set (SAMPLE_FILES JT9+JT65/130610_2343.wav JT9/130418_1742.wav ) #set_directory_properties (PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ON) set (contents_file_ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/contents_${WSJTX_VERSION_MAJOR}.${WSJTX_VERSION_MINOR}.json) function (indent_) foreach (temp_ RANGE ${level_}) file (APPEND ${contents_file_} " ") endforeach () endfunction () function (end_entry_) file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "\n") set(first_ 0 PARENT_SCOPE) math (EXPR level_ "${level_} - 1") indent_ () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "]\n") math (EXPR level_ "${level_} - 2") indent_ () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "}") string (FIND "${dirs_}" "${cwd_}" pos_) set (level_ ${level_} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () file (WRITE ${contents_file_} "[") set (cwd_) set (level_ 0) set (first_ 1) list (SORT SAMPLE_FILES) foreach (sample_ IN LISTS SAMPLE_FILES) string (REGEX MATCHALL "[^/]*/" dirs_ "${sample_}") string (REPLACE "/" "" dirs_ "${dirs_}") string (REGEX MATCH "[^/]*$" name_ "${sample_}") string (FIND "${dirs_}" "${cwd_}" pos_) list (LENGTH cwd_ cwd_count_) if (${pos_} EQUAL 0) # same root while (${cwd_count_} GREATER 0) list (REMOVE_AT dirs_ 0) math (EXPR cwd_count_ "${cwd_count_} - 1") endwhile () else () # reduce cwd_ until matched while ((NOT ${pos_} EQUAL 0) AND ${cwd_count_} GREATER 0) math (EXPR cwd_count_ "${cwd_count_} - 1") list (REMOVE_AT cwd_ ${cwd_count_}) end_entry_ () endwhile () # back to same root while (${cwd_count_} GREATER 0) list (REMOVE_AT dirs_ 0) math (EXPR cwd_count_ "${cwd_count_} - 1") endwhile () endif () list (LENGTH cwd_ cwd_count_) list (LENGTH dirs_ path_count_) while (${path_count_} GREATER 0) list (GET dirs_ 0 dir_) list (APPEND cwd_ "${dir_}") list (REMOVE_AT dirs_ 0) if (${first_}) file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "\n") set (first 0) else () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} ",\n") endif () indent_ () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "{\n") math (EXPR level_ "${level_} + 1") indent_ () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "\"type\": \"directory\",\n") indent_ () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "\"name\": \"${dir_}\",\n") indent_ () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "\"entries\": [") set (first_ 1) math (EXPR level_ "${level_} + 2") math (EXPR path_count_ "${path_count_} - 1") endwhile () file (COPY ${sample_} DESTINATION web/samples/${cwd_}) if (${first_}) file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "\n") set (first 0) else () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} ",\n") endif () indent_ () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "{\n") math (EXPR level_ "${level_} + 1") indent_ () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "\"type\": \"file\",\n") indent_ () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "\"name\": \"${name_}\"\n") math (EXPR level_ "${level_} - 1") indent_ () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "}") set (first_ 0) endforeach () if (${level_} GREATER 1) end_entry_ () endif () file (APPEND ${contents_file_} "\n]\n") file (COPY ${contents_file_} DESTINATION web/samples) find_program (RSYNC_EXECUTABLE rsync) if (RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) add_custom_command ( OUTPUT upload.timestamp COMMAND ${RSYNC_EXECUTABLE} ARGS -avz --progress ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/web/samples ${PROJECT_SAMPLES_UPLOAD_DEST} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E touch upload.timestamp DEPENDS ${contents_file_} ${SAMPLE_FILES} COMMENT "Uploading WSJT-X samples to web server" ) add_custom_target (upload-samples DEPENDS upload.timestamp) endif ()