subroutine symspecx(k,ndiskdat,nb,nbslider,ntrperiod,pxdb,sdis,nkhz, & ihsym,nzap,slimit,lstrong) ! k pointer to the most recent new data ! ndiskdat 0/1 to indicate if data from disk ! nb 0/1 status of noise blanker (off/on) ! pxdb power (0-60 dB) ! sdis spectrum for waterfall display ! nkhz integer kHz portion of center frequency, e.g., 125 for 144.125 ! ihsym index number of this half-symbol (1-322) ! nzap number of samples zero'ed by noise blanker parameter (NSMAX=1800*12000) !Total sample intervals per 30 minutes parameter (MAXFFT=32768) !Max length of FFTs parameter (NDMAX=1800*375) integer*2 id2 real*8 ts,hsym real*8 fcenter common/jt8com/id2(NSMAX),ss(184,MAXFFT),savg(MAXFFT),fcenter,nutc,junk(20), & cdat(NDMAX) real*4 sdis(MAXFFT),w(MAXFFT) complex cx(MAXFFT) complex cx00(MAXFFT) real x0(0:2047) complex cx0(0:1023),cx1(0:1023) logical*1 lstrong(0:1023) equivalence (x0,cx0) data rms/999.0/,k0/99999999/,ntrperiod0/0/ save if( go to 999 if( then ihsym=0 go to 999 !Wait for enough samples to start endif if( then nfft=960 if(ntrperiod.eq.120) nfft=2048 if(ntrperiod.eq.300) nfft=5376 if(ntrperiod.eq.600) nfft=10752 if(ntrperiod.eq.1800) nfft=32768 nsps=8*nfft hsym=0.5d0*nsps pi=4.0*atan(1.0) do i=1,nfft w(i)=(sin(i*pi/nfft))**2 !Window enddo endif if( then ts=1.d0 - hsym savg=0. ihsym=0 k1=0 if(ndiskdat.eq.0) id2(k+1)=0. !### Should not be needed ??? ### endif k0=k nzap=0 sigmas=1.5*(10.0**(0.01*nbslider)) + 0.7 peaklimit=sigmas*max(10.0,rms) faclim=3.0 px=0. nwindow=2 nfft2=1024 kstep=nfft2 if( kstep=nfft2/2 nblks=(k-k1)/kstep do nblk=1,nblks j=k1+1 do i=0,nfft2-1 x0(i)=id2(j+i) enddo call timf2x(k,nfft2,ntrperiod,nwindow,nb,peaklimit,faclim,cx0,cx1, & slimit,lstrong,px,nzap) do i=0,kstep-1 cdat(j+i)=cx1(i) enddo k1=k1+kstep enddo npts=nfft !Samples used in each half-symbol FFT ts=ts+hsym ja=ts !Index of first sample jb=ja+npts-1 !Last sample i=0 fac=0.0002 do j=ja,jb !Copy data into cx, cy i=i+1 cx(i)=fac*cdat(j) enddo if(nzap/ .and. (ndiskdat.eq.0 .or. then nsum=nblks*kstep - nzap if(nsum.le.0) nsum=1 rms=sqrt(0.5*px/nsum) endif pxdb=0. if( pxdb=20.0*log10(rms) if( pxdb=60.0 cx00=cx ihsym=ihsym+1 cx=w*cx00 !Apply window for 2nd forward FFT call four2a(cx,nfft,1,1,1) !Second forward FFT (X) n=min(184,ihsym) do i=1,nfft sx=real(cx(i))**2 + aimag(cx(i))**2 ss(n,i)=sx sdis(i)=sx savg(i)=savg(i) + sx enddo nkhz=nint(1000.d0*(fcenter-int(fcenter))) if(fcenter.eq.0.d0) nkhz=125 999 return end subroutine symspecx