module jt65_decode integer, parameter :: NSZ=3413, NZMAX=60*12000, NFFT=1000 type :: jt65_decoder procedure(jt65_decode_callback), pointer :: callback => null() contains procedure :: decode end type jt65_decoder ! ! Callback function to be called with each decode ! abstract interface subroutine jt65_decode_callback(this,utc,sync,snr,dt,freq,drift, & decoded,ft,qual,nsmo,nsum,minsync,nsubmode,naggressive) import jt65_decoder implicit none class(jt65_decoder), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: utc real, intent(in) :: sync integer, intent(in) :: snr real, intent(in) :: dt integer, intent(in) :: freq integer, intent(in) :: drift character(len=22), intent(in) :: decoded integer, intent(in) :: ft integer, intent(in) :: qual integer, intent(in) :: nsmo integer, intent(in) :: nsum integer, intent(in) :: minsync integer, intent(in) :: nsubmode integer, intent(in) :: naggressive end subroutine jt65_decode_callback end interface contains subroutine decode(this,callback,dd0,npts,newdat,nutc,nf1,nf2,nfqso, & ntol,nsubmode,minsync,nagain,n2pass,nrobust,ntrials,naggressive, & ndepth,nclearave,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nexp_decode) ! Process dd0() data to find and decode JT65 signals. use timer_module, only: timer include 'constants.f90' class(jt65_decoder), intent(inout) :: this procedure(jt65_decode_callback) :: callback real, intent(in) :: dd0(NZMAX) integer, intent(in) :: npts, nutc, nf1, nf2, nfqso, ntol & , nsubmode, minsync, n2pass, ntrials, naggressive, ndepth & , nexp_decode logical, intent(in) :: newdat, nagain, nrobust character(len=12), intent(in) :: mycall, hiscall character(len=6), intent(in) :: hisgrid real dd(NZMAX) real ss(322,NSZ) real savg(NSZ) real a(5) character*22 decoded,decoded0,avemsg,deepave type candidate real freq real dt real sync end type candidate type(candidate) ca(300) type accepted_decode real freq real dt real sync character*22 decoded end type accepted_decode type(accepted_decode) dec(50) logical :: first_time, robust, prtavg integer h0(0:11),d0(0:11) real r0(0:11) common/decstats/ntry65a,ntry65b,n65a,n65b,num9,numfano common/steve/thresh0 common/test000/ncandidates,nhard_min,nsoft_min,nera_best,nrtt1000, & ntotal_min,ntry,nq1000,npp1,nsmo !### TEST ONLY ### ! 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 data h0/41,42,43,43,44,45,46,47,48,48,49,49/ data d0/71,72,73,74,76,77,78,80,81,82,83,83/ ! 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 data r0/0.70,0.72,0.74,0.76,0.78,0.80,0.82,0.84,0.86,0.88,0.90,0.90/ data nutc0/-999/,nfreq0/-999/,nsave/0/ save this%callback => callback first_time=newdat robust=nrobust dd=dd0 ndecoded=0 do ipass=1,n2pass ! 2-pass decoding loop first_time=.true. if(ipass.eq.1) then !first-pass parameters thresh0=2.5 nsubtract=1 elseif( ipass.eq.2 ) then !second-pass parameters thresh0=2.5 nsubtract=0 endif if( nsubtract=0 ! if(newdat) then call timer('symsp65 ',0) ss=0. call symspec65(dd,npts,ss,nhsym,savg) !Get normalized symbol spectra call timer('symsp65 ',1) ! endif nfa=nf1 nfb=nf2 if( .and. then nfa=max(200,nfqso-ntol) nfb=min(4000,nfqso+ntol) thresh0=1.0 endif ! robust = .false.: use float ccf. Only if ncand>50 fall back to robust (1-bit) ccf ! robust = .true. : use only robust (1-bit) ccf ncand=0 if(.not.robust) then call timer('sync65 ',0) call sync65(ss,nfa,nfb,naggressive,ntol,nhsym,ca,ncand,0) call timer('sync65 ',1) endif if( robust=.true. if(robust) then ncand=0 call timer('sync65 ',0) call sync65(ss,nfa,nfb,naggressive,ntol,nhsym,ca,ncand,1) call timer('sync65 ',1) endif call fqso_first(nfqso,ntol,ca,ncand) nvec=ntrials if( then ! write(*,*) 'Pass ',ipass,' ncandidates too large ',ncand nvec=100 endif df=12000.0/NFFT !df = 12000.0/8192 = 1.465 Hz mode65=2**nsubmode nflip=1 !### temporary ### nqd=0 decoded0="" freq0=0. prtavg=.false. do icand=1,ncand freq=ca(icand)%freq dtx=ca(icand)%dt sync1=ca(icand)%sync if(ipass.eq.1) ntry65a=ntry65a + 1 if(ipass.eq.2) ntry65b=ntry65b + 1 call timer('decod65a',0) call decode65a(dd,npts,first_time,nqd,freq,nflip,mode65,nvec, & naggressive,ndepth,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nexp_decode, & sync2,a,dtx,nft,qual,nhist,nsmo,decoded) call timer('decod65a',1) nfreq=nint(freq+a(1)) ndrift=nint(2.0*a(2)) s2db=10.0*log10(sync2) - 35 !### empirical ### nsnr=nint(s2db) if( nsnr=-30 if( nsnr=-1 if( .and. .and. (.not.prtavg)) then ! Single-sequence FT decode failed, so try for an average FT decode. if( .or. abs(nfreq-nfreq0).gt.ntol) then ! This is a new minute or a new frequency, so call avg65. nutc0=nutc nfreq0=nfreq nsave=nsave+1 nsave=mod(nsave-1,64)+1 call avg65(nutc,nsave,sync1,dtx,nflip,nfreq,mode65,ntol, & ndepth,nclearave,neme,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nftt, & avemsg,qave,deepave,nsum,ndeepave) if (associated(this%callback)) then ! print*,'FT1 failed; nsave,nftt: ',nsave,nftt ! print*,'A',nftt,nsum,nsmo call this%callback(nutc,sync1,nsnr,dtx-1.0,nfreq,ndrift, & avemsg,nftt,nqual,nsmo,nsum,minsync,nsubmode, & naggressive) prtavg=.true. cycle end if endif endif ! if(nftt.eq.1) then ! nft=1 ! decoded=avemsg ! go to 5 ! endif n=naggressive rtt=0.001*nrtt1000 if( then if( cycle if( cycle if( cycle if( cycle endif 5 if(decoded.eq.decoded0 .and. abs(freq-freq0).lt. 3.0 .and. & cycle !Don't display dupes if(' ' .or. then if( nsubtract .eq. 1 ) then call timer('subtr65 ',0) call subtract65(dd,npts,freq,dtx) call timer('subtr65 ',1) endif ndupe=0 ! de-dedupe do i=1, ndecoded if(decoded==dec(i)%decoded) then ndupe=1 exit endif enddo if( .or. then if(ipass.eq.1) n65a=n65a + 1 if(ipass.eq.2) n65b=n65b + 1 ndecoded=ndecoded+1 dec(ndecoded)%freq=freq+a(1) dec(ndecoded)%dt=dtx dec(ndecoded)%sync=sync2 dec(ndecoded)%decoded=decoded nqual=min(qual,9999.0) if (associated(this%callback)) then ! print*,'B',nsave,nft,nsmo,nsum call this%callback(nutc,sync1,nsnr,dtx-1.0,nfreq,ndrift, & decoded,nft,nqual,nsmo,nsum,minsync,nsubmode, & naggressive) end if endif decoded0=decoded freq0=freq if(decoded0.eq.' ') decoded0='*' endif enddo !Candidate loop if( exit enddo !Two-pass loop return end subroutine decode subroutine avg65(nutc,nsave,snrsync,dtxx,nflip,nfreq,mode65,ntol,ndepth, & nclearave,neme,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nftt,avemsg,qave,deepave, & nsum,ndeepave) ! Decodes averaged JT65 data parameter (MAXAVE=64) character*22 avemsg,deepave,deepbest character mycall*12,hiscall*12,hisgrid*6 character*1 csync,cused(64) integer iused(64) ! Accumulated data for message averaging integer iutc(MAXAVE) integer nfsave(MAXAVE) integer listutc(10) integer nflipsave(MAXAVE) real s3save(64,63,MAXAVE) real s3b(64,63) real dtsave(MAXAVE) real syncsave(MAXAVE) logical first data first/.true./ common/test001/s3a(64,63) save if(first .or. (nclearave.eq.1)) then iutc=-1 nfsave=0 dtdiff=0.2 first=.false. endif nclearave=0 do i=1,64 if(nutc.eq.iutc(i) .and. abs(nhz-nfsave(i)).le.ntol) go to 10 enddo ! Save data for message averaging iutc(nsave)=nutc syncsave(nsave)=snrsync dtsave(nsave)=dtxx nfsave(nsave)=nfreq nflipsave(nsave)=nflip s3save(1:64,1:63,nsave)=s3a 10 sym=0. syncsum=0. dtsum=0. nfsum=0 nsum=0 do i=1,64 cused(i)='.' if(iutc(i).lt.0) cycle if(mod(iutc(i),2).ne.mod(nutc,2)) cycle !Use only same (odd/even) seq if(abs(dtxx-dtsave(i)).gt.dtdiff) cycle !DT must match if(abs(nfreq-nfsave(i)).gt.ntol) cycle !Freq must match if( cycle !Sync type (*/#) must match s3b=s3b + s3save(1:64,1:63,i) syncsum=syncsum + syncsave(i) dtsum=dtsum + dtsave(i) nfsum=nfsum + nfsave(i) cused(i)='$' nsum=nsum+1 iused(nsum)=i enddo if( iused(nsum+1)=0 syncave=0. dtave=0. fave=0. if( then sym=sym/nsum syncave=syncsum/nsum dtave=dtsum/nsum fave=float(nfsum)/nsum endif do i=1,nsave csync='*' if(nflipsave(i).lt.0.0) csync='#' write(61,1000) cused(i),iutc(i),syncsave(i),dtsave(i),nfsave(i),csync 1000 format(a1,i5.4,f6.1,f6.2,i6,1x,a1) enddo rewind 62 sqt=0. sqf=0. do j=1,64 i=iused(j) if(i.eq.0) exit csync='*' if(nflipsave(i).lt.0) csync='#' write(62,3001) i,iutc(i),syncsave(i),dtsave(i),nfsave(i),csync 3001 format(i3,i6.4,f6.1,f6.2,i6,1x,a1) sqt=sqt + (dtsave(i)-dtave)**2 sqf=sqf + (nfsave(i)-fave)**2 enddo rmst=0. rmsf=0. if( then rmst=sqrt(sqt/(nsum-1)) rmsf=sqrt(sqf/(nsum-1)) endif write(62,3002) 3002 format(16x,'----- -----') write(62,3003) dtave,nint(fave) write(62,3003) rmst,nint(rmsf) 3003 format(15x,f6.2,i6) flush(62) nadd=nsum*mode65 nftt=0 !### ntrials=3000 naggressive=10 hiscall='W9XYZ' hisgrid='EN37' nexp_decode=0 !### not used, anyway !### ! print*,'A',nadd,mode65,ntrials,naggressive,ndepth,mycall, & ! hiscall,hisgrid,nexp_decode call extract(s3b,nadd,mode65,ntrials,naggressive,ndepth,mycall, & hiscall,hisgrid,nexp_decode,ncount,nhist,avemsg,ltext,nftt,qual) return end subroutine avg65 end module jt65_decode