subroutine osd280_74(llr,k,apmask,ndeep,message74,cw,nhardmin,dmin) ! ! An ordered-statistics decoder for the (280,74) code. ! Message payload is 50 bits. Any or all of a 24-bit CRC can be ! used for detecting incorrect codewords. The remaining CRC bits are ! cascaded with the LDPC code for the purpose of improving the ! distance spectrum of the code. ! ! If p1 (0.le.p1.le.24) is the number of CRC24 bits that are ! to be used for bad codeword detection, then the argument k should ! be set to 50+p1. ! ! Valid values for k are in the range [50,74]. ! character*24 c24 integer, parameter:: N=280 integer*1 apmask(N),apmaskr(N) integer*1, allocatable, save :: gen(:,:) integer*1, allocatable :: genmrb(:,:),g2(:,:) integer*1, allocatable :: temp(:),m0(:),me(:),mi(:),misub(:),e2sub(:),e2(:),ui(:) integer*1, allocatable :: r2pat(:) integer indices(N),nxor(N) integer*1 cw(N),ce(N),c0(N),hdec(N) integer*1, allocatable :: decoded(:) integer*1 message74(74) integer indx(N) real llr(N),rx(N),absrx(N) logical first,reset data first/.true./ save first allocate( genmrb(k,N), g2(N,k) ) allocate( temp(k), m0(k), me(k), mi(k), misub(k), e2sub(N-k), e2(N-k), ui(N-k) ) allocate( r2pat(N-k), decoded(k) ) if( first ) then ! fill the generator matrix ! ! Create generator matrix for partial CRC cascaded with LDPC code. ! ! Let p2=74-k and p1+p2=24. ! ! The last p2 bits of the CRC24 are cascaded with the LDPC code. ! ! The first p1=k-50 CRC24 bits will be used for error detection. ! allocate( gen(k,N) ) gen=0 do i=1,k message74=0 message74(i)=1 if(i.le.50) then call get_crc24(message74,74,ncrc24) write(c24,'(b24.24)') ncrc24 read(c24,'(24i1)') message74(51:74) message74(51:k)=0 endif call encode280_74(message74,cw) gen(i,:)=cw enddo first=.false. endif rx=llr apmaskr=apmask ! Hard decisions on the received word. hdec=0 where(rx .ge. 0) hdec=1 ! Use magnitude of received symbols as a measure of reliability. absrx=abs(rx) call indexx(absrx,N,indx) ! Re-order the columns of the generator matrix in order of decreasing reliability. do i=1,N genmrb(1:k,i)=gen(1:k,indx(N+1-i)) indices(i)=indx(N+1-i) enddo ! Do gaussian elimination to create a generator matrix with the most reliable ! received bits in positions 1:k in order of decreasing reliability (more or less). do id=1,k ! diagonal element indices do icol=id,k+20 ! The 20 is ad hoc - beware iflag=0 if( genmrb(id,icol) .eq. 1 ) then iflag=1 if( icol .ne. id ) then ! reorder column temp(1:k)=genmrb(1:k,id) genmrb(1:k,id)=genmrb(1:k,icol) genmrb(1:k,icol)=temp(1:k) itmp=indices(id) indices(id)=indices(icol) indices(icol)=itmp endif do ii=1,k if( ii .ne. id .and. genmrb(ii,id) .eq. 1 ) then genmrb(ii,1:N)=ieor(genmrb(ii,1:N),genmrb(id,1:N)) endif enddo exit endif enddo enddo g2=transpose(genmrb) ! The hard decisions for the k MRB bits define the order 0 message, m0. ! Encode m0 using the modified generator matrix to find the "order 0" codeword. ! Flip various combinations of bits in m0 and re-encode to generate a list of ! codewords. Return the member of the list that has the smallest Euclidean ! distance to the received word. hdec=hdec(indices) ! hard decisions from received symbols m0=hdec(1:k) ! zero'th order message absrx=absrx(indices) rx=rx(indices) apmaskr=apmaskr(indices) call mrbencode74(m0,c0,g2,N,k) nxor=ieor(c0,hdec) nhardmin=sum(nxor) dmin=sum(nxor*absrx) cw=c0 ntotal=0 nrejected=0 npre1=0 npre2=0 if(ndeep.eq.0) goto 998 ! norder=0 if( ndeep=6 if( ndeep.eq. 1) then nord=1 npre1=0 npre2=0 nt=40 ntheta=12 elseif(ndeep.eq.2) then nord=1 npre1=1 npre2=0 nt=40 ntheta=12 elseif(ndeep.eq.3) then nord=1 npre1=1 npre2=1 nt=40 ntheta=12 ntau=14 elseif(ndeep.eq.4) then nord=2 npre1=1 npre2=1 nt=40 ntheta=12 ntau=17 elseif(ndeep.eq.5) then nord=3 npre1=1 npre2=1 nt=40 ntheta=12 ntau=19 elseif(ndeep.eq.6) then nord=4 npre1=1 npre2=1 nt=40 ntheta=12 ntau=19 endif do iorder=1,nord misub(1:k-iorder)=0 misub(k-iorder+1:k)=1 iflag=k-iorder+1 do while(iflag .ge.0) if(iorder.eq.nord .and. npre1.eq.0) then iend=iflag else iend=1 endif d1=0. do n1=iflag,iend,-1 mi=misub mi(n1)=1 if(any(iand(apmaskr(1:k),mi).eq.1)) cycle ntotal=ntotal+1 me=ieor(m0,mi) if(n1.eq.iflag) then call mrbencode74(me,ce,g2,N,k) e2sub=ieor(ce(k+1:N),hdec(k+1:N)) e2=e2sub nd1kpt=sum(e2sub(1:nt))+1 d1=sum(ieor(me(1:k),hdec(1:k))*absrx(1:k)) else e2=ieor(e2sub,g2(k+1:N,n1)) nd1kpt=sum(e2(1:nt))+2 endif if(nd1kpt .le. ntheta) then call mrbencode74(me,ce,g2,N,k) nxor=ieor(ce,hdec) if(n1.eq.iflag) then dd=d1+sum(e2sub*absrx(k+1:N)) else dd=d1+ieor(ce(n1),hdec(n1))*absrx(n1)+sum(e2*absrx(k+1:N)) endif if( dd .lt. dmin ) then dmin=dd cw=ce nhardmin=sum(nxor) nd1kptbest=nd1kpt endif else nrejected=nrejected+1 endif enddo ! Get the next test error pattern, iflag will go negative ! when the last pattern with weight iorder has been generated. call nextpat74(misub,k,iorder,iflag) enddo enddo if(npre2.eq.1) then reset=.true. ntotal=0 do i1=k,1,-1 do i2=i1-1,1,-1 ntotal=ntotal+1 mi(1:ntau)=ieor(g2(k+1:k+ntau,i1),g2(k+1:k+ntau,i2)) call boxit74(reset,mi(1:ntau),ntau,ntotal,i1,i2) enddo enddo ncount2=0 ntotal2=0 reset=.true. ! Now run through again and do the second pre-processing rule misub(1:k-nord)=0 misub(k-nord+1:k)=1 iflag=k-nord+1 do while(iflag .ge.0) me=ieor(m0,misub) call mrbencode74(me,ce,g2,N,k) e2sub=ieor(ce(k+1:N),hdec(k+1:N)) do i2=0,ntau ntotal2=ntotal2+1 ui=0 if( ui(i2)=1 r2pat=ieor(e2sub,ui) 778 continue call fetchit74(reset,r2pat(1:ntau),ntau,in1,in2) if( then ncount2=ncount2+1 mi=misub mi(in1)=1 mi(in2)=1 if(sum(mi).lt.nord+npre1+npre2.or.any(iand(apmaskr(1:k),mi).eq.1)) cycle me=ieor(m0,mi) call mrbencode74(me,ce,g2,N,k) nxor=ieor(ce,hdec) dd=sum(nxor*absrx) if( dd .lt. dmin ) then dmin=dd cw=ce nhardmin=sum(nxor) endif goto 778 endif enddo call nextpat74(misub,k,nord,iflag) enddo endif 998 continue ! Re-order the codeword to [message bits][parity bits] format. cw(indices)=cw hdec(indices)=hdec message74=cw(1:74) call get_crc24(message74,74,nbadcrc) if( nhardmin=-nhardmin return end subroutine osd280_74 subroutine mrbencode74(me,codeword,g2,N,K) integer*1 me(K),codeword(N),g2(N,K) ! fast encoding for low-weight test patterns codeword=0 do i=1,K if( me(i) .eq. 1 ) then codeword=ieor(codeword,g2(1:N,i)) endif enddo return end subroutine mrbencode74 subroutine nextpat74(mi,k,iorder,iflag) integer*1 mi(k),ms(k) ! generate the next test error pattern ind=-1 do i=1,k-1 if( mi(i).eq.0 .and. mi(i+1).eq.1) ind=i enddo if( ind .lt. 0 ) then ! no more patterns of this order iflag=ind return endif ms=0 ms(1:ind-1)=mi(1:ind-1) ms(ind)=1 ms(ind+1)=0 if( ind+1 .lt. k ) then nz=iorder-sum(ms) ms(k-nz+1:k)=1 endif mi=ms do i=1,k ! iflag will point to the lowest-index 1 in mi if(mi(i).eq.1) then iflag=i exit endif enddo return end subroutine nextpat74 subroutine boxit74(reset,e2,ntau,npindex,i1,i2) integer*1 e2(1:ntau) integer indexes(5000,2),fp(0:525000),np(5000) logical reset common/boxes/indexes,fp,np if(reset) then patterns=-1 fp=-1 np=-1 sc=-1 indexes=-1 reset=.false. endif indexes(npindex,1)=i1 indexes(npindex,2)=i2 ipat=0 do i=1,ntau if(e2(i).eq.1) then ipat=ipat+ishft(1,ntau-i) endif enddo ip=fp(ipat) ! see what's currently stored in fp(ipat) if(ip.eq.-1) then fp(ipat)=npindex else do while (np(ip).ne.-1) ip=np(ip) enddo np(ip)=npindex endif return end subroutine boxit74 subroutine fetchit74(reset,e2,ntau,i1,i2) integer indexes(5000,2),fp(0:525000),np(5000) integer lastpat integer*1 e2(ntau) logical reset common/boxes/indexes,fp,np save lastpat,inext if(reset) then lastpat=-1 reset=.false. endif ipat=0 do i=1,ntau if(e2(i).eq.1) then ipat=ipat+ishft(1,ntau-i) endif enddo index=fp(ipat) if( .and. then ! return first set of indices i1=indexes(index,1) i2=indexes(index,2) inext=np(index) elseif(lastpat.eq.ipat .and. then i1=indexes(inext,1) i2=indexes(inext,2) inext=np(inext) else i1=-1 i2=-1 inext=-1 endif lastpat=ipat return end subroutine fetchit74