subroutine encode174(message,codeword) ! Encode an 101-bit message and return a 174-bit codeword. ! The generator matrix has dimensions (73,101). ! The code is a (174,101) regular ldpc code with column weight 3. ! The code was generated using the PEG algorithm. ! After creating the codeword, the columns are re-ordered according to ! "colorder" to make the codeword compatible with the parity-check matrix ! include "ldpc_174_87_params.f90" integer*1 codeword(N) integer*1 gen(M,K) integer*1 itmp(N) integer*1 message(K) integer*1 pchecks(M) logical first data first/.true./ save first,gen if( first ) then ! fill the generator matrix gen=0 do i=1,M do j=1,11 read(g(i)( (j-1)*2+1:(j-1)*2+2 ),"(Z2)") istr do jj=1, 8 icol=(j-1)*8+jj if( icol .le. 87 ) then if( btest(istr,8-jj) ) gen(i,icol)=1 endif enddo enddo enddo first=.false. endif do i=1,M nsum=0 do j=1,K nsum=nsum+message(j)*gen(i,j) enddo pchecks(i)=mod(nsum,2) enddo itmp(1:M)=pchecks itmp(M+1:N)=message(1:K) codeword(colorder+1)=itmp(1:N) return end subroutine encode174