module packjt77 ! These variables are accessible from outside via "use packjt77": parameter (MAXHASH=1000,MAXRECENT=10) character*13 callsign(MAXHASH) integer ihash10(MAXHASH),ihash12(MAXHASH),ihash22(MAXHASH) integer n28a,n28b,nzhash character*13 recent_calls(MAXRECENT) contains subroutine hash10(n10,c13) character*13 c13 c13='<...>' do i=1,nzhash if(ihash10(i).eq.n10) then c13=callsign(i) if(c13(1:1).ne.'<') then n=len(trim(c13)) c13='<'//trim(c13)//'>'//' ' endif go to 900 endif enddo 900 return end subroutine hash10 subroutine hash12(n12,c13) character*13 c13 c13='<...>' do i=1,nzhash if(ihash12(i).eq.n12) then c13=callsign(i) if(c13(1:1).ne.'<') then n=len(trim(c13)) c13='<'//trim(c13)//'>'//' ' endif go to 900 endif enddo 900 return end subroutine hash12 subroutine hash22(n22,c13) character*13 c13 c13='<...>' do i=1,nzhash if(ihash22(i).eq.n22) then c13=callsign(i) if(c13(1:1).ne.'<') then n=len(trim(c13)) c13='<'//trim(c13)//'>'//' ' endif go to 900 endif enddo 900 return end subroutine hash22 integer function ihashcall(c0,m) integer*8 n8 character*13 c0,c1 character*38 c data c/' 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/'/ c1=c0 if(c1(1:1).eq.'<') c1=c1(2:) i=index(c1,'>') if( c1(i:)=' ' n8=0 do i=1,11 j=index(c,c1(i:i)) - 1 n8=38*n8 + j enddo ihashcall=ishft(47055833459_8*n8,m-64) return end function ihashcall subroutine save_hash_call(c13,n10,n12,n22) character*13 c13 logical first data first/.true./ save first if(first) then ihash10=-1 ihash12=-1 ihash22=-1 callsign=' ' nzhash=0 first=.false. endif if(c13(1:1).eq.' ' .or. c13(1:5).eq.'<...>') return n10=ihashcall(c13,10) n12=ihashcall(c13,12) n22=ihashcall(c13,22) do i=1,nzhash if(ihash22(i).eq.n22) go to 900 !This one is already in the table enddo ! New entry: move table down, making room for new one at the top ihash10(MAXHASH:2:-1)=ihash10(MAXHASH-1:1:-1) ihash12(MAXHASH:2:-1)=ihash12(MAXHASH-1:1:-1) ihash22(MAXHASH:2:-1)=ihash22(MAXHASH-1:1:-1) ! Add the new entry callsign(MAXHASH:2:-1)=callsign(MAXHASH-1:1:-1) ihash10(1)=n10 ihash12(1)=n12 ihash22(1)=n22 callsign(1)=c13 if( nzhash=nzhash+1 900 return end subroutine save_hash_call subroutine pack77(msg0,i3,n3,c77) use packjt character*37 msg,msg0 character*18 c18 character*13 w(19) character*77 c77 integer nw(19) integer ntel(3) msg=msg0 if(i3.eq.0 .and. n3.eq.5) go to 5 ! Convert msg to upper case; collapse multiple blanks; parse into words. call split77(msg,nwords,nw,w) i3=-1 n3=-1 if(msg(1:3).eq.'CQ ' .or. msg(1:3).eq.'DE ' .or. msg(1:4).eq.'QRZ ') go to 100 ! Check 0.1 (DXpedition mode) call pack77_01(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( .or. go to 900 ! Check 0.2 (EU VHF contest exchange) call pack77_02(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( go to 900 ! Check 0.3 and 0.4 (ARRL Field Day exchange) call pack77_03(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( go to 900 if( go to 100 ! Check 0.5 (telemetry) 5 i0=index(msg,' ') c18=msg(1:i0-1)//' ' c18=adjustr(c18) ntel=-99 read(c18,1005,err=6) ntel 1005 format(3z6) if(ntel(1).ge.2**23) go to 800 6 if(ntel(1).ge.0 .and. ntel(2).ge.0 .and. ntel(3).ge.0) then i3=0 n3=5 write(c77,1006) ntel,n3,i3 1006 format(b23.23,2b24.24,2b3.3) go to 900 endif ! Check Type 1 (Standard 77-bit message) or Type 2, with optional "/P" 100 call pack77_1(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( go to 900 ! Check Type 3 (ARRL RTTY contest exchange) call pack77_3(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( go to 900 ! Check Type 4 (One nonstandard call and one hashed call) call pack77_4(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( go to 900 ! It defaults to free text 800 i3=0 n3=0 msg(14:)=' ' call packtext77(msg(1:13),c77(1:71)) write(c77(72:77),'(2b3.3)') n3,i3 900 return end subroutine pack77 subroutine unpack77(c77,msg,unpk77_success) parameter (NSEC=84) !Number of ARRL Sections parameter (NUSCAN=65) !Number of US states and Canadian provinces parameter (MAXGRID4=32400) integer*8 n58 integer ntel(3) character*77 c77 character*37 msg character*13 call_1,call_2,call_3 character*11 c11 character*3 crpt,cntx character*3 cmult(NUSCAN) character*6 cexch,grid6 character*4 grid4,cserial character*3 csec(NSEC) character*38 c logical unpk28_success,unpk77_success data c/' 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/'/ data csec/ & "AB ","AK ","AL ","AR ","AZ ","BC ","CO ","CT ","DE ","EB ", & "EMA","ENY","EPA","EWA","GA ","GTA","IA ","ID ","IL ","IN ", & "KS ","KY ","LA ","LAX","MAR","MB ","MDC","ME ","MI ","MN ", & "MO ","MS ","MT ","NC ","ND ","NE ","NFL","NH ","NL ","NLI", & "NM ","NNJ","NNY","NT ","NTX","NV ","OH ","OK ","ONE","ONN", & "ONS","OR ","ORG","PAC","PR ","QC ","RI ","SB ","SC ","SCV", & "SD ","SDG","SF ","SFL","SJV","SK ","SNJ","STX","SV ","TN ", & "UT ","VA ","VI ","VT ","WCF","WI ","WMA","WNY","WPA","WTX", & "WV ","WWA","WY ","DX "/ data cmult/ & "AL ","AK ","AZ ","AR ","CA ","CO ","CT ","DE ","FL ","GA ", & "HI ","ID ","IL ","IN ","IA ","KS ","KY ","LA ","ME ","MD ", & "MA ","MI ","MN ","MS ","MO ","MT ","NE ","NV ","NH ","NJ ", & "NM ","NY ","NC ","ND ","OH ","OK ","OR ","PA ","RI ","SC ", & "SD ","TN ","TX ","UT ","VT ","VA ","WA ","WV ","WI ","WY ", & "NB ","NS ","QC ","ON ","MB ","SK ","AB ","BC ","NWT","NF ", & "LB ","NU ","YT ","PEI","DC "/ unpk77_success=.true. ! Check for bad data do i=1,77 if(c77(i:i).ne.'0' .and. c77(i:i).ne.'1') then msg='failed unpack' unpk77_success=.false. return endif enddo read(c77(72:77),'(2b3)') n3,i3 msg=repeat(' ',37) if(i3.eq.0 .and. n3.eq.0) then ! 0.0 Free text call unpacktext77(c77(1:71),msg(1:13)) msg(14:)=' ' msg=adjustl(msg) else if(i3.eq.0 .and. n3.eq.1) then ! 0.1 K1ABC RR73; W9XYZ -11 28 28 10 5 71 DXpedition Mode read(c77,1010) n28a,n28b,n10,n5 1010 format(2b28,b10,b5) irpt=2*n5 - 30 write(crpt,1012) irpt 1012 format(i3.2) if( crpt(1:1)='+' call unpack28(n28a,call_1,unpk28_success) if(.not.unpk28_success .or. n28a.le.2) unpk77_success=.false. call unpack28(n28b,call_2,unpk28_success) if(.not.unpk28_success .or. n28b.le.2) unpk77_success=.false. call hash10(n10,call_3) if(call_3(1:1).eq.'<') then msg=trim(call_1)//' RR73; '//trim(call_2)//' '//trim(call_3)// & ' '//crpt else msg=trim(call_1)//' RR73; '//trim(call_2)//' <'//trim(call_3)// & '> '//crpt endif else if(i3.eq.0 .and. n3.eq.2) then ! 0.2 PA3XYZ/P R 590003 IO91NP 28 1 1 3 12 25 70 EU VHF contest read(c77,1020) n28a,ip,ir,irpt,iserial,igrid6 1020 format(b28,2b1,b3,b12,b25) call unpack28(n28a,call_1,unpk28_success) if(.not.unpk28_success .or. n28a.le.2) unpk77_success=.false. nrs=52+irpt if(ip.eq.1) call_1=trim(call_1)//'/P'//' ' write(cexch,1022) nrs,iserial 1022 format(i2,i4.4) n=igrid6 j1=n/(18*10*10*24*24) n=n-j1*18*10*10*24*24 j2=n/(10*10*24*24) n=n-j2*10*10*24*24 j3=n/(10*24*24) n=n-j3*10*24*24 j4=n/(24*24) n=n-j4*24*24 j5=n/24 j6=n-j5*24 grid6(1:1)=char(j1+ichar('A')) grid6(2:2)=char(j2+ichar('A')) grid6(3:3)=char(j3+ichar('0')) grid6(4:4)=char(j4+ichar('0')) grid6(5:5)=char(j5+ichar('A')) grid6(6:6)=char(j6+ichar('A')) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//cexch//' '//grid6 if(ir.eq.1) msg=trim(call_1)//' R '//cexch//' '//grid6 else if(i3.eq.0 .and. (n3.eq.3 .or. n3.eq.4)) then ! 0.3 WA9XYZ KA1ABC R 16A EMA 28 28 1 4 3 7 71 ARRL Field Day ! 0.4 WA9XYZ KA1ABC R 32A EMA 28 28 1 4 3 7 71 ARRL Field Day read(c77,1030) n28a,n28b,ir,intx,nclass,isec 1030 format(2b28,b1,b4,b3,b7) if( .or. then unpk77_success=.false. isec=1 endif call unpack28(n28a,call_1,unpk28_success) if(.not.unpk28_success .or. n28a.le.2) unpk77_success=.false. call unpack28(n28b,call_2,unpk28_success) if(.not.unpk28_success .or. n28b.le.2) unpk77_success=.false. ntx=intx+1 if(n3.eq.4) ntx=ntx+16 write(cntx(1:2),1032) ntx 1032 format(i2) cntx(3:3)=char(ichar('A')+nclass) if(ir.eq.0 .and. msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & cntx//' '//csec(isec) if(ir.eq.1 .and. msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & ' R'//cntx//' '//csec(isec) if(ir.eq.0 .and. msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & ' '//cntx//' '//csec(isec) if(ir.eq.1 .and. msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & ' R '//cntx//' '//csec(isec) else if(i3.eq.0 .and. n3.eq.5) then ! 0.5 0123456789abcdef01 71 71 Telemetry (18 hex) read(c77,1006) ntel 1006 format(b23,2b24) write(msg,1007) ntel 1007 format(3z6.6) do i=1,18 if(msg(i:i).ne.'0') exit msg(i:i)=' ' enddo msg=adjustl(msg) else if(i3.eq.1 .or. i3.eq.2) then ! Type 1 (standard message) or Type 2 ("/P" form for EU VHF contest) read(c77,1000) n28a,ipa,n28b,ipb,ir,igrid4,i3 1000 format(2(b28,b1),b1,b15,b3) call unpack28(n28a,call_1,unpk28_success) if(.not.unpk28_success) unpk77_success=.false. call unpack28(n28b,call_2,unpk28_success) if(.not.unpk28_success) unpk77_success=.false. if(call_1(1:3).eq.'CQ_') call_1(3:3)=' ' if(index(call_1,'<').le.0) then i=index(call_1,' ') if( .and. ipa.eq.1 .and. i3.eq.1) call_1(i:i+1)='/R' if( .and. ipa.eq.1 .and. i3.eq.2) call_1(i:i+1)='/P' if( call add_call_to_recent_calls(call_1) endif if(index(call_2,'<').le.0) then i=index(call_2,' ') if( .and. ipb.eq.1 .and. i3.eq.1) call_2(i:i+1)='/R' if( .and. ipb.eq.1 .and. i3.eq.2) call_2(i:i+1)='/P' if( call add_call_to_recent_calls(call_2) endif if(igrid4.le.MAXGRID4) then n=igrid4 j1=n/(18*10*10) n=n-j1*18*10*10 j2=n/(10*10) n=n-j2*10*10 j3=n/10 j4=n-j3*10 grid4(1:1)=char(j1+ichar('A')) grid4(2:2)=char(j2+ichar('A')) grid4(3:3)=char(j3+ichar('0')) grid4(4:4)=char(j4+ichar('0')) if(ir.eq.0) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)//' '//grid4 if(ir.eq.1) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)//' R '//grid4 else irpt=igrid4-MAXGRID4 if(irpt.eq.1) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2) if(irpt.eq.2) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)//' RRR' if(irpt.eq.3) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)//' RR73' if(irpt.eq.4) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)//' 73' if( then write(crpt,'(i3.2)') irpt-35 if(crpt(1:1).eq.' ') crpt(1:1)='+' if(ir.eq.0) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)//' '//crpt if(ir.eq.1) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)//' R'//crpt endif endif else if(i3.eq.3) then ! Type 3: ARRL RTTY Contest read(c77,1040) itu,n28a,n28b,ir,irpt,nexch,i3 1040 format(b1,2b28.28,b1,b3.3,b13.13,b3.3) write(crpt,1042) irpt+2 1042 format('5',i1,'9') nserial=nexch imult=-1 if( then imult=nexch-8000 nserial=-1 endif call unpack28(n28a,call_1,unpk28_success) if(.not.unpk28_success) unpk77_success=.false. call unpack28(n28b,call_2,unpk28_success) if(.not.unpk28_success) unpk77_success=.false. imult=0 nserial=0 if( imult=nexch-8000 if( nserial=nexch if( .and.imult.le.NUSCAN) then if(itu.eq.0 .and. ir.eq.0) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & ' '//crpt//' '//cmult(imult) if(itu.eq.1 .and. ir.eq.0) msg='TU; '//trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & ' '//crpt//' '//cmult(imult) if(itu.eq.0 .and. ir.eq.1) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & ' R '//crpt//' '//cmult(imult) if(itu.eq.1 .and. ir.eq.1) msg='TU; '//trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & ' R '//crpt//' '//cmult(imult) else if( .and. nserial.le.7999) then write(cserial,'(i4.4)') nserial if(itu.eq.0 .and. ir.eq.0) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & ' '//crpt//' '//cserial if(itu.eq.1 .and. ir.eq.0) msg='TU; '//trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & ' '//crpt//' '//cserial if(itu.eq.0 .and. ir.eq.1) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & ' R '//crpt//' '//cserial if(itu.eq.1 .and. ir.eq.1) msg='TU; '//trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)// & ' R '//crpt//' '//cserial endif else if(i3.eq.4) then read(c77,1050) n12,n58,iflip,nrpt,icq 1050 format(b12,b58,b1,b2,b1) do i=11,1,-1 j=mod(n58,38)+1 c11(i:i)=c(j:j) n58=n58/38 enddo call hash12(n12,call_3) if(iflip.eq.0) then call_1=call_3 call_2=adjustl(c11)//' ' else call_1=adjustl(c11)//' ' call_2=call_3 endif if(icq.eq.0) then if(nrpt.eq.0) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2) if(nrpt.eq.1) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)//' RRR' if(nrpt.eq.2) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)//' RR73' if(nrpt.eq.3) msg=trim(call_1)//' '//trim(call_2)//' 73' else msg='CQ '//trim(call_2) endif endif if(msg(1:4).eq.'CQ <') unpk77_success=.false. return end subroutine unpack77 subroutine pack28(c13,n28) ! Pack a special token, a 22-bit hash code, or a valid base call into a 28-bit ! integer. parameter (NTOKENS=2063592,MAX22=4194304) logical is_digit,is_letter character*13 c13 character*6 callsign character*1 c character*4 c4 character*37 a1 character*36 a2 character*10 a3 character*27 a4 data a1/' 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'/ data a2/'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'/ data a3/'0123456789'/ data a4/' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'/ is_digit(c)'0' .and. c.le.'9' is_letter(c)'A' .and. c.le.'Z' n28=-1 ! Work-around for Swaziland prefix: if(c13(1:4).eq.'3DA0') callsign='3D0'//c13(5:7) ! Work-around for Guinea prefixes: if(c13(1:2).eq.'3X' .and. c13(3:3).ge.'A' .and. & c13(3:3).le.'Z') callsign='Q'//c13(3:6) ! Check for special tokens first if(c13(1:3).eq.'DE ') then n28=0 go to 900 endif if(c13(1:4).eq.'QRZ ') then n28=1 go to 900 endif if(c13(1:3).eq.'CQ ') then n28=2 go to 900 endif if(c13(1:3).eq.'CQ_') then n=len(trim(c13)) if( .and. n.le.7) then nlet=0 nnum=0 do i=4,n c=c13(i:i) if('A' .and. c.le.'Z') nlet=nlet+1 if('0' .and. c.le.'9') nnum=nnum+1 enddo if(nnum.eq.3 .and. nlet.eq.0) then read(c13(4:3+nnum),*) nqsy n28=3+nqsy go to 900 endif if( .and. nlet.le.4 .and. nnum.eq.0) then c4=c13(4:n)//' ' c4=adjustr(c4) m=0 do i=1,4 j=0 c=c4(i:i) if('A' .and. c.le.'Z') j=ichar(c)-ichar('A')+1 m=27*m + j enddo n28=3+1000+m go to 900 endif endif endif ! Check for <...> callsign if(c13(1:1).eq.'<')then call save_hash_call(c13,n10,n12,n22) !Save callsign in hash table n28=NTOKENS + n22 go to 900 endif ! Check for standard callsign iarea=-1 n=len(trim(c13)) do i=n,2,-1 if(is_digit(c13(i:i))) exit enddo iarea=i !Call-area digit npdig=0 !Digits before call area nplet=0 !Letters before call area do i=1,iarea-1 if(is_digit(c13(i:i))) npdig=npdig+1 if(is_letter(c13(i:i))) nplet=nplet+1 enddo nslet=0 do i=iarea+1,n if(is_letter(c13(i:i))) nslet=nslet+1 enddo if( .or. .or. nplet.eq.0 .or. & .or. then ! Treat this as a nonstandard callsign: compute its 22-bit hash call save_hash_call(c13,n10,n12,n22) !Save callsign in hash table n28=NTOKENS + n22 go to 900 endif n=len(trim(c13)) ! This is a standard callsign call save_hash_call(c13,n10,n12,n22) !Save callsign in hash table if(iarea.eq.2) callsign=' '//c13(1:5) if(iarea.eq.3) callsign=c13(1:6) i1=index(a1,callsign(1:1))-1 i2=index(a2,callsign(2:2))-1 i3=index(a3,callsign(3:3))-1 i4=index(a4,callsign(4:4))-1 i5=index(a4,callsign(5:5))-1 i6=index(a4,callsign(6:6))-1 n28=36*10*27*27*27*i1 + 10*27*27*27*i2 + 27*27*27*i3 + 27*27*i4 + & 27*i5 + i6 n28=n28 + NTOKENS + MAX22 900 n28=iand(n28,ishft(1,28)-1) return end subroutine pack28 subroutine unpack28(n28_0,c13,success) parameter (NTOKENS=2063592,MAX22=4194304) logical success character*13 c13 character*37 c1 character*36 c2 character*10 c3 character*27 c4 data c1/' 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'/ data c2/'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'/ data c3/'0123456789'/ data c4/' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'/ success=.true. n28=n28_0 if( then ! Special tokens DE, QRZ, CQ, CQ_nnn, CQ_aaaa if(n28.eq.0) c13='DE ' if(n28.eq.1) c13='QRZ ' if(n28.eq.2) c13='CQ ' if(n28.le.2) go to 900 if(n28.le.1002) then write(c13,1002) n28-3 1002 format('CQ_',i3.3) go to 900 endif if(n28.le.532443) then n=n28-1003 n0=n i1=n/(27*27*27) n=n-27*27*27*i1 i2=n/(27*27) n=n-27*27*i2 i3=n/27 i4=n-27*i3 c13=c4(i1+1:i1+1)//c4(i2+1:i2+1)//c4(i3+1:i3+1)//c4(i4+1:i4+1) c13=adjustl(c13) c13='CQ_'//c13(1:10) go to 900 endif endif n28=n28-NTOKENS if( then ! This is a 22-bit hash of a callsign n22=n28 call hash22(n22,c13) !Retrieve callsign from hash table go to 900 endif ! Standard callsign n=n28 - MAX22 i1=n/(36*10*27*27*27) n=n-36*10*27*27*27*i1 i2=n/(10*27*27*27) n=n-10*27*27*27*i2 i3=n/(27*27*27) n=n-27*27*27*i3 i4=n/(27*27) n=n-27*27*i4 i5=n/27 i6=n-27*i5 c13=c1(i1+1:i1+1)//c2(i2+1:i2+1)//c3(i3+1:i3+1)//c4(i4+1:i4+1)// & c4(i5+1:i5+1)//c4(i6+1:i6+1)//' ' c13=adjustl(c13) 900 i0=index(c13,' ') if( then c13='QU1RK' success=.false. endif return end subroutine unpack28 subroutine split77(msg,nwords,nw,w) ! Convert msg to upper case; collapse multiple blanks; parse into words. character*37 msg character*13 w(19) character*1 c,c0 character*6 bcall_1 logical ok1 integer nw(19) iz=len(trim(msg)) j=0 k=0 n=0 c0=' ' w=' ' do i=1,iz if(ichar(msg(i:i)).eq.0) msg(i:i)=' ' c=msg(i:i) !Single character if(c.eq.' ' .and. c0.eq.' ') cycle !Skip leading/repeated blanks if(' ' .and. c0.eq.' ') then k=k+1 !New word n=0 endif j=j+1 !Index in msg n=n+1 !Index in word msg(j:j)=c if('a' .and. c.le.'z') msg(j:j)=char(ichar(c)-32) !Force upper case if(n.le.13) w(k)(n:n)=c !Copy character c into word c0=c enddo iz=j !Message length nwords=k !Number of words in msg if(nwords.le.0) go to 900 nw(k)=len(trim(w(k))) msg(iz+1:)=' ' if( go to 900 call chkcall(w(3),bcall_1,ok1) if(ok1 .and. w(1)(1:3).eq.'CQ ') then w(1)='CQ_'//w(2)(1:10) !Make "CQ " into "CQ_" w(2:12)=w(3:13) !Move all remeining words down by one nwords=nwords-1 endif 900 return end subroutine split77 subroutine pack77_01(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) ! Pack a Type 0.1 message: DXpedition mode ! Example message: "K1ABC RR73; W9XYZ -11" 28 28 10 5 character*13 w(19) character*77 c77 character*6 bcall_1,bcall_2 logical ok1,ok2 if( go to 900 !Must have 5 words if(trim(w(2)).ne.'RR73;') go to 900 !2nd word must be "RR73;" if(w(4)(1:1).ne.'<') go to 900 !4th word must have <...> if(index(w(4),'>').lt.1) go to 900 n=-99 read(w(5),*,err=1) n 1 if(n.eq.-99) go to 900 !5th word must be a valid report n5=(n+30)/2 if( n5=0 if( n5=31 call chkcall(w(1),bcall_1,ok1) if(.not.ok1) go to 900 !1st word must be a valid basecall call chkcall(w(3),bcall_2,ok2) if(.not.ok2) go to 900 !3rd word must be a valid basecall ! Type 0.1: K1ABC RR73; W9XYZ -11 28 28 10 5 71 DXpedition Mode i3=0 n3=1 call pack28(w(1),n28a) call pack28(w(3),n28b) call save_hash_call(w(4),n10,n12,n22) write(c77,1010) n28a,n28b,n10,n5,n3,i3 1010 format(2b28.28,b10.10,b5.5,2b3.3) 900 return end subroutine pack77_01 subroutine pack77_02(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) character*13 w(19),c13 character*77 c77 character*6 bcall_1,grid6 logical ok1,is_grid6 is_grid6(grid6)=len(trim(grid6)).eq.6 .and. & grid6(1:1).ge.'A' .and. grid6(1:1).le.'R' .and. & grid6(2:2).ge.'A' .and. grid6(2:2).le.'R' .and. & grid6(3:3).ge.'0' .and. grid6(3:3).le.'9' .and. & grid6(4:4).ge.'0' .and. grid6(4:4).le.'9' .and. & grid6(5:5).ge.'A' .and. grid6(5:5).le.'X' .and. & grid6(6:6).ge.'A' .and. grid6(6:6).le.'X' call chkcall(w(1),bcall_1,ok1) if(.not.ok1) return !bcall_1 must be a valid basecall if( .or. return !nwords must be 3 or 4 nx=-1 if( read(w(nwords-1),*,err=2) nx 2 if( .or. return !Exchange between 520001 - 594095 if(.not.is_grid6(w(nwords)(1:6))) return !Last word must be a valid grid6 ! Type 0.2: PA3XYZ/P R 590003 IO91NP 28 1 1 3 12 25 70 EU VHF contest i3=0 n3=2 ip=0 c13=w(1) i=index(w(1),'/P') if( then ip=1 c13=w(1)(1:i-1)//' ' endif call pack28(c13,n28a) ir=0 if(w(2)(1:2).eq.'R ') ir=1 irpt=nx/10000 - 52 iserial=mod(nx,10000) grid6=w(nwords)(1:6) j1=(ichar(grid6(1:1))-ichar('A'))*18*10*10*24*24 j2=(ichar(grid6(2:2))-ichar('A'))*10*10*24*24 j3=(ichar(grid6(3:3))-ichar('0'))*10*24*24 j4=(ichar(grid6(4:4))-ichar('0'))*24*24 j5=(ichar(grid6(5:5))-ichar('A'))*24 j6=(ichar(grid6(6:6))-ichar('A')) igrid6=j1+j2+j3+j4+j5+j6 write(c77,1010) n28a,ip,ir,irpt,iserial,igrid6,n3,i3 1010 format(b28.28,2b1,b3.3,b12.12,b25.25,b4.4,b3.3) return end subroutine pack77_02 subroutine pack77_03(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) ! Check 0.3 and 0.4 (ARRL Field Day exchange) parameter (NSEC=84) !Number of ARRL Sections character*13 w(19) character*77 c77 character*6 bcall_1,bcall_2 character*3 csec(NSEC) logical ok1,ok2 data csec/ & "AB ","AK ","AL ","AR ","AZ ","BC ","CO ","CT ","DE ","EB ", & "EMA","ENY","EPA","EWA","GA ","GTA","IA ","ID ","IL ","IN ", & "KS ","KY ","LA ","LAX","MAR","MB ","MDC","ME ","MI ","MN ", & "MO ","MS ","MT ","NC ","ND ","NE ","NFL","NH ","NL ","NLI", & "NM ","NNJ","NNY","NT ","NTX","NV ","OH ","OK ","ONE","ONN", & "ONS","OR ","ORG","PAC","PR ","QC ","RI ","SB ","SC ","SCV", & "SD ","SDG","SF ","SFL","SJV","SK ","SNJ","STX","SV ","TN ", & "UT ","VA ","VI ","VT ","WCF","WI ","WMA","WNY","WPA","WTX", & "WV ","WWA","WY ","DX "/ if( .or. return call chkcall(w(1),bcall_1,ok1) call chkcall(w(2),bcall_2,ok2) if(.not.ok1 .or. .not.ok2) return isec=-1 do i=1,NSEC if(csec(i).eq.w(nwords)(1:3)) then isec=i exit endif enddo if(isec.eq.-1) return if(nwords.eq.5 .and. trim(w(3)).ne.'R') return ntx=-1 j=len(trim(w(nwords-1)))-1 read(w(nwords-1)(1:j),*,err=1) ntx !Number of transmitters 1 if( .or. return nclass=ichar(w(nwords-1)(j+1:j+1))-ichar('A') m=len(trim(w(nwords))) !Length of section abbreviation if( .or. return ! 0.3 WA9XYZ KA1ABC R 16A EMA 28 28 1 4 3 7 71 ARRL Field Day ! 0.4 WA9XYZ KA1ABC R 32A EMA 28 28 1 4 3 7 71 ARRL Field Day i3=0 n3=3 !Type 0.3 ARRL Field Day intx=ntx-1 if( then n3=4 !Type 0.4 ARRL Field Day intx=ntx-17 endif call pack28(w(1),n28a) call pack28(w(2),n28b) ir=0 if(w(3)(1:2).eq.'R ') ir=1 write(c77,1010) n28a,n28b,ir,intx,nclass,isec,n3,i3 1010 format(2b28.28,b1,b4.4,b3.3,b7.7,2b3.3) return end subroutine pack77_03 subroutine pack77_1(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) ! Check Type 1 (Standard 77-bit message) and Type 2 (ditto, with a "/P" call) parameter (MAXGRID4=32400) character*13 w(19),c13 character*77 c77 character*6 bcall_1,bcall_2 character*4 grid4 character c1*1,c2*2 logical is_grid4 logical ok1,ok2 is_grid4(grid4)=len(trim(grid4)).eq.4 .and. & grid4(1:1).ge.'A' .and. grid4(1:1).le.'R' .and. & grid4(2:2).ge.'A' .and. grid4(2:2).le.'R' .and. & grid4(3:3).ge.'0' .and. grid4(3:3).le.'9' .and. & grid4(4:4).ge.'0' .and. grid4(4:4).le.'9' if( .or. return call chkcall(w(1),bcall_1,ok1) call chkcall(w(2),bcall_2,ok2) if(w(1)(1:3).eq.'DE ' .or. w(1)(1:3).eq.'CQ_' .or. w(1)(1:3).eq.'CQ ' .or. & w(1)(1:4).eq.'QRZ ') ok1=.true. if(w(1)(1:1).eq.'<' .and. index(w(1),'>').ge.5) ok1=.true. if(w(2)(1:1).eq.'<' .and. index(w(2),'>').ge.5) ok2=.true. if(.not.ok1 .or. .not.ok2) return if(w(1)(1:1).eq.'<' .and. index(w(2),'/').gt.0) return if(w(2)(1:1).eq.'<' .and. index(w(1),'/').gt.0) return if(nwords.eq.2 .and. (.not.ok2 .or. index(w(2),'/').ge.2)) return if(nwords.eq.2) go to 10 c1=w(nwords)(1:1) c2=w(nwords)(1:2) if(.not.is_grid4(w(nwords)(1:4)) .and.'+' .and.'-' & .and.'R+' .and.'R-' .and. trim(w(nwords)).ne.'RRR' .and. & trim(w(nwords)).ne.'RR73' .and. trim(w(nwords)).ne.'73') return if(c1.eq.'+' .or. c1.eq.'-') then ir=0 read(w(nwords),*,err=900) irpt irpt=irpt+35 else if(c2.eq.'R+' .or. c2.eq.'R-') then ir=1 read(w(nwords)(2:),*) irpt irpt=irpt+35 else if(trim(w(nwords)).eq.'RRR') then ir=0 irpt=2 else if(trim(w(nwords)).eq.'RR73') then ir=0 irpt=3 else if(trim(w(nwords)).eq.'73') then ir=0 irpt=4 endif ! 1 WA9XYZ/R KA1ABC/R R FN42 28 1 28 1 1 15 74 Standard msg ! 2 PA3XYZ/P GM4ABC/P R JO22 28 1 28 1 1 15 74 EU VHF contest 10 if(nwords.eq.2 .or. nwords.eq.3 .or. (nwords.eq.4 .and. & w(3)(1:2).eq.'R ')) then n3=0 i3=1 !Type 1: Standard message, possibly with "/R" if(index(w(1),'/P').ge.4 .or. index(w(2),'/P').ge.4) i3=2 !Type 2, with "/P" endif c13=bcall_1//' ' if(c13(1:3).eq.'CQ_' .or. w(1)(1:1).eq.'<') c13=w(1) call pack28(c13,n28a) c13=bcall_2//' ' if(w(2)(1:1).eq.'<') c13=w(2) call pack28(c13,n28b) ipa=0 ipb=0 if(index(w(1),'/P').ge.4 .or. index(w(1),'/R').ge.4) ipa=1 if(index(w(2),'/P').ge.4 .or. index(w(2),'/R').ge.4) ipb=1 grid4=w(nwords)(1:4) if(is_grid4(grid4)) then ir=0 if(w(3).eq.'R ') ir=1 j1=(ichar(grid4(1:1))-ichar('A'))*18*10*10 j2=(ichar(grid4(2:2))-ichar('A'))*10*10 j3=(ichar(grid4(3:3))-ichar('0'))*10 j4=(ichar(grid4(4:4))-ichar('0')) igrid4=j1+j2+j3+j4 else igrid4=MAXGRID4 + irpt endif if(nwords.eq.2) then ir=0 irpt=1 igrid4=MAXGRID4+irpt endif write(c77,1000) n28a,ipa,n28b,ipb,ir,igrid4,i3 1000 format(2(b28.28,b1),b1,b15.15,b3.3) return 900 return end subroutine pack77_1 subroutine pack77_3(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) ! Check Type 2 (ARRL RTTY contest exchange) !ARRL RTTY - US/Can: rpt state/prov R 579 MA ! - DX: rpt serial R 559 0013 parameter (NUSCAN=65) !Number of US states and Canadian provinces/territories character*13 w(19) character*77 c77 character*6 bcall_1,bcall_2 character*3 cmult(NUSCAN),mult character crpt*3 logical ok1,ok2 data cmult/ & "AL ","AK ","AZ ","AR ","CA ","CO ","CT ","DE ","FL ","GA ", & "HI ","ID ","IL ","IN ","IA ","KS ","KY ","LA ","ME ","MD ", & "MA ","MI ","MN ","MS ","MO ","MT ","NE ","NV ","NH ","NJ ", & "NM ","NY ","NC ","ND ","OH ","OK ","OR ","PA ","RI ","SC ", & "SD ","TN ","TX ","UT ","VT ","VA ","WA ","WV ","WI ","WY ", & "NB ","NS ","QC ","ON ","MB ","SK ","AB ","BC ","NWT","NF ", & "LB ","NU ","YT ","PEI","DC "/ if(nwords.eq.4 .or. nwords.eq.5 .or. nwords.eq.6) then i1=1 if(trim(w(1)).eq.'TU;') i1=2 call chkcall(w(i1),bcall_1,ok1) call chkcall(w(i1+1),bcall_2,ok2) if(.not.ok1 .or. .not.ok2) go to 900 crpt=w(nwords-1)(1:3) if(crpt(1:1).eq.'5' .and. crpt(2:2).ge.'2' .and. crpt(2:2).le.'9' .and. & crpt(3:3).eq.'9') then nserial=0 read(w(nwords),*,err=1) nserial !1 i3=3 ! n3=0 endif 1 mult=' ' imult=-1 do i=1,NUSCAN if(cmult(i).eq.w(nwords)) then imult=i mult=cmult(i) exit endif enddo nexch=0 if( nexch=nserial if( nexch=8000+imult if(' ' .or. then i3=3 n3=0 itu=0 if(trim(w(1)).eq.'TU;') itu=1 call pack28(w(1+itu),n28a) call pack28(w(2+itu),n28b) ir=0 if(w(3+itu)(1:2).eq.'R ') ir=1 read(w(3+itu+ir),*,err=900) irpt irpt=(irpt-509)/10 - 2 if( irpt=0 if( irpt=7 ! 3 TU; W9XYZ K1ABC R 579 MA 1 28 28 1 3 13 74 ARRL RTTY contest ! 3 TU; W9XYZ G8ABC R 559 0013 1 28 28 1 3 13 74 ARRL RTTY (DX) write(c77,1010) itu,n28a,n28b,ir,irpt,nexch,i3 1010 format(b1,2b28.28,b1,b3.3,b13.13,b3.3) endif endif 900 return end subroutine pack77_3 subroutine pack77_4(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) ! Check Type 3 (One nonstandard call and one hashed call) integer*8 n58 logical ok1,ok2 character*13 w(19) character*77 c77 character*13 call_1,call_2 character*11 c11 character*6 bcall_1,bcall_2 character*38 c data c/' 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/'/ iflip=0 i3=-1 if(nwords.eq.2 .or. nwords.eq.3) then call_1=w(1) if(call_1(1:1).eq.'<') call_1=w(1)(2:len(trim(w(1)))-1) call_2=w(2) if(call_2(1:1).eq.'<') call_2=w(2)(2:len(trim(w(2)))-1) call chkcall(call_1,bcall_1,ok1) call chkcall(call_2,bcall_2,ok2) icq=0 if(trim(w(1)).eq.'CQ' .or. (ok1.and.ok2)) then if(trim(w(1)).eq.'CQ' .and. len(trim(w(2))).le.4) go to 900 i3=4 n3=0 if(trim(w(1)).eq.'CQ') icq=1 endif if(icq.eq.1) then iflip=0 n12=0 c11=adjustr(call_2(1:11)) call save_hash_call(w(2),n10,n12,n22) else if(w(1)(1:1).eq.'<') then iflip=0 i3=4 call save_hash_call(w(1),n10,n12,n22) c11=adjustr(call_2(1:11)) else if(w(2)(1:1).eq.'<') then iflip=1 i3=4 call save_hash_call(w(2),n10,n12,n22) c11=adjustr(call_1(1:11)) endif n58=0 do i=1,11 n58=n58*38 + index(c,c11(i:i)) - 1 enddo nrpt=0 if(trim(w(3)).eq.'RRR') nrpt=1 if(trim(w(3)).eq.'RR73') nrpt=2 if(trim(w(3)).eq.'73') nrpt=3 if(icq.eq.1) then iflip=0 nrpt=0 endif write(c77,1010) n12,n58,iflip,nrpt,icq,i3 1010 format(b12.12,b58.58,b1,b2.2,b1,b3.3) do i=1,77 if(c77(i:i).eq.'*') c77(i:i)='0' !### Clean up any illegal chars ### enddo endif 900 return end subroutine pack77_4 subroutine packtext77(c13,c71) character*13 c13,w character*71 c71 character*42 c character*1 qa(10),qb(10) data c/' 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+-./?'/ call mp_short_init qa=char(0) w=adjustr(c13) do i=1,13 j=index(c,w(i:i))-1 if( j=0 call mp_short_mult(qb,qa(2:10),9,42) !qb(1:9)=42*qa(2:9) call mp_short_add(qa,qb(2:10),9,j) !qa(1:9)=qb(2:9)+j enddo write(c71,1010) qa(2:10) 1010 format(b7.7,8b8.8) return end subroutine packtext77 subroutine unpacktext77(c71,c13) integer*1 ia(10) character*1 qa(10),qb(10) character*13 c13 character*71 c71 character*42 c equivalence (qa,ia),(qb,ib) data c/' 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+-./?'/ qa(1)=char(0) read(c71,1010) qa(2:10) 1010 format(b7.7,8b8.8) do i=13,1,-1 call mp_short_div(qb,qa(2:10),9,42,ir) c13(i:i)=c(ir+1:ir+1) qa(2:10)=qb(1:9) enddo return end subroutine unpacktext77 subroutine mp_short_ops(w,u) character*1 w(*),u(*) integer i,ireg,j,n,ir,iv,ii1,ii2 character*1 creg(4) save ii1,ii2 equivalence (ireg,creg) entry mp_short_init ireg=256*ichar('2')+ichar('1') do j=1,4 if (creg(j).eq.'1') ii1=j if (creg(j).eq.'2') ii2=j enddo return entry mp_short_add(w,u,n,iv) ireg=256*iv do j=n,1,-1 ireg=ichar(u(j))+ichar(creg(ii2)) w(j+1)=creg(ii1) enddo w(1)=creg(ii2) return entry mp_short_mult(w,u,n,iv) ireg=0 do j=n,1,-1 ireg=ichar(u(j))*iv+ichar(creg(ii2)) w(j+1)=creg(ii1) enddo w(1)=creg(ii2) return entry mp_short_div(w,u,n,iv,ir) ir=0 do j=1,n i=256*ir+ichar(u(j)) w(j)=char(i/iv) ir=mod(i,iv) enddo return return end subroutine mp_short_ops subroutine add_call_to_recent_calls(callsign) character*13 callsign logical ladd ! only add if the callsign is not already on the list ladd=.true. do i=1,MAXRECENT-1 ! if callsign is at the end of the list add it again if(recent_calls(i).eq.callsign) ladd=.false. enddo if(ladd) then do i=MAXRECENT,2,-1 recent_calls(i)=recent_calls(i-1) enddo recent_calls(1)=callsign endif return end subroutine add_call_to_recent_calls end module packjt77