program wsprlf parameter (NN=121) !Total symbols parameter (NSPS=28800) !Samples per symbol @ fs=12000 Hz parameter (NZ=NSPS*NN) !Samples in waveform character*8 arg complex c(0:NZ-1) real*8 twopi,fs,f0,dt,phi,dphi real x(0:NZ-1) real p(0:NZ/2) real h0(0:NSPS/2) !Pulse shape, rising edge real h1(0:NSPS/2) !Pulse shape, trailing edge real tmp(NN) integer id(NN) !Generated data integer ie(NN) !Differentially encoded data data fs/12000.d0/ nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: wsprlf f0 t1 snr' goto 999 endif call getarg(1,arg) read(arg,*) f0 call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) t1 call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) snrdb call random_number(tmp) !Generate random bipolar data id=1 where( id=-1 ie(1)=1 do i=2,NN !Differentially encode ie(i)=id(i)*ie(i-1) enddo n1=nint(t1*NSPS) twopi=8.d0*atan(1.d0) do i=0,2*n1-1 !Define the shape functions if(i.le.n1-1) then h0(i)=0.5*(1.0-cos(0.5*i*twopi/n1)) else h1(i-n1)=0.5*(1.0-cos(0.5*i*twopi/n1)) endif enddo if(t1.eq.0.0) h0=1 if(t1.eq.0.0) h1=1 ! Shape the channel pulses x=1. x(0:n1-1)=h0(0:n1-1) !Leading edge of 1st pulse do j=2,NN !Leading edges if(ie(j) then ia=(j-1)*NSPS + 1 ib=ia+n1-1 x(ia:ib)=h0(0:n1-1) endif enddo do j=1,NN-1 !Trailing edges if(ie(j+1) then ib=j*NSPS ia=ib-n1+1 x(ia:ib)=h1(0:n1-1) endif enddo ib=NN*NSPS-1 ia=ib-n1+1 x(ia:ib)=h1(0:n1-1) !Trailing edge of last pulse dt=1.d0/fs ts=dt*NSPS baud=fs/NSPS write(*,1000) baud,ts 1000 format('Baud:',f6.3,' Tsym:',f6.3) dphi=twopi*f0*dt phi=0.d0 i=-1 do j=1,NN !Generate the baseband waveform a=ie(j) do k=1,NSPS i=i+1 x(i)=a*x(i) phi=phi+dphi if( phi=phi-twopi xphi=phi c(i)=x(i)*cmplx(cos(xphi),sin(xphi)) sym=i*dt/ts if(j.le.20) write(13,1010) sym,x(i),c(i) 1010 format(4f12.6) enddo enddo call four2a(c,NZ,1,-1,1) !To freq domain df=fs/NZ nh=NZ/2 do i=0,nh f=i*df p(i)=real(c(i))**2 + aimag(c(i))**2 enddo p=p/maxval(p) do i=0,nh !Save spectrum for plotting write(14,1020) i*df,p(i),10.0*log10(p(i)+1.e-8) 1020 format(f10.3,2e12.3) enddo 999 end program wsprlf