#include <boost/crc.hpp> #include <boost/config.hpp> extern "C" { short crc13 (unsigned char const * data, int length); bool crc13_check (unsigned char const * data, int length); } #define POLY 0x15D7 #ifdef BOOST_NO_CXX11_CONSTEXPR #define TRUNCATED_POLYNOMIAL POLY #else namespace { unsigned long constexpr TRUNCATED_POLYNOMIAL = POLY; } #endif // assumes CRC is last 13 bits of the data and is set to zero // caller should assign the returned CRC into the message in big endian byte order short crc13 (unsigned char const * data, int length) { return boost::augmented_crc<13, TRUNCATED_POLYNOMIAL> (data, length); } bool crc13_check (unsigned char const * data, int length) { return !boost::augmented_crc<13, TRUNCATED_POLYNOMIAL> (data, length); }