subroutine genjtms3(msg,msgsent,iwave,nwave) character*22 msg,msgsent integer*1 chansym(258) integer*2 iwave(30*48000) integer dgen(13) integer*1 data0(13) integer*1 datsym(215) real*8 pi,twopi,f0,dt,phi,dphi real*4 p(-3095:3096) real*4 s(6192) real*4 carrier(6192) logical first integer indx0(9) !Indices of duplicated symbols data indx0 /16,38,60,82,104,126,148,170,192/ data first/.true./ save sinc(x)=sin(pi*x)/(pi*x) if(first) then pi=4.d0*atan(1.d0) twopi=2.d0*pi k=0 x=0. dx=1.0/24.0 do i=1,3096 !Generate the BPSK pulse shape k=k+1 if( k=k-6192 x=x+dx p(k)=sinc(x) * (sinc(x/2.0))**2 ! p(k)=sinc(x) * exp(-(x/2.0)**2) if( p(-k)=p(k) enddo p(0)=1.0 f0=193.d0*48000.d0/(258.d0*24.d0) dt=1.d0/48000.d0 dphi=twopi*f0*dt phi=0.d0 nmax=0. do i=1,6192 !Generate the carrier phi=phi+dphi if( xphi=phi carrier(i)=sin(xphi) enddo endif call packmsg(msg,dgen) !Pack message into 12 six-bit symbols call entail(dgen,data0) !Move from 6-bit to 8-bit symbols, add tail ndat=(72+31)*2 call encode232(data0,ndat,datsym) !Convolutional encoding do i=1,9 !Duplicate 9 symbols at end of datsym datsym(206+i)=datsym(indx0(i)) enddo call scr258(isync,datsym,1,chansym) !Insert sync and data into chansym(258) if(msg(1:1).eq.'@') chansym=0 s=0. do j=1,258 k1=-3096-24*j if(chansym(j).eq.1) s=s + cshift(p,k1) if(chansym(j).eq.0) s=s - cshift(p,k1) enddo nmax=0 do i=1,6192 n=30000.0*carrier(i)*s(i) nmax=max(nmax,abs(n)) if( n=32767 if( n=-32767 iwave(i)=n enddo ! print*,'nmax:',nmax nwave=6192 msgsent=msg return end subroutine genjtms3