! ! Simulator for terminated convolutional codes (so, far, only rate 1/2) ! BPSK on AWGN Channel ! ! Hybrid decoder - Fano Sequential Decoder and Ordered Statistics Decoder (OSD)a ! program tccsim parameter (N=162,K=50) integer*1 gen(K,N) integer*1 gg(64) integer*1 mbits(50),mbits2(50) integer*4 mettab(-128:127,0:1) parameter (NSYM=162) parameter (MAXSYM=162) character*12 arg character*22 msg,msg2 integer*1 data0(13) integer*1 data1(13) integer*1 dat(206) integer*1 softsym(162) integer*1 apmask(162),cw0(162),cw(162) real*4 xx0(0:255) real ss(162) character*64 g ! Interleaved polynomial coefficients data g/'1101010010001100101001011101100001000000100111100010010010111111'/ data xx0/ & !Metric table 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, & 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, & 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, & 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, & 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, & 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, & 0.988, 1.000, 0.991, 0.993, 1.000, 0.995, 1.000, 0.991, & 1.000, 0.991, 0.992, 0.991, 0.990, 0.990, 0.992, 0.996, & 0.990, 0.994, 0.993, 0.991, 0.992, 0.989, 0.991, 0.987, & 0.985, 0.989, 0.984, 0.983, 0.979, 0.977, 0.971, 0.975, & 0.974, 0.970, 0.970, 0.970, 0.967, 0.962, 0.960, 0.957, & 0.956, 0.953, 0.942, 0.946, 0.937, 0.933, 0.929, 0.920, & 0.917, 0.911, 0.903, 0.895, 0.884, 0.877, 0.869, 0.858, & 0.846, 0.834, 0.821, 0.806, 0.790, 0.775, 0.755, 0.737, & 0.713, 0.691, 0.667, 0.640, 0.612, 0.581, 0.548, 0.510, & 0.472, 0.425, 0.378, 0.328, 0.274, 0.212, 0.146, 0.075, & 0.000,-0.079,-0.163,-0.249,-0.338,-0.425,-0.514,-0.606, & -0.706,-0.796,-0.895,-0.987,-1.084,-1.181,-1.280,-1.376, & -1.473,-1.587,-1.678,-1.790,-1.882,-1.992,-2.096,-2.201, & -2.301,-2.411,-2.531,-2.608,-2.690,-2.829,-2.939,-3.058, & -3.164,-3.212,-3.377,-3.463,-3.550,-3.768,-3.677,-3.975, & -4.062,-4.098,-4.186,-4.261,-4.472,-4.621,-4.623,-4.608, & -4.822,-4.870,-4.652,-4.954,-5.108,-5.377,-5.544,-5.995, & -5.632,-5.826,-6.304,-6.002,-6.559,-6.369,-6.658,-7.016, & -6.184,-7.332,-6.534,-6.152,-6.113,-6.288,-6.426,-6.313, & -9.966,-6.371,-9.966,-7.055,-9.966,-6.629,-6.313,-9.966, & -5.858,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966, & -9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966, & -9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966, & -9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966, & -9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966, & -9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966,-9.966/ bias=0.42 scale=120 ! ndelta=nint(3.4*scale) ndelta=100 ib=150 slope=2 do i=0,255 mettab(i-128,0)=nint(scale*(xx0(i)-bias)) if(i.gt.ib) mettab(i-128,0)=mettab(ib-128,0)-slope*(i-ib) if(i.ge.1) mettab(128-i,1)=mettab(i-128,0) enddo mettab(-128,1)=mettab(-127,1) ! Get command-line argument(s) nargs=iargc() if(nargs.ne.3) then print*,'Usage: tccsim "message" ntrials ndepth' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,msg) !Get message from command line write(*,1000) msg 1000 format('Message: ',a22) call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) ntrials call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) ndepth nbits=50+31 !User bits=99, constraint length=32 nbytes=(nbits+7)/8 limit=20000 data0=0 call wqencode(msg,ntype0,data0) !Source encoding write(*,*) 'data0 ',data0 ! Demonstrates how to create the generator matrix from a string that contains the interleaved ! polynomial coefficients gen=0 do j=1,64 read(g(j:j),"(i1)") gg(j) ! read polynomial coeffs from string enddo do i=1,K gen(i,2*(i-1)+1:2*(i-1)+64)=gg ! fill the generator matrix with cyclic shifts of gg enddo ! get message bits from data0 nbits=0 do i=1,7 do ib=7,0,-1 nbits=nbits+1 if(nbits .le. 50) then mbits(nbits)=0 if(btest(data0(i),ib)) mbits(nbits)=1 endif enddo enddo write(*,*) 'Source encoded message bits: ' write(*,'(6(8i1,1x),2i1)') mbits ! Encode message bits using the generator matrix, generating a 162-bit codeword. cw0=0 do i=1,50 if(mbits(i).eq.1) cw0=mod(cw0+gen(i,:),2) enddo write(*,*) 'Codeword from generator matrix: ' write(*,'(162i1)') cw0 ! call encode232(data0,nbytes,dat) !Convolutional encoding ! write(*,*) 'Codeword from encode232: ' ! write(*,'(162i2)') dat ! call inter_mept(dat,1) !Interleaving ! Here, we have channel symbols. ! call inter_mept(dat,-1) !Remove interleaving call init_random_seed() call sgran() do isnr=10,-20,-1 sigma=1/sqrt(2*(10**((isnr/2.0)/10.0))) ngood=0 nbad=0 do i=1,ntrials do j=1,162 ss(j)=-(2*cw0(j)-1)+sigma*gran() !Simulate soft symbols enddo rms=sqrt(sum(ss**2)) ss=100*ss/rms where(ss>127.0) ss=127.0 where(ss<-127.0) ss=-127.0 softsym=ss ! Call the sequential (Fano algorithm) decoder nbits=50+31 ! call fano232(softsym,nbits,mettab,ndelta,limit,data1,ncycles,metric,nerr) nerr=1 iflag=0 nhardmin=0 dmin=0.0 ! If Fano fails, call OSD if(nerr.ne.0 .and. ndepth.ge.0) then apmask=0 cw=0 call osdwspr(softsym,apmask,ndepth,cw,nhardmin,dmin) ! OSD produces a codeword, but code is not systematic ! Use Fano with hard decisions to retrieve the message from the codeword ! cw=-(2*cw-1)*64 ! nbits=50+31 !dat=0 !dat(1:162)=cw ! call fano232(dat,nbits,mettab,ndelta,limit,data1,ncycles,metric,nerr) ! iflag=1 endif ! call wqdecode(data1,msg2,ntype1) ! write(*,*) msg2,iflag,nhardmin,dmin if(any(cw.ne.cw0)) nbad=nbad+1 if(all(cw.eq.cw0)) ngood=ngood+1 enddo write(*,'(f4.1,i8,i8)') isnr/2.0,ngood,nbad enddo 999 end program tccsim #include '../wsprcode/wspr_old_subs.f90'