subroutine ccf65(ss,nhsym,ssmax,sync1,ipol1,jpz,dt1,flipk, & syncshort,snr2,ipol2,dt2) parameter (NFFT=512,NH=NFFT/2) real ss(4,322) !Input: half-symbol powers, 4 pol'ns real s(NFFT) !CCF = ss*pr complex cs(0:NH) !Complex FT of s real s2(NFFT) !CCF = ss*pr2 complex cs2(0:NH) !Complex FT of s2 real pr(NFFT) !JT65 pseudo-random sync pattern complex cpr(0:NH) !Complex FT of pr real pr2(NFFT) !JT65 shorthand pattern complex cpr2(0:NH) !Complex FT of pr2 real tmp1(322) real ccf(-11:54,4) logical first integer npr(126) data first/.true./ equivalence (s,cs),(pr,cpr),(s2,cs2),(pr2,cpr2) save ! The JT65 pseudo-random sync pattern: data npr/ & 1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0, & 0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1, & 0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1, & 0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1, & 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1, & 0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1, & 1,1,1,1,1,1/ if(first) then ! Initialize pr, pr2; compute cpr, cpr2. fac=1.0/NFFT do i=1,NFFT pr(i)=0. pr2(i)=0. k=2*mod((i-1)/8,2)-1 if(i.le.NH) pr2(i)=fac*k enddo do i=1,126 j=2*i pr(j)=fac*(2*npr(i)-1) ! Not sure why, but it works significantly better without the following line: ! pr(j-1)=pr(j) enddo call four2a(cpr,NFFT,1,-1,0) call four2a(cpr2,NFFT,1,-1,0) first=.false. endif ! Look for JT65 sync pattern and shorthand square-wave pattern. ccfbest=0. ccfbest2=0. ipol1=1 ipol2=1 do ip=1,jpz !Do jpz polarizations do i=1,nhsym-1 ! s(i)=ss(ip,i)+ss(ip,i+1) s(i)=min(ssmax,ss(ip,i)+ss(ip,i+1)) enddo call pctile(s,nhsym-1,50,base) s(1:nhsym-1)=s(1:nhsym-1)-base s(nhsym:NFFT)=0. call four2a(s,NFFT,1,-1,0) !Real-to-complex FFT do i=0,NH cs2(i)=cs(i)*conjg(cpr2(i)) !Mult by complex FFT of pr2 cs(i)=cs(i)*conjg(cpr(i)) !Mult by complex FFT of pr enddo call four2a(cs,NFFT,1,1,-1) !Complex-to-real inv-FFT call four2a(cs2,NFFT,1,1,-1) !Complex-to-real inv-FFT do lag=-11,54 !Check for best JT65 sync j=lag if( j=j+NFFT ccf(lag,ip)=s(j) if(abs(ccf(lag,ip)).gt.ccfbest) then ccfbest=abs(ccf(lag,ip)) lagpk=lag ipol1=ip flipk=1.0 if(ccf(lag,ip).lt.0.0) flipk=-1.0 endif enddo do lag=-11,54 !Check for best shorthand ccf2=s2(lag+28) if( then ccfbest2=ccf2 lagpk2=lag ipol2=ip endif enddo enddo ! Find rms level on baseline of "ccfblue", for normalization. sum=0. do lag=-11,54 if(abs(lag-lagpk).gt.1) sum=sum + ccf(lag,ipol1) enddo base=sum/50.0 sq=0. do lag=-11,54 if(abs(lag-lagpk).gt.1) sq=sq + (ccf(lag,ipol1)-base)**2 enddo rms=sqrt(sq/49.0) sync1=ccfbest/rms - 4.0 dt1=lagpk*(2048.0/11025.0) - 2.5 ! Find base level for normalizing snr2. do i=1,nhsym tmp1(i)=ss(ipol2,i) enddo call pctile(tmp1,nhsym,40,base) snr2=0.398107*ccfbest2/base !### empirical syncshort=0.5*ccfbest2/rms - 4.0 !### better normalizer than rms? dt2=2.5 + lagpk2*(2048.0/11025.0) return end subroutine ccf65