subroutine sync9(ss,nzhsym,lag1,lag2,ia,ib,ccfred,ipkbest) parameter (NSMAX=22000) !Max length of saved spectra real ss(184,NSMAX) real ss1(184) real ccfred(NSMAX) include 'jt9sync.f90' ipk=0 ipkbest=0 sbest=0. ccfred=0. do i=ia,ib !Loop over freq range ss1=ss(1:184,i) call pctile(ss1,nzhsym,40,xmed) ss1=ss1/xmed - 1.0 do j=1,nzhsym if(ss1(j).gt.3.0) ss1(j)=3.0 enddo smax=0. do lag=lag1,lag2 !DT = 2.5 to 5.0 s sum=0. do j=1,16 !Sum over 16 sync symbols k=ii2(j) + lag if( .and. k.le.nzhsym) sum=sum + ss1(k) enddo if( then smax=sum ipk=i endif enddo ccfred(i)=smax !Best at this freq, over all lags if( then sbest=smax ipkbest=ipk endif enddo call pctile(ccfred(ia),ib-ia+1,50,xmed) if(xmed.le.0.0) xmed=1.0 ccfred=2.0*ccfred/xmed return end subroutine sync9