// Status=review Debian, Ubuntu, and other Debian-based systems including Raspbian: NOTE: The project team release binary installer packages for Linux when a new _WSJT-X_ release is announced, note that these are built to target one contemporary version of a Linux distribution. Although these may work on newer Linux versions or even different distributions, it is unlikely that they will work on older versions. Check the notes provided with the release for details of the targeted Linux distributions and versions. If the binary package is not compatible with your Linux distribution or version you must build the application from sources. * 32-bit: {debian32} - To install: + [example] sudo dpkg -i wsjtx_{VERSION}_i386.deb - Uninstall: + [example] sudo dpkg -P wsjtx * 64-bit: {debian64} - To install: + [example] sudo dpkg -i wsjtx_{VERSION}_amd64.deb * 32-bit: {raspbian} - To install: + [example] sudo dpkg -i wsjtx_{VERSION}_armhf.deb - Uninstall: + [example] sudo dpkg -P wsjtx You may also need to execute the following command in a terminal: [example] sudo apt install libqt5multimedia5-plugins libqt5serialport5 libqt5sql5-sqlite libfftw3-single3 Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat, and other rpm-based systems: * 32-bit: {fedora32} - To install: + [example] sudo rpm -i wsjtx-{VERSION}-i686.rpm - Uninstall: + [example] sudo rpm -e wsjtx * 64-bit: {fedora64} - To install: + [example] sudo rpm -i wsjtx-{VERSION}-x86_64.rpm - Uninstall: + [example] sudo rpm -e wsjtx You may also need to execute the following command in a terminal: [example] sudo dnf install fftw-libs-single qt5-qtmultimedia qt5-qtserialport