subroutine afc65(s2,ipk,lagpk,flip,ftrack) real s2(1024,320) real s(-10:10) real x(63),y(63),z(63) real ftrack(126) include 'prcom.h' data s/21*0.0/ k=0 u=1.0 u1=0.2 fac=sqrt(1.0/u1) do j=1,126 if(pr(j)*flip .lt. 0.0) go to 10 k=k+1 m=2*j-1+lagpk if( .or. go to 10 smax=0. do i=-10,10 s(i)=(1.0-u)*s(i) + u*s2(ipk+i,m) if(s(i).gt.smax) then smax=s(i) ipk2=i endif enddo u=u1 dfx=0.0 sig=100.0*fac*smax if( .and. .and. ( + call peakup(s(ipk2-1),s(ipk2),s(ipk2+1),dfx) dfx=ipk2+dfx x(k)=j y(k)=dfx z(k)=sig if(z(k).lt.1.5 .or. abs(y(k)).gt.5.5) then y(k)=0. z(k)=0. endif 10 enddo zlim=5.0 yfit=0. k=0 do j=1,126 if(pr(j)*flip .lt. 0.0) go to 30 k=k+1 sumy=0. sumz=0. if( then sumz=z(k) sumy=sumy+z(k)*y(k) endif do n=1,30 m=k-n if( then sumz=sumz+z(m) sumy=sumy+z(m)*y(m) endif m=k+n if(m.le.63) then sumz=sumz+z(m) sumy=sumy+z(m)*y(m) endif if( go to 20 enddo n=30 20 yfit=0. if( yfit=sumy/sumz 30 ftrack(j)=yfit*2.691650 enddo if(ftrack(1).eq.99.0) ftrack(1)=ftrack(2) return end