subroutine decoder(ntrSeconds) ! Decoder for JT9. Can run stand-alone, reading data from *.wav files; ! or as the back end of wsjt-x, with data placed in a shared memory region. ! NB: For unknown reason, ***MUST*** be compiled by g95 with -O0 !!! parameter (NMAX=1800*12000) !Total sample intervals per 30 minutes parameter (NDMAX=1800*1500) !Sample intervals at 1500 Hz rate parameter (NSMAX=22000) !Max length of saved spectra character*22 msg real*4 red(NSMAX) integer*1 i1SoftSymbols(207) integer*2 id2 complex c0 common/jt9com/id2(NMAX),ss(184,NSMAX),savg(NSMAX),c0(NDMAX), & nutc,npts8,junk(20) ntrMinutes=ntrSeconds/60 nfa=1000 nfb=2000 ntol=500 mousedf=0 mousefqso=1500 newdat=1 nb=0 nbslider=100 f0a=0. nsps=0 if(ntrMinutes.eq.1) nsps=6912 if(ntrMinutes.eq.2) then nsps=15360 df3=0.7324219 endif if(ntrMinutes.eq.5) nsps=40960 if(ntrMinutes.eq.10) nsps=82944 if(ntrMinutes.eq.30) nsps=252000 if(nsps.eq.0) stop 'Error: bad TRperiod' ! Now do the decoding nutc=nutc0 nstandalone=1 ntol=500 nfqso=1500 ! Get sync, approx freq call sync9(ss,tstep,f0a,df3,ntol,nfqso,sync,fpk,red) fpk0=fpk call spec9(c0,npts8,nsps,f0a,fpk,xdt,i1SoftSymbols) call decode9(i1SoftSymbols,msg) ! open(73,file='decoded.txt',status='unknown') iutc=0 write(*,1010) iutc,xdt,1000.0+fpk,msg,sync,fpk0 write(73,1010) iutc,xdt,1000.0+fpk,msg,sync,fpk0 1010 format(i4.4,f6.1,f7.1,2x,a22,2f9.1) flush(73) ! close(13) return end subroutine decoder