// Status=review [[FIG_CONFIG_RPT]] image::reporting.png[align="center",alt="Reporting Screen"] - _Logging_: Choose any desired options from this group. Operators in a multi-operator station may wish to enter their home callsign as *Op Call*. - _Network Services_: Check *Enable PSK Reporter Spotting* to send reception reports to the {pskreporter} mapping facility. - _UDP Server_: This group of options controls the network name or address and port number used to exchange information with a third party application that interoperates with _WSJT-X_. Exchanged information includes decoded messages, general program status, QSOs logged, highlighting of callsigns in the _WSJT-X_ band activity window, and limited facilities to initiate QSOs in response to CQ or QRZ messages. Full details of the protocol can be found in comments at the top of this file in our source code repository: https://sourceforge.net/p/wsjt/wsjtx/ci/master/tree/NetworkMessage.hpp Programs like _JTAlert_ use the _UDP Server_ feature to obtain information about a running _WSJT-X_ instance. If you are using _JTAlert_, be sure to check the three boxes at lower right.