subroutine unpackpfx(ng,call1) character*12 call1 character*3 pfx if( then ! Add-on prefix of 1 to 3 characters n=ng do i=3,1,-1 nc=mod(n,37) if( .and. nc.le.9) then pfx(i:i)=char(nc+48) else if( .and. nc.le.35) then pfx(i:i)=char(nc+55) else pfx(i:i)=' ' endif n=n/37 enddo call1=pfx//'/'//call1 if(call1(1:1).eq.' ') call1=call1(2:) if(call1(1:1).eq.' ') call1=call1(2:) else ! Add-on suffix, one character i1=index(call1,' ') nc=ng-60000 if( .and. nc.le.9) then call1=call1(:i1-1)//'/'//char(nc+48) else if( .and. nc.le.35) then call1=call1(:i1-1)//'/'//char(nc+55) endif endif return end subroutine unpackpfx