subroutine qra02(dd,nf1,nf2,nfqso,ntol,mycall_12,sync,nsnr,dtx,nfreq, & decoded,nft) use packjt parameter (NFFT=2*6912,NH=NFFT/2,NZ=5760) character decoded*22,mycall_12*12,mycall*6 character*1 mark(0:5),zplot(0:63) logical ltext integer icos7(0:6) integer ipk(1) integer jpk(1) ! integer dat4(12) integer dat4(120) real dd(60*12000) real s(NZ) real savg(NZ) real blue(0:25) real red(NZ) real x(NFFT) complex cx(0:NH) equivalence (x,cx) data icos7/2,5,6,0,4,1,3/ !Costas 7x7 pattern data mark/' ','.','-','+','X','$'/ common/qra65com/ss(NZ,194),s3(0:63,1:63),ccf(NZ,0:25) save ! rewind 74 ! rewind 75 ! print*,'B',nf1,nf2,nfqso,ntol nsps=6912 istep=nsps/2 nsteps=52*12000/istep - 2 ia=1-istep savg=0. df=12000.0/NFFT do j=1,nsteps ia=ia+istep ib=ia+nsps-1 x(1:nsps)=1.2e-4*dd(ia:ib) x(nsps+1:)=0.0 call four2a(x,nfft,1,-1,0) !r2c FFT do i=1,NZ s(i)=real(cx(i))**2 + aimag(cx(i))**2 enddo ss(1:NZ,j)=s savg=savg+s enddo savg=savg/nsteps call pctile(savg,NZ,45,base) savg=savg/base - 1.0 ss=ss/base ! do i=1,NZ ! write(73,1010) i*df,savg(i),i !1010 format(2f10.3,i8) ! enddo fa=max(nf1,nfqso-ntol) fb=min(nf2,nfqso+ntol) ia=nint(fa/df) ib=nint(fb/df) fac=1.0/sqrt(21.0) sync=0. do if0=ia,ib red(if0)=0. do j=0,25 t=-3.0 do n=0,6 i=if0 + 2*icos7(n) t=t + ss(i,1+2*n+j) + ss(i,1+2*n+j+78) + ss(i,1+2*n+j+154) enddo ccf(if0,j)=fac*t if(ccf(if0,j) then red(if0)=ccf(if0,j) if(red(if0).gt.sync) then sync=red(if0) f0=if0*df dtx=j*istep/12000.0 - 1.0 i0=if0 j0=j endif endif enddo enddo do i=0,63 k=i0 + 2*i jj=j0+13 do j=1,63 jj=jj+2 s3(i,j)=ss(k,jj) if(j.eq.32) jj=jj+14 !Skip over the middle Costas array enddo enddo do j=1,63 do i=0,63 n=0.25*s3(i,j) if( n=0 if( n=5 zplot(i)=mark(n) enddo ipk=maxloc(s3(0:63,j)) ! write(76,3001) j,zplot,ipk(1)-1 !3001 format(i2,1x,'|',64a1,'|',i4) enddo if0=nint(f0/df) nfreq=nint(f0) blue(0:25)=ccf(if0,0:25) jpk=maxloc(blue) xpk=jpk(1) + 1.0 call slope(blue,26,xpk) ! do j=0,25 ! tsec=j*istep/12000.0 ! write(74,1020) tsec,blue(j) !1020 format(f5.2,i3,10f7.1) ! enddo ! do i=ia,ib ! f=i*df ! write(75,1030) f,red(i) !1030 format(2f10.2) ! enddo ! flush(74) ! flush(75) ! flush(76) decoded=' ' nft=100 nsnr=-30 if( nsnr=nint(10.0*log10(sync) - 38.0) if( go to 900 !### Temporary ### ! print*,'A',sync,nsnr mycall=mycall_12(1:6) !### May need fixing ### call packcall(mycall,nmycall,ltext) ! write(77,3002) s3 !3002 format(f10.3) ! flush(77) ! print*,'a',sync,dtx,base call qra65_dec(s3,nmycall,dat4,irc) !Attempt decoding ! print*,'z',sync,dtx,nfreq if( then call unpackmsg(dat4,decoded) !Unpack the user message call fmtmsg(decoded,iz) nft=100 + irc endif 900 return end subroutine qra02