the grab and focus to the new widget.
# To remove the grab from the window on top of the grab stack, call
# popgrab().
# Use releasegrabs() to release the grab and clear the grab stack.

def pushgrab(grabWindow, globalMode, deactivateFunction):
    prevFocus ='focus')
    grabInfo = {
        'grabWindow' : grabWindow,
        'globalMode' : globalMode,
        'previousFocus' : prevFocus,
        'deactivateFunction' : deactivateFunction,

def popgrab(window):
    # Return the grab to the next window in the grab stack, if any.

    # If this window is not at the top of the grab stack, then it has
    # just been deleted by the window manager or deactivated by a
    # timer.  Call the deactivate method for the modal dialog above
    # this one on the stack. 
    if _grabStack[-1]['grabWindow'] != window:
        for index in range(len(_grabStack)):
            if _grabStack[index]['grabWindow'] == window:
                _grabStack[index + 1]['deactivateFunction']()

    grabInfo = _grabStack[-1]
    del _grabStack[-1]

    topWidget = grabInfo['grabWindow']
    prevFocus = grabInfo['previousFocus']
    globalMode = grabInfo['globalMode']

    if globalMode != 'nograb':

    if len(_grabStack) > 0:
    if prevFocus != '':
  'focus', prevFocus)
        except Tkinter.TclError:
            # Previous focus widget has been deleted. Set focus
            # to root window.
        # Make sure that focus does not remain on the released widget.
        if len(_grabStack) > 0:
            topWidget = _grabStack[-1]['grabWindow']

def grabstacktopwindow():
    if len(_grabStack) == 0:
        return None
        return _grabStack[-1]['grabWindow']

def releasegrabs():
    # Release grab and clear the grab stack.

    current = Tkinter._default_root.grab_current()
    if current is not None:
    _grabStack[:] = []

def _grabtop():
    grabInfo = _grabStack[-1]
    topWidget = grabInfo['grabWindow']
    globalMode = grabInfo['globalMode']

    if globalMode == 'nograb':

    while 1:
            if globalMode:
        except Tkinter.TclError:
            # Another application has grab.  Keep trying until
            # grab can succeed.


class MegaToplevel(MegaArchetype):

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):
	# Define the options for this megawidget.
	optiondefs = (
            ('activatecommand',   None,                     None),
            ('deactivatecommand', None,                     None),
            ('master',            None,                     None),
            ('title',             None,                     self._settitle),
            ('hull_class',        self.__class__.__name__,  None),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaArchetype.__init__(self, parent, Tkinter.Toplevel)

	# Initialise instance.

        # Set WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol, deleting any old callback, so
        # memory does not leak.
        if hasattr(self._hull, '_Pmw_WM_DELETE_name'):
        self._hull._Pmw_WM_DELETE_name = \
                self.register(self._userDeleteWindow, needcleanup = 0)
	self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self._hull._Pmw_WM_DELETE_name)

	# Initialise instance variables.

	self._firstShowing = 1
	# Used by show() to ensure window retains previous position on screen.

	# The IntVar() variable to wait on during a modal dialog.
	self._wait = None

	self._active = 0
	self._userDeleteFunc = self.destroy
	self._userModalDeleteFunc = self.deactivate

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def _settitle(self):
	title = self['title']
	if title is not None:

    def userdeletefunc(self, func=None):
        if func:
	    self._userDeleteFunc = func
	    return self._userDeleteFunc

    def usermodaldeletefunc(self, func=None):
        if func:
	    self._userModalDeleteFunc = func
	    return self._userModalDeleteFunc

    def _userDeleteWindow(self):

    def destroy(self):
	# Allow this to be called more than once.
	if _hullToMegaWidget.has_key(self._hull):

            # Remove circular references, so that object can get cleaned up.
            del self._userDeleteFunc
            del self._userModalDeleteFunc


    def show(self, master = None):
	if self.state() != 'normal':
	    if self._firstShowing:
		# Just let the window manager determine the window
		# position for the first time.
		geom = None
		# Position the window at the same place it was last time.
		geom = self._sameposition()
            setgeometryanddeiconify(self, geom)

        if self._firstShowing:
            self._firstShowing = 0
            if self.transient() == '':

        # Do this last, otherwise get flashing on NT:
        if master is not None:
            if master == 'parent':
                parent = self.winfo_parent()
                # winfo_parent() should return the parent widget, but the
                # the current version of Tkinter returns a string.
                if type(parent) == types.StringType:
                    parent = self._hull._nametowidget(parent)
                master = parent.winfo_toplevel()


    def _centreonscreen(self):
	# Centre the window on the screen.  (Actually halfway across
	# and one third down.)

        parent = self.winfo_parent()
        if type(parent) == types.StringType:
            parent = self._hull._nametowidget(parent)

        # Find size of window.
        width = self.winfo_width()
        height = self.winfo_height()
        if width == 1 and height == 1:
            # If the window has not yet been displayed, its size is
            # reported as 1x1, so use requested size.
            width = self.winfo_reqwidth()
            height = self.winfo_reqheight()

        # Place in centre of screen:
	x = (self.winfo_screenwidth() - width) / 2 - parent.winfo_vrootx()
	y = (self.winfo_screenheight() - height) / 3 - parent.winfo_vrooty()
	if x < 0:
	    x = 0
	if y < 0:
	    y = 0
        return '+%d+%d' % (x, y)

    def _sameposition(self):
	# Position the window at the same place it was last time.

	geometry = self.geometry()
	index = string.find(geometry, '+')
	if index >= 0:
	    return geometry[index:]
	    return None

    def activate(self, globalMode = 0, geometry = 'centerscreenfirst'):
	if self._active:
	    raise ValueError, 'Window is already active'
	if self.state() == 'normal':

	self._active = 1


	if self._wait is None:
	    self._wait = Tkinter.IntVar()

	if geometry == 'centerscreenalways':
	    geom = self._centreonscreen()
	elif geometry == 'centerscreenfirst':
	    if self._firstShowing:
		# Centre the window the first time it is displayed.
		geom = self._centreonscreen()
		# Position the window at the same place it was last time.
		geom = self._sameposition()
	elif geometry[:5] == 'first':
	    if self._firstShowing:
                geom = geometry[5:]
		# Position the window at the same place it was last time.
		geom = self._sameposition()
            geom = geometry

	self._firstShowing = 0

        setgeometryanddeiconify(self, geom)

        # Do this last, otherwise get flashing on NT:
        master = self['master']
        if master is not None:
            if master == 'parent':
                parent = self.winfo_parent()
                # winfo_parent() should return the parent widget, but the
                # the current version of Tkinter returns a string.
                if type(parent) == types.StringType:
                    parent = self._hull._nametowidget(parent)
                master = parent.winfo_toplevel()

        pushgrab(self._hull, globalMode, self.deactivate)
	command = self['activatecommand']
	if callable(command):

	return self._result

    def deactivate(self, result=None):
	if not self._active:
	self._active = 0

        # Restore the focus before withdrawing the window, since
        # otherwise the window manager may take the focus away so we
        # can't redirect it.  Also, return the grab to the next active
        # window in the stack, if any.

        command = self['deactivatecommand']
        if callable(command):

        hidebusycursor(forceFocusRestore = 1)

        self._result = result

    def active(self):
	return self._active

forwardmethods(MegaToplevel, Tkinter.Toplevel, '_hull')


class MegaWidget(MegaArchetype):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):
	# Define the options for this megawidget.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('hull_class',       self.__class__.__name__,  None),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaArchetype.__init__(self, parent, Tkinter.Frame)

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

forwardmethods(MegaWidget, Tkinter.Frame, '_hull')


# Public functions

_traceTk = 0
def tracetk(root = None, on = 1, withStackTrace = 0, file=None):
    global _withStackTrace
    global _traceTkFile
    global _traceTk

    if root is None:
        root = Tkinter._default_root

    _withStackTrace = withStackTrace
    _traceTk = on
    if on:
	if hasattr(, '__class__'):
	    # Tracing already on
	if file is None:
	    _traceTkFile = sys.stderr
	    _traceTkFile = file
	tk = _TraceTk(
	if not hasattr(, '__class__'):
	    # Tracing already off
	tk =
    _setTkInterps(root, tk)

def showbusycursor():

    root = Tkinter._default_root

    busyInfo = {
        'newBusyWindows' : [],
        'previousFocus' : None,
        'busyFocus' : None,

    if _disableKeyboardWhileBusy:
        # Remember the focus as it is now, before it is changed.
        busyInfo['previousFocus'] ='focus')

    if not _havebltbusy(root):
        # No busy command, so don't call busy hold on any windows.

    for (window, winInfo) in _toplevelBusyInfo.items():
	if (window.state() != 'withdrawn' and not winInfo['isBusy']
                and not winInfo['excludeFromBusy']):
            winInfo['isBusy'] = 1
            _busy_hold(window, winInfo['busyCursorName'])

            # Make sure that no events for the busy window get
            # through to Tkinter, otherwise it will crash in
            # _nametowidget with a 'KeyError: _Busy' if there is
            # a binding on the toplevel window.
  'bindtags', winInfo['busyWindow'], 'Pmw_Dummy_Tag')

            if _disableKeyboardWhileBusy:
                # Remember previous focus widget for this toplevel window
                # and set focus to the busy window, which will ignore all
                # keyboard events.
                winInfo['windowFocus'] = \
              'focus', '-lastfor', window._w)
      'focus', winInfo['busyWindow'])
                busyInfo['busyFocus'] = winInfo['busyWindow']

    if len(busyInfo['newBusyWindows']) > 0:
        if == 'nt':
            # NT needs an "update" before it will change the cursor.

def hidebusycursor(forceFocusRestore = 0):

    # Remember the focus as it is now, before it is changed.
    root = Tkinter._default_root
    if _disableKeyboardWhileBusy:
        currentFocus ='focus')

    # Pop the busy info off the stack.
    busyInfo = _busyStack[-1]
    del _busyStack[-1]

    for window in busyInfo['newBusyWindows']:
        # If this window has not been deleted, release the busy cursor.
        if _toplevelBusyInfo.has_key(window):
            winInfo = _toplevelBusyInfo[window]
            winInfo['isBusy'] = 0

            if _disableKeyboardWhileBusy:
                # Restore previous focus window for this toplevel window,
                # but only if is still set to the busy window (it may have
                # been changed).
                windowFocusNow ='focus', '-lastfor', window._w)
                if windowFocusNow == winInfo['busyWindow']:
              'focus', winInfo['windowFocus'])
                    except Tkinter.TclError:
                        # Previous focus widget has been deleted. Set focus
                        # to toplevel window instead (can't leave focus on
                        # busy window).

    if _disableKeyboardWhileBusy:
        # Restore the focus, depending on whether the focus had changed
        # between the calls to showbusycursor and hidebusycursor.
        if forceFocusRestore or busyInfo['busyFocus'] == currentFocus:
            # The focus had not changed, so restore it to as it was before
            # the call to showbusycursor,
            previousFocus = busyInfo['previousFocus']
            if previousFocus is not None:
          'focus', previousFocus)
                except Tkinter.TclError:
                    # Previous focus widget has been deleted; forget it.
            # The focus had changed, so restore it to what it had been
            # changed to before the call to hidebusycursor.
  'focus', currentFocus)

def clearbusycursor():
    while len(_busyStack) > 0:

def setbusycursorattributes(window, **kw):
    for name, value in kw.items():
        if name == 'exclude':
            _toplevelBusyInfo[window]['excludeFromBusy'] = value
        elif name == 'cursorName':
            _toplevelBusyInfo[window]['busyCursorName'] = value
            raise KeyError, 'Unknown busycursor attribute "' + name + '"'

def _addRootToToplevelBusyInfo():
    # Include the Tk root window in the list of toplevels.  This must
    # not be called before Tkinter has had a chance to be initialised by
    # the application.

    root = Tkinter._default_root
    if root == None:
        root = Tkinter.Tk()
    if not _toplevelBusyInfo.has_key(root):

def busycallback(command, updateFunction = None):
    if not callable(command):
	raise ValueError, \
	    'cannot register non-command busy callback %s %s' % \
	        (repr(command), type(command))
    wrapper = _BusyWrapper(command, updateFunction)
    return wrapper.callback

_errorReportFile = None
_errorWindow = None

def reporterrorstofile(file = None):
    global _errorReportFile
    _errorReportFile = file

def displayerror(text):
    global _errorWindow

    if _errorReportFile is not None:
	_errorReportFile.write(text + '\n')
        # Print error on standard error as well as to error window. 
        # Useful if error window fails to be displayed, for example
        # when exception is triggered in a <Destroy> binding for root
        # window.
        sys.stderr.write(text + '\n')

	if _errorWindow is None:
	    # The error window has not yet been created.
	    _errorWindow = _ErrorWindow()


_root = None
_disableKeyboardWhileBusy = 1

def initialise(
        root = None,
        size = None,
        fontScheme = None,
        useTkOptionDb = 0,
        noBltBusy = 0,
        disableKeyboardWhileBusy = None,
    # Remember if show/hidebusycursor should ignore keyboard events.
    global _disableKeyboardWhileBusy
    if disableKeyboardWhileBusy is not None:
        _disableKeyboardWhileBusy = disableKeyboardWhileBusy

    # Do not use blt busy command if noBltBusy is set.  Otherwise,
    # use blt busy if it is available.
    global _haveBltBusy
    if noBltBusy:
        _haveBltBusy = 0

    # Save flag specifying whether the Tk option database should be
    # queried when setting megawidget option default values.
    global _useTkOptionDb
    _useTkOptionDb = useTkOptionDb

    # If we haven't been given a root window, use the default or
    # create one.
    if root is None:
	if Tkinter._default_root is None:
	    root = Tkinter.Tk()
	    root = Tkinter._default_root

    # If this call is initialising a different Tk interpreter than the
    # last call, then re-initialise all global variables.  Assume the
    # last interpreter has been destroyed - ie:  Pmw does not (yet)
    # support multiple simultaneous interpreters.
    global _root
    if _root is not None and _root != root:
        global _busyStack
        global _errorWindow
        global _grabStack
        global _hullToMegaWidget
        global _toplevelBusyInfo
        _busyStack = []
        _errorWindow = None
        _grabStack = []
        _hullToMegaWidget = {}
        _toplevelBusyInfo = {}
    _root = root

    # Trap Tkinter Toplevel constructors so that a list of Toplevels
    # can be maintained.
    Tkinter.Toplevel.title = __TkinterToplevelTitle

    # Trap Tkinter widget destruction so that megawidgets can be
    # destroyed when their hull widget is destoyed and the list of
    # Toplevels can be pruned.
    Tkinter.Toplevel.destroy = __TkinterToplevelDestroy
    Tkinter.Widget.destroy = __TkinterWidgetDestroy

    # Modify Tkinter's CallWrapper class to improve the display of
    # errors which occur in callbacks.
    Tkinter.CallWrapper = __TkinterCallWrapper

    # Make sure we get to know when the window manager deletes the
    # root window.  Only do this if the protocol has not yet been set. 
    # This is required if there is a modal dialog displayed and the
    # window manager deletes the root window.  Otherwise the
    # application will not exit, even though there are no windows.
    if root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW') == '':
	root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', root.destroy)

    # Set the base font size for the application and set the
    # Tk option database font resources.
    _font_initialise(root, size, fontScheme)

    return root

def alignlabels(widgets, sticky = None):
    if len(widgets) == 0:


    # Determine the size of the maximum length label string.
    maxLabelWidth = 0
    for iwid in widgets:
	labelWidth = iwid.grid_bbox(0, 1)[2]
	if labelWidth > maxLabelWidth:
	    maxLabelWidth = labelWidth

    # Adjust the margins for the labels such that the child sites and
    # labels line up.
    for iwid in widgets:
	if sticky is not None:
	iwid.grid_columnconfigure(0, minsize = maxLabelWidth)

# Private routines
_callToTkReturned = 1
_recursionCounter = 1

class _TraceTk:
    def __init__(self, tclInterp):
        self.tclInterp = tclInterp

    def getTclInterp(self):
        return self.tclInterp

    # Calling from python into Tk.
    def call(self, *args, **kw):
        global _callToTkReturned
        global _recursionCounter

        _callToTkReturned = 0
        if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == types.TupleType:
            argStr = str(args[0])
            argStr = str(args)
	_traceTkFile.write('CALL  TK> %d:%s%s' %
                (_recursionCounter, '  ' * _recursionCounter, argStr))
	_recursionCounter = _recursionCounter + 1
            result = apply(, args, kw)
	except Tkinter.TclError, errorString:
            _callToTkReturned = 1
            _recursionCounter = _recursionCounter - 1
            _traceTkFile.write('\nTK ERROR> %d:%s-> %s\n' %
                    (_recursionCounter, '  ' * _recursionCounter,
            if _withStackTrace:
                _traceTkFile.write('CALL  TK> stack:\n')
            raise Tkinter.TclError, errorString

        _recursionCounter = _recursionCounter - 1
        if _callToTkReturned:
            _traceTkFile.write('CALL RTN> %d:%s-> %s' %
                    (_recursionCounter, '  ' * _recursionCounter, repr(result)))
            _callToTkReturned = 1
            if result:
                _traceTkFile.write(' -> %s' % repr(result))
        if _withStackTrace:
            _traceTkFile.write('CALL  TK> stack:\n')

        return result

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        return getattr(self.tclInterp, key)

def _setTkInterps(window, tk): = tk
    for child in window.children.values():
      _setTkInterps(child, tk)


# Functions to display a busy cursor.  Keep a list of all toplevels
# and display the busy cursor over them.  The list will contain the Tk
# root toplevel window as well as all other toplevel windows.
# Also keep a list of the widget which last had focus for each
# toplevel.

# Map from toplevel windows to
#     {'isBusy', 'windowFocus', 'busyWindow',
#         'excludeFromBusy', 'busyCursorName'}
_toplevelBusyInfo = {}

# Pmw needs to know all toplevel windows, so that it can call blt busy
# on them.  This is a hack so we get notified when a Tk topevel is
# created.  Ideally, the __init__ 'method' should be overridden, but
# it is a 'read-only special attribute'.  Luckily, title() is always
# called from the Tkinter Toplevel constructor.

def _addToplevelBusyInfo(window):
    if window._w == '.':
        busyWindow = '._Busy'
        busyWindow = window._w + '._Busy'

    _toplevelBusyInfo[window] = {
        'isBusy' : 0,
        'windowFocus' : None,
        'busyWindow' : busyWindow,
        'excludeFromBusy' : 0,
        'busyCursorName' : None,

def __TkinterToplevelTitle(self, *args):
    # If this is being called from the constructor, include this
    # Toplevel in the list of toplevels and set the initial
    # WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol to destroy() so that we get to know
    # about it.
    if not _toplevelBusyInfo.has_key(self):
        self._Pmw_WM_DELETE_name = self.register(self.destroy, None, 0)
	self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self._Pmw_WM_DELETE_name)

    return apply(Tkinter.Wm.title, (self,) + args)

_haveBltBusy = None
def _havebltbusy(window):
    global _busy_hold, _busy_release, _haveBltBusy
    if _haveBltBusy is None:
        import PmwBlt
        _haveBltBusy = PmwBlt.havebltbusy(window)
        _busy_hold = PmwBlt.busy_hold
        if == 'nt':
            # There is a bug in Blt 2.4i on NT where the busy window
            # does not follow changes in the children of a window.
            # Using forget works around the problem.
            _busy_release = PmwBlt.busy_forget
            _busy_release = PmwBlt.busy_release
    return _haveBltBusy

class _BusyWrapper:
    def __init__(self, command, updateFunction):
	self._command = command
	self._updateFunction = updateFunction

    def callback(self, *args):
	rtn = apply(self._command, args)

	# Call update before hiding the busy windows to clear any
	# events that may have occurred over the busy windows.
	if callable(self._updateFunction):

	return rtn


def drawarrow(canvas, color, direction, tag, baseOffset = 0.25, edgeOffset = 0.15):

    bw = (string.atoi(canvas['borderwidth']) + 
    width = string.atoi(canvas['width'])
    height = string.atoi(canvas['height'])

    if direction in ('up', 'down'):
        majorDimension = height
        minorDimension = width
        majorDimension = width
        minorDimension = height

    offset = round(baseOffset * majorDimension)
    if direction in ('down', 'right'):
        base = bw + offset
        apex = bw + majorDimension - offset
        base = bw + majorDimension - offset
        apex = bw + offset

    if minorDimension > 3 and minorDimension % 2 == 0:
        minorDimension = minorDimension - 1
    half = int(minorDimension * (1 - 2 * edgeOffset)) / 2
    low = round(bw + edgeOffset * minorDimension)
    middle = low + half
    high = low + 2 * half

    if direction in ('up', 'down'):
        coords = (low, base, high, base, middle, apex)
        coords = (base, low, base, high, apex, middle)
    kw = {'fill' : color, 'outline' : color, 'tag' : tag}
    apply(canvas.create_polygon, coords, kw)


# Modify the Tkinter destroy methods so that it notifies us when a Tk
# toplevel or frame is destroyed.

# A map from the 'hull' component of a megawidget to the megawidget. 
# This is used to clean up a megawidget when its hull is destroyed.
_hullToMegaWidget = {}

def __TkinterToplevelDestroy(tkWidget):
    if _hullToMegaWidget.has_key(tkWidget):
        mega = _hullToMegaWidget[tkWidget]
	    _reporterror(mega.destroy, ())
        # Delete the busy info structure for this toplevel (if the
        # window was created before initialise() was called, it
        # will not have any.
        if _toplevelBusyInfo.has_key(tkWidget):
            del _toplevelBusyInfo[tkWidget]
        if hasattr(tkWidget, '_Pmw_WM_DELETE_name'):
            del tkWidget._Pmw_WM_DELETE_name

def __TkinterWidgetDestroy(tkWidget):
    if _hullToMegaWidget.has_key(tkWidget):
        mega = _hullToMegaWidget[tkWidget]
	    _reporterror(mega.destroy, ())


# Add code to Tkinter to improve the display of errors which occur in
# callbacks.

class __TkinterCallWrapper:
    def __init__(self, func, subst, widget):
	self.func = func
	self.subst = subst
	self.widget = widget

    # Calling back from Tk into python.
    def __call__(self, *args):
	    if self.subst:
		args = apply(self.subst, args)
            if _traceTk:
                if not _callToTkReturned:
                if hasattr(self.func, 'im_class'):
                    name = self.func.im_class.__name__ + '.' + \
                    name = self.func.__name__
                if len(args) == 1 and hasattr(args[0], 'type'):
                    # The argument to the callback is an event.
                    eventName = _eventTypeToName[string.atoi(args[0].type)]
                    if eventName in ('KeyPress', 'KeyRelease',):
                        argStr = '(%s %s Event: %s)' % \
                            (eventName, args[0].keysym, args[0].widget)
                        argStr = '(%s Event, %s)' % (eventName, args[0].widget)
                    argStr = str(args)
                _traceTkFile.write('CALLBACK> %d:%s%s%s\n' %
                    (_recursionCounter, '  ' * _recursionCounter, name, argStr))
	    return apply(self.func, args)
	except SystemExit, msg:
	    raise SystemExit, msg
	    _reporterror(self.func, args)

_eventTypeToName = {
    2 : 'KeyPress',         15 : 'VisibilityNotify',   28 : 'PropertyNotify',
    3 : 'KeyRelease',       16 : 'CreateNotify',       29 : 'SelectionClear',
    4 : 'ButtonPress',      17 : 'DestroyNotify',      30 : 'SelectionRequest',
    5 : 'ButtonRelease',    18 : 'UnmapNotify',        31 : 'SelectionNotify',
    6 : 'MotionNotify',     19 : 'MapNotify',          32 : 'ColormapNotify',
    7 : 'EnterNotify',      20 : 'MapRequest',         33 : 'ClientMessage',
    8 : 'LeaveNotify',      21 : 'ReparentNotify',     34 : 'MappingNotify',
    9 : 'FocusIn',          22 : 'ConfigureNotify',    35 : 'VirtualEvents',
    10 : 'FocusOut',        23 : 'ConfigureRequest',   36 : 'ActivateNotify',
    11 : 'KeymapNotify',    24 : 'GravityNotify',      37 : 'DeactivateNotify',
    12 : 'Expose',          25 : 'ResizeRequest',      38 : 'MouseWheelEvent',
    13 : 'GraphicsExpose',  26 : 'CirculateNotify',
    14 : 'NoExpose',        27 : 'CirculateRequest',

def _reporterror(func, args):
    # Fetch current exception values.
    exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()

    # Give basic information about the callback exception.
    if type(exc_type) == types.ClassType:
	# Handle python 1.5 class exceptions.
	exc_type = exc_type.__name__
    msg = exc_type + ' Exception in Tk callback\n'
    msg = msg + '  Function: %s (type: %s)\n' % (repr(func), type(func))
    msg = msg + '  Args: %s\n' % str(args)

    if type(args) == types.TupleType and len(args) > 0 and \
	    hasattr(args[0], 'type'):
        eventArg = 1
        eventArg = 0

    # If the argument to the callback is an event, add the event type.
    if eventArg:
	eventNum = string.atoi(args[0].type)
        if eventNum in _eventTypeToName.keys():
            msg = msg + '  Event type: %s (type num: %d)\n' % \
                    (_eventTypeToName[eventNum], eventNum)
            msg = msg + '  Unknown event type (type num: %d)\n' % eventNum

    # Add the traceback.
    msg = msg + 'Traceback (innermost last):\n'
    for tr in traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback):
	msg = msg + '  File "%s", line %s, in %s\n' % (tr[0], tr[1], tr[2])
	msg = msg + '    %s\n' % tr[3]
    msg = msg + '%s: %s\n' % (exc_type, exc_value)

    # If the argument to the callback is an event, add the event contents.
    if eventArg:
	msg = msg + '\n================================================\n'
	msg = msg + '  Event contents:\n'
	keys = args[0].__dict__.keys()
	for key in keys:
	    msg = msg + '    %s: %s\n' % (key, args[0].__dict__[key])


class _ErrorWindow:
    def __init__(self):

	self._errorQueue = []
	self._errorCount = 0
	self._open = 0
        self._firstShowing = 1

	# Create the toplevel window
	self._top = Tkinter.Toplevel()
	self._top.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self._hide)
	self._top.title('Error in background function')
	self._top.iconname('Background error')

	# Create the text widget and scrollbar in a frame
	upperframe = Tkinter.Frame(self._top)

	scrollbar = Tkinter.Scrollbar(upperframe, orient='vertical')
	scrollbar.pack(side = 'right', fill = 'y')

	self._text = Tkinter.Text(upperframe, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set)
	self._text.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)

	# Create the buttons and label in a frame
	lowerframe = Tkinter.Frame(self._top)

	ignore = Tkinter.Button(lowerframe,
	        text = 'Ignore remaining errors', command = self._hide)

	self._nextError = Tkinter.Button(lowerframe,
	        text = 'Show next error', command = self._next)

	self._label = Tkinter.Label(lowerframe, relief='ridge')
	self._label.pack(side='left', fill='x', expand=1)

	# Pack the lower frame first so that it does not disappear
	# when the window is resized.
	lowerframe.pack(side = 'bottom', fill = 'x')
	upperframe.pack(side = 'bottom', fill = 'both', expand = 1)

    def showerror(self, text):
	if self._open:
	    self._open = 1

	# Display the error window in the same place it was before.
	if self._top.state() == 'normal':
	    # If update_idletasks is not called here, the window may
	    # be placed partially off the screen.  Also, if it is not
	    # called and many errors are generated quickly in
	    # succession, the error window may not display errors
	    # until the last one is generated and the interpreter
	    # becomes idle.
	    # XXX: remove this, since it causes omppython to go into an
	    # infinite loop if an error occurs in an omp callback.
	    # self._top.update_idletasks()

	    if self._firstShowing:
		geom = None
                geometry = self._top.geometry()
                index = string.find(geometry, '+')
                if index >= 0:
                    geom = geometry[index:]
                    geom = None
            setgeometryanddeiconify(self._top, geom)

        if self._firstShowing:
            self._firstShowing = 0



	# Release any grab, so that buttons in the error window work.

    def _hide(self):
	self._errorCount = self._errorCount + len(self._errorQueue)
	self._errorQueue = []
	self._open = 0

    def _next(self):
	# Display the next error in the queue. 

	text = self._errorQueue[0]
	del self._errorQueue[0]


    def _display(self, text):
	self._errorCount = self._errorCount + 1
	text = 'Error: %d\n%s' % (self._errorCount, text)
	self._text.delete('1.0', 'end')
	self._text.insert('end', text)

    def _updateButtons(self):
	numQueued = len(self._errorQueue)
	if numQueued > 0:
	    self._label.configure(text='%d more errors' % numQueued)
	    self._label.configure(text='No more errors')

### File:
# Based on iwidgets2.2.0/dialog.itk and iwidgets2.2.0/dialogshell.itk code.

# Convention:
#   Each dialog window should have one of these as the rightmost button:
#     Close         Close a window which only displays information.
#     Cancel        Close a window which may be used to change the state of
#                   the application.

import sys
import types
import Tkinter

# A Toplevel with a ButtonBox and child site.

class Dialog(MegaToplevel):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('buttonbox_hull_borderwidth',   1,         None),
	    ('buttonbox_hull_relief',        'raised',  None),
	    ('buttonboxpos',                 's',       INITOPT),
	    ('buttons',                      ('OK',),   self._buttons),
	    ('command',                      None,      None),
	    ('dialogchildsite_borderwidth',  1,         None),
	    ('dialogchildsite_relief',       'raised',  None),
	    ('defaultbutton',                None,      self._defaultButton),
            ('master',                       'parent',  None),
	    ('separatorwidth',               0,         INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaToplevel.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.

	oldInterior = MegaToplevel.interior(self)

	# Set up pack options according to the position of the button box.
        pos = self['buttonboxpos']
	if pos not in 'nsew':
	    raise ValueError, \
	        'bad buttonboxpos option "%s":  should be n, s, e, or w' \
		    % pos

	if pos in 'ns':
	    orient = 'horizontal'
	    fill = 'x'
	    if pos == 'n':
	        side = 'top'
	        side = 'bottom'
	    orient = 'vertical'
	    fill = 'y'
	    if pos == 'w':
	        side = 'left'
	        side = 'right'

	# Create the button box.
	self._buttonBox = self.createcomponent('buttonbox',
		(), None,
		ButtonBox, (oldInterior,), orient = orient)
	self._buttonBox.pack(side = side, fill = fill)

	# Create the separating line.
	width = self['separatorwidth']
	if width > 0:
	    self._separator = self.createcomponent('separator',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Frame, (oldInterior,), relief = 'sunken',
		    height = width, width = width, borderwidth = width / 2)
	    self._separator.pack(side = side, fill = fill)
	# Create the child site.
	self.__dialogChildSite = self.createcomponent('dialogchildsite',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Frame, (oldInterior,))
	self.__dialogChildSite.pack(side=side, fill='both', expand=1)

	self.oldButtons = ()
	self.oldDefault = None

	self.bind('<Return>', self._invokeDefault)
	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def interior(self):
	return self.__dialogChildSite

    def invoke(self, index = DEFAULT):
	return self._buttonBox.invoke(index)

    def _invokeDefault(self, event):
	except ValueError:

    def _doCommand(self, name = None):
        if name is not None and and \
                grabstacktopwindow() != self.component('hull'):
            # This is a modal dialog but is not on the top of the grab
            # stack (ie:  should not have the grab), so ignore this
            # event.  This seems to be a bug in Tk and may occur in
            # nested modal dialogs.
            # An example is the PromptDialog demonstration.  To
            # trigger the problem, start the demo, then move the mouse
            # to the main window, hit <TAB> and then <TAB> again.  The
            # highlight border of the "Show prompt dialog" button
            # should now be displayed.  Now hit <SPACE>, <RETURN>,
            # <RETURN> rapidly several times.  Eventually, hitting the
            # return key invokes the password dialog "OK" button even
            # though the confirm dialog is active (and therefore
            # should have the keyboard focus).  Observed under Solaris
            # 2.5.1, python 1.5.2 and Tk8.0.

            # TODO:  Give focus to the window on top of the grabstack.

	command = self['command']
	if callable(command):
	    return command(name)

    def _buttons(self):
	buttons = self['buttons']
	if type(buttons) != types.TupleType and type(buttons) != types.ListType:
	    raise ValueError, \
	        'bad buttons option "%s": should be a tuple' % str(buttons)
	if self.oldButtons == buttons:

	self.oldButtons = buttons

	for index in range(self._buttonBox.numbuttons()):
	for name in buttons:
		command=lambda self=self, name=name: self._doCommand(name))

	if len(buttons) > 0:
	    defaultbutton = self['defaultbutton']
	    if defaultbutton is None:
		except ValueError:

    def _defaultButton(self):
	defaultbutton = self['defaultbutton']
	if self.oldDefault == defaultbutton:

	self.oldDefault = defaultbutton

	if len(self['buttons']) > 0:
	    if defaultbutton is None:
		except ValueError:

### File:
# Functions for dealing with dates and times.

import re
import string

def timestringtoseconds(text, separator = ':'):
  inputList = string.split(string.strip(text), separator)
  if len(inputList) != 3:
    raise ValueError, 'invalid value: ' + text

  sign = 1
  if len(inputList[0]) > 0 and inputList[0][0] in ('+', '-'):
    if inputList[0][0] == '-':
      sign = -1
    inputList[0] = inputList[0][1:]

  if'[^0-9]', string.join(inputList, '')) is not None:
    raise ValueError, 'invalid value: ' + text

  hour = string.atoi(inputList[0])
  minute = string.atoi(inputList[1])
  second = string.atoi(inputList[2])

  if minute >= 60 or second >= 60:
    raise ValueError, 'invalid value: ' + text
  return sign * (hour * 60 * 60 + minute * 60 + second)

_year_pivot = 50
_century = 2000

def setyearpivot(pivot, century = None):
    global _year_pivot
    global _century
    oldvalues = (_year_pivot, _century)
    _year_pivot = pivot
    if century is not None:
	_century = century
    return oldvalues

def datestringtojdn(text, format = 'ymd', separator = '/'):
  inputList = string.split(string.strip(text), separator)
  if len(inputList) != 3:
    raise ValueError, 'invalid value: ' + text

  if'[^0-9]', string.join(inputList, '')) is not None:
    raise ValueError, 'invalid value: ' + text
  formatList = list(format)
  day = string.atoi(inputList[formatList.index('d')])
  month = string.atoi(inputList[formatList.index('m')])
  year = string.atoi(inputList[formatList.index('y')])

  if _year_pivot is not None:
    if year >= 0 and year < 100:
      if year <= _year_pivot:
	year = year + _century
	year = year + _century - 100

  jdn = ymdtojdn(year, month, day)
  if jdntoymd(jdn) != (year, month, day):
    raise ValueError, 'invalid value: ' + text
  return jdn

def _cdiv(a, b):
    # Return a / b as calculated by most C language implementations,
    # assuming both a and b are integers.

    if a * b > 0:
	return a / b
	return -(abs(a) / abs(b))

def ymdtojdn(year, month, day, julian = -1, papal = 1):

    # set Julian flag if auto set
    if julian < 0:
	if papal:                          # Pope Gregory XIII's decree
	    lastJulianDate = 15821004L     # last day to use Julian calendar
	else:                              # British-American usage
	    lastJulianDate = 17520902L     # last day to use Julian calendar

	julian = ((year * 100L) + month) * 100 + day  <=  lastJulianDate

    if year < 0:
	# Adjust BC year
	year = year + 1

    if julian:
	return 367L * year - _cdiv(7 * (year + 5001L + _cdiv((month - 9), 7)), 4) + \
	    _cdiv(275 * month, 9) + day + 1729777L
	return (day - 32076L) + \
	    _cdiv(1461L * (year + 4800L + _cdiv((month - 14), 12)), 4) + \
	    _cdiv(367 * (month - 2 - _cdiv((month - 14), 12) * 12), 12) - \
	    _cdiv((3 * _cdiv((year + 4900L + _cdiv((month - 14), 12)), 100)), 4) + \
	    1            # correction by rdg

def jdntoymd(jdn, julian = -1, papal = 1):

    # set Julian flag if auto set
    if julian < 0:
	if papal:                          # Pope Gregory XIII's decree
	    lastJulianJdn = 2299160L       # last jdn to use Julian calendar
	else:                              # British-American usage
	    lastJulianJdn = 2361221L       # last jdn to use Julian calendar

	julian = (jdn <= lastJulianJdn);

    x = jdn + 68569L
    if julian:
	x = x + 38
	daysPer400Years = 146100L
	fudgedDaysPer4000Years = 1461000L + 1
	daysPer400Years = 146097L
	fudgedDaysPer4000Years = 1460970L + 31

    z = _cdiv(4 * x, daysPer400Years)
    x = x - _cdiv((daysPer400Years * z + 3), 4)
    y = _cdiv(4000 * (x + 1), fudgedDaysPer4000Years)
    x = x - _cdiv(1461 * y, 4) + 31
    m = _cdiv(80 * x, 2447)
    d = x - _cdiv(2447 * m, 80)
    x = _cdiv(m, 11)
    m = m + 2 - 12 * x
    y = 100 * (z - 49) + y + x

    # Convert from longs to integers.
    yy = int(y)
    mm = int(m)
    dd = int(d)

    if yy <= 0:
	# Adjust BC years.
	    yy = yy - 1

    return (yy, mm, dd)

def stringtoreal(text, separator = '.'):
    if separator != '.':
	if string.find(text, '.') >= 0:
	    raise ValueError, 'invalid value: ' + text
	index = string.find(text, separator)
	if index >= 0:
	    text = text[:index] + '.' + text[index + 1:]
    return string.atof(text)

### File:
import os
import string
import Tkinter

class Balloon(MegaToplevel):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
            ('initwait',                 500,            None), # milliseconds
            ('label_background',         'lightyellow',  None),
            ('label_foreground',         'black',        None),
            ('label_justify',            'left',         None),
            ('master',                   'parent',       None),
            ('relmouse',                 'none',         self._relmouse),
            ('state',                    'both',         self._state),
            ('statuscommand',            None,           None),
            ('xoffset',                  20,             None), # pixels
            ('yoffset',                  1,              None), # pixels
	    ('hull_highlightthickness',  1,              None),
	    ('hull_highlightbackground', 'black',        None),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaToplevel.__init__(self, parent)


	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()
	self._label = self.createcomponent('label',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Label, (interior,))

        # The default hull configuration options give a black border
        # around the balloon, but avoids a black 'flash' when the
        # balloon is deiconified, before the text appears.
        if not kw.has_key('hull_background'):
            self.configure(hull_background = \

	# Initialise instance variables.
	self._timer = None

        # The widget or item that is currently triggering the balloon. 
        # It is None if the balloon is not being displayed.  It is a
        # one-tuple if the balloon is being displayed in response to a
        # widget binding (value is the widget).  It is a two-tuple if
        # the balloon is being displayed in response to a canvas or
        # text item binding (value is the widget and the item).
        self._currentTrigger = None
	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def destroy(self):
	if self._timer is not None:
	    self._timer = None

    def bind(self, widget, balloonHelp, statusHelp = None):

        # If a previous bind for this widget exists, remove it.

	if balloonHelp is None and statusHelp is None:

	if statusHelp is None:
	    statusHelp = balloonHelp
	enterId = widget.bind('<Enter>', 
		lambda event, self = self, w = widget,
			sHelp = statusHelp, bHelp = balloonHelp:
				self._enter(event, w, sHelp, bHelp, 0))

        # Set Motion binding so that if the pointer remains at rest
        # within the widget until the status line removes the help and
        # then the pointer moves again, then redisplay the help in the
        # status line.
	# Note:  The Motion binding only works for basic widgets, and
        # the hull of megawidgets but not for other megawidget components.
	motionId = widget.bind('<Motion>', 
		lambda event = None, self = self, statusHelp = statusHelp:

	leaveId = widget.bind('<Leave>', self._leave)
	buttonId = widget.bind('<ButtonPress>', self._buttonpress)

        # Set Destroy binding so that the balloon can be withdrawn and
        # the timer can be cancelled if the widget is destroyed.
	destroyId = widget.bind('<Destroy>', self._destroy)

        # Use the None item in the widget's private Pmw dictionary to
        # store the widget's bind callbacks, for later clean up.
        if not hasattr(widget, '_Pmw_BalloonBindIds'):
            widget._Pmw_BalloonBindIds = {}
        widget._Pmw_BalloonBindIds[None] = \
                (enterId, motionId, leaveId, buttonId, destroyId)

    def unbind(self, widget):
        if hasattr(widget, '_Pmw_BalloonBindIds'):
            if widget._Pmw_BalloonBindIds.has_key(None):
                (enterId, motionId, leaveId, buttonId, destroyId) = \
                # Need to pass in old bindings, so that Tkinter can
                # delete the commands.  Otherwise, memory is leaked.
                widget.unbind('<Enter>', enterId)
                widget.unbind('<Motion>', motionId)
                widget.unbind('<Leave>', leaveId)
                widget.unbind('<ButtonPress>', buttonId)
                widget.unbind('<Destroy>', destroyId)
                del widget._Pmw_BalloonBindIds[None]

        if self._currentTrigger is not None and len(self._currentTrigger) == 1:
            # The balloon is currently being displayed and the current
            # trigger is a widget.
            triggerWidget = self._currentTrigger[0]
            if triggerWidget == widget:
                if self._timer is not None:
                    self._timer = None
                self._currentTrigger = None

    def tagbind(self, widget, tagOrItem, balloonHelp, statusHelp = None):

        # If a previous bind for this widget's tagOrItem exists, remove it.
        self.tagunbind(widget, tagOrItem)

	if balloonHelp is None and statusHelp is None:

	if statusHelp is None:
	    statusHelp = balloonHelp
	enterId = widget.tag_bind(tagOrItem, '<Enter>', 
		lambda event, self = self, w = widget,
			sHelp = statusHelp, bHelp = balloonHelp:
				self._enter(event, w, sHelp, bHelp, 1))
	motionId = widget.tag_bind(tagOrItem, '<Motion>', 
		lambda event = None, self = self, statusHelp = statusHelp:
	leaveId = widget.tag_bind(tagOrItem, '<Leave>', self._leave)
	buttonId = widget.tag_bind(tagOrItem, '<ButtonPress>', self._buttonpress)

        # Use the tagOrItem item in the widget's private Pmw dictionary to
        # store the tagOrItem's bind callbacks, for later clean up.
        if not hasattr(widget, '_Pmw_BalloonBindIds'):
            widget._Pmw_BalloonBindIds = {}
        widget._Pmw_BalloonBindIds[tagOrItem] = \
                (enterId, motionId, leaveId, buttonId)

    def tagunbind(self, widget, tagOrItem):
        if hasattr(widget, '_Pmw_BalloonBindIds'):
            if widget._Pmw_BalloonBindIds.has_key(tagOrItem):
                (enterId, motionId, leaveId, buttonId) = \
                widget.tag_unbind(tagOrItem, '<Enter>', enterId)
                widget.tag_unbind(tagOrItem, '<Motion>', motionId)
                widget.tag_unbind(tagOrItem, '<Leave>', leaveId)
                widget.tag_unbind(tagOrItem, '<ButtonPress>', buttonId)
                del widget._Pmw_BalloonBindIds[tagOrItem]

        if self._currentTrigger is None:
            # The balloon is not currently being displayed.

        if len(self._currentTrigger) == 1:
            # The current trigger is a widget.

        if len(self._currentTrigger) == 2:
            # The current trigger is a canvas item.
            (triggerWidget, triggerItem) = self._currentTrigger
            if triggerWidget == widget and triggerItem == tagOrItem:
                if self._timer is not None:
                    self._timer = None
                self._currentTrigger = None
        else: # The current trigger is a text item.
            (triggerWidget, x, y) = self._currentTrigger
            if triggerWidget == widget:
                currentPos = widget.index('@%d,%d' % (x, y))
                currentTags = widget.tag_names(currentPos)
                if tagOrItem in currentTags:
                    if self._timer is not None:
                        self._timer = None
                    self._currentTrigger = None

    def showstatus(self, statusHelp):
	if self['state'] in ('status', 'both'):
	    cmd = self['statuscommand']
	    if callable(cmd):

    def clearstatus(self):

    def _state(self):
	if self['state'] not in ('both', 'balloon', 'status', 'none'):
	    raise ValueError, 'bad state option ' + repr(self['state']) + \
		': should be one of \'both\', \'balloon\', ' + \
		'\'status\' or \'none\''

    def _relmouse(self):
	if self['relmouse'] not in ('both', 'x', 'y', 'none'):
	    raise ValueError, 'bad relmouse option ' + repr(self['relmouse'])+ \
		': should be one of \'both\', \'x\', ' + '\'y\' or \'none\''

    def _enter(self, event, widget, statusHelp, balloonHelp, isItem):

        # Do not display balloon if mouse button is pressed.  This
        # will only occur if the button was pressed inside a widget,
        # then the mouse moved out of and then back into the widget,
        # with the button still held down.  The number 0x1f00 is the
        # button mask for the 5 possible buttons in X.
        buttonPressed = (event.state & 0x1f00) != 0

	if not buttonPressed and balloonHelp is not None and \
                self['state'] in ('balloon', 'both'):
	    if self._timer is not None:
		self._timer = None

	    self._timer = self.after(self['initwait'], 
		    lambda self = self, widget = widget, help = balloonHelp,
			    isItem = isItem:
			    self._showBalloon(widget, help, isItem))

        if isItem:
            if hasattr(widget, 'canvasx'):
		# The widget is a canvas.
                item = widget.find_withtag('current')
                if len(item) > 0:
                    item = item[0]
                    item = None
                self._currentTrigger = (widget, item)
		# The widget is a text widget.
                self._currentTrigger = (widget, event.x, event.y)
            self._currentTrigger = (widget,)


    def _leave(self, event):
	if self._timer is not None:
	    self._timer = None
        self._currentTrigger = None

    def _destroy(self, event):

        # Only withdraw the balloon and cancel the timer if the widget
        # being destroyed is the widget that triggered the balloon. 
        # Note that in a Tkinter Destroy event, the widget field is a
        # string and not a widget as usual.

        if self._currentTrigger is None:
            # The balloon is not currently being displayed

        if len(self._currentTrigger) == 1:
            # The current trigger is a widget (not an item)
            triggerWidget = self._currentTrigger[0]
            if str(triggerWidget) == event.widget:
                if self._timer is not None:
                    self._timer = None
                self._currentTrigger = None

    def _buttonpress(self, event):
	if self._timer is not None:
	    self._timer = None
        self._currentTrigger = None

    def _showBalloon(self, widget, balloonHelp, isItem):

	self._label.configure(text = balloonHelp)

        # First, display the balloon offscreen to get dimensions.
        screenWidth = self.winfo_screenwidth()
        screenHeight = self.winfo_screenheight()
        self.geometry('+%d+0' % (screenWidth + 1))

	if isItem:
            # Get the bounding box of the current item.
            bbox = widget.bbox('current')
            if bbox is None:
                # The item that triggered the balloon has disappeared,
                # perhaps by a user's timer event that occured between
                # the <Enter> event and the 'initwait' timer calling
                # this method.

	    # The widget is either a text or canvas.  The meaning of
	    # the values returned by the bbox method is different for
	    # each, so use the existence of the 'canvasx' method to
	    # distinguish between them.
	    if hasattr(widget, 'canvasx'):
		# The widget is a canvas.  Place balloon under canvas
                # item.  The positions returned by bbox are relative
                # to the entire canvas, not just the visible part, so
                # need to convert to window coordinates.
                leftrel = bbox[0] - widget.canvasx(0)
                toprel = bbox[1] - widget.canvasy(0)
                bottomrel = bbox[3] - widget.canvasy(0)
		# The widget is a text widget.  Place balloon under
                # the character closest to the mouse.  The positions
                # returned by bbox are relative to the text widget
                # window (ie the visible part of the text only).
		leftrel = bbox[0]
                toprel = bbox[1]
		bottomrel = bbox[1] + bbox[3]
	    leftrel = 0
            toprel = 0
	    bottomrel = widget.winfo_height()

        xpointer, ypointer = widget.winfo_pointerxy()   # -1 if off screen

        if xpointer >= 0 and self['relmouse'] in ('both', 'x'):
            x = xpointer
            x = leftrel + widget.winfo_rootx()
        x = x + self['xoffset']

        if ypointer >= 0 and self['relmouse'] in ('both', 'y'):
            y = ypointer
            y = bottomrel + widget.winfo_rooty()
        y = y + self['yoffset']

        edges = (string.atoi(str(self.cget('hull_highlightthickness'))) +
            string.atoi(str(self.cget('hull_borderwidth')))) * 2
        if x + self._label.winfo_reqwidth() + edges > screenWidth:
            x = screenWidth - self._label.winfo_reqwidth() - edges

        if y + self._label.winfo_reqheight() + edges > screenHeight:
            if ypointer >= 0 and self['relmouse'] in ('both', 'y'):
                y = ypointer
                y = toprel + widget.winfo_rooty()
            y = y - self._label.winfo_reqheight() - self['yoffset'] - edges

        setgeometryanddeiconify(self, '+%d+%d' % (x, y))

### File:
# Based on iwidgets2.2.0/buttonbox.itk code.

import types
import Tkinter

class ButtonBox(MegaWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('labelmargin',       0,              INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',          None,           INITOPT),
	    ('orient',            'horizontal',   INITOPT),
	    ('padx',              3,              INITOPT),
	    ('pady',              3,              INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs, dynamicGroups = ('Button',))

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()
	if self['labelpos'] is None:
	    self._buttonBoxFrame = self._hull
	    columnOrRow = 0
	    self._buttonBoxFrame = self.createcomponent('frame',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Frame, (interior,))
	    self._buttonBoxFrame.grid(column=2, row=2, sticky='nsew')
	    columnOrRow = 2


	orient = self['orient']
	if orient == 'horizontal':
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(columnOrRow, weight = 1)
	elif orient == 'vertical':
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(columnOrRow, weight = 1)
	    raise ValueError, 'bad orient option ' + repr(orient) + \
		': must be either \'horizontal\' or \'vertical\''

	# Initialise instance variables.

	# List of tuples describing the buttons:
	#   - name
	#   - button widget
	self._buttonList = []

	# The index of the default button.
	self._defaultButton = None

	self._timerId = None

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def destroy(self):
	if self._timerId:
	    self._timerId = None

    def numbuttons(self):
        return len(self._buttonList)

    def index(self, index, forInsert = 0):
	listLength = len(self._buttonList)
	if type(index) == types.IntType:
	    if forInsert and index <= listLength:
		return index
	    elif not forInsert and index < listLength:
		return index
		raise ValueError, 'index "%s" is out of range' % index
	elif index is END:
	    if forInsert:
		return listLength
	    elif listLength > 0:
		return listLength - 1
		raise ValueError, 'ButtonBox has no buttons'
	elif index is DEFAULT:
	    if self._defaultButton is not None:
		return self._defaultButton
	    raise ValueError, 'ButtonBox has no default'
            names = map(lambda t: t[0], self._buttonList)
            if index in names:
                return names.index(index)
	    validValues = 'a name, a number, END or DEFAULT'
	    raise ValueError, \
		'bad index "%s": must be %s' % (index, validValues)

    def insert(self, componentName, beforeComponent = 0, **kw):
	if componentName in self.components():
	    raise ValueError, 'button "%s" already exists' % componentName
	if not kw.has_key('text'):
	    kw['text'] = componentName
        kw['default'] = 'normal'
	button = apply(self.createcomponent, (componentName,
		(), 'Button',
		Tkinter.Button, (self._buttonBoxFrame,)), kw)

	index = self.index(beforeComponent, 1)
	horizontal = self['orient'] == 'horizontal'
	numButtons = len(self._buttonList)

	# Shift buttons up one position.
	for i in range(numButtons - 1, index - 1, -1):
	    widget = self._buttonList[i][1]
	    pos = i * 2 + 3
	    if horizontal:
		widget.grid(column = pos, row = 0)
		widget.grid(column = 0, row = pos)

	# Display the new button.
	if horizontal:
	    button.grid(column = index * 2 + 1, row = 0, sticky = 'ew',
		    padx = self['padx'], pady = self['pady'])
		    numButtons * 2 + 2, weight = 1)
	    button.grid(column = 0, row = index * 2 + 1, sticky = 'ew',
		    padx = self['padx'], pady = self['pady'])
		    numButtons * 2 + 2, weight = 1)
	self._buttonList.insert(index, (componentName, button))

	return button

    def add(self, componentName, **kw):
        return apply(self.insert, (componentName, len(self._buttonList)), kw)

    def delete(self, index):
        index = self.index(index)
	(name, widget) = self._buttonList[index]

	numButtons = len(self._buttonList)

	# Shift buttons down one position.
	horizontal = self['orient'] == 'horizontal'
	for i in range(index + 1, numButtons):
	    widget = self._buttonList[i][1]
	    pos = i * 2 - 1
	    if horizontal:
		widget.grid(column = pos, row = 0)
		widget.grid(column = 0, row = pos)

	if horizontal:
	    self._buttonBoxFrame.grid_columnconfigure(numButtons * 2 - 1,
		    minsize = 0)
	    self._buttonBoxFrame.grid_columnconfigure(numButtons * 2, weight = 0)
	    self._buttonBoxFrame.grid_rowconfigure(numButtons * 2, weight = 0)
	del self._buttonList[index]

    def setdefault(self, index):
	# Turn off the default ring around the current default button.
	if self._defaultButton is not None:
	    button = self._buttonList[self._defaultButton][1]
	    button.configure(default = 'normal')
	    self._defaultButton = None

	# Turn on the default ring around the new default button.
	if index is not None:
	    index = self.index(index)
	    self._defaultButton = index
	    button = self._buttonList[index][1]
	    button.configure(default = 'active')

    def invoke(self, index = DEFAULT, noFlash = 0):
	# Invoke the callback associated with the *index* button.  If
	# *noFlash* is not set, flash the button to indicate to the
	# user that something happened.

	button = self._buttonList[self.index(index)][1]
	if not noFlash:
	    state = button.cget('state')
	    relief = button.cget('relief')
	    button.configure(state = 'active', relief = 'sunken')
	    button.configure(state = state, relief = relief)
	return button.invoke()

    def button(self, buttonIndex):
	return self._buttonList[self.index(buttonIndex)][1]

    def alignbuttons(self, when = 'later'):
	if when == 'later':
	    if not self._timerId:
		self._timerId = self.after_idle(self.alignbuttons, 'now')
	self._timerId = None

        # Determine the width of the maximum length button.
        max = 0
        horizontal = (self['orient'] == 'horizontal')
        for index in range(len(self._buttonList)):
            gridIndex = index * 2 + 1
            if horizontal:
                width = self._buttonBoxFrame.grid_bbox(gridIndex, 0)[2]
                width = self._buttonBoxFrame.grid_bbox(0, gridIndex)[2]
            if width > max:
                max = width

        # Set the width of all the buttons to be the same.
	if horizontal:
	    for index in range(len(self._buttonList)):
		self._buttonBoxFrame.grid_columnconfigure(index * 2 + 1,
			minsize = max)
	    self._buttonBoxFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, minsize = max)

### File:
# Based on iwidgets2.2.0/entryfield.itk code.

import re
import string
import types
import Tkinter

# Possible return values of validation functions.
OK = 1

class EntryField(MegaWidget):
    _classBindingsDefinedFor = 0

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('command',           None,        None),
	    ('errorbackground',   'pink',      None),
	    ('invalidcommand',    self.bell,   None),
	    ('labelmargin',       0,           INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',          None,        INITOPT),
	    ('modifiedcommand',   None,        None),
	    ('sticky',            'ew',        INITOPT),
	    ('validate',          None,        self._validate),
	    ('extravalidators',   {},          None),
	    ('value',             '',          INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()
	self._entryFieldEntry = self.createcomponent('entry',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Entry, (interior,))
	self._entryFieldEntry.grid(column=2, row=2, sticky=self['sticky'])
	if self['value'] != '':
	interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
	interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)


	# Initialise instance variables.

	self.normalBackground = None
        self._previousText = None

	# Initialise instance.

	_registerEntryField(self._entryFieldEntry, self)

        # Establish the special class bindings if not already done.
        # Also create bindings if the Tkinter default interpreter has
        # changed.  Use Tkinter._default_root to create class
        # bindings, so that a reference to root is created by
        # bind_class rather than a reference to self, which would
        # prevent object cleanup.
        if EntryField._classBindingsDefinedFor != Tkinter._default_root:
	    tagList = self._entryFieldEntry.bindtags()
            root  = Tkinter._default_root
	    allSequences = {}
	    for tag in tagList:

                sequences = root.bind_class(tag)
                if type(sequences) is types.StringType:
                    # In old versions of Tkinter, bind_class returns a string
                    sequences =

		for sequence in sequences:
		    allSequences[sequence] = None
	    for sequence in allSequences.keys():
		root.bind_class('EntryFieldPre', sequence, _preProcess)
		root.bind_class('EntryFieldPost', sequence, _postProcess)

	    EntryField._classBindingsDefinedFor = root

	self._entryFieldEntry.bindtags(('EntryFieldPre',) +
		self._entryFieldEntry.bindtags() + ('EntryFieldPost',))
	self._entryFieldEntry.bind('<Return>', self._executeCommand)

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def destroy(self):

    def _getValidatorFunc(self, validator, index):
	# Search the extra and standard validator lists for the
	# given 'validator'.  If 'validator' is an alias, then
	# continue the search using the alias.  Make sure that
	# self-referencial aliases do not cause infinite loops.

	extraValidators = self['extravalidators']
	traversedValidators = []

	while 1:
	    if extraValidators.has_key(validator):
		validator = extraValidators[validator][index]
	    elif _standardValidators.has_key(validator):
		validator = _standardValidators[validator][index]
		return validator
	    if validator in traversedValidators:
		return validator

    def _validate(self):
	dict = {
	    'validator' : None,
	    'min' : None,
	    'max' : None,
	    'minstrict' : 1,
	    'maxstrict' : 1,
	opt = self['validate']
	if type(opt) is types.DictionaryType:
	    dict['validator'] = opt

	# Look up validator maps and replace 'validator' field with
	# the corresponding function.
	validator = dict['validator']
	valFunction = self._getValidatorFunc(validator, 0)
	self._checkValidateFunction(valFunction, 'validate', validator)
	dict['validator'] = valFunction

	# Look up validator maps and replace 'stringtovalue' field
	# with the corresponding function.
	if dict.has_key('stringtovalue'):
	    stringtovalue = dict['stringtovalue'] 
	    strFunction = self._getValidatorFunc(stringtovalue, 1)
		    strFunction, 'stringtovalue', stringtovalue)
	    strFunction = self._getValidatorFunc(validator, 1)
	    if strFunction == validator:
		strFunction = len
	dict['stringtovalue'] = strFunction

	self._validationInfo = dict
	args = dict.copy()
	del args['validator']
	del args['min']
	del args['max']
	del args['minstrict']
	del args['maxstrict']
	del args['stringtovalue']
	self._validationArgs = args
        self._previousText = None

	if type(dict['min']) == types.StringType and strFunction is not None:
	    dict['min'] = apply(strFunction, (dict['min'],), args)
	if type(dict['max']) == types.StringType and strFunction is not None:
	    dict['max'] = apply(strFunction, (dict['max'],), args)


    def _checkValidateFunction(self, function, option, validator):
	# Raise an error if 'function' is not a function or None.

	if function is not None and not callable(function):
	    extraValidators = self['extravalidators']
	    extra = extraValidators.keys()
	    extra = tuple(extra)
	    standard = _standardValidators.keys()
	    standard = tuple(standard)
	    msg = 'bad %s value "%s":  must be a function or one of ' \
		'the standard validators %s or extra validators %s'
	    raise ValueError, msg % (option, validator, standard, extra)

    def _executeCommand(self, event = None):
	cmd = self['command']
	if callable(cmd):
            if event is None:
                # Return result of command for invoke() method.
                return cmd()
    def _preProcess(self):

        self._previousText = self._entryFieldEntry.get()
        self._previousICursor = self._entryFieldEntry.index('insert')
        self._previousXview = self._entryFieldEntry.index('@0')
	if self._entryFieldEntry.selection_present():
	    self._previousSel= (self._entryFieldEntry.index('sel.first'),
	    self._previousSel = None

    def _postProcess(self):

	# No need to check if text has not changed.
	previousText = self._previousText
	if previousText == self._entryFieldEntry.get():
	    return self.valid()

	valid = self._checkValidity()
        if self.hulldestroyed():
            # The invalidcommand called by _checkValidity() destroyed us.
            return valid

	cmd = self['modifiedcommand']
	if callable(cmd) and previousText != self._entryFieldEntry.get():
	return valid
    def checkentry(self):
	# If there is a variable specified by the entry_textvariable
	# option, checkentry() should be called after the set() method
	# of the variable is called.

	self._previousText = None
	return self._postProcess()

    def _getValidity(self):
	text = self._entryFieldEntry.get()
	dict = self._validationInfo
	args = self._validationArgs

	if dict['validator'] is not None:
	    status = apply(dict['validator'], (text,), args)
	    if status != OK:
		return status

	# Check for out of (min, max) range.
	if dict['stringtovalue'] is not None:
	    min = dict['min']
	    max = dict['max']
	    if min is None and max is None:
		return OK
	    val = apply(dict['stringtovalue'], (text,), args)
	    if min is not None and val < min:
		if dict['minstrict']:
		    return ERROR
		    return PARTIAL
	    if max is not None and val > max:
		if dict['maxstrict']:
		    return ERROR
		    return PARTIAL
	return OK

    def _checkValidity(self):
	valid = self._getValidity()
	oldValidity = valid

	if valid == ERROR:
	    # The entry is invalid.
	    cmd = self['invalidcommand']
	    if callable(cmd):
            if self.hulldestroyed():
                # The invalidcommand destroyed us.
                return oldValidity

	    # Restore the entry to its previous value.
	    if self._previousText is not None:
		if self._previousSel is not None:

		# Check if the saved text is valid as well.
		valid = self._getValidity()

	self._valid = valid

        if self.hulldestroyed():
            # The validator or stringtovalue commands called by
            # _checkValidity() destroyed us.
            return oldValidity

	if valid == OK:
	    if self.normalBackground is not None:
			background = self.normalBackground)
		self.normalBackground = None
	    if self.normalBackground is None:
		self.normalBackground = self._entryFieldEntry.cget('background')
			background = self['errorbackground'])

        return oldValidity

    def invoke(self):
	return self._executeCommand()

    def valid(self):
        return self._valid == OK

    def clear(self):

    def __setEntry(self, text):
	oldState = str(self._entryFieldEntry.cget('state'))
	if oldState != 'normal':
	self._entryFieldEntry.delete(0, 'end')
	self._entryFieldEntry.insert(0, text)
	if oldState != 'normal':

    def setentry(self, text):
	return self._postProcess()

    def getvalue(self):
        return self._entryFieldEntry.get()

    def setvalue(self, text):
        return self.setentry(text)

forwardmethods(EntryField, Tkinter.Entry, '_entryFieldEntry')

# ======================================================================

# Entry field validation functions

_numericregex = re.compile('^[0-9]*$')
_alphabeticregex = re.compile('^[a-z]*$', re.IGNORECASE)
_alphanumericregex = re.compile('^[0-9a-z]*$', re.IGNORECASE)

def numericvalidator(text):
    if text == '':
        return PARTIAL
	if _numericregex.match(text) is None:
	    return ERROR
	    return OK
def integervalidator(text):
    if text in ('', '-', '+'):
        return PARTIAL
	return OK
    except ValueError:
	return ERROR
def alphabeticvalidator(text):
    if _alphabeticregex.match(text) is None:
	return ERROR
	return OK
def alphanumericvalidator(text):
    if _alphanumericregex.match(text) is None:
	return ERROR
	return OK
def hexadecimalvalidator(text):
    if text in ('', '0x', '0X', '+', '+0x', '+0X', '-', '-0x', '-0X'):
        return PARTIAL
	string.atol(text, 16)
	return OK
    except ValueError:
	return ERROR
def realvalidator(text, separator = '.'):
    if separator != '.':
	if string.find(text, '.') >= 0:
	    return ERROR
	index = string.find(text, separator)
	if index >= 0:
	    text = text[:index] + '.' + text[index + 1:]
	return OK
    except ValueError:
	# Check if the string could be made valid by appending a digit
	# eg ('-', '+', '.', '-.', '+.', '1.23e', '1E-').
	if len(text) == 0:
	    return PARTIAL
	if text[-1] in string.digits:
	    return ERROR
	    string.atof(text + '0')
	    return PARTIAL
	except ValueError:
	    return ERROR
def timevalidator(text, separator = ':'):
	timestringtoseconds(text, separator)
	return OK
    except ValueError:
	if len(text) > 0 and text[0] in ('+', '-'):
	    text = text[1:]
	if'[^0-9' + separator + ']', text) is not None:
	    return ERROR
	return PARTIAL

def datevalidator(text, format = 'ymd', separator = '/'):
	datestringtojdn(text, format, separator)
	return OK
    except ValueError:
	if'[^0-9' + separator + ']', text) is not None:
	    return ERROR
	return PARTIAL

_standardValidators = {
    'numeric'      : (numericvalidator,      string.atol),
    'integer'      : (integervalidator,      string.atol),
    'hexadecimal'  : (hexadecimalvalidator,  lambda s: string.atol(s, 16)),
    'real'         : (realvalidator,         stringtoreal),
    'alphabetic'   : (alphabeticvalidator,   len),
    'alphanumeric' : (alphanumericvalidator, len),
    'time'         : (timevalidator,         timestringtoseconds),
    'date'         : (datevalidator,         datestringtojdn),

_entryCache = {}

def _registerEntryField(entry, entryField):
    # Register an EntryField widget for an Entry widget

    _entryCache[entry] = entryField

def _deregisterEntryField(entry):
    # Deregister an Entry widget
    del _entryCache[entry]

def _preProcess(event):
    # Forward preprocess events for an Entry to it's EntryField


def _postProcess(event):
    # Forward postprocess events for an Entry to it's EntryField

    # The function specified by the 'command' option may have destroyed
    # the megawidget in a binding earlier in bindtags, so need to check.
    if _entryCache.has_key(event.widget):

### File:
import string
import Tkinter

def aligngrouptags(groups):
    # Adjust the y position of the tags in /groups/ so that they all
    # have the height of the highest tag.

    maxTagHeight = 0
    for group in groups:
	if group._tag is None:
	    height = (string.atoi(str(group._ring.cget('borderwidth'))) +
	    height = group._tag.winfo_reqheight()
	if maxTagHeight < height:
	    maxTagHeight = height

    for group in groups:
	ringBorder = (string.atoi(str(group._ring.cget('borderwidth'))) +
	topBorder = maxTagHeight / 2 - ringBorder / 2
	group._hull.grid_rowconfigure(0, minsize = topBorder)
		minsize = maxTagHeight - topBorder - ringBorder)
	if group._tag is not None: = maxTagHeight / 2)

class Group( MegaWidget ):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

        # Define the megawidget options.
        optiondefs = (
	    ('collapsedsize',    6,         INITOPT),
	    ('ring_borderwidth', 2,         None),
	    ('ring_relief',      'groove',  None),
	    ('tagindent',        10,        INITOPT),
        self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

        # Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
        MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

        # Create the components.
        interior = MegaWidget.interior(self)

	self._ring = self.createcomponent(
	    (), None,
	    Tkinter.Frame, (interior,), 

	self._groupChildSite = self.createcomponent(
	    (), None,
	    Tkinter.Frame, (self._ring,)

        self._tag = self.createcomponent(
	    (), None,
	    Tkinter.Label, (interior,),

	ringBorder = (string.atoi(str(self._ring.cget('borderwidth'))) +
	if self._tag is None:
	    tagHeight = ringBorder
	    tagHeight = self._tag.winfo_reqheight()
		    x = ringBorder + self['tagindent'],
		    y = tagHeight / 2,
		    anchor = 'w')

	topBorder = tagHeight / 2 - ringBorder / 2
	self._ring.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = 'nsew')
	interior.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
	interior.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight = 1)
	interior.grid_rowconfigure(0, minsize = topBorder)

	self._groupChildSite.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = 'nsew')
	self._ring.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
	self._ring.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight = 1)
		minsize = tagHeight - topBorder - ringBorder)

        self.showing = 1

        # Check keywords and initialise options.

    def toggle(self):
        if self.showing:
        self.showing = not self.showing

    def expand(self):
        self._groupChildSite.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = 'nsew')

    def collapse(self):
	if self._tag is None:
	    tagHeight = 0
            tagHeight = self._tag.winfo_reqheight()
        self._ring.configure(height=(tagHeight / 2) + self['collapsedsize'])

    def interior(self):
        return self._groupChildSite

### File:
import Tkinter

class LabeledWidget(MegaWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('labelmargin',            0,      INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',               None,   INITOPT),
	    ('sticky',                 'nsew', INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = MegaWidget.interior(self)
	self._labelChildSite = self.createcomponent('labelchildsite',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Frame, (interior,))
	self._labelChildSite.grid(column=2, row=2, sticky=self['sticky'])
	interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
	interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)


	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def interior(self):
	return self._labelChildSite

### File:
# Main menubar

import string
import types
import Tkinter

class MainMenuBar(MegaArchetype):

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

        # Define the megawidget options.
        optiondefs = (
            ('balloon',      None,       None),
            ('hotkeys',      1,          INITOPT),
            ('hull_tearoff', 0,          None),
        self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs, dynamicGroups = ('Menu',))

        # Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
        MegaArchetype.__init__(self, parent, Tkinter.Menu)

        self._menuInfo = {}
        self._menuInfo[None] = (None, [])
        # Map from a menu name to a tuple of information about the menu.
        # The first item in the tuple is the name of the parent menu (for
        # toplevel menus this is None). The second item in the tuple is
        # a list of status help messages for each item in the menu.
        # The key for the information for the main menubar is None.

        self._menu = self.interior()
        self._menu.bind('<Leave>', self._resetHelpmessage)
            lambda event=None, self=self: self._menuHelp(event, None))

        # Check keywords and initialise options.

    def deletemenuitems(self, menuName, start, end = None):
        self.component(menuName).delete(start, end)
        if end is None:
            del self._menuInfo[menuName][1][start]
            self._menuInfo[menuName][1][start:end+1] = []

    def deletemenu(self, menuName):
        """Delete should be called for cascaded menus before main menus.

        parentName = self._menuInfo[menuName][0]
        del self._menuInfo[menuName]
        if parentName is None:
            parentMenu = self._menu
            parentMenu = self.component(parentName)

        menu = self.component(menuName)
        menuId = str(menu)
        for item in range(parentMenu.index('end') + 1):
            if parentMenu.type(item) == 'cascade':
                itemMenu = str(parentMenu.entrycget(item, 'menu'))
                if itemMenu == menuId:
                    del self._menuInfo[parentName][1][item]


    def disableall(self):
        for index in range(len(self._menuInfo[None][1])):
            self.entryconfigure(index, state = 'disabled')

    def enableall(self):
        for index in range(len(self._menuInfo[None][1])):
            self.entryconfigure(index, state = 'normal')

    def addmenu(self, menuName, balloonHelp, statusHelp = None,
            traverseSpec = None, **kw):
        if statusHelp is None:
            statusHelp = balloonHelp
        self._addmenu(None, menuName, balloonHelp, statusHelp,
            traverseSpec, kw)

    def addcascademenu(self, parentMenuName, menuName, statusHelp='',
            traverseSpec = None, **kw):
        self._addmenu(parentMenuName, menuName, None, statusHelp,
            traverseSpec, kw)

    def _addmenu(self, parentMenuName, menuName, balloonHelp, statusHelp,
            traverseSpec, kw):

        if (menuName) in self.components():
            raise ValueError, 'menu "%s" already exists' % menuName

        menukw = {}
        if kw.has_key('tearoff'):
            menukw['tearoff'] = kw['tearoff']
            del kw['tearoff']
            menukw['tearoff'] = 0
        if kw.has_key('name'):
            menukw['name'] = kw['name']
            del kw['name']

        if not kw.has_key('label'):
            kw['label'] = menuName

        self._addHotkeyToOptions(parentMenuName, kw, traverseSpec)

        if parentMenuName is None:
            parentMenu = self._menu
            balloon = self['balloon']
            # Bug in Tk: balloon help not implemented
            # if balloon is not None:
            #     balloon.mainmenubind(parentMenu, balloonHelp, statusHelp)
            parentMenu = self.component(parentMenuName)

        apply(parentMenu.add_cascade, (), kw)

        menu = apply(self.createcomponent, (menuName,
                (), 'Menu',
                Tkinter.Menu, (parentMenu,)), menukw)
        parentMenu.entryconfigure('end', menu = menu)

        self._menuInfo[menuName] = (parentMenuName, [])

        menu.bind('<Leave>', self._resetHelpmessage)
            lambda event=None, self=self, menuName=menuName:
                    self._menuHelp(event, menuName))

    def addmenuitem(self, menuName, itemType, statusHelp = '',
            traverseSpec = None, **kw):

        menu = self.component(menuName)
        if itemType != 'separator':
            self._addHotkeyToOptions(menuName, kw, traverseSpec)

        if itemType == 'command':
            command = menu.add_command
        elif itemType == 'separator':
            command = menu.add_separator
        elif itemType == 'checkbutton':
            command = menu.add_checkbutton
        elif itemType == 'radiobutton':
            command = menu.add_radiobutton
        elif itemType == 'cascade':
            command = menu.add_cascade
            raise ValueError, 'unknown menuitem type "%s"' % itemType

        apply(command, (), kw)

    def _addHotkeyToOptions(self, menuName, kw, traverseSpec):

        if (not self['hotkeys'] or kw.has_key('underline') or
                not kw.has_key('label')):

        if type(traverseSpec) == types.IntType:
            kw['underline'] = traverseSpec

        if menuName is None:
            menu = self._menu
            menu = self.component(menuName)
        hotkeyList = []
        end = menu.index('end')
        if end is not None:
            for item in range(end + 1):
                if menu.type(item) not in ('separator', 'tearoff'):
                    underline = \
                            string.atoi(str(menu.entrycget(item, 'underline')))
                    if underline != -1:
                        label = str(menu.entrycget(item, 'label'))
                        if underline < len(label):
                            hotkey = string.lower(label[underline])
                            if hotkey not in hotkeyList:

        name = kw['label']

        if type(traverseSpec) == types.StringType:
            lowerLetter = string.lower(traverseSpec)
            if traverseSpec in name and lowerLetter not in hotkeyList:
                kw['underline'] = string.index(name, traverseSpec)
            targets = string.digits + string.letters
            lowerName = string.lower(name)
            for letter_index in range(len(name)):
                letter = lowerName[letter_index]
                if letter in targets and letter not in hotkeyList:
                    kw['underline'] = letter_index

    def _menuHelp(self, event, menuName):
        if menuName is None:
            menu = self._menu
            index = menu.index('@%d'% event.x)
            menu = self.component(menuName)
            index = menu.index('@%d'% event.y)

        balloon = self['balloon']
        if balloon is not None:
            if index is None:
                if str(menu.cget('tearoff')) == '1':
                    index = index - 1
                if index >= 0:
                    help = self._menuInfo[menuName][1][index]

    def _resetHelpmessage(self, event=None):
        balloon = self['balloon']
        if balloon is not None:

forwardmethods(MainMenuBar, Tkinter.Menu, '_hull')

### File:
# Manager widget for menus.

import string
import types
import Tkinter

class MenuBar(MegaWidget):

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

        # Define the megawidget options.
        optiondefs = (
            ('balloon',      None,       None),
            ('hotkeys',      1,          INITOPT),
            ('padx',         0,          INITOPT),
        self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs, dynamicGroups = ('Menu', 'Button'))

        # Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
        MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

        self._menuInfo = {}
        # Map from a menu name to a tuple of information about the menu.
        # The first item in the tuple is the name of the parent menu (for
        # toplevel menus this is None). The second item in the tuple is
        # a list of status help messages for each item in the menu.
        # The third item in the tuple is the id of the binding used
        # to detect mouse motion to display status help.
        # Information for the toplevel menubuttons is not stored here.

        self._mydeletecommand = self.component('hull').tk.deletecommand
        # Cache this method for use later.

        # Check keywords and initialise options.

    def deletemenuitems(self, menuName, start, end = None):
        self.component(menuName + '-menu').delete(start, end)
        if end is None:
            del self._menuInfo[menuName][1][start]
            self._menuInfo[menuName][1][start:end+1] = []

    def deletemenu(self, menuName):
        """Delete should be called for cascaded menus before main menus.

        # Clean up binding for this menu.
        parentName = self._menuInfo[menuName][0]
        bindId = self._menuInfo[menuName][2]
        _bindtag = 'PmwMenuBar' + str(self) + menuName
        self.unbind_class(_bindtag, '<Motion>')
        self._mydeletecommand(bindId) # unbind_class does not clean up
        del self._menuInfo[menuName]

        if parentName is None:
            self.destroycomponent(menuName + '-button')
            parentMenu = self.component(parentName + '-menu')

            menu = self.component(menuName + '-menu')
            menuId = str(menu)
            for item in range(parentMenu.index('end') + 1):
                if parentMenu.type(item) == 'cascade':
                    itemMenu = str(parentMenu.entrycget(item, 'menu'))
                    if itemMenu == menuId:
                        del self._menuInfo[parentName][1][item]

        self.destroycomponent(menuName + '-menu')

    def disableall(self):
        for menuName in self._menuInfo.keys():
            if self._menuInfo[menuName][0] is None:
                menubutton = self.component(menuName + '-button')
                menubutton.configure(state = 'disabled')

    def enableall(self):
        for menuName in self._menuInfo.keys():
            if self._menuInfo[menuName][0] is None:
                menubutton = self.component(menuName + '-button')
                menubutton.configure(state = 'normal')

    def addmenu(self, menuName, balloonHelp, statusHelp = None,
            side = 'left', traverseSpec = None, **kw):

        self._addmenu(None, menuName, balloonHelp, statusHelp,
            traverseSpec, side, 'text', kw)

    def addcascademenu(self, parentMenuName, menuName, statusHelp = '',
            traverseSpec = None, **kw):

        self._addmenu(parentMenuName, menuName, None, statusHelp,
            traverseSpec, None, 'label', kw)

    def _addmenu(self, parentMenuName, menuName, balloonHelp, statusHelp,
            traverseSpec, side, textKey, kw):

        if (menuName + '-menu') in self.components():
            raise ValueError, 'menu "%s" already exists' % menuName

        menukw = {}
        if kw.has_key('tearoff'):
            menukw['tearoff'] = kw['tearoff']
            del kw['tearoff']
            menukw['tearoff'] = 0

        if not kw.has_key(textKey):
            kw[textKey] = menuName

        self._addHotkeyToOptions(parentMenuName, kw, textKey, traverseSpec)

        if parentMenuName is None:
            button = apply(self.createcomponent, (menuName + '-button',
                    (), 'Button',
                    Tkinter.Menubutton, (self.interior(),)), kw)
            button.pack(side=side, padx = self['padx'])
            balloon = self['balloon']
            if balloon is not None:
                balloon.bind(button, balloonHelp, statusHelp)
            parentMenu = button
            parentMenu = self.component(parentMenuName + '-menu')
            apply(parentMenu.add_cascade, (), kw)

        menu = apply(self.createcomponent, (menuName + '-menu',
                (), 'Menu',
                Tkinter.Menu, (parentMenu,)), menukw)
        if parentMenuName is None:
            button.configure(menu = menu)
            parentMenu.entryconfigure('end', menu = menu)

        # Need to put this binding after the class bindings so that
        # menu.index() does not lag behind.
        _bindtag = 'PmwMenuBar' + str(self) + menuName
        bindId = self.bind_class(_bindtag, '<Motion>',
            lambda event=None, self=self, menuName=menuName:
        menu.bindtags(menu.bindtags() + (_bindtag,))
        menu.bind('<Leave>', self._resetHelpmessage)

        self._menuInfo[menuName] = (parentMenuName, [], bindId)

    def addmenuitem(self, menuName, itemType, statusHelp = '',
            traverseSpec = None, **kw):

        menu = self.component(menuName + '-menu')
        if itemType != 'separator':
            self._addHotkeyToOptions(menuName, kw, 'label', traverseSpec)

        if itemType == 'command':
            command = menu.add_command
        elif itemType == 'separator':
            command = menu.add_separator
        elif itemType == 'checkbutton':
            command = menu.add_checkbutton
        elif itemType == 'radiobutton':
            command = menu.add_radiobutton
        elif itemType == 'cascade':
            command = menu.add_cascade
            raise ValueError, 'unknown menuitem type "%s"' % itemType

        apply(command, (), kw)

    def _addHotkeyToOptions(self, menuName, kw, textKey, traverseSpec):

        if (not self['hotkeys'] or kw.has_key('underline') or
                not kw.has_key(textKey)):

        if type(traverseSpec) == types.IntType:
            kw['underline'] = traverseSpec

        hotkeyList = []
        if menuName is None:
            for menuName in self._menuInfo.keys():
                if self._menuInfo[menuName][0] is None:
                    menubutton = self.component(menuName + '-button')
                    underline = string.atoi(str(menubutton.cget('underline')))
                    if underline != -1:
                        label = str(menubutton.cget(textKey))
                        if underline < len(label):
                            hotkey = string.lower(label[underline])
                            if hotkey not in hotkeyList:
            menu = self.component(menuName + '-menu')
            end = menu.index('end')
            if end is not None:
                for item in range(end + 1):
                    if menu.type(item) not in ('separator', 'tearoff'):
                        underline = string.atoi(
                            str(menu.entrycget(item, 'underline')))
                        if underline != -1:
                            label = str(menu.entrycget(item, textKey))
                            if underline < len(label):
                                hotkey = string.lower(label[underline])
                                if hotkey not in hotkeyList:

        name = kw[textKey]

        if type(traverseSpec) == types.StringType:
            lowerLetter = string.lower(traverseSpec)
            if traverseSpec in name and lowerLetter not in hotkeyList:
                kw['underline'] = string.index(name, traverseSpec)
            targets = string.digits + string.letters
            lowerName = string.lower(name)
            for letter_index in range(len(name)):
                letter = lowerName[letter_index]
                if letter in targets and letter not in hotkeyList:
                    kw['underline'] = letter_index

    def _menuHelp(self, menuName):
        menu = self.component(menuName + '-menu')
        index = menu.index('active')

        balloon = self['balloon']
        if balloon is not None:
            if index is None:
                if str(menu.cget('tearoff')) == '1':
                    index = index - 1
                if index >= 0:
                    help = self._menuInfo[menuName][1][index]

    def _resetHelpmessage(self, event=None):
        balloon = self['balloon']
        if balloon is not None:

### File:
# Class to display messages in an information line.

import string
import Tkinter

class MessageBar(MegaWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	defaultMessageTypes = {
			   # (priority, showtime, bells, logmessage)
	    'systemerror'  : (5, 10, 2, 1),
	    'usererror'    : (4, 5, 1, 0),
	    'busy'         : (3, 0, 0, 0),
	    'systemevent'  : (2, 5, 0, 0),
	    'userevent'    : (2, 5, 0, 0),
	    'help'         : (1, 5, 0, 0),
	    'state'        : (0, 0, 0, 0),
	optiondefs = (
	    ('labelmargin',    0,                     INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',       None,                  INITOPT),
	    ('messagetypes',   defaultMessageTypes,   INITOPT),
	    ('silent',         0,                     None),
	    ('sticky',         'ew',                  INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()
	self._messageBarEntry = self.createcomponent('entry',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Entry, (interior,))

        # Can't always use 'disabled', since this greys out text in Tk 8.4.2
            self._messageBarEntry.configure(state = 'readonly')
        except Tkinter.TclError:
            self._messageBarEntry.configure(state = 'disabled')

	self._messageBarEntry.grid(column=2, row=2, sticky=self['sticky'])
	interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
	interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)


	# Initialise instance variables.
	self._numPriorities = 0
	for info in self['messagetypes'].values():
	    if self._numPriorities < info[0]:
		self._numPriorities = info[0]

	self._numPriorities = self._numPriorities + 1
	self._timer = [None] * self._numPriorities
	self._messagetext = [''] * self._numPriorities
	self._activemessage = [0] * self._numPriorities

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def destroy(self):
	for timerId in self._timer:
	    if timerId is not None:
	self._timer = [None] * self._numPriorities

    def message(self, type, text):
        # Display a message in the message bar.

	(priority, showtime, bells, logmessage) = self['messagetypes'][type]

	if not self['silent']:
	    for i in range(bells):
		if i != 0:

	self._activemessage[priority] = 1
	if text is None:
	    text = ''
	self._messagetext[priority] = string.replace(text, '\n', ' ')

	if logmessage:
	    # Should log this text to a text widget.

	if showtime > 0:
	    if self._timer[priority] is not None:

	    # Define a callback to clear this message after a time.
	    def _clearmessage(self=self, priority=priority):

	    mseconds = int(showtime * 1000)
	    self._timer[priority] = self.after(mseconds, _clearmessage)

    def helpmessage(self, text):
        if text is None:
            self.message('help', text)

    def resetmessages(self, type):
	priority = self['messagetypes'][type][0]
	for messagetype, info in self['messagetypes'].items():
	    thisPriority = info[0]
	    showtime = info[1]
	    if thisPriority < priority and showtime != 0:

    def _clearActivemessage(self, priority):
	self._activemessage[priority] = 0
	if self._timer[priority] is not None:
	    self._timer[priority] = None

    def _redisplayInfoMessage(self):
	text = ''
        for priority in range(self._numPriorities - 1, -1, -1):
	    if self._activemessage[priority]:
		text = self._messagetext[priority]
	self._messageBarEntry.configure(state = 'normal')
	self._messageBarEntry.delete(0, 'end')
	self._messageBarEntry.insert('end', text)

        # Can't always use 'disabled', since this greys out text in Tk 8.4.2
            self._messageBarEntry.configure(state = 'readonly')
        except Tkinter.TclError:
            self._messageBarEntry.configure(state = 'disabled')

forwardmethods(MessageBar, Tkinter.Entry, '_messageBarEntry')

### File:
# Based on iwidgets2.2.0/messagedialog.itk code.

import Tkinter

class MessageDialog(Dialog):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('borderx',       20,    INITOPT),
	    ('bordery',       20,    INITOPT),
	    ('iconmargin',    20,    INITOPT),
	    ('iconpos',       None,  INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	Dialog.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()

	self._message = self.createcomponent('message',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Label, (interior,))

        iconpos = self['iconpos']
	iconmargin = self['iconmargin']
	borderx = self['borderx']
	bordery = self['bordery']
	border_right = 2
	border_bottom = 2
	if iconpos is None:
	    self._message.grid(column = 1, row = 1)
	    self._icon = self.createcomponent('icon',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Label, (interior,))
	    if iconpos not in 'nsew':
		raise ValueError, \
		    'bad iconpos option "%s":  should be n, s, e, or w' \
			% iconpos

	    if iconpos in 'nw':
		icon = 1
		message = 3
		icon = 3
		message = 1

	    if iconpos in 'ns':
		# vertical layout
		self._icon.grid(column = 1, row = icon)
		self._message.grid(column = 1, row = message)
		interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, minsize = iconmargin)
		border_bottom = 4
		# horizontal layout
		self._icon.grid(column = icon, row = 1)
		self._message.grid(column = message, row = 1)
		interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, minsize = iconmargin)
		border_right = 4

	interior.grid_columnconfigure(0, minsize = borderx)
	interior.grid_rowconfigure(0, minsize = bordery)
	interior.grid_columnconfigure(border_right, minsize = borderx)
	interior.grid_rowconfigure(border_bottom, minsize = bordery)

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

### File:
import string
import types
import Tkinter

class NoteBook(MegaArchetype):

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
        optiondefs = (
	    ('hull_highlightthickness',  0,           None),
	    ('hull_borderwidth',         0,           None),
            ('arrownavigation',          1,           INITOPT),
            ('borderwidth',              2,           INITOPT),
            ('createcommand',            None,        None),
            ('lowercommand',             None,        None),
            ('pagemargin',               4,           INITOPT),
            ('raisecommand',             None,        None),
	    ('tabpos',                   'n',         INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs, dynamicGroups = ('Page', 'Tab'))

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaArchetype.__init__(self, parent, Tkinter.Canvas)

        self.bind('<Map>', self._handleMap)
        self.bind('<Configure>', self._handleConfigure)

        tabpos = self['tabpos']
	if tabpos is not None and tabpos != 'n':
            raise ValueError, \
                'bad tabpos option %s:  should be n or None' % repr(tabpos)
        self._withTabs = (tabpos is not None)
        self._pageMargin = self['pagemargin']
        self._borderWidth = self['borderwidth']

        # Use a dictionary as a set of bits indicating what needs to
        # be redisplayed the next time _layout() is called.  If
        # dictionary contains 'topPage' key, the value is the new top
        # page to be displayed.  None indicates that all pages have
        # been deleted and that _layout() should draw a border under where
        # the tabs should be.
        self._pending = {}
        self._pending['size'] = 1
        self._pending['borderColor'] = 1
        self._pending['topPage'] = None
        if self._withTabs:
            self._pending['tabs'] = 1

        self._canvasSize = None       # This gets set by <Configure> events

        # Set initial height of space for tabs
        if self._withTabs:
            self.tabBottom = 35
            self.tabBottom = 0

        self._lightBorderColor, self._darkBorderColor = \
                Color.bordercolors(self, self['hull_background'])

	self._pageNames   = []        # List of page names

        # Map from page name to page info.  Each item is itself a
        # dictionary containing the following items:
        #   page           the Tkinter.Frame widget for the page
        #   created        set to true the first time the page is raised
        #   tabbutton      the Tkinter.Button widget for the button (if any)
        #   tabreqwidth    requested width of the tab
        #   tabreqheight   requested height of the tab
        #   tabitems       the canvas items for the button: the button
        #                  window item, the lightshadow and the darkshadow
        #   left           the left and right canvas coordinates of the tab
        #   right
	self._pageAttrs   = {}

        # Name of page currently on top (actually displayed, using
        # create_window, not pending).  Ignored if current top page
        # has been deleted or new top page is pending.  None indicates
        # no pages in notebook.
	self._topPageName = None

        # Canvas items used:
        #   Per tab: 
        #       top and left shadow
        #       right shadow
        #       button
        #   Per notebook: 
        #       page
        #       top page
        #       left shadow
        #       bottom and right shadow
        #       top (one or two items)

        # Canvas tags used:
        #   lighttag      - top and left shadows of tabs and page
        #   darktag       - bottom and right shadows of tabs and page
        #                   (if no tabs then these are reversed)
        #                   (used to color the borders by recolorborders)

        # Create page border shadows.
        if self._withTabs:
            self._pageLeftBorder = self.create_polygon(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                fill = self._lightBorderColor, tags = 'lighttag')
            self._pageBottomRightBorder = self.create_polygon(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                fill = self._darkBorderColor, tags = 'darktag')
            self._pageTop1Border = self.create_polygon(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                fill = self._darkBorderColor, tags = 'lighttag')
            self._pageTop2Border = self.create_polygon(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                fill = self._darkBorderColor, tags = 'lighttag')
            self._pageLeftBorder = self.create_polygon(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                fill = self._darkBorderColor, tags = 'darktag')
            self._pageBottomRightBorder = self.create_polygon(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                fill = self._lightBorderColor, tags = 'lighttag')
            self._pageTopBorder = self.create_polygon(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                fill = self._darkBorderColor, tags = 'darktag')

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def insert(self, pageName, before = 0, **kw):
	if self._pageAttrs.has_key(pageName):
	    msg = 'Page "%s" already exists.' % pageName
	    raise ValueError, msg

        # Do this early to catch bad <before> spec before creating any items.
	beforeIndex = self.index(before, 1)

        pageOptions = {}
        if self._withTabs:
            # Default tab button options.
            tabOptions = {
                'text' : pageName,
                'borderwidth' : 0,

        # Divide the keyword options into the 'page_' and 'tab_' options.
        for key in kw.keys():
            if key[:5] == 'page_':
                pageOptions[key[5:]] = kw[key]
                del kw[key]
            elif self._withTabs and key[:4] == 'tab_':
                tabOptions[key[4:]] = kw[key]
                del kw[key]
		raise KeyError, 'Unknown option "' + key + '"'

        # Create the frame to contain the page.
	page = apply(self.createcomponent, (pageName,
		(), 'Page',
		Tkinter.Frame, self._hull), pageOptions)

        attributes = {}
        attributes['page'] = page
        attributes['created'] = 0

        if self._withTabs:
            # Create the button for the tab.
            def raiseThisPage(self = self, pageName = pageName):
            tabOptions['command'] = raiseThisPage
            tab = apply(self.createcomponent, (pageName + '-tab',
                    (), 'Tab',
                    Tkinter.Button, self._hull), tabOptions)

            if self['arrownavigation']:
                # Allow the use of the arrow keys for Tab navigation:
                def next(event, self = self, pageName = pageName):
                def prev(event, self = self, pageName = pageName):
                tab.bind('<Left>', prev)
                tab.bind('<Right>', next)

            attributes['tabbutton'] = tab
            attributes['tabreqwidth'] = tab.winfo_reqwidth()
            attributes['tabreqheight'] = tab.winfo_reqheight()

            # Create the canvas item to manage the tab's button and the items
            # for the tab's shadow.
            windowitem = self.create_window(0, 0, window = tab, anchor = 'nw')
            lightshadow = self.create_polygon(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                tags = 'lighttag', fill = self._lightBorderColor)
            darkshadow = self.create_polygon(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                tags = 'darktag', fill = self._darkBorderColor)
            attributes['tabitems'] = (windowitem, lightshadow, darkshadow)
            self._pending['tabs'] = 1

        self._pageAttrs[pageName] = attributes
	self._pageNames.insert(beforeIndex, pageName)

        # If this is the first page added, make it the new top page
        # and call the create and raise callbacks.
        if self.getcurselection() is None:
            self._pending['topPage'] = pageName

        return page
    def add(self, pageName, **kw):
        return apply(self.insert, (pageName, len(self._pageNames)), kw)

    def delete(self, *pageNames):
        newTopPage = 0
        for page in pageNames:
            pageIndex = self.index(page)
            pageName = self._pageNames[pageIndex]
            pageInfo = self._pageAttrs[pageName]

            if self.getcurselection() == pageName:
                if len(self._pageNames) == 1:
                    newTopPage = 0
                    self._pending['topPage'] = None
                elif pageIndex == len(self._pageNames) - 1:
                    newTopPage = 1
                    self._pending['topPage'] = self._pageNames[pageIndex - 1]
                    newTopPage = 1
                    self._pending['topPage'] = self._pageNames[pageIndex + 1]

            if self._topPageName == pageName:
                self._topPageName = None
            if self._withTabs:
                self.destroycomponent(pageName + '-tab')
                apply(self._hull.delete, pageInfo['tabitems'])
            del self._pageAttrs[pageName]
            del self._pageNames[pageIndex]

        # If the old top page was deleted and there are still pages
        # left in the notebook, call the create and raise callbacks.
        if newTopPage:
            pageName = self._pending['topPage']

        if self._withTabs:
            self._pending['tabs'] = 1

    def page(self, pageIndex):
        pageName = self._pageNames[self.index(pageIndex)]
	return self._pageAttrs[pageName]['page']

    def pagenames(self):
	return list(self._pageNames)

    def getcurselection(self):
        if self._pending.has_key('topPage'):
            return self._pending['topPage']
            return self._topPageName

    def tab(self, pageIndex):
        if self._withTabs:
            pageName = self._pageNames[self.index(pageIndex)]
            return self._pageAttrs[pageName]['tabbutton']
            return None

    def index(self, index, forInsert = 0):
	listLength = len(self._pageNames)
	if type(index) == types.IntType:
	    if forInsert and index <= listLength:
		return index
	    elif not forInsert and index < listLength:
		return index
		raise ValueError, 'index "%s" is out of range' % index
	elif index is END:
	    if forInsert:
		return listLength
	    elif listLength > 0:
		return listLength - 1
		raise ValueError, 'NoteBook has no pages'
	elif index is SELECT:
	    if listLength == 0:
		raise ValueError, 'NoteBook has no pages'
            return self._pageNames.index(self.getcurselection())
            if index in self._pageNames:
                return self._pageNames.index(index)
	    validValues = 'a name, a number, END or SELECT'
	    raise ValueError, \
                'bad index "%s": must be %s' % (index, validValues)

    def selectpage(self, page):
        pageName = self._pageNames[self.index(page)]
        oldTopPage = self.getcurselection()
        if pageName != oldTopPage:
            self._pending['topPage'] = pageName
            if oldTopPage == self._topPageName:
            cmd = self['lowercommand']
            if cmd is not None:


        # Set focus to the tab of new top page:
        if self._withTabs and self['arrownavigation']:

    def previouspage(self, pageIndex = None):
        if pageIndex is None:
            curpage = self.index(SELECT)
            curpage = self.index(pageIndex)
	if curpage > 0:
	    self.selectpage(curpage - 1)

    def nextpage(self, pageIndex = None):
        if pageIndex is None:
            curpage = self.index(SELECT)
            curpage = self.index(pageIndex)
	if curpage < len(self._pageNames) - 1:
	    self.selectpage(curpage + 1)

    def setnaturalsize(self, pageNames = None):
        maxPageWidth = 1
        maxPageHeight = 1
        if pageNames is None:
            pageNames = self.pagenames()
        for pageName in pageNames:
            pageInfo = self._pageAttrs[pageName]
            page = pageInfo['page']
            w = page.winfo_reqwidth()
            h = page.winfo_reqheight()
            if maxPageWidth < w:
                maxPageWidth = w
            if maxPageHeight < h:
                maxPageHeight = h
        pageBorder = self._borderWidth + self._pageMargin
        width = maxPageWidth + pageBorder * 2
        height = maxPageHeight + pageBorder * 2

        if self._withTabs:
            maxTabHeight = 0
            for pageInfo in self._pageAttrs.values():
                if maxTabHeight < pageInfo['tabreqheight']:
                    maxTabHeight = pageInfo['tabreqheight']
            height = height + maxTabHeight + self._borderWidth * 1.5

        # Note that, since the hull is a canvas, the width and height
        # options specify the geometry *inside* the borderwidth and
        # highlightthickness.
        self.configure(hull_width = width, hull_height = height)

    def recolorborders(self):
        self._pending['borderColor'] = 1

    def _handleMap(self, event):

    def _handleConfigure(self, event):
        self._canvasSize = (event.width, event.height)
        self._pending['size'] = 1

    def _raiseNewTop(self, pageName):
        if not self._pageAttrs[pageName]['created']:
            self._pageAttrs[pageName]['created'] = 1
            cmd = self['createcommand']
            if cmd is not None:
        cmd = self['raisecommand']
        if cmd is not None:

    # This is the vertical layout of the notebook, from top (assuming
    # tabpos is 'n'):
    #     hull highlightthickness (top)
    #     hull borderwidth (top)
    #     borderwidth (top border of tabs)
    #     borderwidth * 0.5 (space for bevel)
    #     tab button (maximum of requested height of all tab buttons)
    #     borderwidth (border between tabs and page)
    #     pagemargin (top)
    #     the page itself
    #     pagemargin (bottom)
    #     borderwidth (border below page)
    #     hull borderwidth (bottom)
    #     hull highlightthickness (bottom)
    # canvasBorder is sum of top two elements.
    # tabBottom is sum of top five elements.
    # Horizontal layout (and also vertical layout when tabpos is None):
    #     hull highlightthickness
    #     hull borderwidth
    #     borderwidth
    #     pagemargin
    #     the page itself
    #     pagemargin
    #     borderwidth
    #     hull borderwidth
    #     hull highlightthickness
    def _layout(self):
        if not self.winfo_ismapped() or self._canvasSize is None:
            # Don't layout if the window is not displayed, or we
            # haven't yet received a <Configure> event.

        hullWidth, hullHeight = self._canvasSize
        borderWidth = self._borderWidth
        canvasBorder = string.atoi(self._hull['borderwidth']) + \
        if not self._withTabs:
            self.tabBottom = canvasBorder
        oldTabBottom = self.tabBottom

        if self._pending.has_key('borderColor'):
            self._lightBorderColor, self._darkBorderColor = \
                    Color.bordercolors(self, self['hull_background'])

        # Draw all the tabs.
        if self._withTabs and (self._pending.has_key('tabs') or
            # Find total requested width and maximum requested height
            # of tabs.
            sumTabReqWidth = 0
            maxTabHeight = 0
            for pageInfo in self._pageAttrs.values():
                sumTabReqWidth = sumTabReqWidth + pageInfo['tabreqwidth']
                if maxTabHeight < pageInfo['tabreqheight']:
                    maxTabHeight = pageInfo['tabreqheight']
            if maxTabHeight != 0:
                # Add the top tab border plus a bit for the angled corners
                self.tabBottom = canvasBorder + maxTabHeight + borderWidth * 1.5

            # Prepare for drawing the border around each tab button.
            tabTop = canvasBorder
            tabTop2 = tabTop + borderWidth
            tabTop3 = tabTop + borderWidth * 1.5
            tabBottom2 = self.tabBottom
            tabBottom = self.tabBottom + borderWidth

            numTabs = len(self._pageNames)
            availableWidth = hullWidth - 2 * canvasBorder - \
                numTabs * 2 * borderWidth
            x = canvasBorder
            cumTabReqWidth = 0
            cumTabWidth = 0

            # Position all the tabs.
            for pageName in self._pageNames:
                pageInfo = self._pageAttrs[pageName]
                (windowitem, lightshadow, darkshadow) = pageInfo['tabitems']
                if sumTabReqWidth <= availableWidth:
                    tabwidth = pageInfo['tabreqwidth']
                    # This ugly calculation ensures that, when the
                    # notebook is not wide enough for the requested
                    # widths of the tabs, the total width given to
                    # the tabs exactly equals the available width,
                    # without rounding errors.
                    cumTabReqWidth = cumTabReqWidth + pageInfo['tabreqwidth']
                    tmp = (2*cumTabReqWidth*availableWidth + sumTabReqWidth) \
                            / (2 * sumTabReqWidth)
                    tabwidth = tmp - cumTabWidth
                    cumTabWidth = tmp

                # Position the tab's button canvas item.
                self.coords(windowitem, x + borderWidth, tabTop3)
                    width = tabwidth, height = maxTabHeight)

                # Make a beautiful border around the tab.
                left = x
                left2 = left + borderWidth
                left3 = left + borderWidth * 1.5
                right = left + tabwidth + 2 * borderWidth
                right2 = left + tabwidth + borderWidth
                right3 = left + tabwidth + borderWidth * 0.5

                    left, tabBottom2, left, tabTop2, left2, tabTop,
                    right2, tabTop, right3, tabTop2, left3, tabTop2,
                    left2, tabTop3, left2, tabBottom,
                    right2, tabTop, right, tabTop2, right, tabBottom2,
                    right2, tabBottom, right2, tabTop3, right3, tabTop2,
                pageInfo['left'] = left
                pageInfo['right'] = right

                x = x + tabwidth + 2 * borderWidth

        # Redraw shadow under tabs so that it appears that tab for old
        # top page is lowered and that tab for new top page is raised.
        if self._withTabs and (self._pending.has_key('topPage') or
                self._pending.has_key('tabs') or self._pending.has_key('size')):

            if self.getcurselection() is None:
                # No pages, so draw line across top of page area.
                    canvasBorder, self.tabBottom,
                    hullWidth - canvasBorder, self.tabBottom,
                    hullWidth - canvasBorder - borderWidth,
                        self.tabBottom + borderWidth,
                    borderWidth + canvasBorder, self.tabBottom + borderWidth,

                # Ignore second top border.
                self.coords(self._pageTop2Border, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
                # Draw two lines, one on each side of the tab for the
                # top page, so that the tab appears to be raised.
                pageInfo = self._pageAttrs[self.getcurselection()]
                left = pageInfo['left']
                right = pageInfo['right']
                    canvasBorder, self.tabBottom,
                    left, self.tabBottom,
                    left + borderWidth, self.tabBottom + borderWidth,
                    canvasBorder + borderWidth, self.tabBottom + borderWidth,

                    right, self.tabBottom,
                    hullWidth - canvasBorder, self.tabBottom,
                    hullWidth - canvasBorder - borderWidth,
                        self.tabBottom + borderWidth,
                    right - borderWidth, self.tabBottom + borderWidth,

            # Prevent bottom of dark border of tabs appearing over
            # page top border.

        # Position the page border shadows.
        if self._pending.has_key('size') or oldTabBottom != self.tabBottom:

                canvasBorder, self.tabBottom,
                borderWidth + canvasBorder,
                    self.tabBottom + borderWidth,
                borderWidth + canvasBorder,
                    hullHeight - canvasBorder - borderWidth,
                canvasBorder, hullHeight - canvasBorder,

                hullWidth - canvasBorder, self.tabBottom,
                hullWidth - canvasBorder, hullHeight - canvasBorder,
                canvasBorder, hullHeight - canvasBorder,
                borderWidth + canvasBorder,
                    hullHeight - canvasBorder - borderWidth,
                hullWidth - canvasBorder - borderWidth,
                    hullHeight - canvasBorder - borderWidth,
                hullWidth - canvasBorder - borderWidth,
                    self.tabBottom + borderWidth,

            if not self._withTabs:
                    canvasBorder, self.tabBottom,
                    hullWidth - canvasBorder, self.tabBottom,
                    hullWidth - canvasBorder - borderWidth,
                        self.tabBottom + borderWidth,
                    borderWidth + canvasBorder, self.tabBottom + borderWidth,

        # Color borders.
        if self._pending.has_key('borderColor'):
            self.itemconfigure('lighttag', fill = self._lightBorderColor)
            self.itemconfigure('darktag', fill = self._darkBorderColor)

        newTopPage = self._pending.get('topPage')
        pageBorder = borderWidth + self._pageMargin

        # Raise new top page.
        if newTopPage is not None:
            self._topPageName = newTopPage
            self._topPageItem = self.create_window(
                pageBorder + canvasBorder, self.tabBottom + pageBorder,
                window = self._pageAttrs[newTopPage]['page'],
                anchor = 'nw',

        # Change position of top page if tab height has changed.
        if self._topPageName is not None and oldTabBottom != self.tabBottom:
                    pageBorder + canvasBorder, self.tabBottom + pageBorder)

        # Change size of top page if,
        #   1) there is a new top page.
        #   2) canvas size has changed, but not if there is no top
        #      page (eg:  initially or when all pages deleted).
        #   3) tab height has changed, due to difference in the height of a tab
        if (newTopPage is not None or \
                self._pending.has_key('size') and self._topPageName is not None
                or oldTabBottom != self.tabBottom):
                width = hullWidth - 2 * canvasBorder - pageBorder * 2,
                height = hullHeight - 2 * canvasBorder - pageBorder * 2 -
                    (self.tabBottom - canvasBorder),

        self._pending = {}

# Need to do forwarding to get the pack, grid, etc methods. 
# Unfortunately this means that all the other canvas methods are also
# forwarded.
forwardmethods(NoteBook, Tkinter.Canvas, '_hull')

### File:
import types
import Tkinter

class OptionMenu(MegaWidget):

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('command',        None,       None),
            ('items',          (),         INITOPT),
            ('initialitem',    None,       INITOPT),
	    ('labelmargin',    0,          INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',       None,       INITOPT),
	    ('sticky',         'ew',       INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()

	self._menubutton = self.createcomponent('menubutton',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Menubutton, (interior,),
		borderwidth = 2,
		indicatoron = 1,
		relief = 'raised',
		anchor = 'c',
		highlightthickness = 2,
		direction = 'flush',
                takefocus = 1,
	self._menubutton.grid(column = 2, row = 2, sticky = self['sticky'])

	self._menu = self.createcomponent('menu',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Menu, (self._menubutton,),
	self._menubutton.configure(menu = self._menu)

	interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight = 1)
	interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight = 1)

        # Create the label.

        # Add the items specified by the initialisation option.
	self._itemList = []
        self.setitems(self['items'], self['initialitem'])

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def setitems(self, items, index = None):

        # Clean up old items and callback commands.
        for oldIndex in range(len(self._itemList)):
            tclCommandName = str(self._menu.entrycget(oldIndex, 'command'))
            if tclCommandName != '':   
        self._menu.delete(0, 'end')
	self._itemList = list(items)

	# Set the items in the menu component.
        for item in items:
            self._menu.add_command(label = item,
		command = lambda self = self, item = item: self._invoke(item))

	# Set the currently selected value.
	if index is None:
            var = str(self._menubutton.cget('textvariable'))
	    if var != '':
		# None means do not change text variable.
	    if len(items) == 0:
		text = ''
	    elif str(self._menubutton.cget('text')) in items:
                # Do not change selection if it is still valid
		text = items[0]
	    index = self.index(index)
	    text = self._itemList[index]


    def getcurselection(self):
	var = str(self._menubutton.cget('textvariable'))
	if var == '':
	    return str(self._menubutton.cget('text'))

    def getvalue(self):
        return self.getcurselection()

    def setvalue(self, text):
	var = str(self._menubutton.cget('textvariable'))
	if var == '':
	    self._menubutton.configure(text = text)
	else:, text)

    def index(self, index):
	listLength = len(self._itemList)
	if type(index) == types.IntType:
	    if index < listLength:
		return index
		raise ValueError, 'index "%s" is out of range' % index
	elif index is END:
	    if listLength > 0:
		return listLength - 1
		raise ValueError, 'OptionMenu has no items'
	    if index is SELECT:
		if listLength > 0:
		    index = self.getcurselection()
		    raise ValueError, 'OptionMenu has no items'
            if index in self._itemList:
                return self._itemList.index(index)
	    raise ValueError, \
		    'bad index "%s": must be a ' \
                    'name, a number, END or SELECT' % (index,)

    def invoke(self, index = SELECT):
	index = self.index(index)
	text = self._itemList[index]

        return self._invoke(text)

    def _invoke(self, text):

	command = self['command']
	if callable(command):
	    return command(text)

### File:
# PanedWidget
# a frame which may contain several resizable sub-frames

import string
import sys
import types
import Tkinter

class PanedWidget(MegaWidget):

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
            ('command',            None,         None),
            ('orient',             'vertical',   INITOPT),
            ('separatorrelief',    'sunken',     INITOPT),
            ('separatorthickness', 2,            INITOPT),
            ('handlesize',         8,            INITOPT),
            ('hull_width',         400,          None),
            ('hull_height',        400,          None),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs,
                dynamicGroups = ('Frame', 'Separator', 'Handle'))

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	self.bind('<Configure>', self._handleConfigure)

	if self['orient'] not in ('horizontal', 'vertical'):
	    raise ValueError, 'bad orient option ' + repr(self['orient']) + \
		': must be either \'horizontal\' or \'vertical\''

        self._separatorThickness = self['separatorthickness']
        self._handleSize = self['handlesize']
	self._paneNames = []            # List of pane names
	self._paneAttrs = {}            # Map from pane name to pane info

	self._timerId = None
	self._frame = {}
	self._separator = []
	self._button = []
	self._totalSize = 0
	self._movePending = 0
	self._relsize = {}
	self._relmin = {}
	self._relmax = {}
	self._size = {}
	self._min = {}
	self._max = {}
	self._rootp = None
	self._curSize = None
	self._beforeLimit = None
	self._afterLimit = None
	self._buttonIsDown = 0
	self._majorSize = 100
	self._minorSize = 100

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def insert(self, name, before = 0, **kw):
	# Parse <kw> for options.
	self._parsePaneOptions(name, kw)

	insertPos = self._nameToIndex(before)
	atEnd = (insertPos == len(self._paneNames))

	# Add the frame.
	self._paneNames[insertPos:insertPos] = [name]
	self._frame[name] = self.createcomponent(name,
		(), 'Frame',
		Tkinter.Frame, (self.interior(),))

	# Add separator, if necessary.
	if len(self._paneNames) > 1:

	# Add the new frame and adjust the PanedWidget
	if atEnd:
	    size = self._size[name]
	    if size > 0 or self._relsize[name] is not None:
		if self['orient'] == 'vertical':
		    self._frame[name].place(x=0, relwidth=1,
					    height=size, y=self._totalSize)
		    self._frame[name].place(y=0, relheight=1,
					    width=size, x=self._totalSize)
		if self['orient'] == 'vertical':
		    self._frame[name].place(x=0, relwidth=1,
		    self._frame[name].place(y=0, relheight=1,

	self._totalSize = self._totalSize + self._size[name]
	return self._frame[name]

    def add(self, name, **kw):
        return apply(self.insert, (name, len(self._paneNames)), kw)

    def delete(self, name):
	deletePos = self._nameToIndex(name)
	name = self._paneNames[deletePos]
	del self._paneNames[deletePos]
	del self._frame[name]
	del self._size[name]
	del self._min[name]
	del self._max[name]
	del self._relsize[name]
	del self._relmin[name]
	del self._relmax[name]

	last = len(self._paneNames)
	del self._separator[last]
	del self._button[last]
        if last > 0:


    def setnaturalsize(self):
        totalWidth = 0
        totalHeight = 0
        maxWidth = 0
        maxHeight = 0
	for name in self._paneNames:
            frame = self._frame[name]
            w = frame.winfo_reqwidth()
            h = frame.winfo_reqheight()
            totalWidth = totalWidth + w
            totalHeight = totalHeight + h
            if maxWidth < w:
                maxWidth = w
            if maxHeight < h:
                maxHeight = h

        # Note that, since the hull is a frame, the width and height
        # options specify the geometry *outside* the borderwidth and
        # highlightthickness.
        bw = string.atoi(str(self.cget('hull_borderwidth')))
        hl = string.atoi(str(self.cget('hull_highlightthickness')))
        extra = (bw + hl) * 2
        if str(self.cget('orient')) == 'horizontal':
            totalWidth = totalWidth + extra
            maxHeight = maxHeight + extra
            self.configure(hull_width = totalWidth, hull_height = maxHeight)
            totalHeight = (totalHeight + extra +
                    (len(self._paneNames) - 1) * self._separatorThickness)
            maxWidth = maxWidth + extra
            self.configure(hull_width = maxWidth, hull_height = totalHeight)

    def move(self, name, newPos, newPosOffset = 0):

        # see if we can spare ourselves some work
        numPanes = len(self._paneNames)
        if numPanes < 2:

        newPos = self._nameToIndex(newPos) + newPosOffset
        if newPos < 0 or newPos >=numPanes:

        deletePos = self._nameToIndex(name)

        if deletePos == newPos:
            # inserting over ourself is a no-op

        # delete name from old position in list
        name = self._paneNames[deletePos]
        del self._paneNames[deletePos]

        # place in new position
        self._paneNames[newPos:newPos] = [name]

        # force everything to redraw

    def _nameToIndex(self, nameOrIndex):
	    pos = self._paneNames.index(nameOrIndex)
	except ValueError:
	    pos = nameOrIndex

	return pos

    def _initPaneOptions(self, name):
	# Set defaults.
	self._size[name] = 0
	self._relsize[name] = None
	self._min[name] = 0
	self._relmin[name] = None
	self._max[name] = 100000
	self._relmax[name] = None

    def _parsePaneOptions(self, name, args):
	# Parse <args> for options.
	for arg, value in args.items():
	    if type(value) == types.FloatType:
		relvalue = value
		value = self._absSize(relvalue)
		relvalue = None

	    if arg == 'size':
		self._size[name], self._relsize[name] = value, relvalue
	    elif arg == 'min':
		self._min[name], self._relmin[name] = value, relvalue
	    elif arg == 'max':
		self._max[name], self._relmax[name] = value, relvalue
		raise ValueError, 'keyword must be "size", "min", or "max"'

    def _absSize(self, relvalue):
	return int(round(relvalue * self._majorSize))

    def _sepName(self, n):
	return 'separator-%d' % n

    def _buttonName(self, n):
	return 'handle-%d' % n

    def _addSeparator(self):
	n = len(self._paneNames) - 1

	downFunc = lambda event, s = self, num=n: s._btnDown(event, num)
	upFunc = lambda event, s = self, num=n: s._btnUp(event, num)
	moveFunc = lambda event, s = self, num=n: s._btnMove(event, num)

	# Create the line dividing the panes.
	sep = self.createcomponent(self._sepName(n),
		(), 'Separator',
		Tkinter.Frame, (self.interior(),),
		borderwidth = 1,
		relief = self['separatorrelief'])

	sep.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', downFunc)
	sep.bind('<Any-ButtonRelease-1>', upFunc)
	sep.bind('<B1-Motion>', moveFunc)

	if self['orient'] == 'vertical':
	    cursor = 'sb_v_double_arrow'
	    sep.configure(height = self._separatorThickness,
                    width = 10000, cursor = cursor)
	    cursor = 'sb_h_double_arrow'
	    sep.configure(width = self._separatorThickness,
                    height = 10000, cursor = cursor)

	self._totalSize = self._totalSize + self._separatorThickness

	# Create the handle on the dividing line.
	handle = self.createcomponent(self._buttonName(n),
		(), 'Handle',
		Tkinter.Frame, (self.interior(),),
		    relief = 'raised',
		    borderwidth = 1,
		    width = self._handleSize,
		    height = self._handleSize,
		    cursor = cursor,

	handle.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', downFunc)
	handle.bind('<Any-ButtonRelease-1>', upFunc)
	handle.bind('<B1-Motion>', moveFunc)


	for i in range(1, len(self._paneNames)):
	for i in range(1, len(self._paneNames)):

    def _btnUp(self, event, item):
	self._buttonIsDown = 0

    def _btnDown(self, event, item):
	self._buttonIsDown = 1
	self._movePending = 0

    def _handleConfigure(self, event = None):
	if self._totalSize == 0:

	iterRange = list(self._paneNames)
	if self._majorSize > self._totalSize:
	    n = self._majorSize - self._totalSize
	    self._iterate(iterRange, self._grow, n)
	elif self._majorSize < self._totalSize:
	    n = self._totalSize - self._majorSize
	    self._iterate(iterRange, self._shrink, n)


    def _getNaturalSizes(self):
	# Must call this in order to get correct winfo_width, winfo_height

	self._totalSize = 0

	if self['orient'] == 'vertical':
	    self._majorSize = self.winfo_height()
	    self._minorSize = self.winfo_width()
	    majorspec = Tkinter.Frame.winfo_reqheight
	    self._majorSize = self.winfo_width()
	    self._minorSize = self.winfo_height()
	    majorspec = Tkinter.Frame.winfo_reqwidth

        bw = string.atoi(str(self.cget('hull_borderwidth')))
        hl = string.atoi(str(self.cget('hull_highlightthickness')))
        extra = (bw + hl) * 2
        self._majorSize = self._majorSize - extra
        self._minorSize = self._minorSize - extra

	if self._majorSize < 0:
	    self._majorSize = 0
	if self._minorSize < 0:
	    self._minorSize = 0

	for name in self._paneNames:
	    # adjust the absolute sizes first...
	    if self._relsize[name] is None:
		#special case
		if self._size[name] == 0:
		    self._size[name] = apply(majorspec, (self._frame[name],))
		self._size[name] = self._absSize(self._relsize[name])

	    if self._relmin[name] is not None:
		self._min[name] = self._absSize(self._relmin[name])
	    if self._relmax[name] is not None:
		self._max[name] = self._absSize(self._relmax[name])

	    # now adjust sizes
	    if self._size[name] < self._min[name]:
		self._size[name] = self._min[name]

	    if self._size[name] > self._max[name]:
		self._size[name] = self._max[name]

	    self._totalSize = self._totalSize + self._size[name]

	# adjust for separators
	self._totalSize = (self._totalSize +
                (len(self._paneNames) - 1) * self._separatorThickness)

    def _setrel(self, name):
	if self._relsize[name] is not None:
	    if self._majorSize != 0:
		self._relsize[name] = round(self._size[name]) / self._majorSize

    def _iterate(self, names, proc, n):
	for i in names:
	    n = apply(proc, (i, n))
	    if n == 0:

    def _grow(self, name, n):
	canGrow = self._max[name] - self._size[name]

	if canGrow > n:
	    self._size[name] = self._size[name] + n
	    return 0
	elif canGrow > 0:
	    self._size[name] = self._max[name]
	    n = n - canGrow

	return n

    def _shrink(self, name, n):
	canShrink = self._size[name] - self._min[name]

	if canShrink > n:
	    self._size[name] = self._size[name] - n
	    return 0
	elif canShrink > 0:
	    self._size[name] = self._min[name]
	    n = n - canShrink

	return n

    def _updateSizes(self):
	totalSize = 0

	for name in self._paneNames:
	    size = self._size[name]
	    if self['orient'] == 'vertical':
		self._frame[name].place(x = 0, relwidth = 1,
					y = totalSize,
					height = size)
		self._frame[name].place(y = 0, relheight = 1,
					x = totalSize,
					width = size)

	    totalSize = totalSize + size + self._separatorThickness

	# Invoke the callback command
	cmd = self['command']
	if callable(cmd):
	    cmd(map(lambda x, s = self: s._size[x], self._paneNames))

    def _plotHandles(self):
	if len(self._paneNames) == 0:

	if self['orient'] == 'vertical':
	    btnp = self._minorSize - 13
	    h = self._minorSize

	    if h > 18:
		btnp = 9
		btnp = h - 9

	firstPane = self._paneNames[0]
	totalSize = self._size[firstPane]

	first = 1
	last = len(self._paneNames) - 1

	# loop from first to last, inclusive
	for i in range(1, last + 1):

	    handlepos = totalSize - 3
	    prevSize = self._size[self._paneNames[i - 1]]
	    nextSize = self._size[self._paneNames[i]]

	    offset1 = 0

	    if i == first:
		if prevSize < 4:
		    offset1 = 4 - prevSize
		if prevSize < 8:
		    offset1 = (8 - prevSize) / 2

	    offset2 = 0

	    if i == last:
		if nextSize < 4:
		    offset2 = nextSize - 4
		if nextSize < 8:
		    offset2 = (nextSize - 8) / 2

	    handlepos = handlepos + offset1

	    if self['orient'] == 'vertical':
		height = 8 - offset1 + offset2

		if height > 1:
		    self._button[i].configure(height = height)
		    self._button[i].place(x = btnp, y = handlepos)

		self._separator[i].place(x = 0, y = totalSize,
					 relwidth = 1)
		width = 8 - offset1 + offset2

		if width > 1:
		    self._button[i].configure(width = width)
		    self._button[i].place(y = btnp, x = handlepos)

		self._separator[i].place(y = 0, x = totalSize,
					 relheight = 1)

	    totalSize = totalSize + nextSize + self._separatorThickness

    def pane(self, name):
	return self._frame[self._paneNames[self._nameToIndex(name)]]

    # Return the name of all panes
    def panes(self):
	return list(self._paneNames)

    def configurepane(self, name, **kw):
	name = self._paneNames[self._nameToIndex(name)]
	self._parsePaneOptions(name, kw)

    def updatelayout(self):

    def _getMotionLimit(self, item):
	curBefore = (item - 1) * self._separatorThickness
	minBefore, maxBefore = curBefore, curBefore

	for name in self._paneNames[:item]:
	    curBefore = curBefore + self._size[name]
	    minBefore = minBefore + self._min[name]
	    maxBefore = maxBefore + self._max[name]

	curAfter = (len(self._paneNames) - item) * self._separatorThickness
	minAfter, maxAfter = curAfter, curAfter
	for name in self._paneNames[item:]:
	    curAfter = curAfter + self._size[name]
	    minAfter = minAfter + self._min[name]
	    maxAfter = maxAfter + self._max[name]

	beforeToGo = min(curBefore - minBefore, maxAfter - curAfter)
	afterToGo = min(curAfter - minAfter, maxBefore - curBefore)

	self._beforeLimit = curBefore - beforeToGo
	self._afterLimit = curBefore + afterToGo
	self._curSize = curBefore


    # Compress the motion so that update is quick even on slow machines
    # theRootp = root position (either rootx or rooty)
    def _btnMove(self, event, item):
	self._rootp = event

	if self._movePending == 0:
	    self._timerId = self.after_idle(
		    lambda s = self, i = item: s._btnMoveCompressed(i))
	    self._movePending = 1

    def destroy(self):
        if self._timerId is not None:
	  self._timerId = None

    def _btnMoveCompressed(self, item):
	if not self._buttonIsDown:

	if self['orient'] == 'vertical':
	    p = self._rootp.y_root - self.winfo_rooty()
	    p = self._rootp.x_root - self.winfo_rootx()

	if p == self._curSize:
	    self._movePending = 0

	if p < self._beforeLimit:
	    p = self._beforeLimit

	if p >= self._afterLimit:
	    p = self._afterLimit

	self._calculateChange(item, p)
	self._movePending = 0

    # Calculate the change in response to mouse motions
    def _calculateChange(self, item, p):

	if p < self._curSize:
	    self._moveBefore(item, p)
	elif p > self._curSize:
	    self._moveAfter(item, p)


    def _moveBefore(self, item, p):
	n = self._curSize - p

	# Shrink the frames before
	iterRange = list(self._paneNames[:item])
	self._iterate(iterRange, self._shrink, n)

	# Adjust the frames after
	iterRange = self._paneNames[item:]
	self._iterate(iterRange, self._grow, n)

	self._curSize = p

    def _moveAfter(self, item, p):
	n = p - self._curSize

	# Shrink the frames after
	iterRange = self._paneNames[item:]
	self._iterate(iterRange, self._shrink, n)

	# Adjust the frames before
	iterRange = list(self._paneNames[:item])
	self._iterate(iterRange, self._grow, n)

	self._curSize = p

### File:
# Based on iwidgets2.2.0/promptdialog.itk code.

# A Dialog with an entryfield

class PromptDialog(Dialog):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):
	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('borderx',     20,    INITOPT),
	    ('bordery',     20,    INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	Dialog.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()
	aliases = (
	    ('entry', 'entryfield_entry'),
	    ('label', 'entryfield_label'),
	self._promptDialogEntry = self.createcomponent('entryfield',
		aliases, None,
		EntryField, (interior,))
	self._promptDialogEntry.pack(fill='x', expand=1,
		padx = self['borderx'], pady = self['bordery'])
        if not kw.has_key('activatecommand'):
            # Whenever this dialog is activated, set the focus to the
            # EntryField's entry widget.
            tkentry = self.component('entry')
            self.configure(activatecommand = tkentry.focus_set)

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    # Supply aliases to some of the entry component methods.
    def insertentry(self, index, text):
	self._promptDialogEntry.insert(index, text)

    def deleteentry(self, first, last=None):
	self._promptDialogEntry.delete(first, last)

    def indexentry(self, index):
	return self._promptDialogEntry.index(index)

forwardmethods(PromptDialog, EntryField, '_promptDialogEntry')

### File:
import types
import Tkinter

class RadioSelect(MegaWidget):
    # A collection of several buttons.  In single mode, only one
    # button may be selected.  In multiple mode, any number of buttons
    # may be selected.

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('buttontype',    'button',      INITOPT),
	    ('command',       None,          None),
	    ('labelmargin',   0,             INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',      None,          INITOPT),
	    ('orient',       'horizontal',   INITOPT),
	    ('padx',          5,             INITOPT),
	    ('pady',          5,             INITOPT),
	    ('selectmode',    'single',      INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs, dynamicGroups = ('Button',))

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()
	if self['labelpos'] is None:
	    self._radioSelectFrame = self._hull
	    self._radioSelectFrame = self.createcomponent('frame',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Frame, (interior,))
	    self._radioSelectFrame.grid(column=2, row=2, sticky='nsew')
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)


	# Initialise instance variables.
	self._buttonList = []
	if self['selectmode'] == 'single':
	    self._singleSelect = 1
	elif self['selectmode'] == 'multiple':
	    self._singleSelect = 0
	    raise ValueError, 'bad selectmode option "' + \
		    self['selectmode'] + '": should be single or multiple'

	if self['buttontype'] == 'button':
	    self.buttonClass = Tkinter.Button
	elif self['buttontype'] == 'radiobutton':
	    self._singleSelect = 1
	    self.var = Tkinter.StringVar()
	    self.buttonClass = Tkinter.Radiobutton
	elif self['buttontype'] == 'checkbutton':
	    self._singleSelect = 0
	    self.buttonClass = Tkinter.Checkbutton
	    raise ValueError, 'bad buttontype option "' + \
		    self['buttontype'] + \
		    '": should be button, radiobutton or checkbutton'

	if self._singleSelect:
	    self.selection = None
	    self.selection = []

	if self['orient'] not in ('horizontal', 'vertical'):
	    raise ValueError, 'bad orient option ' + repr(self['orient']) + \
		': must be either \'horizontal\' or \'vertical\''

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def getcurselection(self):
	if self._singleSelect:
            return self.selection
            return tuple(self.selection)

    def getvalue(self):
        return self.getcurselection()

    def setvalue(self, textOrList):
	if self._singleSelect:
	    # Multiple selections
            oldselection = self.selection
            self.selection = textOrList
            for button in self._buttonList:
                if button in oldselection:
                    if button not in self.selection:
                        # button is currently selected but should not be
                        widget = self.component(button)
                        if self['buttontype'] == 'checkbutton':
                        else:  # Button
                    if button in self.selection:
                        # button is not currently selected but should be
                        widget = self.component(button)
                        if self['buttontype'] == 'checkbutton':
                        else:  # Button

    def numbuttons(self):
        return len(self._buttonList)

    def index(self, index):
	# Return the integer index of the button with the given index.

	listLength = len(self._buttonList)
	if type(index) == types.IntType:
	    if index < listLength:
		return index
		raise ValueError, 'index "%s" is out of range' % index
	elif index is END:
	    if listLength > 0:
		return listLength - 1
		raise ValueError, 'RadioSelect has no buttons'
	    for count in range(listLength):
		name = self._buttonList[count]
		if index == name:
		    return count
	    validValues = 'a name, a number or END'
	    raise ValueError, \
		    'bad index "%s": must be %s' % (index, validValues)

    def button(self, buttonIndex):
	name = self._buttonList[self.index(buttonIndex)]
        return self.component(name)

    def add(self, componentName, **kw):
	if componentName in self._buttonList:
	    raise ValueError, 'button "%s" already exists' % componentName

	kw['command'] = \
                lambda self=self, name=componentName: self.invoke(name)
	if not kw.has_key('text'):
	    kw['text'] = componentName

	if self['buttontype'] == 'radiobutton':
	    if not kw.has_key('anchor'):
		kw['anchor'] = 'w'
	    if not kw.has_key('variable'):
		kw['variable'] = self.var
	    if not kw.has_key('value'):
		kw['value'] = kw['text']
	elif self['buttontype'] == 'checkbutton':
	    if not kw.has_key('anchor'):
		kw['anchor'] = 'w'

	button = apply(self.createcomponent, (componentName,
		(), 'Button',
		self.buttonClass, (self._radioSelectFrame,)), kw)

	if self['orient'] == 'horizontal':
	    self._radioSelectFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
	    col = len(self._buttonList)
	    button.grid(column=col, row=0, padx = self['padx'],
		    pady = self['pady'], sticky='nsew')
	    self._radioSelectFrame.grid_columnconfigure(col, weight=1)
	    self._radioSelectFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
	    row = len(self._buttonList)
	    button.grid(column=0, row=row, padx = self['padx'],
		    pady = self['pady'], sticky='ew')
	    self._radioSelectFrame.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1)

	return button

    def deleteall(self):
	for name in self._buttonList:
	self._buttonList = []
	if self._singleSelect:
	    self.selection = None
	    self.selection = []

    def __setSingleValue(self, value):
            self.selection = value
            if self['buttontype'] == 'radiobutton':
                widget = self.component(value)
            else:  # Button
                for button in self._buttonList:
                    widget = self.component(button)
                    if button == value:

    def invoke(self, index):
	index = self.index(index)
	name = self._buttonList[index]

	if self._singleSelect:
	    command = self['command']
	    if callable(command):
		return command(name)
	    # Multiple selections
	    widget = self.component(name)
	    if name in self.selection:
		if self['buttontype'] == 'checkbutton':
		state = 0
		if self['buttontype'] == 'checkbutton':
		state = 1

	    command = self['command']
	    if callable(command):
	      return command(name, state)

### File:
import Tkinter

class ScrolledCanvas(MegaWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('borderframe',    0,            INITOPT),
	    ('canvasmargin',   0,            INITOPT),
	    ('hscrollmode',    'dynamic',    self._hscrollMode),
	    ('labelmargin',    0,            INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',       None,         INITOPT),
	    ('scrollmargin',   2,            INITOPT),
	    ('usehullsize',    0,            INITOPT),
	    ('vscrollmode',    'dynamic',    self._vscrollMode),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	self.origInterior = MegaWidget.interior(self)

	if self['usehullsize']:

	if self['borderframe']:
	    # Create a frame widget to act as the border of the canvas. 
	    self._borderframe = self.createcomponent('borderframe',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Frame, (self.origInterior,),
		    relief = 'sunken',
		    borderwidth = 2,
	    self._borderframe.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = 'news')

	    # Create the canvas widget.
	    self._canvas = self.createcomponent('canvas',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Canvas, (self._borderframe,),
		    highlightthickness = 0,
		    borderwidth = 0,
	    self._canvas.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
	    # Create the canvas widget.
	    self._canvas = self.createcomponent('canvas',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Canvas, (self.origInterior,),
		    relief = 'sunken',
		    borderwidth = 2,
	    self._canvas.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = 'news')

	self.origInterior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight = 1, minsize = 0)
	self.origInterior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight = 1, minsize = 0)
	# Create the horizontal scrollbar
	self._horizScrollbar = self.createcomponent('horizscrollbar',
		(), 'Scrollbar',
		Tkinter.Scrollbar, (self.origInterior,),

	# Create the vertical scrollbar
	self._vertScrollbar = self.createcomponent('vertscrollbar',
		(), 'Scrollbar',
		Tkinter.Scrollbar, (self.origInterior,),

	self.createlabel(self.origInterior, childCols = 3, childRows = 3)

	# Initialise instance variables.
	self._horizScrollbarOn = 0
	self._vertScrollbarOn = 0
	self.scrollTimer = None
        self._scrollRecurse = 0
	self._horizScrollbarNeeded = 0
	self._vertScrollbarNeeded = 0
	self.setregionTimer = None

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def destroy(self):
	if self.scrollTimer is not None:
	    self.scrollTimer = None
	if self.setregionTimer is not None:
	    self.setregionTimer = None

    # ======================================================================

    # Public methods.

    def interior(self):
	return self._canvas

    def resizescrollregion(self):
	if self.setregionTimer is None:
	    self.setregionTimer = self.after_idle(self._setRegion)

    # ======================================================================

    # Configuration methods.

    def _hscrollMode(self):
	# The horizontal scroll mode has been configured.

	mode = self['hscrollmode']

	if mode == 'static':
	    if not self._horizScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'dynamic':
	    if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'none':
	    if self._horizScrollbarOn:
	    message = 'bad hscrollmode option "%s": should be static, dynamic, or none' % mode
	    raise ValueError, message


    def _vscrollMode(self):
	# The vertical scroll mode has been configured.

	mode = self['vscrollmode']

	if mode == 'static':
	    if not self._vertScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'dynamic':
	    if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'none':
	    if self._vertScrollbarOn:
	    message = 'bad vscrollmode option "%s": should be static, dynamic, or none' % mode
	    raise ValueError, message


    # ======================================================================

    # Private methods.

    def _configureScrollCommands(self):
        # If both scrollmodes are not dynamic we can save a lot of
        # time by not having to create an idle job to handle the
        # scroll commands.

        # Clean up previous scroll commands to prevent memory leak.
        tclCommandName = str(self._canvas.cget('xscrollcommand'))
        if tclCommandName != '':   
        tclCommandName = str(self._canvas.cget('yscrollcommand'))
        if tclCommandName != '':   

	if self['hscrollmode'] == self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':

    def _scrollXNow(self, first, last):
        self._horizScrollbar.set(first, last)
        self._horizScrollbarNeeded = ((first, last) != ('0', '1'))

	if self['hscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
	    if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn:

    def _scrollYNow(self, first, last):
        self._vertScrollbar.set(first, last)
        self._vertScrollbarNeeded = ((first, last) != ('0', '1'))

        if self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
            if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn:

    def _scrollBothLater(self, first, last):
	# Called by the canvas to set the horizontal or vertical
	# scrollbar when it has scrolled or changed scrollregion.

	if self.scrollTimer is None:
	    self.scrollTimer = self.after_idle(self._scrollBothNow)

    def _scrollBothNow(self):
        # This performs the function of _scrollXNow and _scrollYNow.
        # If one is changed, the other should be updated to match.
	self.scrollTimer = None

        # Call update_idletasks to make sure that the containing frame
        # has been resized before we attempt to set the scrollbars. 
        # Otherwise the scrollbars may be mapped/unmapped continuously.
        self._scrollRecurse = self._scrollRecurse + 1
        self._scrollRecurse = self._scrollRecurse - 1
        if self._scrollRecurse != 0:

	xview = self._canvas.xview()
	yview = self._canvas.yview()
	self._horizScrollbar.set(xview[0], xview[1])
	self._vertScrollbar.set(yview[0], yview[1])

	self._horizScrollbarNeeded = (xview != (0.0, 1.0))
	self._vertScrollbarNeeded = (yview != (0.0, 1.0))

	# If both horizontal and vertical scrollmodes are dynamic and
	# currently only one scrollbar is mapped and both should be
	# toggled, then unmap the mapped scrollbar.  This prevents a
	# continuous mapping and unmapping of the scrollbars. 
	if (self['hscrollmode'] == self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic' and
		self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn and
		self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn and
		self._vertScrollbarOn != self._horizScrollbarOn):
	    if self._horizScrollbarOn:

	if self['hscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
	    if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn:

	if self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
	    if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn:

    def _toggleHorizScrollbar(self):

	self._horizScrollbarOn = not self._horizScrollbarOn

	interior = self.origInterior
	if self._horizScrollbarOn:
	    self._horizScrollbar.grid(row = 4, column = 2, sticky = 'news')
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(3, minsize = self['scrollmargin'])
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(3, minsize = 0)

    def _toggleVertScrollbar(self):

	self._vertScrollbarOn = not self._vertScrollbarOn

	interior = self.origInterior
	if self._vertScrollbarOn:
	    self._vertScrollbar.grid(row = 2, column = 4, sticky = 'news')
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(3, minsize = self['scrollmargin'])
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(3, minsize = 0)

    def _setRegion(self):
	self.setregionTimer = None

	region = self._canvas.bbox('all')
        if region is not None:
	    canvasmargin = self['canvasmargin']
	    region = (region[0] - canvasmargin, region[1] - canvasmargin,
		region[2] + canvasmargin, region[3] + canvasmargin)
	    self._canvas.configure(scrollregion = region)

    # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
    # (grid_)bbox method inherited from Tkinter.Frame.Grid.
    def bbox(self, *args):
	return apply(self._canvas.bbox, args)

forwardmethods(ScrolledCanvas, Tkinter.Canvas, '_canvas')

### File:
import Tkinter

class ScrolledField(MegaWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('labelmargin',   0,      INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',      None,   INITOPT),
	    ('sticky',        'ew',   INITOPT),
	    ('text',          '',     self._text),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()
	self._scrolledFieldEntry = self.createcomponent('entry',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Entry, (interior,))

        # Can't always use 'disabled', since this greys out text in Tk 8.4.2
            self._scrolledFieldEntry.configure(state = 'readonly')
        except Tkinter.TclError:
            self._scrolledFieldEntry.configure(state = 'disabled')

	self._scrolledFieldEntry.grid(column=2, row=2, sticky=self['sticky'])
	interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
	interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)


	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def _text(self):
        text = self['text']
        self._scrolledFieldEntry.configure(state = 'normal')
        self._scrolledFieldEntry.delete(0, 'end')
        self._scrolledFieldEntry.insert('end', text)

        # Can't always use 'disabled', since this greys out text in Tk 8.4.2
            self._scrolledFieldEntry.configure(state = 'readonly')
        except Tkinter.TclError:
            self._scrolledFieldEntry.configure(state = 'disabled')

forwardmethods(ScrolledField, Tkinter.Entry, '_scrolledFieldEntry')

### File:
import string
import types
import Tkinter

class ScrolledFrame(MegaWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('borderframe',    1,            INITOPT),
	    ('horizflex',      'fixed',      self._horizflex),
	    ('horizfraction',  0.05,         INITOPT),
	    ('hscrollmode',    'dynamic',    self._hscrollMode),
	    ('labelmargin',    0,            INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',       None,         INITOPT),
	    ('scrollmargin',   2,            INITOPT),
	    ('usehullsize',    0,            INITOPT),
	    ('vertflex',       'fixed',      self._vertflex),
	    ('vertfraction',   0.05,         INITOPT),
	    ('vscrollmode',    'dynamic',    self._vscrollMode),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	self.origInterior = MegaWidget.interior(self)

	if self['usehullsize']:

	if self['borderframe']:
	    # Create a frame widget to act as the border of the clipper. 
	    self._borderframe = self.createcomponent('borderframe',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Frame, (self.origInterior,),
		    relief = 'sunken',
		    borderwidth = 2,
	    self._borderframe.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = 'news')

	    # Create the clipping window.
	    self._clipper = self.createcomponent('clipper',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Frame, (self._borderframe,),
		    width = 400,
		    height = 300,
		    highlightthickness = 0,
		    borderwidth = 0,
	    self._clipper.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
	    # Create the clipping window.
	    self._clipper = self.createcomponent('clipper',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Frame, (self.origInterior,),
		    width = 400,
		    height = 300,
		    relief = 'sunken',
		    borderwidth = 2,
	    self._clipper.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = 'news')

	self.origInterior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight = 1, minsize = 0)
	self.origInterior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight = 1, minsize = 0)
	# Create the horizontal scrollbar
	self._horizScrollbar = self.createcomponent('horizscrollbar',
		(), 'Scrollbar',
		Tkinter.Scrollbar, (self.origInterior,),

	# Create the vertical scrollbar
	self._vertScrollbar = self.createcomponent('vertscrollbar',
		(), 'Scrollbar',
		Tkinter.Scrollbar, (self.origInterior,),

	self.createlabel(self.origInterior, childCols = 3, childRows = 3)

	# Initialise instance variables.
	self._horizScrollbarOn = 0
	self._vertScrollbarOn = 0
	self.scrollTimer = None
	self._scrollRecurse = 0
	self._horizScrollbarNeeded = 0
	self._vertScrollbarNeeded = 0
	self.startX = 0
	self.startY = 0
	self._flexoptions = ('fixed', 'expand', 'shrink', 'elastic')

	# Create a frame in the clipper to contain the widgets to be
	# scrolled.
	self._frame = self.createcomponent('frame',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Frame, (self._clipper,)

	# Whenever the clipping window or scrolled frame change size,
	# update the scrollbars.
	self._frame.bind('<Configure>', self._reposition)
	self._clipper.bind('<Configure>', self._reposition)

        # Work around a bug in Tk where the value returned by the
        # scrollbar get() method is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) rather than
        # the expected 2-tuple.  This occurs if xview() is called soon
        # after the ScrolledFrame has been created.
        self._horizScrollbar.set(0.0, 1.0)
        self._vertScrollbar.set(0.0, 1.0)

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def destroy(self):
	if self.scrollTimer is not None:
	    self.scrollTimer = None

    # ======================================================================

    # Public methods.

    def interior(self):
	return self._frame

    # Set timer to call real reposition method, so that it is not
    # called multiple times when many things are reconfigured at the
    # same time.
    def reposition(self):
	if self.scrollTimer is None:
	    self.scrollTimer = self.after_idle(self._scrollBothNow)

    # Called when the user clicks in the horizontal scrollbar. 
    # Calculates new position of frame then calls reposition() to
    # update the frame and the scrollbar.
    def xview(self, mode = None, value = None, units = None):

        if type(value) == types.StringType:
            value = string.atof(value)
        if mode is None:
            return self._horizScrollbar.get()
	elif mode == 'moveto':
	    frameWidth = self._frame.winfo_reqwidth()
	    self.startX = value * float(frameWidth)
	else: # mode == 'scroll'
	    clipperWidth = self._clipper.winfo_width()
	    if units == 'units':
		jump = int(clipperWidth * self['horizfraction'])
		jump = clipperWidth
            self.startX = self.startX + value * jump


    # Called when the user clicks in the vertical scrollbar. 
    # Calculates new position of frame then calls reposition() to
    # update the frame and the scrollbar.
    def yview(self, mode = None, value = None, units = None):

        if type(value) == types.StringType:
            value = string.atof(value)
        if mode is None:
            return self._vertScrollbar.get()
	elif mode == 'moveto':
	    frameHeight = self._frame.winfo_reqheight()
	    self.startY = value * float(frameHeight)
	else: # mode == 'scroll'
	    clipperHeight = self._clipper.winfo_height()
	    if units == 'units':
		jump = int(clipperHeight * self['vertfraction'])
		jump = clipperHeight
            self.startY = self.startY + value * jump


    # ======================================================================

    # Configuration methods.

    def _hscrollMode(self):
	# The horizontal scroll mode has been configured.

	mode = self['hscrollmode']

	if mode == 'static':
	    if not self._horizScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'dynamic':
	    if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'none':
	    if self._horizScrollbarOn:
	    message = 'bad hscrollmode option "%s": should be static, dynamic, or none' % mode
	    raise ValueError, message

    def _vscrollMode(self):
	# The vertical scroll mode has been configured.

	mode = self['vscrollmode']

	if mode == 'static':
	    if not self._vertScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'dynamic':
	    if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'none':
	    if self._vertScrollbarOn:
	    message = 'bad vscrollmode option "%s": should be static, dynamic, or none' % mode
	    raise ValueError, message

    def _horizflex(self):
	# The horizontal flex mode has been configured.

	flex = self['horizflex']

	if flex not in self._flexoptions:
	    message = 'bad horizflex option "%s": should be one of %s' % \
		    (flex, str(self._flexoptions))
	    raise ValueError, message


    def _vertflex(self):
	# The vertical flex mode has been configured.

	flex = self['vertflex']

	if flex not in self._flexoptions:
	    message = 'bad vertflex option "%s": should be one of %s' % \
		    (flex, str(self._flexoptions))
	    raise ValueError, message


    # ======================================================================

    # Private methods.

    def _reposition(self, event):

    def _getxview(self):

	# Horizontal dimension.
	clipperWidth = self._clipper.winfo_width()
	frameWidth = self._frame.winfo_reqwidth()
	if frameWidth <= clipperWidth:
	    # The scrolled frame is smaller than the clipping window.

	    self.startX = 0
	    endScrollX = 1.0

	    if self['horizflex'] in ('expand', 'elastic'):
		relwidth = 1
		relwidth = ''
	    # The scrolled frame is larger than the clipping window.

	    if self['horizflex'] in ('shrink', 'elastic'):
		self.startX = 0
		endScrollX = 1.0
		relwidth = 1
		if self.startX + clipperWidth > frameWidth:
		    self.startX = frameWidth - clipperWidth
		    endScrollX = 1.0
		    if self.startX < 0:
			self.startX = 0
		    endScrollX = (self.startX + clipperWidth) / float(frameWidth)
		relwidth = ''

	# Position frame relative to clipper. = -self.startX, relwidth = relwidth)
	return (self.startX / float(frameWidth), endScrollX)

    def _getyview(self):

	# Vertical dimension.
	clipperHeight = self._clipper.winfo_height()
	frameHeight = self._frame.winfo_reqheight()
	if frameHeight <= clipperHeight:
	    # The scrolled frame is smaller than the clipping window.

	    self.startY = 0
	    endScrollY = 1.0

	    if self['vertflex'] in ('expand', 'elastic'):
		relheight = 1
		relheight = ''
	    # The scrolled frame is larger than the clipping window.

	    if self['vertflex'] in ('shrink', 'elastic'):
		self.startY = 0
		endScrollY = 1.0
		relheight = 1
		if self.startY + clipperHeight > frameHeight:
		    self.startY = frameHeight - clipperHeight
		    endScrollY = 1.0
		    if self.startY < 0:
			self.startY = 0
		    endScrollY = (self.startY + clipperHeight) / float(frameHeight)
		relheight = ''

	# Position frame relative to clipper. = -self.startY, relheight = relheight)
	return (self.startY / float(frameHeight), endScrollY)

    # According to the relative geometries of the frame and the
    # clipper, reposition the frame within the clipper and reset the
    # scrollbars.
    def _scrollBothNow(self):
	self.scrollTimer = None

        # Call update_idletasks to make sure that the containing frame
        # has been resized before we attempt to set the scrollbars. 
        # Otherwise the scrollbars may be mapped/unmapped continuously.
        self._scrollRecurse = self._scrollRecurse + 1
        self._scrollRecurse = self._scrollRecurse - 1
        if self._scrollRecurse != 0:

	xview = self._getxview()
	yview = self._getyview()
	self._horizScrollbar.set(xview[0], xview[1])
	self._vertScrollbar.set(yview[0], yview[1])

	self._horizScrollbarNeeded = (xview != (0.0, 1.0))
	self._vertScrollbarNeeded = (yview != (0.0, 1.0))

	# If both horizontal and vertical scrollmodes are dynamic and
	# currently only one scrollbar is mapped and both should be
	# toggled, then unmap the mapped scrollbar.  This prevents a
	# continuous mapping and unmapping of the scrollbars. 
	if (self['hscrollmode'] == self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic' and
		self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn and
		self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn and
		self._vertScrollbarOn != self._horizScrollbarOn):
	    if self._horizScrollbarOn:

	if self['hscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
	    if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn:

	if self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
	    if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn:

    def _toggleHorizScrollbar(self):

	self._horizScrollbarOn = not self._horizScrollbarOn

	interior = self.origInterior
	if self._horizScrollbarOn:
	    self._horizScrollbar.grid(row = 4, column = 2, sticky = 'news')
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(3, minsize = self['scrollmargin'])
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(3, minsize = 0)

    def _toggleVertScrollbar(self):

	self._vertScrollbarOn = not self._vertScrollbarOn

	interior = self.origInterior
	if self._vertScrollbarOn:
	    self._vertScrollbar.grid(row = 2, column = 4, sticky = 'news')
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(3, minsize = self['scrollmargin'])
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(3, minsize = 0)

### File:
# Based on iwidgets2.2.0/scrolledlistbox.itk code.

import types
import Tkinter

class ScrolledListBox(MegaWidget):
    _classBindingsDefinedFor = 0

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('dblclickcommand',    None,            None),
	    ('hscrollmode',        'dynamic',       self._hscrollMode),
	    ('items',              (),              INITOPT),
	    ('labelmargin',        0,               INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',           None,            INITOPT),
	    ('scrollmargin',       2,               INITOPT),
	    ('selectioncommand',   None,            None),
	    ('usehullsize',        0,               INITOPT),
	    ('vscrollmode',        'dynamic',       self._vscrollMode),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()

	if self['usehullsize']:

	# Create the listbox widget.
	self._listbox = self.createcomponent('listbox',
		(), None,
		Tkinter.Listbox, (interior,))
	self._listbox.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = 'news')
	interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight = 1, minsize = 0)
	interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight = 1, minsize = 0)

	# Create the horizontal scrollbar
	self._horizScrollbar = self.createcomponent('horizscrollbar',
		(), 'Scrollbar',
		Tkinter.Scrollbar, (interior,),

	# Create the vertical scrollbar
	self._vertScrollbar = self.createcomponent('vertscrollbar',
		(), 'Scrollbar',
		Tkinter.Scrollbar, (interior,),

	self.createlabel(interior, childCols = 3, childRows = 3)

	# Add the items specified by the initialisation option.
	items = self['items']
	if type(items) != types.TupleType:
	    items = tuple(items)
	if len(items) > 0:
	    apply(self._listbox.insert, ('end',) + items)

	_registerScrolledList(self._listbox, self)

        # Establish the special class bindings if not already done.
        # Also create bindings if the Tkinter default interpreter has
        # changed.  Use Tkinter._default_root to create class
        # bindings, so that a reference to root is created by
        # bind_class rather than a reference to self, which would
        # prevent object cleanup.
        theTag = 'ScrolledListBoxTag'
        if ScrolledListBox._classBindingsDefinedFor != Tkinter._default_root:
            root  = Tkinter._default_root
            def doubleEvent(event):
                _handleEvent(event, 'double')
            def keyEvent(event):
                _handleEvent(event, 'key')
            def releaseEvent(event):
                _handleEvent(event, 'release')

            # Bind space and return keys and button 1 to the selectioncommand.
            root.bind_class(theTag, '<Key-space>', keyEvent)
            root.bind_class(theTag, '<Key-Return>', keyEvent)
            root.bind_class(theTag, '<ButtonRelease-1>', releaseEvent)

            # Bind double button 1 click to the dblclickcommand.
            root.bind_class(theTag, '<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', doubleEvent)

	    ScrolledListBox._classBindingsDefinedFor = root

	bindtags = self._listbox.bindtags()
	self._listbox.bindtags(bindtags + (theTag,))

	# Initialise instance variables.
	self._horizScrollbarOn = 0
	self._vertScrollbarOn = 0
	self.scrollTimer = None
        self._scrollRecurse = 0
	self._horizScrollbarNeeded = 0
	self._vertScrollbarNeeded = 0

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def destroy(self):
	if self.scrollTimer is not None:
	    self.scrollTimer = None

    # ======================================================================

    # Public methods.

    def clear(self):

    def getcurselection(self):
	rtn = []
	for sel in self.curselection():
	return tuple(rtn)

    def getvalue(self):
        return self.getcurselection()

    def setvalue(self, textOrList):
        self._listbox.selection_clear(0, 'end')
        listitems = list(self._listbox.get(0, 'end'))
        if type(textOrList) == types.StringType:
            if textOrList in listitems:
                raise ValueError, 'no such item "%s"' % textOrList
            for item in textOrList:
                if item in listitems:
                    raise ValueError, 'no such item "%s"' % item

    def setlist(self, items):
        self._listbox.delete(0, 'end')
	if len(items) > 0:
	    if type(items) != types.TupleType:
		items = tuple(items)
	    apply(self._listbox.insert, (0,) + items)

    # Override Tkinter.Listbox get method, so that if it is called with
    # no arguments, return all list elements (consistent with other widgets).
    def get(self, first=None, last=None):
	if first is None:
	    return self._listbox.get(0, 'end')
	    return self._listbox.get(first, last)

    # ======================================================================

    # Configuration methods.

    def _hscrollMode(self):
	# The horizontal scroll mode has been configured.

	mode = self['hscrollmode']

	if mode == 'static':
	    if not self._horizScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'dynamic':
	    if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'none':
	    if self._horizScrollbarOn:
	    message = 'bad hscrollmode option "%s": should be static, dynamic, or none' % mode
	    raise ValueError, message


    def _vscrollMode(self):
	# The vertical scroll mode has been configured.

	mode = self['vscrollmode']

	if mode == 'static':
	    if not self._vertScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'dynamic':
	    if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'none':
	    if self._vertScrollbarOn:
	    message = 'bad vscrollmode option "%s": should be static, dynamic, or none' % mode
	    raise ValueError, message


    # ======================================================================

    # Private methods.

    def _configureScrollCommands(self):
        # If both scrollmodes are not dynamic we can save a lot of
        # time by not having to create an idle job to handle the
        # scroll commands.

        # Clean up previous scroll commands to prevent memory leak.
        tclCommandName = str(self._listbox.cget('xscrollcommand'))
        if tclCommandName != '':   
        tclCommandName = str(self._listbox.cget('yscrollcommand'))
        if tclCommandName != '':   

	if self['hscrollmode'] == self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':

    def _scrollXNow(self, first, last):
        self._horizScrollbar.set(first, last)
        self._horizScrollbarNeeded = ((first, last) != ('0', '1'))

	if self['hscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
	    if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn:

    def _scrollYNow(self, first, last):
        self._vertScrollbar.set(first, last)
        self._vertScrollbarNeeded = ((first, last) != ('0', '1'))

        if self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
            if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn:

    def _scrollBothLater(self, first, last):
	# Called by the listbox to set the horizontal or vertical
	# scrollbar when it has scrolled or changed size or contents.

	if self.scrollTimer is None:
	    self.scrollTimer = self.after_idle(self._scrollBothNow)

    def _scrollBothNow(self):
        # This performs the function of _scrollXNow and _scrollYNow.
        # If one is changed, the other should be updated to match.
	self.scrollTimer = None

        # Call update_idletasks to make sure that the containing frame
        # has been resized before we attempt to set the scrollbars. 
        # Otherwise the scrollbars may be mapped/unmapped continuously.
        self._scrollRecurse = self._scrollRecurse + 1
        self._scrollRecurse = self._scrollRecurse - 1
        if self._scrollRecurse != 0:

	xview = self._listbox.xview()
	yview = self._listbox.yview()
	self._horizScrollbar.set(xview[0], xview[1])
	self._vertScrollbar.set(yview[0], yview[1])

	self._horizScrollbarNeeded = (xview != (0.0, 1.0))
	self._vertScrollbarNeeded = (yview != (0.0, 1.0))

	# If both horizontal and vertical scrollmodes are dynamic and
	# currently only one scrollbar is mapped and both should be
	# toggled, then unmap the mapped scrollbar.  This prevents a
	# continuous mapping and unmapping of the scrollbars. 
	if (self['hscrollmode'] == self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic' and
		self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn and
		self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn and
		self._vertScrollbarOn != self._horizScrollbarOn):
	    if self._horizScrollbarOn:

	if self['hscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
	    if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn:

	if self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
	    if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn:

    def _toggleHorizScrollbar(self):

	self._horizScrollbarOn = not self._horizScrollbarOn

	interior = self.interior()
	if self._horizScrollbarOn:
	    self._horizScrollbar.grid(row = 4, column = 2, sticky = 'news')
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(3, minsize = self['scrollmargin'])
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(3, minsize = 0)

    def _toggleVertScrollbar(self):

	self._vertScrollbarOn = not self._vertScrollbarOn

	interior = self.interior()
	if self._vertScrollbarOn:
	    self._vertScrollbar.grid(row = 2, column = 4, sticky = 'news')
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(3, minsize = self['scrollmargin'])
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(3, minsize = 0)

    def _handleEvent(self, event, eventType):
        if eventType == 'double':
            command = self['dblclickcommand']
        elif eventType == 'key':
            command = self['selectioncommand']
        else: #eventType == 'release'
            # Do not execute the command if the mouse was released
            # outside the listbox.
            if (event.x < 0 or self._listbox.winfo_width() <= event.x or
                    event.y < 0 or self._listbox.winfo_height() <= event.y):

            command = self['selectioncommand']

        if callable(command):

    # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
    # (grid_)size method inherited from Tkinter.Frame.Grid.
    def size(self):
	return self._listbox.size()

    # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
    # (grid_)bbox method inherited from Tkinter.Frame.Grid.
    def bbox(self, index):
	return self._listbox.bbox(index)

forwardmethods(ScrolledListBox, Tkinter.Listbox, '_listbox')

# ======================================================================

_listboxCache = {}

def _registerScrolledList(listbox, scrolledList):
    # Register an ScrolledList widget for a Listbox widget

    _listboxCache[listbox] = scrolledList

def _deregisterScrolledList(listbox):
    # Deregister a Listbox widget
    del _listboxCache[listbox]

def _handleEvent(event, eventType):
    # Forward events for a Listbox to it's ScrolledListBox

    # A binding earlier in the bindtags list may have destroyed the
    # megawidget, so need to check.
    if _listboxCache.has_key(event.widget):
        _listboxCache[event.widget]._handleEvent(event, eventType)

### File:
# Based on iwidgets2.2.0/scrolledtext.itk code.   

import Tkinter

class ScrolledText(MegaWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('borderframe',    0,            INITOPT),
	    ('columnheader',   0,            INITOPT),
	    ('hscrollmode',    'dynamic',    self._hscrollMode),
	    ('labelmargin',    0,            INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',       None,         INITOPT),
	    ('rowcolumnheader',0,            INITOPT),
	    ('rowheader',      0,            INITOPT),
	    ('scrollmargin',   2,            INITOPT),
	    ('usehullsize',    0,            INITOPT),
	    ('vscrollmode',    'dynamic',    self._vscrollMode),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()

	if self['usehullsize']:

	if self['borderframe']:
	    # Create a frame widget to act as the border of the text 
	    # widget.  Later, pack the text widget so that it fills
	    # the frame.  This avoids a problem in Tk, where window
	    # items in a text widget may overlap the border of the
	    # text widget.
	    self._borderframe = self.createcomponent('borderframe',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Frame, (interior,),
		    relief = 'sunken',
		    borderwidth = 2,
	    self._borderframe.grid(row = 4, column = 4, sticky = 'news')

	    # Create the text widget.
	    self._textbox = self.createcomponent('text',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Text, (self._borderframe,),
		    highlightthickness = 0,
		    borderwidth = 0,
	    self._textbox.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)

            bw = self._borderframe.cget('borderwidth'),
            ht = self._borderframe.cget('highlightthickness'),
	    # Create the text widget.
	    self._textbox = self.createcomponent('text',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Text, (interior,),
	    self._textbox.grid(row = 4, column = 4, sticky = 'news')

            bw = self._textbox.cget('borderwidth'),
            ht = self._textbox.cget('highlightthickness'),

        # Create the header text widgets
        if self['columnheader']:
            self._columnheader = self.createcomponent('columnheader',
                    (), 'Header',
                    Tkinter.Text, (interior,),
                    borderwidth = bw,
                    highlightthickness = ht,
            self._columnheader.grid(row = 2, column = 4, sticky = 'ew')
                    xscrollcommand = self._columnheaderscrolled)

        if self['rowheader']:
            self._rowheader = self.createcomponent('rowheader',
                    (), 'Header',
                    Tkinter.Text, (interior,),
                    borderwidth = bw,
                    highlightthickness = ht,
            self._rowheader.grid(row = 4, column = 2, sticky = 'ns')
                    yscrollcommand = self._rowheaderscrolled)

        if self['rowcolumnheader']:
            self._rowcolumnheader = self.createcomponent('rowcolumnheader',
                    (), 'Header',
                    Tkinter.Text, (interior,),
                    borderwidth = bw,
                    highlightthickness = ht,
            self._rowcolumnheader.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = 'nsew')

	interior.grid_rowconfigure(4, weight = 1, minsize = 0)
	interior.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight = 1, minsize = 0)

	# Create the horizontal scrollbar
	self._horizScrollbar = self.createcomponent('horizscrollbar',
		(), 'Scrollbar',
		Tkinter.Scrollbar, (interior,),

	# Create the vertical scrollbar
	self._vertScrollbar = self.createcomponent('vertscrollbar',
		(), 'Scrollbar',
		Tkinter.Scrollbar, (interior,),

	self.createlabel(interior, childCols = 5, childRows = 5)

	# Initialise instance variables.
	self._horizScrollbarOn = 0
	self._vertScrollbarOn = 0
	self.scrollTimer = None
        self._scrollRecurse = 0
	self._horizScrollbarNeeded = 0
	self._vertScrollbarNeeded = 0
	self._textWidth = None

        # These four variables avoid an infinite loop caused by the
        # row or column header's scrollcommand causing the main text
        # widget's scrollcommand to be called and vice versa.
	self._textboxLastX = None
	self._textboxLastY = None
	self._columnheaderLastX = None
	self._rowheaderLastY = None

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def destroy(self):
	if self.scrollTimer is not None:
	    self.scrollTimer = None

    # ======================================================================

    # Public methods.

    def clear(self):

    def importfile(self, fileName, where = 'end'):
	file = open(fileName, 'r')

    def exportfile(self, fileName):
	file = open(fileName, 'w')
	file.write(self._textbox.get('1.0', 'end'))

    def settext(self, text):
	disabled = (str(self._textbox.cget('state')) == 'disabled')
	if disabled:
	self._textbox.delete('0.0', 'end')
	self._textbox.insert('end', text)
	if disabled:

    # Override Tkinter.Text get method, so that if it is called with
    # no arguments, return all text (consistent with other widgets).
    def get(self, first=None, last=None):
	if first is None:
	    return self._textbox.get('1.0', 'end')
	    return self._textbox.get(first, last)

    def getvalue(self):
        return self.get()

    def setvalue(self, text):
        return self.settext(text)

    def appendtext(self, text):
        oldTop, oldBottom = self._textbox.yview()
        disabled = (str(self._textbox.cget('state')) == 'disabled')
        if disabled:
        self._textbox.insert('end', text)
        if disabled:
        if oldBottom == 1.0:
            self._textbox.yview('moveto', 1.0)

    # ======================================================================

    # Configuration methods.

    def _hscrollMode(self):
	# The horizontal scroll mode has been configured.

	mode = self['hscrollmode']

	if mode == 'static':
	    if not self._horizScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'dynamic':
	    if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'none':
	    if self._horizScrollbarOn:
	    message = 'bad hscrollmode option "%s": should be static, dynamic, or none' % mode
	    raise ValueError, message


    def _vscrollMode(self):
	# The vertical scroll mode has been configured.

	mode = self['vscrollmode']

	if mode == 'static':
	    if not self._vertScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'dynamic':
	    if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn:
	elif mode == 'none':
	    if self._vertScrollbarOn:
	    message = 'bad vscrollmode option "%s": should be static, dynamic, or none' % mode
	    raise ValueError, message


    # ======================================================================

    # Private methods.

    def _configureScrollCommands(self):
        # If both scrollmodes are not dynamic we can save a lot of
        # time by not having to create an idle job to handle the
        # scroll commands.

        # Clean up previous scroll commands to prevent memory leak.
        tclCommandName = str(self._textbox.cget('xscrollcommand'))
        if tclCommandName != '':   
        tclCommandName = str(self._textbox.cget('yscrollcommand'))
        if tclCommandName != '':   

	if self['hscrollmode'] == self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':

    def _scrollXNow(self, first, last):
        self._horizScrollbar.set(first, last)
        self._horizScrollbarNeeded = ((first, last) != ('0', '1'))

        # This code is the same as in _scrollBothNow.  Keep it that way.
        if self['hscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
            currentWidth = self._textbox.winfo_width()
            if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn:
                if self._horizScrollbarNeeded or \
                        self._textWidth != currentWidth:
            self._textWidth = currentWidth

        if self['columnheader']:
	    if self._columnheaderLastX != first:
		self._columnheaderLastX = first
		self._columnheader.xview('moveto', first)

    def _scrollYNow(self, first, last):
        if first == '0' and last == '0':
        self._vertScrollbar.set(first, last)
        self._vertScrollbarNeeded = ((first, last) != ('0', '1'))

        if self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
            if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn:

        if self['rowheader']:
	    if self._rowheaderLastY != first:
		self._rowheaderLastY = first
		self._rowheader.yview('moveto', first)

    def _scrollBothLater(self, first, last):
	# Called by the text widget to set the horizontal or vertical
	# scrollbar when it has scrolled or changed size or contents.

	if self.scrollTimer is None:
	    self.scrollTimer = self.after_idle(self._scrollBothNow)

    def _scrollBothNow(self):
        # This performs the function of _scrollXNow and _scrollYNow.
        # If one is changed, the other should be updated to match.
	self.scrollTimer = None

        # Call update_idletasks to make sure that the containing frame
        # has been resized before we attempt to set the scrollbars. 
        # Otherwise the scrollbars may be mapped/unmapped continuously.
        self._scrollRecurse = self._scrollRecurse + 1
        self._scrollRecurse = self._scrollRecurse - 1
        if self._scrollRecurse != 0:

	xview = self._textbox.xview()
	yview = self._textbox.yview()

	# The text widget returns a yview of (0.0, 0.0) just after it
	# has been created. Ignore this.
	if yview == (0.0, 0.0):

        if self['columnheader']:
	    if self._columnheaderLastX != xview[0]:
		self._columnheaderLastX = xview[0]
		self._columnheader.xview('moveto', xview[0])
        if self['rowheader']:
	    if self._rowheaderLastY != yview[0]:
		self._rowheaderLastY = yview[0]
		self._rowheader.yview('moveto', yview[0])

	self._horizScrollbar.set(xview[0], xview[1])
	self._vertScrollbar.set(yview[0], yview[1])

	self._horizScrollbarNeeded = (xview != (0.0, 1.0))
	self._vertScrollbarNeeded = (yview != (0.0, 1.0))

	# If both horizontal and vertical scrollmodes are dynamic and
	# currently only one scrollbar is mapped and both should be
	# toggled, then unmap the mapped scrollbar.  This prevents a
	# continuous mapping and unmapping of the scrollbars. 
	if (self['hscrollmode'] == self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic' and
		self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn and
		self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn and
		self._vertScrollbarOn != self._horizScrollbarOn):
	    if self._horizScrollbarOn:

	if self['hscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':

	    # The following test is done to prevent continuous
	    # mapping and unmapping of the horizontal scrollbar. 
	    # This may occur when some event (scrolling, resizing
	    # or text changes) modifies the displayed text such
	    # that the bottom line in the window is the longest
	    # line displayed.  If this causes the horizontal
	    # scrollbar to be mapped, the scrollbar may "cover up"
	    # the bottom line, which would mean that the scrollbar
	    # is no longer required.  If the scrollbar is then
	    # unmapped, the bottom line will then become visible
	    # again, which would cause the scrollbar to be mapped
	    # again, and so on...
	    # The idea is that, if the width of the text widget
	    # has not changed and the scrollbar is currently
	    # mapped, then do not unmap the scrollbar even if it
	    # is no longer required.  This means that, during
	    # normal scrolling of the text, once the horizontal
	    # scrollbar has been mapped it will not be unmapped
	    # (until the width of the text widget changes).

	    currentWidth = self._textbox.winfo_width()
	    if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn:
		if self._horizScrollbarNeeded or \
			self._textWidth != currentWidth:
	    self._textWidth = currentWidth

	if self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic':
	    if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn:

    def _columnheaderscrolled(self, first, last):
	if self._textboxLastX != first:
	    self._textboxLastX = first
	    self._textbox.xview('moveto', first)

    def _rowheaderscrolled(self, first, last):
	if self._textboxLastY != first:
	    self._textboxLastY = first
	    self._textbox.yview('moveto', first)

    def _toggleHorizScrollbar(self):

	self._horizScrollbarOn = not self._horizScrollbarOn

	interior = self.interior()
	if self._horizScrollbarOn:
	    self._horizScrollbar.grid(row = 6, column = 4, sticky = 'news')
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(5, minsize = self['scrollmargin'])
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(5, minsize = 0)

    def _toggleVertScrollbar(self):

	self._vertScrollbarOn = not self._vertScrollbarOn

	interior = self.interior()
	if self._vertScrollbarOn:
	    self._vertScrollbar.grid(row = 4, column = 6, sticky = 'news')
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(5, minsize = self['scrollmargin'])
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(5, minsize = 0)

    # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
    # (grid_)bbox method inherited from Tkinter.Frame.Grid.
    def bbox(self, index):
	return self._textbox.bbox(index)

forwardmethods(ScrolledText, Tkinter.Text, '_textbox')

### File:


class HistoryText(ScrolledText):

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

        # Define the megawidget options.
        optiondefs = (
	    ('compressany',         1,          None),
	    ('compresstail',        1,          None),
            ('historycommand',      None,       None),
        self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

        # Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
        ScrolledText.__init__(self, parent)

        # Initialise instance variables.
	self._list = []
	self._currIndex = 0
	self._pastIndex = None
	self._lastIndex = 0          # pointer to end of history list

        # Check keywords and initialise options.

    def addhistory(self):
	text = self.get()
	if text[-1] == '\n':
	    text = text[:-1]

	if len(self._list) == 0:
            # This is the first history entry.  Add it.
	    self._list.append([text, text, _MODIFIED])

        currentEntry =  self._list[self._currIndex]
        if text == currentEntry[_ORIGINAL]:
            # The current history entry has not been modified. Check if
            # we need to add it again.

            if self['compresstail'] and self._currIndex == self._lastIndex:

            if self['compressany']:

        # Undo any changes for the current history entry, since they
        # will now be available in the new entry.
        currentEntry[_MODIFIED] = currentEntry[_ORIGINAL]

        historycommand = self['historycommand']
        if self._currIndex == self._lastIndex:
            # The last history entry is currently being displayed,
            # so disable the special meaning of the 'Next' button.
            self._pastIndex = None
            nextState = 'disabled'
            # A previous history entry is currently being displayed,
            # so allow the 'Next' button to go to the entry after this one.
            self._pastIndex = self._currIndex
            nextState = 'normal'
        if callable(historycommand):
            historycommand('normal', nextState)

        # Create the new history entry.
        self._list.append([text, text, _MODIFIED])

        # Move the pointer into the history entry list to the end.
        self._lastIndex = self._lastIndex + 1
        self._currIndex = self._lastIndex

    def next(self):
	if self._currIndex == self._lastIndex and self._pastIndex is None:

    def prev(self):
        self._pastIndex = None
	if self._currIndex == 0:

    def undo(self):
	if len(self._list) != 0:

    def redo(self):
	if len(self._list) != 0:

    def gethistory(self):
        return self._list

    def _modifyDisplay(self, command):
        # Modify the display to show either the next or previous
        # history entry (next, prev) or the original or modified
        # version of the current history entry (undo, redo).

        # Save the currently displayed text.
        currentText = self.get()
        if currentText[-1] == '\n':
            currentText = currentText[:-1]

        currentEntry =  self._list[self._currIndex]
        if currentEntry[_DISPLAY] == _MODIFIED:
            currentEntry[_MODIFIED] = currentText
        elif currentEntry[_ORIGINAL] != currentText:
            currentEntry[_MODIFIED] = currentText
            if command in ('next', 'prev'):
                currentEntry[_DISPLAY] = _MODIFIED

        if command in ('next', 'prev'):
            prevstate = 'normal'
            nextstate = 'normal'
            if command == 'next':
                if self._pastIndex is not None:
                    self._currIndex = self._pastIndex
                    self._pastIndex = None
                self._currIndex = self._currIndex + 1
                if self._currIndex == self._lastIndex:
                    nextstate = 'disabled'
            elif command == 'prev':
                self._currIndex = self._currIndex - 1
                if self._currIndex == 0:
                    prevstate = 'disabled'
            historycommand = self['historycommand']
            if callable(historycommand):
                historycommand(prevstate, nextstate)
            currentEntry =  self._list[self._currIndex]
            if command == 'undo':
                currentEntry[_DISPLAY] = _ORIGINAL
            elif command == 'redo':
                currentEntry[_DISPLAY] = _MODIFIED

        # Display the new text.
        self.delete('1.0', 'end')
        self.insert('end', currentEntry[currentEntry[_DISPLAY]])

### File:
# Not Based on iwidgets version.

class SelectionDialog(Dialog):
    # Dialog window with selection list.
    # Dialog window displaying a list and requesting the user to
    # select one.

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):
	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('borderx',     10,    INITOPT),
	    ('bordery',     10,    INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	Dialog.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()
	aliases = (
	    ('listbox', 'scrolledlist_listbox'),
	    ('label', 'scrolledlist_label'),
	self._list = self.createcomponent('scrolledlist',
		aliases, None,
		ScrolledListBox, (interior,),
		dblclickcommand = self.invoke)
	self._list.pack(side='top', expand='true', fill='both',
		padx = self['borderx'], pady = self['bordery'])

        if not kw.has_key('activatecommand'):
            # Whenever this dialog is activated, set the focus to the
            # ScrolledListBox's listbox widget.
            listbox = self.component('listbox')
            self.configure(activatecommand = listbox.focus_set)

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
    # (grid_)size method inherited from Tkinter.Toplevel.Grid.
    def size(self):
	return self.component('listbox').size()

    # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
    # (grid_)bbox method inherited from Tkinter.Toplevel.Grid.
    def bbox(self, index):
	return self.component('listbox').size(index)

forwardmethods(SelectionDialog, ScrolledListBox, '_list')

### File:
# A Dialog with a ScrolledText widget.

class TextDialog(Dialog):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):
	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('borderx',     10,    INITOPT),
	    ('bordery',     10,    INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	Dialog.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()
	aliases = (
	    ('text', 'scrolledtext_text'),
	    ('label', 'scrolledtext_label'),
	self._text = self.createcomponent('scrolledtext',
		aliases, None,
		ScrolledText, (interior,))
	self._text.pack(side='top', expand=1, fill='both',
		padx = self['borderx'], pady = self['bordery'])

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
    # (grid_)bbox method inherited from Tkinter.Toplevel.Grid.
    def bbox(self, index):
	return self._text.bbox(index)

forwardmethods(TextDialog, ScrolledText, '_text')

### File:
# Authors: Joe VanAndel and Greg McFarlane

import string
import sys
import time
import Tkinter

class TimeCounter(MegaWidget):
    """Up-down counter

    A TimeCounter is a single-line entry widget with Up and Down arrows
    which increment and decrement the Time value in the entry.  

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('autorepeat',    1,    None),
	    ('buttonaspect',  1.0,  INITOPT),
	    ('command',       None, None),
	    ('initwait',      300,  None),
	    ('labelmargin',   0,    INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',      None, INITOPT),
	    ('max',           None, self._max),
	    ('min',           None, self._min),
	    ('padx',          0,    INITOPT),
	    ('pady',          0,    INITOPT),
	    ('repeatrate',    50,   None),
	    ('value',         None, INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

    	self.arrowDirection = {}
	self._flag = 'stopped'
	self._timerId = None


	value = self['value']
	if value is None:
	    now = time.time()
	    value = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(now))

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def _createComponents(self, kw):

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()

	# If there is no label, put the arrows and the entry directly
	# into the interior, otherwise create a frame for them.  In
	# either case the border around the arrows and the entry will
	# be raised (but not around the label).
	if self['labelpos'] is None:
	    frame = interior
            if not kw.has_key('hull_relief'):
                frame.configure(relief = 'raised')
            if not kw.has_key('hull_borderwidth'):
                frame.configure(borderwidth = 1)
	    frame = self.createcomponent('frame',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Frame, (interior,),
                    relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 1)
	    frame.grid(column=2, row=2, sticky='nsew')
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)

	# Create the down arrow buttons.

	# Create the hour down arrow.
	self._downHourArrowBtn = self.createcomponent('downhourarrow',
		(), 'Arrow',
		Tkinter.Canvas, (frame,),
		width = 16, height = 16, relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 2)
    	self.arrowDirection[self._downHourArrowBtn] = 'down'
	self._downHourArrowBtn.grid(column = 0, row = 2)

	# Create the minute down arrow.
	self._downMinuteArrowBtn = self.createcomponent('downminutearrow',
		(), 'Arrow',
		Tkinter.Canvas, (frame,),
		width = 16, height = 16, relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 2)
    	self.arrowDirection[self._downMinuteArrowBtn] = 'down'
	self._downMinuteArrowBtn.grid(column = 1, row = 2)

	# Create the second down arrow.
	self._downSecondArrowBtn = self.createcomponent('downsecondarrow',
		(), 'Arrow',
		Tkinter.Canvas, (frame,),
		width = 16, height = 16, relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 2)
    	self.arrowDirection[self._downSecondArrowBtn] = 'down'
	self._downSecondArrowBtn.grid(column = 2, row = 2)

	# Create the entry fields.

	# Create the hour entry field.
	self._hourCounterEntry = self.createcomponent('hourentryfield',
		(('hourentry', 'hourentryfield_entry'),), None,
		EntryField, (frame,), validate='integer', entry_width = 2)
	self._hourCounterEntry.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = 'news')

	# Create the minute entry field.
	self._minuteCounterEntry = self.createcomponent('minuteentryfield',
		(('minuteentry', 'minuteentryfield_entry'),), None,
		EntryField, (frame,), validate='integer', entry_width = 2)
	self._minuteCounterEntry.grid(column = 1, row = 1, sticky = 'news')

	# Create the second entry field.
	self._secondCounterEntry = self.createcomponent('secondentryfield',
		(('secondentry', 'secondentryfield_entry'),), None,
		EntryField, (frame,), validate='integer', entry_width = 2)
	self._secondCounterEntry.grid(column = 2, row = 1, sticky = 'news')

	# Create the up arrow buttons.

	# Create the hour up arrow.
	self._upHourArrowBtn = self.createcomponent('uphourarrow',
		(), 'Arrow',
		Tkinter.Canvas, (frame,),
		width = 16, height = 16, relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 2)
    	self.arrowDirection[self._upHourArrowBtn] = 'up'
	self._upHourArrowBtn.grid(column = 0, row = 0)

	# Create the minute up arrow.
	self._upMinuteArrowBtn = self.createcomponent('upminutearrow',
		(), 'Arrow',
		Tkinter.Canvas, (frame,),
		width = 16, height = 16, relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 2)
    	self.arrowDirection[self._upMinuteArrowBtn] = 'up'
	self._upMinuteArrowBtn.grid(column = 1, row = 0)

	# Create the second up arrow.
	self._upSecondArrowBtn = self.createcomponent('upsecondarrow',
		(), 'Arrow',
		Tkinter.Canvas, (frame,),
		width = 16, height = 16, relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 2)
    	self.arrowDirection[self._upSecondArrowBtn] = 'up'
	self._upSecondArrowBtn.grid(column = 2, row = 0)

	# Make it resize nicely.
	padx = self['padx']
	pady = self['pady']
	for col in range(3):
	    frame.grid_columnconfigure(col, weight = 1, pad = padx)
	frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, pad = pady)
	frame.grid_rowconfigure(2, pad = pady)

	frame.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight = 1)

	# Create the label.

	# Set bindings.

	# Up hour
		lambda  event, s=self,button=self._upHourArrowBtn: 
		s._drawArrow(button, 'up'))

    	    	lambda event, s=self,button=self._upHourArrowBtn: 
		s._countUp(button, 3600))

		lambda event, s=self, button=self._upHourArrowBtn:

	# Up minute
		lambda  event, s=self,button=self._upMinuteArrowBtn: 
		s._drawArrow(button, 'up'))

    	    	lambda event, s=self,button=self._upMinuteArrowBtn: 
		s._countUp(button, 60))

		lambda event, s=self, button=self._upMinuteArrowBtn:

	# Up second
		lambda  event, s=self,button=self._upSecondArrowBtn: 
		s._drawArrow(button, 'up'))

    	    	lambda event, s=self,button=self._upSecondArrowBtn: 
		s._countUp(button, 1))

		lambda event, s=self, button=self._upSecondArrowBtn:

	# Down hour
		lambda  event, s=self,button=self._downHourArrowBtn: 
		s._drawArrow(button, 'down'))

    	    	lambda event, s=self,button=self._downHourArrowBtn: 
		s._countDown(button, 3600))
		lambda event, s=self, button=self._downHourArrowBtn:

	# Down minute
		lambda  event, s=self,button=self._downMinuteArrowBtn: 
		s._drawArrow(button, 'down'))

    	    	lambda event, s=self,button=self._downMinuteArrowBtn:
                s._countDown(button, 60))
		lambda event, s=self, button=self._downMinuteArrowBtn:

	# Down second
		lambda  event, s=self,button=self._downSecondArrowBtn: 
		s._drawArrow(button, 'down'))

    	    	lambda event, s=self, button=self._downSecondArrowBtn: 
		lambda event, s=self, button=self._downSecondArrowBtn:

                '<Return>', self._invoke)
        	'<Return>', self._invoke)
        	'<Return>', self._invoke)

	self._hourCounterEntry.bind('<Configure>', self._resizeArrow)
	self._minuteCounterEntry.bind('<Configure>', self._resizeArrow)
	self._secondCounterEntry.bind('<Configure>', self._resizeArrow)

    def _drawArrow(self, arrow, direction):
        drawarrow(arrow, self['hourentry_foreground'], direction, 'arrow')

    def _resizeArrow(self, event = None):
	for btn in (self._upHourArrowBtn, self._upMinuteArrowBtn,
		self._downMinuteArrowBtn, self._downSecondArrowBtn):
	    bw = (string.atoi(btn['borderwidth']) +
	    newHeight = self._hourCounterEntry.winfo_reqheight() - 2 * bw
	    newWidth = int(newHeight * self['buttonaspect'])
	    btn.configure(width=newWidth, height=newHeight)
	    self._drawArrow(btn, self.arrowDirection[btn])

    def _min(self):
	min = self['min']
        if min is None:
	    self._minVal = 0
	    self._minVal = timestringtoseconds(min)

    def _max(self):
	max = self['max']
	if max is None:
	    self._maxVal = None
	    self._maxVal = timestringtoseconds(max)

    def getvalue(self):
        return self.getstring()

    def setvalue(self, text):
        list = string.split(text, ':')
	if len(list) != 3:
	    raise ValueError, 'invalid value: ' + text

	self._hour = string.atoi(list[0])
	self._minute = string.atoi(list[1])
	self._second = string.atoi(list[2]) 


    def getstring(self):
    	return '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (self._hour, self._minute, self._second)

    def getint(self):
    	return self._hour * 3600 + self._minute * 60 + self._second

    def _countUp(self, button, increment):
	self._relief = self._upHourArrowBtn.cget('relief')
	self._count(1, 'start', increment)

    def _countDown(self, button, increment):

	self._relief = self._downHourArrowBtn.cget('relief')
	self._count(-1, 'start', increment)

    def increment(self, seconds = 1):
	self._count(1, 'force', seconds)

    def decrement(self, seconds = 1):
	self._count(-1, 'force', seconds)

    def _count(self, factor, newFlag = None, increment = 1):
	if newFlag != 'force':
	  if newFlag is not None:
	    self._flag = newFlag

	  if self._flag == 'stopped':

	value = (string.atoi(self._hourCounterEntry.get()) *3600) + \
	      (string.atoi(self._minuteCounterEntry.get()) *60) + \
	      string.atoi(self._secondCounterEntry.get()) + \
	      factor * increment
	min = self._minVal
	max = self._maxVal
	if value < min:
	  value = min
	if max is not None and value > max:
	  value = max

	self._hour = value /3600
	self._minute = (value - (self._hour*3600)) / 60
	self._second = value - (self._hour*3600) - (self._minute*60)

	if newFlag != 'force':
	  if self['autorepeat']:
	    if self._flag == 'start':
	      delay = self['initwait']
	      self._flag = 'running'
	      delay = self['repeatrate']
	    self._timerId = self.after(
		delay, lambda self=self, factor=factor,increment=increment: 
		  self._count(factor,'running', increment))

    def _setHMS(self):
        self._hourCounterEntry.setentry('%02d' % self._hour)
        self._minuteCounterEntry.setentry('%02d' % self._minute)
        self._secondCounterEntry.setentry('%02d' % self._second)

    def _stopUpDown(self, button):
        if self._timerId is not None:
	    self._timerId = None
        self._flag = 'stopped'

    def _invoke(self, event):
        cmd = self['command']
        if callable(cmd):

    def invoke(self):
        cmd = self['command']
        if callable(cmd):
	    return cmd()

    def destroy(self):
        if self._timerId is not None:
	    self._timerId = None

### File:

class AboutDialog(MessageDialog):
    # Window to display version and contact information.

    # Class members containing resettable 'default' values:
    _version = ''
    _copyright = ''
    _contact = ''

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('applicationname',   '',          INITOPT),
	    ('iconpos',           'w',         None),
	    ('icon_bitmap',       'info',      None),
	    ('buttons',           ('Close',),  None),
	    ('defaultbutton',     0,           None),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MessageDialog.__init__(self, parent)

	applicationname = self['applicationname']
        if not kw.has_key('title'):
            self.configure(title = 'About ' + applicationname)

        if not kw.has_key('message_text'):
            text = applicationname + '\n\n'
            if AboutDialog._version != '':
              text = text + 'Version ' + AboutDialog._version + '\n'
            if AboutDialog._copyright != '':
              text = text + AboutDialog._copyright + '\n\n'
            if AboutDialog._contact != '':
              text = text + AboutDialog._contact


	# Check keywords and initialise options.

def aboutversion(value):
    AboutDialog._version = value

def aboutcopyright(value):
    AboutDialog._copyright = value

def aboutcontact(value):
    AboutDialog._contact = value

### File:
# Based on iwidgets2.2.0/combobox.itk code.

import os
import string
import types
import Tkinter

class ComboBox(MegaWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('autoclear',          0,          INITOPT),
	    ('buttonaspect',       1.0,        INITOPT),
	    ('dropdown',           1,          INITOPT),
	    ('fliparrow',          0,          INITOPT),
	    ('history',            1,          INITOPT),
	    ('labelmargin',        0,          INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',           None,       INITOPT),
	    ('listheight',         200,        INITOPT),
	    ('selectioncommand',   None,       None),
	    ('sticky',            'ew',        INITOPT),
	    ('unique',             1,          INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()

	self._entryfield = self.createcomponent('entryfield',
		(('entry', 'entryfield_entry'),), None,
		EntryField, (interior,))
	self._entryfield.grid(column=2, row=2, sticky=self['sticky'])
	interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight = 1)
	self._entryWidget = self._entryfield.component('entry')

	if self['dropdown']:
	    self._isPosted = 0
            interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight = 1)

	    # Create the arrow button.
	    self._arrowBtn = self.createcomponent('arrowbutton',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Canvas, (interior,), borderwidth = 2,
		    relief = 'raised',
		    width = 16, height = 16)
            if 'n' in self['sticky']:
                sticky = 'n'
                sticky = ''
            if 's' in self['sticky']:
                sticky = sticky + 's'
	    self._arrowBtn.grid(column=3, row=2, sticky = sticky)
	    self._arrowRelief = self._arrowBtn.cget('relief')

	    # Create the label.
	    self.createlabel(interior, childCols=2)

	    # Create the dropdown window.
	    self._popup = self.createcomponent('popup',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Toplevel, (interior,))

	    # Create the scrolled listbox inside the dropdown window.
	    self._list = self.createcomponent('scrolledlist',
		    (('listbox', 'scrolledlist_listbox'),), None,
		    ScrolledListBox, (self._popup,),
		    hull_borderwidth = 2,
		    hull_relief = 'raised',
		    hull_height = self['listheight'],
		    usehullsize = 1,
		    listbox_exportselection = 0)
	    self._list.pack(expand=1, fill='both')
	    self.__listbox = self._list.component('listbox')

	    # Bind events to the arrow button.
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<1>', self._postList)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<Configure>', self._drawArrow)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<3>', self._next)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<Shift-3>', self._previous)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<Down>', self._next)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<Up>', self._previous)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<Control-n>', self._next)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<Control-p>', self._previous)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<Shift-Down>', self._postList)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<Shift-Up>', self._postList)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<F34>', self._postList)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<F28>', self._postList)
	    self._arrowBtn.bind('<space>', self._postList)

	    # Bind events to the dropdown window.
	    self._popup.bind('<Escape>', self._unpostList)
	    self._popup.bind('<space>', self._selectUnpost)
	    self._popup.bind('<Return>', self._selectUnpost)
	    self._popup.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self._dropdownBtnRelease)
	    self._popup.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self._unpostOnNextRelease)

	    # Bind events to the Tk listbox.
	    self.__listbox.bind('<Enter>', self._unpostOnNextRelease)

	    # Bind events to the Tk entry widget.
	    self._entryWidget.bind('<Configure>', self._resizeArrow)
	    self._entryWidget.bind('<Shift-Down>', self._postList)
	    self._entryWidget.bind('<Shift-Up>', self._postList)
	    self._entryWidget.bind('<F34>', self._postList)
	    self._entryWidget.bind('<F28>', self._postList)

            # Need to unpost the popup if the entryfield is unmapped (eg: 
            # its toplevel window is withdrawn) while the popup list is
            # displayed.
            self._entryWidget.bind('<Unmap>', self._unpostList)

	    # Create the scrolled listbox below the entry field.
	    self._list = self.createcomponent('scrolledlist',
		    (('listbox', 'scrolledlist_listbox'),), None,
		    ScrolledListBox, (interior,),
                    selectioncommand = self._selectCmd)
	    self._list.grid(column=2, row=3, sticky='nsew')
	    self.__listbox = self._list.component('listbox')

	    # The scrolled listbox should expand vertically.
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight = 1)

	    # Create the label.
	    self.createlabel(interior, childRows=2)

	self._entryWidget.bind('<Down>', self._next)
	self._entryWidget.bind('<Up>', self._previous)
	self._entryWidget.bind('<Control-n>', self._next)
	self._entryWidget.bind('<Control-p>', self._previous)
	self.__listbox.bind('<Control-n>', self._next)
	self.__listbox.bind('<Control-p>', self._previous)

	if self['history']:

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def destroy(self):
	if self['dropdown'] and self._isPosted:


    # Public methods

    def get(self, first = None, last=None):
	if first is None:
	    return self._entryWidget.get()
	    return self._list.get(first, last)

    def invoke(self):
	if self['dropdown']:
	    return self._selectCmd()

    def selectitem(self, index, setentry=1):
	if type(index) == types.StringType:
	    text = index
	    items = self._list.get(0, 'end')
	    if text in items:
		index = list(items).index(text)
	    	raise IndexError, 'index "%s" not found' % text
	elif setentry:
	    text = self._list.get(0, 'end')[index]

	self._list.select_clear(0, 'end')
	self._list.select_set(index, index)
	if setentry:

    # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
    # (grid_)size method inherited from Tkinter.Frame.Grid.
    def size(self):
	return self._list.size()

    # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
    # (grid_)bbox method inherited from Tkinter.Frame.Grid.
    def bbox(self, index):
	return self._list.bbox(index)

    def clear(self):


    # Private methods for both dropdown and simple comboboxes.

    def _addHistory(self):
	input = self._entryWidget.get()

	if input != '':
	    index = None
	    if self['unique']:
		# If item is already in list, select it and return.
		items = self._list.get(0, 'end')
		if input in items:
		    index = list(items).index(input)

	    if index is None:
		index = self._list.index('end')
		self._list.insert('end', input)

	    if self['autoclear']:
		self._entryWidget.delete(0, 'end')

	    # Execute the selectioncommand on the new entry.

    def _next(self, event):
	size = self.size()
	if size <= 1:

	cursels = self.curselection()

	if len(cursels) == 0:
	    index = 0
	    index = string.atoi(cursels[0])
	    if index == size - 1:
		index = 0
		index = index + 1


    def _previous(self, event):
	size = self.size()
	if size <= 1:

	cursels = self.curselection()

	if len(cursels) == 0:
	    index = size - 1
	    index = string.atoi(cursels[0])
	    if index == 0:
		index = size - 1
		index = index - 1


    def _selectCmd(self, event=None):

	sels = self.getcurselection()
	if len(sels) == 0:
	    item = None
	    item = sels[0]

	cmd = self['selectioncommand']
	if callable(cmd):
            if event is None:
                # Return result of selectioncommand for invoke() method.
                return cmd(item)


    # Private methods for dropdown combobox.

    def _drawArrow(self, event=None, sunken=0):
        arrow = self._arrowBtn
	if sunken:
	    self._arrowRelief = arrow.cget('relief')
	    arrow.configure(relief = 'sunken')
	    arrow.configure(relief = self._arrowRelief)

	if self._isPosted and self['fliparrow']:
            direction = 'up'
            direction = 'down'
        drawarrow(arrow, self['entry_foreground'], direction, 'arrow')

    def _postList(self, event = None):
        self._isPosted = 1

        # Make sure that the arrow is displayed sunken.

        x = self._entryfield.winfo_rootx()
        y = self._entryfield.winfo_rooty() + \
        w = self._entryfield.winfo_width() + self._arrowBtn.winfo_width()
        h =  self.__listbox.winfo_height()
        sh = self.winfo_screenheight()

        if y + h > sh and y > sh / 2:
            y = self._entryfield.winfo_rooty() - h


        setgeometryanddeiconify(self._popup, '+%d+%d' % (x, y))

        # Grab the popup, so that all events are delivered to it, and
        # set focus to the listbox, to make keyboard navigation
        # easier.
        pushgrab(self._popup, 1, self._unpostList)


        # Ignore the first release of the mouse button after posting the
        # dropdown list, unless the mouse enters the dropdown list.
        self._ignoreRelease = 1

    def _dropdownBtnRelease(self, event):
	if (event.widget == self._list.component('vertscrollbar') or
		event.widget == self._list.component('horizscrollbar')):

	if self._ignoreRelease:


	if (event.x >= 0 and event.x < self.__listbox.winfo_width() and
		event.y >= 0 and event.y < self.__listbox.winfo_height()):

    def _unpostOnNextRelease(self, event = None):
	self._ignoreRelease = 0

    def _resizeArrow(self, event):
	bw = (string.atoi(self._arrowBtn['borderwidth']) + 
	newHeight = self._entryfield.winfo_reqheight() - 2 * bw
	newWidth = int(newHeight * self['buttonaspect'])
	self._arrowBtn.configure(width=newWidth, height=newHeight)

    def _unpostList(self, event=None):
	if not self._isPosted:
            # It is possible to get events on an unposted popup.  For
            # example, by repeatedly pressing the space key to post
            # and unpost the popup.  The <space> event may be
            # delivered to the popup window even though
            # popgrab() has set the focus away from the
            # popup window.  (Bug in Tk?)

        # Restore the focus before withdrawing the window, since
        # otherwise the window manager may take the focus away so we
        # can't redirect it.  Also, return the grab to the next active
        # window in the stack, if any.

	self._isPosted = 0

    def _selectUnpost(self, event):

forwardmethods(ComboBox, ScrolledListBox, '_list')
forwardmethods(ComboBox, EntryField, '_entryfield')

### File:
# Not Based on iwidgets version.

class ComboBoxDialog(Dialog):
    # Dialog window with simple combobox.
    # Dialog window displaying a list and entry field and requesting
    # the user to make a selection or enter a value

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):
	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('borderx',    10,              INITOPT),
	    ('bordery',    10,              INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	Dialog.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()

	aliases = (
	    ('listbox', 'combobox_listbox'),
	    ('scrolledlist', 'combobox_scrolledlist'),
	    ('entry', 'combobox_entry'),
	    ('label', 'combobox_label'),
	self._combobox = self.createcomponent('combobox',
		aliases, None,
		ComboBox, (interior,),
		scrolledlist_dblclickcommand = self.invoke,
		dropdown = 0,
	self._combobox.pack(side='top', expand='true', fill='both',
		padx = self['borderx'], pady = self['bordery'])

        if not kw.has_key('activatecommand'):
            # Whenever this dialog is activated, set the focus to the
            # ComboBox's listbox widget.
            listbox = self.component('listbox')
            self.configure(activatecommand = listbox.focus_set)

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
    # (grid_)size method inherited from Tkinter.Toplevel.Grid.
    def size(self):
	return self._combobox.size()

    # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
    # (grid_)bbox method inherited from Tkinter.Toplevel.Grid.
    def bbox(self, index):
	return self._combobox.bbox(index)

forwardmethods(ComboBoxDialog, ComboBox, '_combobox')

### File:
import string
import sys
import types
import Tkinter

class Counter(MegaWidget):

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('autorepeat',     1,             None),
	    ('buttonaspect',   1.0,           INITOPT),
	    ('datatype',       'numeric',     self._datatype),
	    ('increment',      1,             None),
	    ('initwait',       300,           None),
	    ('labelmargin',    0,             INITOPT),
	    ('labelpos',       None,          INITOPT),
	    ('orient',         'horizontal',  INITOPT),
	    ('padx',           0,             INITOPT),
	    ('pady',           0,             INITOPT),
	    ('repeatrate',     50,            None),
	    ('sticky',         'ew',          INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)

	# Initialise instance variables.
	self._timerId = None
	self._normalRelief = None

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()

	# If there is no label, put the arrows and the entry directly
	# into the interior, otherwise create a frame for them.  In
	# either case the border around the arrows and the entry will
	# be raised (but not around the label).
	if self['labelpos'] is None:
	    frame = interior
            if not kw.has_key('hull_relief'):
                frame.configure(relief = 'raised')
            if not kw.has_key('hull_borderwidth'):
                frame.configure(borderwidth = 1)
	    frame = self.createcomponent('frame',
		    (), None,
		    Tkinter.Frame, (interior,),
                    relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 1)
	    frame.grid(column=2, row=2, sticky=self['sticky'])
	    interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
	    interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)

	# Create the down arrow.
	self._downArrowBtn = self.createcomponent('downarrow',
		(), 'Arrow',
		Tkinter.Canvas, (frame,),
		width = 16, height = 16, relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 2)

	# Create the entry field.
	self._counterEntry = self.createcomponent('entryfield',
		(('entry', 'entryfield_entry'),), None,
		EntryField, (frame,))

	# Create the up arrow.
	self._upArrowBtn = self.createcomponent('uparrow',
		(), 'Arrow',
		Tkinter.Canvas, (frame,),
		width = 16, height = 16, relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 2)

	padx = self['padx']
	pady = self['pady']
	orient = self['orient']
	if orient == 'horizontal':
	    self._downArrowBtn.grid(column = 0, row = 0)
	    self._counterEntry.grid(column = 1, row = 0,
                    sticky = self['sticky'])
	    self._upArrowBtn.grid(column = 2, row = 0)
	    frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight = 1)
	    frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
	    if Tkinter.TkVersion >= 4.2:
		frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, pad = padx)
		frame.grid_columnconfigure(2, pad = padx)
		frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, pad = pady)
	elif orient == 'vertical':
	    self._upArrowBtn.grid(column = 0, row = 0, sticky = 's')
	    self._counterEntry.grid(column = 0, row = 1,
                    sticky = self['sticky'])
	    self._downArrowBtn.grid(column = 0, row = 2, sticky = 'n')
	    frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
	    frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
	    frame.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight = 1)
	    if Tkinter.TkVersion >= 4.2:
		frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, pad = pady)
		frame.grid_rowconfigure(2, pad = pady)
		frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, pad = padx)
	    raise ValueError, 'bad orient option ' + repr(orient) + \
		': must be either \'horizontal\' or \'vertical\''


	self._upArrowBtn.bind('<Configure>', self._drawUpArrow)
	self._upArrowBtn.bind('<1>', self._countUp)
	self._upArrowBtn.bind('<Any-ButtonRelease-1>', self._stopCounting)
	self._downArrowBtn.bind('<Configure>', self._drawDownArrow)
	self._downArrowBtn.bind('<1>', self._countDown)
	self._downArrowBtn.bind('<Any-ButtonRelease-1>', self._stopCounting)
	self._counterEntry.bind('<Configure>', self._resizeArrow)
	entry = self._counterEntry.component('entry')
	entry.bind('<Down>', lambda event, s = self: s._key_decrement(event))
	entry.bind('<Up>', lambda event, s = self: s._key_increment(event))

	# Need to cancel the timer if an arrow button is unmapped (eg: 
	# its toplevel window is withdrawn) while the mouse button is
	# held down.  The canvas will not get the ButtonRelease event
	# if it is not mapped, since the implicit grab is cancelled.
	self._upArrowBtn.bind('<Unmap>', self._stopCounting)
	self._downArrowBtn.bind('<Unmap>', self._stopCounting)

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    def _resizeArrow(self, event):
	for btn in (self._upArrowBtn, self._downArrowBtn):
	    bw = (string.atoi(btn['borderwidth']) +
	    newHeight = self._counterEntry.winfo_reqheight() - 2 * bw
	    newWidth = int(newHeight * self['buttonaspect'])
	    btn.configure(width=newWidth, height=newHeight)

    def _drawUpArrow(self, event):

    def _drawDownArrow(self, event):

    def _drawArrow(self, arrow):
        if self['orient'] == 'vertical':
            if arrow == self._upArrowBtn:
                direction = 'up'
                direction = 'down'
            if arrow == self._upArrowBtn:
                direction = 'right'
                direction = 'left'
        drawarrow(arrow, self['entry_foreground'], direction, 'arrow')

    def _stopCounting(self, event = None):
        if self._timerId is not None:
	    self._timerId = None
	if self._normalRelief is not None:
	    button, relief = self._normalRelief
	    self._normalRelief = None

    def _countUp(self, event):
	self._normalRelief = (self._upArrowBtn, self._upArrowBtn.cget('relief'))
	# Force arrow down (it may come up immediately, if increment fails).
	self._count(1, 1)

    def _countDown(self, event):
	self._normalRelief = (self._downArrowBtn, self._downArrowBtn.cget('relief'))
	# Force arrow down (it may come up immediately, if increment fails).
	self._count(-1, 1)

    def increment(self):

    def decrement(self):

    def _key_increment(self, event):

    def _key_decrement(self, event):

    def _datatype(self):
	datatype = self['datatype']

	if type(datatype) is types.DictionaryType:
	    self._counterArgs = datatype.copy()
	    if self._counterArgs.has_key('counter'):
		datatype = self._counterArgs['counter']
		del self._counterArgs['counter']
		datatype = 'numeric'
	    self._counterArgs = {}

	if _counterCommands.has_key(datatype):
	    self._counterCommand = _counterCommands[datatype]
	elif callable(datatype):
	    self._counterCommand = datatype
	    validValues = _counterCommands.keys()
	    raise ValueError, ('bad datatype value "%s":  must be a' +
		    ' function or one of %s') % (datatype, validValues)

    def _forceCount(self, factor):
	if not self.valid():

	text = self._counterEntry.get()
	    value = apply(self._counterCommand,
		    (text, factor, self['increment']), self._counterArgs)
	except ValueError:

        previousICursor = self._counterEntry.index('insert')
	if self._counterEntry.setentry(value) == OK:

    def _count(self, factor, first):
	if not self.valid():

	self._timerId = None
	origtext = self._counterEntry.get()
	    value = apply(self._counterCommand,
		    (origtext, factor, self['increment']), self._counterArgs)
	except ValueError:
	    # If text is invalid, stop counting.

	# If incrementing produces an invalid value, restore previous
	# text and stop counting.
        previousICursor = self._counterEntry.index('insert')
	valid = self._counterEntry.setentry(value)
	if valid != OK:
	    if valid == PARTIAL:

	if self['autorepeat']:
	    if first:
		delay = self['initwait']
		delay = self['repeatrate']
	    self._timerId = self.after(delay,
		    lambda self=self, factor=factor: self._count(factor, 0))

    def destroy(self):

forwardmethods(Counter, EntryField, '_counterEntry')

def _changeNumber(text, factor, increment):
  value = string.atol(text)
  if factor > 0:
    value = (value / increment) * increment + increment
    value = ((value - 1) / increment) * increment

  # Get rid of the 'L' at the end of longs (in python up to 1.5.2).
  rtn = str(value)
  if rtn[-1] == 'L':
      return rtn[:-1]
      return rtn

def _changeReal(text, factor, increment, separator = '.'):
  value = stringtoreal(text, separator)
  div = value / increment

  # Compare reals using str() to avoid problems caused by binary
  # numbers being only approximations to decimal numbers.
  # For example, if value is -0.3 and increment is 0.1, then
  # int(value/increment) = -2, not -3 as one would expect.
  if str(div)[-2:] == '.0':
    # value is an even multiple of increment.
    div = round(div) + factor
    # value is not an even multiple of increment.
    div = int(div) * 1.0
    if value < 0:
      div = div - 1
    if factor > 0:
      div = (div + 1)

  value = div * increment

  text = str(value)
  if separator != '.':
      index = string.find(text, '.')
      if index >= 0:
	text = text[:index] + separator + text[index + 1:]
  return text

def _changeDate(value, factor, increment, format = 'ymd',
	separator = '/', yyyy = 0):

  jdn = datestringtojdn(value, format, separator) + factor * increment

  y, m, d = jdntoymd(jdn)
  result = ''
  for index in range(3):
    if index > 0:
      result = result + separator
    f = format[index]
    if f == 'y':
      if yyyy:
        result = result + '%02d' % y
        result = result + '%02d' % (y % 100)
    elif f == 'm':
      result = result + '%02d' % m
    elif f == 'd':
      result = result + '%02d' % d

  return result

_SECSPERDAY = 24 * 60 * 60
def _changeTime(value, factor, increment, separator = ':', time24 = 0):
  unixTime = timestringtoseconds(value, separator)
  if factor > 0:
    chunks = unixTime / increment + 1
    chunks = (unixTime - 1) / increment
  unixTime = chunks * increment
  if time24:
      while unixTime < 0:
	  unixTime = unixTime + _SECSPERDAY
      while unixTime >= _SECSPERDAY:
	  unixTime = unixTime - _SECSPERDAY
  if unixTime < 0:
    unixTime = -unixTime
    sign = '-'
    sign = ''
  secs = unixTime % 60
  unixTime = unixTime / 60
  mins = unixTime % 60
  hours = unixTime / 60
  return '%s%02d%s%02d%s%02d' % (sign, hours, separator, mins, separator, secs)

# hexadecimal, alphabetic, alphanumeric not implemented
_counterCommands = {
    'numeric'   : _changeNumber,      # } integer
    'integer'   : _changeNumber,      # } these two use the same function
    'real'      : _changeReal,        # real number
    'time'      : _changeTime,
    'date'      : _changeDate,

### File:

# A Dialog with a counter

class CounterDialog(Dialog):

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):

	# Define the megawidget options.
	optiondefs = (
	    ('borderx',    20,  INITOPT),
	    ('bordery',    20,  INITOPT),
	self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)

	# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
	Dialog.__init__(self, parent)

	# Create the components.
	interior = self.interior()

	# Create the counter.
	aliases = (
	    ('entryfield', 'counter_entryfield'),
	    ('entry', 'counter_entryfield_entry'),
	    ('label', 'counter_label')
	self._cdCounter = self.createcomponent('counter',
		aliases, None,
		Counter, (interior,))
	self._cdCounter.pack(fill='x', expand=1,
		padx = self['borderx'], pady = self['bordery'])
        if not kw.has_key('activatecommand'):
            # Whenever this dialog is activated, set the focus to the
            # Counter's entry widget.
            tkentry = self.component('entry')
            self.configure(activatecommand = tkentry.focus_set)

	# Check keywords and initialise options.

    # Supply aliases to some of the entry component methods.
    def insertentry(self, index, text):
	self._cdCounter.insert(index, text)

    def deleteentry(self, first, last=None):
	self._cdCounter.delete(first, last)

    def indexentry(self, index):
	return self._cdCounter.index(index)

forwardmethods(CounterDialog, Counter, '_cdCounter')

### File:
import os
import string

def _font_initialise(root, size=None, fontScheme = None):
    global _fontSize
    if size is not None:
        _fontSize = size

    if fontScheme in ('pmw1', 'pmw2'):
        if == 'posix':
            defaultFont = logicalfont('Helvetica')
            menuFont = logicalfont('Helvetica', weight='bold', slant='italic')
            scaleFont = logicalfont('Helvetica', slant='italic')
            root.option_add('*Font',            defaultFont,  'userDefault')
            root.option_add('*Menu*Font',       menuFont,     'userDefault')
            root.option_add('*Menubutton*Font', menuFont,     'userDefault')
            root.option_add('*Scale.*Font',     scaleFont,    'userDefault')

            if fontScheme == 'pmw1':
                balloonFont = logicalfont('Helvetica', -6, pixel = '12')
            else: # fontScheme == 'pmw2'
                balloonFont = logicalfont('Helvetica', -2)
            root.option_add('*Balloon.*Font', balloonFont, 'userDefault')
            defaultFont = logicalfont('Helvetica')
            root.option_add('*Font', defaultFont,  'userDefault')
    elif fontScheme == 'default':
        defaultFont = ('Helvetica', '-%d' % (_fontSize,), 'bold')
        entryFont = ('Helvetica', '-%d' % (_fontSize,))
        textFont = ('Courier', '-%d' % (_fontSize,))
        root.option_add('*Font',            defaultFont,  'userDefault')
        root.option_add('*Entry*Font',      entryFont,    'userDefault')
        root.option_add('*Text*Font',       textFont,     'userDefault')

def logicalfont(name='Helvetica', sizeIncr = 0, **kw):
  if not _fontInfo.has_key(name):
    raise ValueError, 'font %s does not exist' % name

  rtn = []
  for field in _fontFields:
    if kw.has_key(field):
      logicalValue = kw[field]
    elif _fontInfo[name].has_key(field):
      logicalValue = _fontInfo[name][field]
      logicalValue = '*'

    if _propertyAliases[name].has_key((field, logicalValue)):
      realValue = _propertyAliases[name][(field, logicalValue)]
    elif _propertyAliases[name].has_key((field, None)):
      realValue = _propertyAliases[name][(field, None)]
    elif _propertyAliases[None].has_key((field, logicalValue)):
      realValue = _propertyAliases[None][(field, logicalValue)]
    elif _propertyAliases[None].has_key((field, None)):
      realValue = _propertyAliases[None][(field, None)]
      realValue = logicalValue

    if field == 'size':
      if realValue == '*':
	  realValue = _fontSize
      realValue = str((realValue + sizeIncr) * 10)


  return string.join(rtn, '-')

def logicalfontnames():
  return _fontInfo.keys()

if == 'nt':
    _fontSize = 16
    _fontSize = 14

_fontFields = (
  'registry', 'foundry', 'family', 'weight', 'slant', 'width', 'style',
  'pixel', 'size', 'xres', 'yres', 'spacing', 'avgwidth', 'charset', 'encoding')

# <_propertyAliases> defines other names for which property values may
# be known by.  This is required because italics in adobe-helvetica
# are specified by 'o', while other fonts use 'i'.

_propertyAliases = {}

_propertyAliases[None] = {
  ('slant', 'italic') : 'i',
  ('slant', 'normal') : 'r',
  ('weight', 'light') : 'normal',
  ('width', 'wide') : 'normal',
  ('width', 'condensed') : 'normal',

# <_fontInfo> describes a 'logical' font, giving the default values of
# some of its properties.

_fontInfo = {}

_fontInfo['Helvetica'] = {
  'foundry' : 'adobe',
  'family' : 'helvetica',
  'registry' : '',
  'charset' : 'iso8859',
  'encoding' : '1',
  'spacing' : 'p',
  'slant' : 'normal',
  'width' : 'normal',
  'weight' : 'normal',

_propertyAliases['Helvetica'] = {
  ('slant', 'italic') : 'o',
  ('weight', 'normal') : 'medium',
  ('weight', 'light') : 'medium',

_fontInfo['Times'] = {
  'foundry' : 'adobe',
  'family' : 'times',
  'registry' : '',
  'charset' : 'iso8859',
  'encoding' : '1',
  'spacing' : 'p',
  'slant' : 'normal',
  'width' : 'normal',
  'weight' : 'normal',

_propertyAliases['Times'] = {
  ('weight', 'normal') : 'medium',
  ('weight', 'light') : 'medium',

_fontInfo['Fixed'] = {
  'foundry' : 'misc',
  'family' : 'fixed',
  'registry' : '',
  'charset' : 'iso8859',
  'encoding' : '1',
  'spacing' : 'c',
  'slant' : 'normal',
  'width' : 'normal',
  'weight' : 'normal',

_propertyAliases['Fixed'] = {
  ('weight', 'normal') : 'medium',
  ('weight', 'light') : 'medium',
  ('style', None) : '',
  ('width', 'condensed') : 'semicondensed',

_fontInfo['Courier'] = {
  'foundry' : 'adobe',
  'family' : 'courier',
  'registry' : '',
  'charset' : 'iso8859',
  'encoding' : '1',
  'spacing' : 'm',
  'slant' : 'normal',
  'width' : 'normal',
  'weight' : 'normal',

_propertyAliases['Courier'] = {
  ('weight', 'normal') : 'medium',
  ('weight', 'light') : 'medium',
  ('style', None) : '',

_fontInfo['Typewriter'] = {
  'foundry' : 'b&h',
  'family' : 'lucidatypewriter',
  'registry' : '',
  'charset' : 'iso8859',
  'encoding' : '1',
  'spacing' : 'm',
  'slant' : 'normal',
  'width' : 'normal',
  'weight' : 'normal',

_propertyAliases['Typewriter'] = {
  ('weight', 'normal') : 'medium',
  ('weight', 'light') : 'medium',

if == 'nt':
    # For some reason 'fixed' fonts on NT aren't.
    _fontInfo['Fixed'] = _fontInfo['Courier']
    _propertyAliases['Fixed'] = _propertyAliases['Courier']