To: Users of WSJT From: Joe Taylor, K1JT Subject: WSJT 5.9.0 Date: November 14, 2005 I am pleased to announce that WSJT 5.9.0 is available for free download from the WSJT Home Page, It should appear soon on the European mirror site,, as well. I believe that all reported bugs found in beta-release version 5.8.6 have been fixed. In addition, new enhancements have taken the program well beyond the capabilities of the baseline comparison versions, 4.9.8 and 5.8.6. The new WSJT 5.9.0 is faster and better than previous versions in a number of ways. A brief description of the enhancements since version 5.8.6 can be found at There are many program changes, so be sure to read this information carefully before trying to use WSJT 5.9.0! Of course there may be some new bugs, and perhaps I have overlooked an existing problem that you already know about. Please let me know if you find shortcomings in version 5.9.0, or if you have suggestions for further improvements. Sorry, I have not yet found time to implement EME Echo mode. When that is done, and when I have finished some further enhancements to the decoders, WSJT 6.0 will be born. With some luck, there may also be a new User's Guide at about that time. With best wishes, -- 73, Joe, K1JT Additional Information for Programmers ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WSJT versions 5.8+ are the result of a complete re-write of the user interface, timing control, and audio I/O portions of WSJT 4.9.8. My principal motivation was to make the program multi-threaded, both for real-time operational convenience and for performance reasons. Another strong motivation was a desire to move the program away from its dependence on a proprietary compiler (Microsoft Visual Basic) and a single computer platform (Windows). The user interface of WSJT 5.8+ is written in Python -- an elegant, open, cross-platform language that has been a pleasure for me to learn. The remainder of the program is written mostly in Fortran, with some routines coded in C; much of that code has been carried over directly from WSJT 4.9.8. I hope soon to release the source code for WSJT under the GNU General Public License (GPL). To this end, I have separated out the one piece of proprietary code formerly in the program -- the soft-decision Reed Solomon decoder licensed from CodeVector Technologies (CVT). A driver for this decoder, optimized for JT65, has been compiled into a stand-alone executable that is now distributed as part of the WSJT installation package, but not part of the program itself. With this approach I can honor all provisions of the CVT license, and at the same time release everything else as an open source program under the GPL. WSJT 5.9.0 now includes an open source hard-decision Reed Solomon decoder based on code written by Phil Karn, KA9Q . WSJT uses this decoder automatically if the proprietary CVT decoder is unavailable. In such instances the "deep search" decodes retain their full sensitivity, but fully general decoding independent of the callsign database will be less sensitive by 2 or more dB, depending on signal fading characteristics. Separation of the program into two executable units is transparent to the user. WSJT 5.9.0 uses the following open source libraries, which are also available under the GPL: 1. FFTW, by Matteo Frigo and Steven Johnson, for computing Fourier transforms 2. "Secret Rabbit Code" or "libsamplerate", by Erik de Castro, for accomplishing band-limited resampling of data 3. RS, by Phil Karn, KA9Q, for Reed Solomon encoding and hard-decision decoding. I hope that the open release of WSJT source code will encourage others to read and understand the code, get involved in improving WSJT, and perhaps porting it to other platforms. Versions of the CVT soft-decision decoder for Linux or Macintosh will be easy to compile and distribute, if there is demand for them.